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Assistance Sought From DOJ In Shannon Nyamodi Case: North Carolina Authorities Committing Crimes More Heinous Than For Which Black Youth Has Been Charged

When heinous violent crimes are committed against the law abiding citizens within any jurisdiction in America there is an expectation from the public that those empowered to protect the people will act swiftly to bring criminals to justice in the name of public safety. There is even a greater presumption that those who have been charged with crimes will be afforded all of the liberties granted by law, such has a right to a fair, public, and speedy trial with competent legal representation. We believe that these elements of our justice system, though often flawed, is in fact the greatest criminal system of justice in the world. It’s a principle for which many souls have perished while defended democracy fighting in foreign wars. There has never been a more symbolic act of patriotism to protect the idealism of liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for which all Americans are to fall heir.

Despite the tremendous decree detailed in the U.S. Constitution by the forefathers of this nation and other historical congressional legislation such as the Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation designed to insure all Americans obtain equality, there are still states within our union who perpetuate division, racism, and injustice. The case of young Shannon Nyamodi is perhaps a human rights story that propels our society back to an era in America which predates slavery. Young Shannon was also an American citizen with aspirations of becoming a patriot defending our nation in the armed forces. Those dreams were soon dashed when he displayed an act of bravery by coming to a woman’s aid after she had been shot in the face at point blank range, only to become accused of actually having committed the crime. Now nearly two years later, he remains in a isolated jail cell in Franklin County North Carolina with no pending court date.

The case file is disturbing because evidence pointing to his guilt is completely non existent, and official documents are compelling to establish that prosecutors and law enforcement officials knew before his actual indictment that he was in fact innocent. To compound matters even more in this case, the youth is being held in isolation confinement, denied access to any visitors, not allowed to make phone calls, and hasn’t been given any written communication from anyone from the outside world whatsoever. In short, Shannon Nyamodi is being held hostage by rogue, racist, and criminal public officials who have trampled just about every right he is guaranteed under Constitutional law. The youth’s criminal case was taken off the court’s management system docket back in February of 2012. Shannon hasn’t been brought to trial within a year, which triggers the presumption that his 6th amendment rights have been violated. Essentially, this young man has been hidden within the North Carolina criminal justice system.

We must now ponder a series of questions pertaining to why the great American justice system has failed this youth. If the authorities have culpable evidence proving that Shannon Nyamodi is guilty of this crime, then why hasn’t prosecutors brought his case to trial? Why delay justice for such a violent crime? Why has the court afforded prosecutors such discretion in delaying trial proceedings while the DA also gains a tactical advantage? Why is this youth being housed in confinement? Why can’t his mother nor anyone from the public visit him? Why no phone calls? Why no written communication hasn’t been given to him? Why has Shannon Nyamodi been kept in stringent security conditions while in custody that are similar to terrorist who are being detained at Guantanamo Bay Cuba? We may speculate forever the premise for many of the questions posed, but one fact pertaining to the case of Shannon Nyamodi remains crystal clear. The authorities don’t have a solid case against him. because if they did he would have been prosecuted with a resolved disposition.

It’s frightening to even imagine that an American citizen could be charged with a crime, locked up in a jail cell with no trial date in sight, and while prosecutors along with law enforcement officials having previously obtained exculpatory evidence completely exonerating the accused. The 6th and 14th amendments were designed to insure that states pay respect to a citizen’s right to a speedy, public and fair trial while avoiding the accused from languishing in jail for infinity. To the contrary, this unfortunately is exactly what is happening to young Shannon Nyamodi and possibly many others faced with criminal charges within the North Carolina criminal justice system. How is it even possible that such blatant and heinous acts of injustice could occur during the 21th century in America? There has been crimes more heinous committed against Shannon Nyamodi than the criminal charges he face. A close look at official documents in Shannon’s case reveals complete incompetence by judicial officials or deliberate disregard for the law by the state’s courts.

Without a pending court date in the court’s system docket for Shannon Nyamodi, a habeas corpus becomes the strongest legal measure to challenge his lawful detention. Unfortunately, research of case law regarding a “writ of habeas corpus” establishes that Franklin County North Carolina has historically ignored it’s own general statues pertaining to a defendants right to challenge the lawfulness of their detention. The court’s disrespect of this vital piece of legislation coupled with no speedy trial statue in North Carolina, paves the way for criminal defendants to be literally warehoused in jails indefinitely, while eroding their constitutional rights along the way. This culture of locking citizens up for extended periods of time with no timetable in the court’s system establishing when cases will come to trial must be brought to bare on a national stage. The general consensus is that defendants detained for crimes may in fact be innocent, and their detention for such a long time is seemingly unjust, if not criminal. This argument is especially true when we consider that prosecutors and law enforcement officials may have known all along that a defendant is in fact innocent of the crimes for which they have been charged.

In Shannon Nyamodi’s case the arrest warrant should never even have been issued. He was already in custody when an allege confidential informant (CI) gave cops hearsay statements implicating him in the crime. Other eyewitnesses who place an unknown white male at the scene of the crime moments after the shooting, gave statements which were omitted from official police reports. The victim herself told police officials from at least two separate police agencies that “someone” (meaning she didn’t know who) had struck her with a pole. In fact, if cops have culpable evidence proving that Shannon Nyamodi committed this crime, it has never been made public. Additionally, the entire theory that shannon conspired with the victim’s daughter in “a murder for hire plot” has always been the authorities official story for what happened the night of the crime, but state law enforcement officials conducting the investigation discovered that the allege CI statement implicating Shannon Nyamodi was in fact false, and suppressed discovery of these facts by filing their findings with the court over ninety days after learning the CI had lied to police.

The case file against Shannon Nyamodi is a complete joke, and those responsible for creating this horrible injustice are nothing short of characters from a mayberry style sheriff department or a keystone cop comedy. More importantly, the prosecuting officials are just as responsible for not throwing the entire case out when they more then likely knew that the case against this defendant was weak from the very start. Instead of doing their jobs by meting out real justice and setting the Nyamodi youth free, they have perpetuated a lie conspiring to convict an innocent man, while the real perpetrator of this violent crime remains free. If Shannon Nyamodi is guilty then prove it by taking the case to trial. No one is fooled by the antics of the prosecutor or judges in this case. You don’t have a case against this youth, and you have resorted to attempting to torture him while in custody, hoping and praying that he breaks, and agrees to a plea deal for the crime. Thank God that Shannon Nyamodi is more resilient than the likes of any of the racist cowards who are responsible for his current plight.

The bottom line is that in North Carolina a culture of injustice and racism exist solely because backwoods rednecks think they are above the law. Their unlawful criminal behavior must be exposed, and those officials responsible for this kind of foolishness must be brought to justice. It is personally my greatest hope that the prosecutor, judges, and law enforcement officials responsible for the wrongful persecution of Shannon Nyamodi will in turn spend an equal amount of time in an isolated jail cell for the exact number of days that he has been forced to endure. Please write the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, or have your U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator write a letter to the DOJ Civil Rights Division on Shannon Nyamodi’s behalf, and request that a Civil Rights investigation be conducted into his case in Franklin County North Carolina. This youth needs our help, and the North Carolina racist criminal justice system must be exposed. May God continue to be with this young man and his family.

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001

To Be Continued ..



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams



David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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When heinous violent crimes are committed against the law abiding citizens within any jurisdiction in America there is an expectation from the public that those empowered to protect the people will act swiftly to bring criminals to justice in the name of public safety. There is even a greater presumption that those who have been charged with crimes will be afforded all of the liberties granted by law, such has a right to a fair, public, and speedy trial with competent legal representation. We believe that these elements of our justice system, though often flawed, is in fact the greatest criminal system of justice in the world. It’s a principle for which many souls have perished while defended democracy fighting in foreign wars. There has never been a more symbolic act of patriotism to protect the idealism of liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for which all Americans are to fall heir.

Despite the tremendous decree detailed in the U.S. Constitution by the forefathers of this nation and other historical congressional legislation such as the Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation designed to insure all Americans obtain equality, there are still states within our union who perpetuate division, racism, and injustice. The case of young Shannon Nyamodi is perhaps a human rights story that propels our society back to an era in America which predates slavery. Young Shannon was also an American citizen with aspirations of becoming a patriot defending our nation in the armed forces. Those dreams were soon dashed when he displayed an act of bravery by coming to a woman’s aid after she had been shot in the face at point blank range, only to become accused of actually having committed the crime. Now nearly two years later, he remains in a isolated jail cell in Franklin County North Carolina with no pending court date.

The case file is disturbing because evidence pointing to his guilt is completely non existent, and official documents are compelling to establish that prosecutors and law enforcement officials knew before his actual indictment that he was in fact innocent. To compound matters even more in this case, the youth is being held in isolation confinement, denied access to any visitors, not allowed to make phone calls, and hasn’t been given any written communication from anyone from the outside world whatsoever. In short, Shannon Nyamodi is being held hostage by rogue, racist, and criminal public officials who have trampled just about every right he is guaranteed under Constitutional law. The youth’s criminal case was taken off the court’s management system docket back in February of 2012. Shannon hasn’t been brought to trial within a year, which triggers the presumption that his 6th amendment rights have been violated. Essentially, this young man has been hidden within the North Carolina criminal justice system.

We must now ponder a series of questions pertaining to why the great American justice system has failed this youth. If the authorities have culpable evidence proving that Shannon Nyamodi is guilty of this crime, then why hasn’t prosecutors brought his case to trial? Why delay justice for such a violent crime? Why has the court afforded prosecutors such discretion in delaying trial proceedings while the DA also gains a tactical advantage? Why is this youth being housed in confinement? Why can’t his mother nor anyone from the public visit him? Why no phone calls? Why no written communication hasn’t been given to him? Why has Shannon Nyamodi been kept in stringent security conditions while in custody that are similar to terrorist who are being detained at Guantanamo Bay Cuba? We may speculate forever the premise for many of the questions posed, but one fact pertaining to the case of Shannon Nyamodi remains crystal clear. The authorities don’t have a solid case against him. because if they did he would have been prosecuted with a resolved disposition.

It’s frightening to even imagine that an American citizen could be charged with a crime, locked up in a jail cell with no trial date in sight, and while prosecutors along with law enforcement officials having previously obtained exculpatory evidence completely exonerating the accused. The 6th and 14th amendments were designed to insure that states pay respect to a citizen’s right to a speedy, public and fair trial while avoiding the accused from languishing in jail for infinity. To the contrary, this unfortunately is exactly what is happening to young Shannon Nyamodi and possibly many others faced with criminal charges within the North Carolina criminal justice system. How is it even possible that such blatant and heinous acts of injustice could occur during the 21th century in America? There has been crimes more heinous committed against Shannon Nyamodi than the criminal charges he face. A close look at official documents in Shannon’s case reveals complete incompetence by judicial officials or deliberate disregard for the law by the state’s courts.

Without a pending court date in the court’s system docket for Shannon Nyamodi, a habeas corpus becomes the strongest legal measure to challenge his lawful detention. Unfortunately, research of case law regarding a “writ of habeas corpus” establishes that Franklin County North Carolina has historically ignored it’s own general statues pertaining to a defendants right to challenge the lawfulness of their detention. The court’s disrespect of this vital piece of legislation coupled with no speedy trial statue in North Carolina, paves the way for criminal defendants to be literally warehoused in jails indefinitely, while eroding their constitutional rights along the way. This culture of locking citizens up for extended periods of time with no timetable in the court’s system establishing when cases will come to trial must be brought to bare on a national stage. The general consensus is that defendants detained for crimes may in fact be innocent, and their detention for such a long time is seemingly unjust, if not criminal. This argument is especially true when we consider that prosecutors and law enforcement officials may have known all along that a defendant is in fact innocent of the crimes for which they have been charged.

In Shannon Nyamodi’s case the arrest warrant should never even have been issued. He was already in custody when an allege confidential informant (CI) gave cops hearsay statements implicating him in the crime. Other eyewitnesses who place an unknown white male at the scene of the crime moments after the shooting, gave statements which were omitted from official police reports. The victim herself told police officials from at least two separate police agencies that “someone” (meaning she didn’t know who) had struck her with a pole. In fact, if cops have culpable evidence proving that Shannon Nyamodi committed this crime, it has never been made public. Additionally, the entire theory that shannon conspired with the victim’s daughter in “a murder for hire plot” has always been the authorities official story for what happened the night of the crime, but state law enforcement officials conducting the investigation discovered that the allege CI statement implicating Shannon Nyamodi was in fact false, and suppressed discovery of these facts by filing their findings with the court over ninety days after learning the CI had lied to police.

The case file against Shannon Nyamodi is a complete joke, and those responsible for creating this horrible injustice are nothing short of characters from a mayberry style sheriff department or a keystone cop comedy. More importantly, the prosecuting officials are just as responsible for not throwing the entire case out when they more then likely knew that the case against this defendant was weak from the very start. Instead of doing their jobs by meting out real justice and setting the Nyamodi youth free, they have perpetuated a lie conspiring to convict an innocent man, while the real perpetrator of this violent crime remains free. If Shannon Nyamodi is guilty then prove it by taking the case to trial. No one is fooled by the antics of the prosecutor or judges in this case. You don’t have a case against this youth, and you have resorted to attempting to torture him while in custody, hoping and praying that he breaks, and agrees to a plea deal for the crime. Thank God that Shannon Nyamodi is more resilient than the likes of any of the racist cowards who are responsible for his current plight.

The bottom line is that in North Carolina a culture of injustice and racism exist solely because backwoods rednecks think they are above the law. Their unlawful criminal behavior must be exposed, and those officials responsible for this kind of foolishness must be brought to justice. It is personally my greatest hope that the prosecutor, judges, and law enforcement officials responsible for the wrongful persecution of Shannon Nyamodi will in turn spend an equal amount of time in an isolated jail cell for the exact number of days that he has been forced to endure. Please write the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, or have your U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator write a letter to the DOJ Civil Rights Division on Shannon Nyamodi’s behalf, and request that a Civil Rights investigation be conducted into his case in Franklin County North Carolina. This youth needs our help, and the North Carolina racist criminal justice system must be exposed. May God continue to be with this young man and his family.

U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001

To Be Continued ..



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams



David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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