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Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

An Officer Down: The Dichotomy Of Baltimore’s Policing In Wake Of Slain Detective

The entire city of Baltimore has been on edge the last few months with a rash of shootings that has raised the homicide rate in the city to over 300 for the second straight year. Crime as a whole seems to have began to spiked with a rash of violent crimes being committed by juveniles

Goodson Cleared In BCPD Internal Probe: Did Wagon Driver Get Away With Killing Freddie Gray?

Now that a Baltimore City Police Department internal probe of officer Ceasar Goodson has concluded with his acquittal for his alleged misconduct in the death of Freddie Gray, outrage and other questions continue to linger about how Gray sustained what would be fatal injuries on the day he was arrested on Baker street in West

Slain Honors Teen Phylicia Barnes Remembered In Fashion Line: E’nomisis Apparel Helps Family Recover From Tragic Ending Of Promising Kid From North Carolina

Its hard to believe that in the seven years since Janice and Raheem Mustafa’s middle daughter (Phylicia Simone Barnes) met a fateful tragedy while visiting relatives on her biological father’s side of the family, no one has ever been prosecuted for this promising child’s murder. In the years following her killing, a lot of tears,

Slain Georgia Teen’s Cold Case Turned Five Years Old: Crime Blogger Has An Audio Message About “Honey” Marie Malone

The tragedy of what happened to Flora Malone’s youngest daughter five years ago is simply too heartbreaking to some up in pages of the local press or on a blogger’s headlines. Vanessa who was affectionately known as “Honey” was only 100 pounds soak and wet a family says, which makes it more disturbing that someone

The Tragedy Of An Entire Baltimore Family’s Murder By Drug Dealers: Dawson Safe Haven Community Center Erected At Site Of House Fire In Memory Of Slain Family

She wasn’t a typical Baltimore mother, passionate, tough, and a woman who cared about the community that her children were growing up in. Angela Dawson and her husband Carnell were raising 6 kids in a small neighborhood tucked away behind the infamous Greenmount Cemetery in a gritty section of East Baltimore, where the remains of

Chicago Teen’s Death Sparks Outrage: Kenneka Jenkins Was Found Dead In A Hotel Freezer, While Friends Claim They Don’t Know What Happened

When 19=year-old Kenneka Jenkins got permission to borrow her mothers car to celebrate her girl friend’s birthday, it was suppose to be a night of fun filled partying as the youth settled in at a Chicago area hotel. A volume of video clips shared from party goers cellphones, depict an atmosphere of loud music, drinking,

The Struggle For Justice Continues In Phylicia Barnes Murder: Accused Killer Petitions Supreme Court To Block Third Trial.

This coming Christmas holiday season will mark the 7th anniversary of Phylicia Barnes’ disappearance from a West Baltimore apartment where she was staying with so called family. I refer to them in that manner because the honors kid’s mother can’t stomach any reference depicting Kelly and Deena as her daughter’s sisters. In countless conversations with

The Philando Castile Verdict: Police Killings Of Blacks During Routine Traffic Stops Is America’s New Epidemic

Their names are compiling as the new martyrs of America’s failing criminal justice system. A system that seems to only produce juries sympathetic to police when they panic, when they make mistakes, and when they kill in the name of their exaggerated and purported fear for their lives while encountering men of color during routine

TPC Suffers Own Devastating Tragedy With Murder Of Family Member: Two Small Children Left To Absorb Ugly Reality Of Domestic Violence

In all the years that I have spent my own time investigating cold murder cases, stories about missing kids, and fighting for human rights for people, many of which I didn’t even know from around this nation, I never actually had time to prepare myself for the eventful time that tragedy would strike a person

Four Year Anniversary Of Vanessa “Honey” Malone’s Murder: More Questions, No Justice, And Dekalb County’s Storied Past

It was exactly four years ago to the date that tragedy struck a Stone Mountain Georgia family, when a gunman’s bullet snuffed out the life of a precious daughter, a sister, and a dear friend to many, who affectionately called the pretty hundred pound teen “Honey.” She was Flora Malone’s youngest daughter, the baby girl,

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