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Baltimore’s Darkness Revealed Once Again: Honor Teen Phylicia Barnes Vanishes In Mean City Streets

Like many Urban towns in America Baltimore City is not immune from the Societal Ills that permeates predominate African American Communities. The trash, broken glass thrown allies, rat and rodent infested dwellings, decaying buildings, and graffiti filled scenic backdrop depicts the City’s subcultural acceptance of lawlessness, and degraded living by it’s Citizens. Not just that, but Baltimore is home to the Nations Most Uneducated Black Americans. Her Ports have made Heroin Solicitation a very lucrative Industry. Baltimore’s Teenage Girls have produced more babies then any other City in America for the last 5 decades indisputably. Moreover, if these alarming statistical facts are not discouraging enough for people thinking about visiting Baltimore, those who are ignorant to the Town’s History should be aware that Baltimore also stakes claim to having one of the Nation’s Highest Homicide Rates, and has been confirmed by the Center For Decease Control (CDC) as having the Highest Rate of  Incurable Sexually Transmitted Deceases. For me however, Baltimore is Home and I know her culture well. It’s extremely difficult for me to understand why any Parent would allow their straight A Honor Roll teen daughter to visit such a problematic City unsupervised. Janice Sallis, a Monroe, N.C. mom did just that over the recently past Christmas Holiday, and her child hasn’t been seen since.

16 year old Phylicia Barnes was last seen on December 28, 2010 as she walked to a local West Baltimore business to purchase food. The Beautiful College kid had been staying with a half Sister, apparently had been drinking, and not properly being supervised by her elder Sister. The details leading up to young Phylicia’s disappearance appear very sketchy. City Police have revealed based on information obtained from interviews conducted with those with knowledge of the case, that as many as 20 young men were reported to have frequented the apartment where the Barnes kid had been staying. Unfortunately, stories like this where young and pretty African American teen girls go missing are not uncommon in Baltimore. Tragic as this story may be, young people vanishing in the dark of the night in Baltimore has been occurring since the onset of the American Industrial Revolution. That’s just what has happened to Phylicia Barnes. She is just gone, and nobody knows anything. I could sit here for years and write a Human Interest Story highlighting how Black People are responsible for this, but what good would that do? We can only hope and pray for the best. Maybe there is some extremely unusual explanation for her disappearance. As positive as such a thought process seems, the reality is the likelihood of such an outcome is bleek at best. There are those who want to take this opportunity to raise racial disparity claims about this case, likening Phylicia’s disappearance with that of Alabama teen Natalie Hollaway’s story, and bashing the Media for not going into a frenzy over a Black Child’s disappearance as if White People are responsible. It’s sad that we can’t get over the fact that much of the violent and abhorrent crimes committed against African Americans are done so by the hands of those who look like us. What about the sick sadistic individual(s) who may have abducted or murdered this precious child? We seem to blame everyone but ourselves for our own condition. I’m sorry, but I must speak the truth here, and Janice Sallis, Phylicia’s Mother must stake claim to much of the burden here. A 16 year old girl from rural North Carolina being allowed to visit Baltimore alone? Unimaginable if it were my Daughter.

CNN: “Let My Baby Go”

I am not trying to pour salt on an open womb here, but many times I think we don’t except the honest, and uncut raw truth about ourselves. It’s about finding Phylicia now, and giving her family closure despite what condition she is returned to them. As a Parent I can tell you, I would want my baby back dead or alive, because the reality of not knowing would forever haunt me. I would replay my own decisions in my head over and over again, pondering what may have happened to her, and second guessing myself. This is nightmarish alone, the not knowing part, but I pray for this child’s safe return.

I pride myself on not being a violent person, but I do not apologize for reserving the right to become violent in the defense of me and my family, especially the female members of my family. As a child I was taught that a real Man was the keeper of the Home. Home was described as the final frontier as there is no other place of refuge. My Father used to say, “If I can’t come home to peace, then I have nothing to live for”. I live by that cliche literally. That’s why I can’t understand why Black Men stand by and allow these kinds of tragedies to befall upon women in their families. If it were my child, some one would tell me something. One of those 20 or so ignorant young Black Bastards knows something about what happened to young Phylicia Barnes, and it would take the City Police to stop me from obtaining that information or another Parent would be in grief with me over the lost of their Male Child. An Eye  for an Eye? Naw, that’s too convenient. Street Justice is exactly what it is. I mean don’t get me wrong, I will admit that violence only begets more violence, but we must ask ourselves how long will our Mothers have to continue to bury their seeds prematurely? Haven’t the Black community seen enough of our kids murdered for no other provocation other then the fact that some idiot took their life just because. We have endured so much, lost so many Black Folk from Slavery to Jim Crow, and I’ll be damn if we should stand by and watch our kids Murdered by our own people. Black Man stand up and be a Man.

Dr. Martin Luther King: “Be A Man”

The only reason why Cities like Baltimore continues down a path of Darkness and extreme Desolation is because Black Men, and educated Black People have become too consumed with the “It’s not my problem syndrome”. Not long ago White Men would slap your Grand Father and your Grand Mother upside the head in disrespect because they were considered to be little boys and girls. Not long ago your parents had to sneak in the back door of Business’ to buy food  or other essentials. Not long ago you couldn’t even be seen in certain parts of the towns in which many of you now currently live in. So we have traded that kind of living for the murderous behavior that now plagues the Black Community? I reject that perception, and not just that, but I think that we need to deal with any Man that attempts to hurt any one of female children, especially other Black Men. The Passiveness of Black men must end today! Hug your child tonight before bed, savior every moment you have with them, because a child name Phylicia Barnes may never be held by her Parents ever again. Before bed say a prayer for this child and her family. May God have Mercy on us All.

Bismiallah ir Rahman ir Raheem (In the name of god)

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Like many Urban towns in America Baltimore City is not immune from the Societal Ills that permeates predominate African American Communities. The trash, broken glass thrown allies, rat and rodent infested dwellings, decaying buildings, and graffiti filled scenic backdrop depicts the City’s subcultural acceptance of lawlessness, and degraded living by it’s Citizens. Not just that, but Baltimore is home to the Nations Most Uneducated Black Americans. Her Ports have made Heroin Solicitation a very lucrative Industry. Baltimore’s Teenage Girls have produced more babies then any other City in America for the last 5 decades indisputably. Moreover, if these alarming statistical facts are not discouraging enough for people thinking about visiting Baltimore, those who are ignorant to the Town’s History should be aware that Baltimore also stakes claim to having one of the Nation’s Highest Homicide Rates, and has been confirmed by the Center For Decease Control (CDC) as having the Highest Rate of  Incurable Sexually Transmitted Deceases. For me however, Baltimore is Home and I know her culture well. It’s extremely difficult for me to understand why any Parent would allow their straight A Honor Roll teen daughter to visit such a problematic City unsupervised. Janice Sallis, a Monroe, N.C. mom did just that over the recently past Christmas Holiday, and her child hasn’t been seen since.

16 year old Phylicia Barnes was last seen on December 28, 2010 as she walked to a local West Baltimore business to purchase food. The Beautiful College kid had been staying with a half Sister, apparently had been drinking, and not properly being supervised by her elder Sister. The details leading up to young Phylicia’s disappearance appear very sketchy. City Police have revealed based on information obtained from interviews conducted with those with knowledge of the case, that as many as 20 young men were reported to have frequented the apartment where the Barnes kid had been staying. Unfortunately, stories like this where young and pretty African American teen girls go missing are not uncommon in Baltimore. Tragic as this story may be, young people vanishing in the dark of the night in Baltimore has been occurring since the onset of the American Industrial Revolution. That’s just what has happened to Phylicia Barnes. She is just gone, and nobody knows anything. I could sit here for years and write a Human Interest Story highlighting how Black People are responsible for this, but what good would that do? We can only hope and pray for the best. Maybe there is some extremely unusual explanation for her disappearance. As positive as such a thought process seems, the reality is the likelihood of such an outcome is bleek at best. There are those who want to take this opportunity to raise racial disparity claims about this case, likening Phylicia’s disappearance with that of Alabama teen Natalie Hollaway’s story, and bashing the Media for not going into a frenzy over a Black Child’s disappearance as if White People are responsible. It’s sad that we can’t get over the fact that much of the violent and abhorrent crimes committed against African Americans are done so by the hands of those who look like us. What about the sick sadistic individual(s) who may have abducted or murdered this precious child? We seem to blame everyone but ourselves for our own condition. I’m sorry, but I must speak the truth here, and Janice Sallis, Phylicia’s Mother must stake claim to much of the burden here. A 16 year old girl from rural North Carolina being allowed to visit Baltimore alone? Unimaginable if it were my Daughter.

CNN: “Let My Baby Go”

I am not trying to pour salt on an open womb here, but many times I think we don’t except the honest, and uncut raw truth about ourselves. It’s about finding Phylicia now, and giving her family closure despite what condition she is returned to them. As a Parent I can tell you, I would want my baby back dead or alive, because the reality of not knowing would forever haunt me. I would replay my own decisions in my head over and over again, pondering what may have happened to her, and second guessing myself. This is nightmarish alone, the not knowing part, but I pray for this child’s safe return.

I pride myself on not being a violent person, but I do not apologize for reserving the right to become violent in the defense of me and my family, especially the female members of my family. As a child I was taught that a real Man was the keeper of the Home. Home was described as the final frontier as there is no other place of refuge. My Father used to say, “If I can’t come home to peace, then I have nothing to live for”. I live by that cliche literally. That’s why I can’t understand why Black Men stand by and allow these kinds of tragedies to befall upon women in their families. If it were my child, some one would tell me something. One of those 20 or so ignorant young Black Bastards knows something about what happened to young Phylicia Barnes, and it would take the City Police to stop me from obtaining that information or another Parent would be in grief with me over the lost of their Male Child. An Eye  for an Eye? Naw, that’s too convenient. Street Justice is exactly what it is. I mean don’t get me wrong, I will admit that violence only begets more violence, but we must ask ourselves how long will our Mothers have to continue to bury their seeds prematurely? Haven’t the Black community seen enough of our kids murdered for no other provocation other then the fact that some idiot took their life just because. We have endured so much, lost so many Black Folk from Slavery to Jim Crow, and I’ll be damn if we should stand by and watch our kids Murdered by our own people. Black Man stand up and be a Man.

Dr. Martin Luther King: “Be A Man”

The only reason why Cities like Baltimore continues down a path of Darkness and extreme Desolation is because Black Men, and educated Black People have become too consumed with the “It’s not my problem syndrome”. Not long ago White Men would slap your Grand Father and your Grand Mother upside the head in disrespect because they were considered to be little boys and girls. Not long ago your parents had to sneak in the back door of Business’ to buy food  or other essentials. Not long ago you couldn’t even be seen in certain parts of the towns in which many of you now currently live in. So we have traded that kind of living for the murderous behavior that now plagues the Black Community? I reject that perception, and not just that, but I think that we need to deal with any Man that attempts to hurt any one of female children, especially other Black Men. The Passiveness of Black men must end today! Hug your child tonight before bed, savior every moment you have with them, because a child name Phylicia Barnes may never be held by her Parents ever again. Before bed say a prayer for this child and her family. May God have Mercy on us All.

Bismiallah ir Rahman ir Raheem (In the name of god)

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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