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Booster Campaign Launched To Free Shannon Nyamodi: Family Of Jailed Black Teen Held Unjustly Pleads To Public For Aid In Human Rights Case

When young Shannon Nyamodi was charged with larceny and attempted murder on August 16, 2012 his family believed that he would be exonerated from charges they felt were simply a case where police officials had made a rush to judgement by charging the teen who had no prior brushes with the law. Little did they know that Shannon would eventually languish in a Franklin County North Carolina jail for nearly two years, while the man they hired to defend him would take $50,000.00 dollars as a retainer, and then turn to subsequently agree with state prosecutors efforts to conceal the case from the public by having it removed from the court docket system while young Shannon remained in custody. The circumstances surrounding his case has drawn attention from criminal justice advocacy groups, bloggers, and other human rights organizations around the country.

Now that his case has sparked outrage from a concerned public outside of North Carolina, the youth has been housed in segregation, denied access to the outside world, and placed on a gag order probably implemented without consent from state courts. Although a small minority exist who believe in his guilt, none of those pundits can explain nor rationalize the countless peculiar circumstances pertaining to the manner in which the state has handled his case. The state motioned for the case to be taken off the court management docket system back in February of 2013, which is an action rarely, if ever, seen in a criminal case while the defendant remains locked up in a jail cell. Also, the state’s failure to bring his case before the courts for trial within a one year period, triggers the presumption that the defendants 6th amendment constitutional rights have been violated.

In short, young Shannon Nyamodi is being held hostage, unlawfully detained, and held in captivity at the very least, and without any pending charges against him within the state’s court docket system. The youth’s family, advocates, and a growing concerned public, all ponder why the state apparently has no desire to pursue the case in a trial before a court of law. If evidence exist which can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Shannon Nyamodi committed such a horrible crime, then why hasn’t the case gained any momentum in over a year? The combined peculiarity of his hired legal counsel having sided with the state to archive the case file, threats made against Shannon by his attorney prohibiting him from talking to his mother or anyone else about the case with threats of aiding the state in convicting him, the unexplained reasons for his isolation while in jail , and Shannon having been denied access to his family all collectively point to a conspiracy of some kind to wrongfully convict an innocent man.

We now live in a global society where the rights of the people are continuously dissipating, and those of us who care about justice, fairness, and a man’s right to due process under the law can not stand by idle while such atrocities occur. Give Shannon Nyamodi his day in court or set the youth free. This perspective is essentially the basis from which many followers of this case have developed complete outrage. While many cite the premise for such a judicial debacle as having derived from racism widely believed to be indigenous to North Carolina courts, the family of Shannon Nyamodi advocate racism as being a non factor pertaining to the youth’s case, and while continuously articulating that white people have been their strongest supporters aiding their plight to set Shannon free while historical African American Civil Rights groups have turned a blind eye to his case.

Despite the tremendous upheaval the Nyamodi family face obtaining Shannon’s freedom, real help has arrived from attorneys now working behind the scenes developing a plan to fight for the youth. The family have depleted their funds, essentially when they gave Maitry “Mike” Klinkosum $50,000.00 dollars to defend Shannon. Klinkosum’s complete ineptness while responsible for his defense, has turned out to be a nightmare, and efforts are being made to solicit funding through a booster campaign to raise additional funds for the legal representation of Shannon Nyamodi. The law firm working the case has committed to Shannon’s defense, and have conveyed to the family to raise what they can while they will continue to work for the youth’s eventual release. The family and TPC pleads to readers around the world who believe in justice for all people, to support this effort by purchasing a “Free Shannon Nyamodi” T-Shirt to help his legal funding, and show support of this horrible human rights story. The T-Shirts are priced at $25.00 dollars and are for a good cause. An innocent man’s life is in the balance, so please help us set him free. T-Shirts can be purchased at: Free Shannon Nyamodi 


The official supporting T-Shirt for the Shannon Nyamodi Legal Fund.


Additionally, Shannon has been placed on segregated housing at the Franklin County jail, which means he is only allowed out of his jail cell for one hour a day, while being confined for 23 hours. This young man has no prior criminal history and completely unfamiliar with the correctional system what so ever. There is growing concern for his mental health and psychological well being. The confinement of any human being in such a fashion will eventually take it’s toll of a person’s mental state. It’s widely believed by many associated with the case, that officials responsible for Shannon’s incarceration are manipulating his jailers into housing Shannon in such a way, to wear him down in an effort to get him to accept a plea deal in this case for a crime he did not commit. Ms. Elizabeth Crudup (Shannon’s mother) continues to request that the public write letters of encouragement to her son as a measure of support to help him hold on, and not give up hope.

Letters of encouragement can be sent to: Shannon Nyamodi, 285 T. Kemp Road, Louisburg, NC 27549. Also, those who want to send donations of a lesser/greater amount and not interested in purchasing a T-Shirt may offer a monetary donation at: The Shannon Nyamodi Legal Fund. May God be with Shannon Nyamodi during his plight to gain his freedom, and may God bless us all. On behalf of the Nyamodi family The People’s Champion thanks all supporters in advance for their contributions. God speed!

To Be Continued ..



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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When young Shannon Nyamodi was charged with larceny and attempted murder on August 16, 2012 his family believed that he would be exonerated from charges they felt were simply a case where police officials had made a rush to judgement by charging the teen who had no prior brushes with the law. Little did they know that Shannon would eventually languish in a Franklin County North Carolina jail for nearly two years, while the man they hired to defend him would take $50,000.00 dollars as a retainer, and then turn to subsequently agree with state prosecutors efforts to conceal the case from the public by having it removed from the court docket system while young Shannon remained in custody. The circumstances surrounding his case has drawn attention from criminal justice advocacy groups, bloggers, and other human rights organizations around the country.

Now that his case has sparked outrage from a concerned public outside of North Carolina, the youth has been housed in segregation, denied access to the outside world, and placed on a gag order probably implemented without consent from state courts. Although a small minority exist who believe in his guilt, none of those pundits can explain nor rationalize the countless peculiar circumstances pertaining to the manner in which the state has handled his case. The state motioned for the case to be taken off the court management docket system back in February of 2013, which is an action rarely, if ever, seen in a criminal case while the defendant remains locked up in a jail cell. Also, the state’s failure to bring his case before the courts for trial within a one year period, triggers the presumption that the defendants 6th amendment constitutional rights have been violated.

In short, young Shannon Nyamodi is being held hostage, unlawfully detained, and held in captivity at the very least, and without any pending charges against him within the state’s court docket system. The youth’s family, advocates, and a growing concerned public, all ponder why the state apparently has no desire to pursue the case in a trial before a court of law. If evidence exist which can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Shannon Nyamodi committed such a horrible crime, then why hasn’t the case gained any momentum in over a year? The combined peculiarity of his hired legal counsel having sided with the state to archive the case file, threats made against Shannon by his attorney prohibiting him from talking to his mother or anyone else about the case with threats of aiding the state in convicting him, the unexplained reasons for his isolation while in jail , and Shannon having been denied access to his family all collectively point to a conspiracy of some kind to wrongfully convict an innocent man.

We now live in a global society where the rights of the people are continuously dissipating, and those of us who care about justice, fairness, and a man’s right to due process under the law can not stand by idle while such atrocities occur. Give Shannon Nyamodi his day in court or set the youth free. This perspective is essentially the basis from which many followers of this case have developed complete outrage. While many cite the premise for such a judicial debacle as having derived from racism widely believed to be indigenous to North Carolina courts, the family of Shannon Nyamodi advocate racism as being a non factor pertaining to the youth’s case, and while continuously articulating that white people have been their strongest supporters aiding their plight to set Shannon free while historical African American Civil Rights groups have turned a blind eye to his case.

Despite the tremendous upheaval the Nyamodi family face obtaining Shannon’s freedom, real help has arrived from attorneys now working behind the scenes developing a plan to fight for the youth. The family have depleted their funds, essentially when they gave Maitry “Mike” Klinkosum $50,000.00 dollars to defend Shannon. Klinkosum’s complete ineptness while responsible for his defense, has turned out to be a nightmare, and efforts are being made to solicit funding through a booster campaign to raise additional funds for the legal representation of Shannon Nyamodi. The law firm working the case has committed to Shannon’s defense, and have conveyed to the family to raise what they can while they will continue to work for the youth’s eventual release. The family and TPC pleads to readers around the world who believe in justice for all people, to support this effort by purchasing a “Free Shannon Nyamodi” T-Shirt to help his legal funding, and show support of this horrible human rights story. The T-Shirts are priced at $25.00 dollars and are for a good cause. An innocent man’s life is in the balance, so please help us set him free. T-Shirts can be purchased at: Free Shannon Nyamodi 


The official supporting T-Shirt for the Shannon Nyamodi Legal Fund.


Additionally, Shannon has been placed on segregated housing at the Franklin County jail, which means he is only allowed out of his jail cell for one hour a day, while being confined for 23 hours. This young man has no prior criminal history and completely unfamiliar with the correctional system what so ever. There is growing concern for his mental health and psychological well being. The confinement of any human being in such a fashion will eventually take it’s toll of a person’s mental state. It’s widely believed by many associated with the case, that officials responsible for Shannon’s incarceration are manipulating his jailers into housing Shannon in such a way, to wear him down in an effort to get him to accept a plea deal in this case for a crime he did not commit. Ms. Elizabeth Crudup (Shannon’s mother) continues to request that the public write letters of encouragement to her son as a measure of support to help him hold on, and not give up hope.

Letters of encouragement can be sent to: Shannon Nyamodi, 285 T. Kemp Road, Louisburg, NC 27549. Also, those who want to send donations of a lesser/greater amount and not interested in purchasing a T-Shirt may offer a monetary donation at: The Shannon Nyamodi Legal Fund. May God be with Shannon Nyamodi during his plight to gain his freedom, and may God bless us all. On behalf of the Nyamodi family The People’s Champion thanks all supporters in advance for their contributions. God speed!

To Be Continued ..



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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