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4 Women, 4 Rapes, and 1 Sorority: Delta Sigma Theta Allumnae Under Attack In Dallas

Texas Deltas under attack in Dallas.

Texas officials are reporting they believe a Serial Rapist is on the loose in the Suburbs of Dallas, TX. The spree which has extended a 10 month period, has some alarming similarities local Police say. All four of the victims in these cases just happen to be members of the well known African American Sorority, “Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc”. Cops say that the suspect, a African American male, 5′,6″ – 6′,0″,  and approximately 250-300 pounds was captured on surveillance video as he walked around the home of one of the victims. The woman told police that they were accosted at home in their bed at the time of the rape, and one of the woman say the subject broke into her home through her garage. The wave of sexual assaults on the woman has sparked a National reaction from the Sorority’s National Headquarters. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority posted a warning to its alumnae urging them to refrain from wearing clothes that identify the organization, and asked them to remove items identifying them as sorority alumnae from their cars, key chains, homes and offices. In addition, the organization told its members they should stop posting their personal information, such as their whereabouts, on Facebook and other social-media sites, and make sure their homes are locked and secured. Authorities also revealed that all 4 women indicated that the subject appeared to have very personal and intimate information about them. Many observers of the case say that these facts tend to point directly to some entity within the Sorority itself, because the woman attended separate schools, and that it isn’t exactly known whether they were all active members of the organization. It is quite possible that the suspect may have obtained some records from a member of the sorority, and began targeting women from that list. The case appears very odd considering the common practice of most major sororities code of secrecy. Police say that the suspect, believed to be 20 years the women’s junior, left DNA behind in all 4 sexual attacks which tends to offer hope that an arrest will be made imminently. The attacks are not only sickening, continues are culture of violence toward woman, but the fact that established educated female citizens in the Dallas area are being attacking in the most safest place imaginable (their homes), depicts a sad commentary that is simply difficult to convey.

The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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Texas Deltas under attack in Dallas.

Texas officials are reporting they believe a Serial Rapist is on the loose in the Suburbs of Dallas, TX. The spree which has extended a 10 month period, has some alarming similarities local Police say. All four of the victims in these cases just happen to be members of the well known African American Sorority, “Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc”. Cops say that the suspect, a African American male, 5′,6″ – 6′,0″,  and approximately 250-300 pounds was captured on surveillance video as he walked around the home of one of the victims. The woman told police that they were accosted at home in their bed at the time of the rape, and one of the woman say the subject broke into her home through her garage. The wave of sexual assaults on the woman has sparked a National reaction from the Sorority’s National Headquarters. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority posted a warning to its alumnae urging them to refrain from wearing clothes that identify the organization, and asked them to remove items identifying them as sorority alumnae from their cars, key chains, homes and offices. In addition, the organization told its members they should stop posting their personal information, such as their whereabouts, on Facebook and other social-media sites, and make sure their homes are locked and secured. Authorities also revealed that all 4 women indicated that the subject appeared to have very personal and intimate information about them. Many observers of the case say that these facts tend to point directly to some entity within the Sorority itself, because the woman attended separate schools, and that it isn’t exactly known whether they were all active members of the organization. It is quite possible that the suspect may have obtained some records from a member of the sorority, and began targeting women from that list. The case appears very odd considering the common practice of most major sororities code of secrecy. Police say that the suspect, believed to be 20 years the women’s junior, left DNA behind in all 4 sexual attacks which tends to offer hope that an arrest will be made imminently. The attacks are not only sickening, continues are culture of violence toward woman, but the fact that established educated female citizens in the Dallas area are being attacking in the most safest place imaginable (their homes), depicts a sad commentary that is simply difficult to convey.

The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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