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An Infamous Caller Attacks Late Barnes Teen Mom: Disputes Guardian Angel Involvement And Defends Russell Barnes

WBRG Talk Show Host John Robinson made it clear as he set the stage for a rare interview with Janice Sallis-Mustafata to discuss her daughter’s murder case. Robinson declared the May 10, broadcast to be all about the late teen’s mom, and extended an open forum so she could have her say about what she thought may have happened to her beautiful child. Janice spoke the majority of the time as the public indulged her in what must still be a horrific ordeal to have to endure, but the mom pressed on taking calls from concerned citizens who have been following the Phylicia Barnes murder story. Though must callers chimed in with compassion, support, and admiration of her courage, the grueling ridicule and criticism that has also followed the child’s mother wasn’t absent from the show’s participants. Mid-show a caller from Baltimore emerged as the only negative commenter the entire night. The male expressed concern that Janice’s comments were inconsistent and contradictory. He raised issue with a statement Janice made in which she stated, “there was only one Guardian Angel that helped us search for Simone while we were in Baltimore. She called other GA, but none of them ever showed up”. There has been a variety of reports in media that highlight the Maryland based public watch-dog group’s direct involvement from the very early stages of the Barnes teen case. The caller took Janice’s statement out of context. The mother didn’t appear to bash the group, she simply expressed what she experienced, and she even extended her gratitude to the group related to their efforts in assisting to help locate her missing child.  The caller’s apparent real motive for the call into the show became clear as he began to criticize Janice for not staying in Baltimore to help search for Phylicia. His call was cut short by the show’s co-host which in my mind was very appropriate. The show’s format had been established from the onset of the broadcast, and the comments were also derogatory and appeared to have been deliberately made to agitate Mrs. Mustafa. Some listeners have even expressed that the caller sounded like Bryan Barnes, the older male have-sibling of Phylicia. The caller wasn’t satisfied with not having had the opportunity to continue to berate Janice, and has since appeared here on TPC making other comments in the discussion forum of the blog. The Infamous Caller as he self proclaims, has continued to express his disdain for the mother of Phylicia Barnes while also defending Russell Barnes. In what initially appeared to be “glory seeking” for the Guardian Angels, has actually turned into support for the Barnes family. The caller went on to say that Janice’ theory about a conspiracy by Russell Barnes didn’t make sense. Now having had the benefit of not only participating but also listening to the entire broadcast, I am firm on my belief that the “Infamous caller” was in fact a close affiliate of the Barnes family, if not Bryan Barnes himself. perhaps for the benefit of readers I should offer a perfect perspective of what actually was said during the show, and co-host Corliss King summed it best in this comment response here on TPC:

 I am going to try to reason with you one more time. You chose to attack our show in this forum and on our show instead of you using your time to express a salient point (perhaps…I agree with some of what Janice says, however what good will it do the case to bash the Barnes family in the media? etc). Instead you chose to attach her (“where were you when WE were out looking?!?!”). If you and anyone else that cares to hear exactly what happened you can find the rebroadcast on www.Blogtalkradio.com/wbrgthebridge. You seem to be defending rather staunchly the Barnes family yet you say you have no vested interested in the parties. What is undisputed is that for you to be looking for Phylicia before the police, implies to me that you seem to have some advance knowledge of the situation. How is it that you were even made aware to begin looking so very quickly? If you are somehow involved with their family, say that. I would have better respect for your position if that were clear and the case. But to attack our show and platform because you chose to attack Janice Mustafa there and again on here speaks volumes to me. I TRULY don’t know any of the parties but I do know that if you want to be heard or taken seriously as an impartial observer the best route for that is NOT to imply inaction or lack of concern by these parents when ground zero for this happening to Phylicia rests SQUARELY in the laps of the family there who agreed to keep her safe.

One more note. You nor I may not see the value of bashing the Barnes family in the media. But you NOR I have entrusted our child to people who not only didn’t keep her safe but if Janice is accurate didn’t even call her to tell her that her child was missing. If I were her perhaps I wouldn’t be as concerned about decorum for the Barnes family when the accused murderer was allowed access to my daughter at will. Again not a playbook for this.

To further expound on Mrs. King’s perspective, it should be noted that the searches for Phylicia having began prior to the police actively looking for her, not only seems peculiar, but Russell Barnes himself having directed Michael Johnson (the sole person arrested for her killing) to disappear before the cops showed up is beyond suspicious. Not just that though, but it has also been established that Russell telephoned his half-brother (a Baltimore Police Sargeant) who showed up and began questioning people who may have held valuable information regarding the child’s whereabouts. This ill-advised interrogation of potential witnesses serves to aid the defense of Michael Johnson during trial, and could result in the initial statements of possible perpetrators being thrown out of court. These actions by a Baltimore Police Officer who is a working supervisor, appears to be predicated on intimidation, and questions the authenticity of a serious effort to find Phylicia which the Barnes family claims was their interest when she went missing. Regardless of any argument that has already been offered in Phylicia’s killing, these facts pertaining to this case supports and justifies Mrs. Mustafa’s perspective of possible culpability by Sgt. Jackson and other members of the Barnes family who were primary to the scene of the missing child report of Phylicia Barnes. Also, if we disregard the strained history of Janice’ relationship with Russell Barnes, who she has continuously conveyed tried to beat Phylicia out of her because he didn’t want another child,  the failure of the Barnes siblings to successfully care for Phylicia under their watch is in my mind the most horrific element of this case. Rather than crying about who helped search for the child, there should be more effort in determining how such a tragedy could have ever been allowed to occur in the first place. Whether the “Infamous Caller” wants to understand and comprehend or not, there remains many within the public who also continue to be suspicious of the  Barnes family along with the Mustafa family. Moreover, the attacks launched upon the Mustafas has always been from those close to the Barnes family. Those who have full knowledge of what we have discussed about Phylicia’s murder here on TPC, other Blogs, and by mainstream media have never attacked the child’s parents as if they actually killed her themselves. I am not aware of such allegations ever having been made, but insensitive people who have made it a point to attack the Mustafas apparently have motive to do so, and it’s a no brainer that such tactics are clearly meant to distract, deflect, and camouflage the facts pertaining to those who are directly responsible for Phylicia’s murder. It’s disturbing that the negative comments continue when the child’s death was caused by the inaction to properly watch after Phylicia by Deena Barnes herself. Deena has never defended herself from what many have charged her with. In fact I offer her the opportunity to express her perspective here on TPC, and I am sure WBRG “The Bridge” as well as other media affiliates would welcome such discussion with her. “The Infamous Caller’s” claims that our coverage of this case is one-sided, is inaccurate because I have interviewed Bryan Barnes, and I welcome his father, sisters, and anyone else who possess a genuine desire to get to the truth regarding what happened to young Phylicia Barnes. The sickening and subjective position by those who continue to support the Barnes family and while attacking the mother related to her slain child’s case, only highlights ignorance on their part and remains a preposterous perspective, by individuals who want to cloud the facts and conceal the truth.




The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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WBRG Talk Show Host John Robinson made it clear as he set the stage for a rare interview with Janice Sallis-Mustafata to discuss her daughter’s murder case. Robinson declared the May 10, broadcast to be all about the late teen’s mom, and extended an open forum so she could have her say about what she thought may have happened to her beautiful child. Janice spoke the majority of the time as the public indulged her in what must still be a horrific ordeal to have to endure, but the mom pressed on taking calls from concerned citizens who have been following the Phylicia Barnes murder story. Though must callers chimed in with compassion, support, and admiration of her courage, the grueling ridicule and criticism that has also followed the child’s mother wasn’t absent from the show’s participants. Mid-show a caller from Baltimore emerged as the only negative commenter the entire night. The male expressed concern that Janice’s comments were inconsistent and contradictory. He raised issue with a statement Janice made in which she stated, “there was only one Guardian Angel that helped us search for Simone while we were in Baltimore. She called other GA, but none of them ever showed up”. There has been a variety of reports in media that highlight the Maryland based public watch-dog group’s direct involvement from the very early stages of the Barnes teen case. The caller took Janice’s statement out of context. The mother didn’t appear to bash the group, she simply expressed what she experienced, and she even extended her gratitude to the group related to their efforts in assisting to help locate her missing child.  The caller’s apparent real motive for the call into the show became clear as he began to criticize Janice for not staying in Baltimore to help search for Phylicia. His call was cut short by the show’s co-host which in my mind was very appropriate. The show’s format had been established from the onset of the broadcast, and the comments were also derogatory and appeared to have been deliberately made to agitate Mrs. Mustafa. Some listeners have even expressed that the caller sounded like Bryan Barnes, the older male have-sibling of Phylicia. The caller wasn’t satisfied with not having had the opportunity to continue to berate Janice, and has since appeared here on TPC making other comments in the discussion forum of the blog. The Infamous Caller as he self proclaims, has continued to express his disdain for the mother of Phylicia Barnes while also defending Russell Barnes. In what initially appeared to be “glory seeking” for the Guardian Angels, has actually turned into support for the Barnes family. The caller went on to say that Janice’ theory about a conspiracy by Russell Barnes didn’t make sense. Now having had the benefit of not only participating but also listening to the entire broadcast, I am firm on my belief that the “Infamous caller” was in fact a close affiliate of the Barnes family, if not Bryan Barnes himself. perhaps for the benefit of readers I should offer a perfect perspective of what actually was said during the show, and co-host Corliss King summed it best in this comment response here on TPC:

 I am going to try to reason with you one more time. You chose to attack our show in this forum and on our show instead of you using your time to express a salient point (perhaps…I agree with some of what Janice says, however what good will it do the case to bash the Barnes family in the media? etc). Instead you chose to attach her (“where were you when WE were out looking?!?!”). If you and anyone else that cares to hear exactly what happened you can find the rebroadcast on www.Blogtalkradio.com/wbrgthebridge. You seem to be defending rather staunchly the Barnes family yet you say you have no vested interested in the parties. What is undisputed is that for you to be looking for Phylicia before the police, implies to me that you seem to have some advance knowledge of the situation. How is it that you were even made aware to begin looking so very quickly? If you are somehow involved with their family, say that. I would have better respect for your position if that were clear and the case. But to attack our show and platform because you chose to attack Janice Mustafa there and again on here speaks volumes to me. I TRULY don’t know any of the parties but I do know that if you want to be heard or taken seriously as an impartial observer the best route for that is NOT to imply inaction or lack of concern by these parents when ground zero for this happening to Phylicia rests SQUARELY in the laps of the family there who agreed to keep her safe.

One more note. You nor I may not see the value of bashing the Barnes family in the media. But you NOR I have entrusted our child to people who not only didn’t keep her safe but if Janice is accurate didn’t even call her to tell her that her child was missing. If I were her perhaps I wouldn’t be as concerned about decorum for the Barnes family when the accused murderer was allowed access to my daughter at will. Again not a playbook for this.

To further expound on Mrs. King’s perspective, it should be noted that the searches for Phylicia having began prior to the police actively looking for her, not only seems peculiar, but Russell Barnes himself having directed Michael Johnson (the sole person arrested for her killing) to disappear before the cops showed up is beyond suspicious. Not just that though, but it has also been established that Russell telephoned his half-brother (a Baltimore Police Sargeant) who showed up and began questioning people who may have held valuable information regarding the child’s whereabouts. This ill-advised interrogation of potential witnesses serves to aid the defense of Michael Johnson during trial, and could result in the initial statements of possible perpetrators being thrown out of court. These actions by a Baltimore Police Officer who is a working supervisor, appears to be predicated on intimidation, and questions the authenticity of a serious effort to find Phylicia which the Barnes family claims was their interest when she went missing. Regardless of any argument that has already been offered in Phylicia’s killing, these facts pertaining to this case supports and justifies Mrs. Mustafa’s perspective of possible culpability by Sgt. Jackson and other members of the Barnes family who were primary to the scene of the missing child report of Phylicia Barnes. Also, if we disregard the strained history of Janice’ relationship with Russell Barnes, who she has continuously conveyed tried to beat Phylicia out of her because he didn’t want another child,  the failure of the Barnes siblings to successfully care for Phylicia under their watch is in my mind the most horrific element of this case. Rather than crying about who helped search for the child, there should be more effort in determining how such a tragedy could have ever been allowed to occur in the first place. Whether the “Infamous Caller” wants to understand and comprehend or not, there remains many within the public who also continue to be suspicious of the  Barnes family along with the Mustafa family. Moreover, the attacks launched upon the Mustafas has always been from those close to the Barnes family. Those who have full knowledge of what we have discussed about Phylicia’s murder here on TPC, other Blogs, and by mainstream media have never attacked the child’s parents as if they actually killed her themselves. I am not aware of such allegations ever having been made, but insensitive people who have made it a point to attack the Mustafas apparently have motive to do so, and it’s a no brainer that such tactics are clearly meant to distract, deflect, and camouflage the facts pertaining to those who are directly responsible for Phylicia’s murder. It’s disturbing that the negative comments continue when the child’s death was caused by the inaction to properly watch after Phylicia by Deena Barnes herself. Deena has never defended herself from what many have charged her with. In fact I offer her the opportunity to express her perspective here on TPC, and I am sure WBRG “The Bridge” as well as other media affiliates would welcome such discussion with her. “The Infamous Caller’s” claims that our coverage of this case is one-sided, is inaccurate because I have interviewed Bryan Barnes, and I welcome his father, sisters, and anyone else who possess a genuine desire to get to the truth regarding what happened to young Phylicia Barnes. The sickening and subjective position by those who continue to support the Barnes family and while attacking the mother related to her slain child’s case, only highlights ignorance on their part and remains a preposterous perspective, by individuals who want to cloud the facts and conceal the truth.




The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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