A Flower In The River: Peas Interview Of Phylicia Barnes’ Siblings Gave The Public Advance Insight To Murdered Teen Sister’ Dirty Secrets
Posted by David Adams on August 14th, 2013
Warning: Some may find the content of this article offensive and I apologize in advance. My efforts here are solely to bring the events of this tragic case to light with the hope that another family’s child will not fall victim to such a heinous crime. I will no longer print the names of certain individuals whose actions may have directly been responsible for the death of Phylicia Barnes, and who are not being held accountable criminally. They are undeserving of such consideration. We remain encouraged that justice will prevail for this promising and beautiful child. Thank you!
A few months after young Phylicia Barnes, an honors student from North Carolina went missing while visiting her half-siblings in Baltimore, it was Gaetane Borders of “Peas In Their Pods” (an internationally recognized child advocacy group) who conducted one of the first public interviews of Phylicia’ older sisters, and asked tough questions surrounding their baby sister’s disappearance. If the subtle but obvious inappropriate interaction during a radio broadcast of the Barnes siblings, that was clearly overheard during the interview, which included laughter, whispering, and a complete lack of genuine concern wasn’t enough to draw some suspicion toward the murdered teen’s sisters, then one of her older sister’s pausing for awkward periods of time during the Blog Talk broadcast after being asked basic questions, should be sufficient to justify the widespread concern many from within the public developed towards the child’s family from the very start.
The Barnes older sibling confirmed that males unrelated to Phylicia had access to the apartment as well as the teen herself, while she was in fact at her sister’s house alone. Rumors circulated earlier on during the search for Phylicia that she had revealed to an older sibling, concern regarding the door to her sister’s apartment being left unsecured regularly with a volume of males coming and going all the time. Ms. Borders asked the older sister why was her ex-boyfriend at the apartment (a very relevant question because the sister had advised Phylicia’s mother, that only Phylicia and herself would be staying at her apartment while the teen visited Baltimore) , and many listeners probably were even more curious about the question, because it simply didn’t make sense and was very irresponsible to leave a pretty teen girl alone at home with males having access to the apartment while no adult related to the child was present to look after her.
It took the woman nearly ten seconds to begin answering the question, and her pausing simply opened the flood gates to suspicion that perhaps the truth regarding what actually happened that day would not be revealed during the broadcast, and it gave the appearance of deception on the older sister’ part. A previous question from the host to the older sister inquiring as to when she first became aware that something had gone wrong, is the starting point when inconsistencies in her story were actually revealed. The older sister told Peas that she first learned that something was wrong when she arrived home from work at 6 p.m. that day, but later contradicted herself when she said they (the older half-sisters) had lost all communication with Phylicia during the late morning hours on December 28, 2010, just a few hours prior to the child reportedly having last been seen by anyone.
In fact it was discovered later during the broadcast that no one from the child’s family had even gone by the apartment to check on her until her sister arrived home from work in the early evening hours. Many still believe that the sisters were either involved or had direct knowledge regarding what happened to Phylicia Barnes, especially considering that another older sister was supposed to have picked her up to go for a hair appointment, and shop for beauty supplies that day. One of the most puzzling aspects of the Barnes disappearance has always been why her sister never came to get her or even check on her when she reportedly got off from work early, and only lived a few blocks away? The sister also told Peas that it had been a regular practice for young Phylicia to go to work with either of her older half-sisters every day (which denotes that they had concern for her safety), but the sisters say the child had been up late the night before, felt tired, and declined to go with her sister to work. Ironically, the only day that Phylicia doesn’t tag along with either of her sisters to their job, she mysteriously disappears, and was subsequently found floating nude in a river months later.
When these facts were revealed during the interview it was clear to many people following the Barnes teen disappearance case that things simply did not add up. It was just too early in the case to determine where Phylicia whereabouts were, or to tell if something may actually have happened to young Phylicia, but the account her sisters gave to Peas In Their Pods was disturbing to say the very least. Now that Phylicia’ accused killer (Michael Johnson) has been tried for her murder and subsequently had that conviction thrown out by a Baltimore Circuit Court Judge, the public has learned much more about the teen’s case, and the Peas interview revealed the sisters had initially said on record (during a live national broadcast) that certain alleged activities were not going on at the apartment where Phylicia was staying. Now that many of the shocking and disturbing activities have been exposed as a matter of fact, it’s a very strong possibility that the culture the child was exposed to may ultimately have been the factors which led to her demise.
Ms. Borders went on to question the older sister about rumors that Phylicia had fallen asleep on top of someone prior to her disappearance. The sister strongly denied that assertion by stating “No,no,no,no”, and reiterated that the comment came from the account when she was last seen, and that she was falling asleep on the couch. We all now know her attempts to paint a picture that nothing remotely close to that was going on at her apartment was a blatant lie. While the sister was readily prepared to dismiss the notion that her younger sister wasn’t engaged in such activity while under her care, we have since learned she allowed Phylicia to run around completely naked with her accused killer, his brother, and at least one other adult male while playing a game she described as “jonking” (streaking and grabbing the nether regions of other game participants).
During Michael Johnson’ first trial the prosecution played a video captured on a cellphone which depicted the Barnes teen, her older sister, Michael Johnson, his younger brother, and another male (who filmed the clip) at a nearby school playground, with them all nude, kissing, and “jonking”. Prosecutors had argued that Johnson desired the Barnes teen sexually, and pointed out during the trial that while Johnson is observed kissing the teen’s older sister, he had his eyes squarely focused on a nude Phylicia Barnes. Therefore, deceptive comments under questioning during the Peas broadcast were an attempt to conceal these troubling facts regarding what they all had been doing while Phylicia visited Baltimore. If we flash back to a social media post that Johnson made while searches were being conducted to locate Phylicia, in which he stated, “D***a should just tell Phylicia’s mother what was going on at the apartment”, earlier fears from the public regarding what may have happened surrounding Phylicia were being leaked out by Johnson himself. The post was later removed from Johnson’ facebook page, but I personally believe he made the comment to intimidate the older sister, and planting the perception that she could be charged criminally for the activities she allowed Phylicia to engage in because she was a minor.
The trial also revealed that the sister had even observed Johnson grabbing at Phylicia’ private area on one occasion, and that she confronted him about it. Although she testified that she contemplated telling her father about the incident, she decided not to out of fear that Phylicia would no longer be permitted to visit her again. This testimony during the trial was very telling, in that it establishes that the nudity, “jonking”, and other activity going on at the apartment where Phylicia came to visit was obviously so wide spread, that Johnson felt comfortable enough to engage in fondling Phylicia, even with her older sister present. So, the sister’s allegations that she became concerned over Johnson’ actions is simply not credible at all.
Phylicia was a minor child, her being permitted to run around nude with any adult was criminal, and the fact that her sister didn’t kick Johnson out of the house immediately upon observing him attempting to touch her pretty kid sister in a sexual way is sickening. Her failure to have acted proactively to protect her baby sister from her boyfriend’ sexual advances in this incident speaks volumes, and probably sent the message to Johnson and other males visiting her home that she condoned such behavior. She admittedly knew that her boyfriend had eyes for Phylicia (based on her own testimony) but she permitted him to have continued access to her, and it’s simply very suspicious that she left that child in the apartment alone knowing what could potentially happen knowing that Johnson had a key to her house. The sister also denied other activity that she was accused of allowing Phylicia to be engaged in. One instance was when Janice Sallis confronted her about allowing Phylicia to drink alcohol and smoke pot, after the mother had been informed by one of Phylicia’s friends who had become concerned that something may have happened to her when she went missing.
The friend gave Janice a tearful account of how Phylicia had admitted to her that she ‘d been allowed to drink vodka and smoke marijuana during her visits to Baltimore. The sister lied during the Peas interview and on several other occasions when confronted with these allegations, and the Barnes family even attempted to paint Phylicia’ mother as a bitter ex of their father. Although TPC revealed images (sent from the public) of people who were known to be frequent visitors at the sister’s apartment engaging in parties with alcohol (Vodka) and marijuana present, the sister was never revealed in any of those images, and it’s suspected that she wasn’t in them, because she was more than likely the person who took the pictures. The sister knew those pictures existed, and she knew about the “streaking” video. It was a tremendous gamble to lie about the activities she allowed her kid sister to participate in, especially on radio and other media. She could have been charged with “obstruction of justice” at the very least.
During the trial, the sister had to tearfully, shamefully, in an embarrassing fashion, describe many of the events which were alleged to have occurred while Phylicia was staying with her, and admit they had in fact occurred while she had previously and publicly denied it. Some people may be empathetic to the sister’s attempt to cover up the dirty little games and other unlawful activity that she allowed her kid sister to participate in, because she was only trying to save her own neck. Perhaps the most telling aspect pertaining to these facts, is that the sister essentially hindered the entire investigation with her lies, at a time most crucial to police efforts to establish Phylicia’ whereabouts. Her constant lying about pertinent facts, coupled with the presence of a relative who is also a cop (who may have quarterbacked primary field investigation interviews), and the bogus story about Phylicia only having left to get something to eat demonstrates that they all initially tried to deceive authorities in an attempt to conceal their “dirty secrets”.
However, by not being upfront and forthright from the very start, allowed 9 days to elapse before the cops took the child’s disappearance case seriously. It has never been established who told primary police on the scene that Phylicia had gone to get food, and probably would be back a short time later, but that statement allowed her killers ample time to cover up what evidence that may have been available. It wasn’t until police viewed surveillance cameras in the area and discovered that Phylicia hadn’t gone in the areas where she could have purchased food, and prompted suspicion that the accounts of those close to the child prior to her disappearance were suspect. Knowing that people were lying, the cops began to confiscate cellphones, other personal property of individuals closely related to the case, and even obtained federal warrants for social media accounts. The seizure of personal items is what led to the discover of the nude “streaking” video.
Knowing that there was an active police investigation into the disappearance of Phylicia Barnes and that she was a minor, it’s unconscionable that anyone would retain a video clip on their personal cellphone of the child “streaking” nude. Anyone in possession of search media could be arrested, and the cops used the video as leverage to get people to start talking, chiefly Phylicia’ older sister. All of the lies she told in response to allegations of the kinds of activity she permitted Phylicia to participate in came back to haunt her, and her statements during the Peas In Their Pods Blogtalk broadcast guaranteed she would have to tell the truth in open court. The sister’s denials on a recorded radio broadcast were obliterated by the “streaking” video which depicted Phylicia nude, visibly under the influence, and accompanied by her older sister who was charged with caring for the teen while she visited Baltimore. The Peas interview could easily have been used by either the prosecution or the defense to impeach her testimony. Her hands were tied and had no other options but to stop lying, and testify against Johnson. The teen’ mother once told TPC during an interview that “the only way Phylicia would take off off her clothes in front of a man, is if she was extremely high on something”, and sadly the mother’s fears were revealed exactly as she had suggested.
Additionally, the continued existence of the “streaking” video while authorities were actively searching for Phylicia Barnes reveals another disturbing perspective. I suspect the footage was kept to deter the sister from openly accuse Johnson, and his brothers of being responsible for Phylicia’ disappearance. Some how individuals may have believed that the clip was more damaging to the sister than the teen’ actual killer(s), and justified what ever may have happened to her. Even if my assertion falls short of this perspective, there existed a tremendous degree of arrogance and confidence on the part of Johnson and his brothers related to this disappearance case. considering the fact that cops are related to both the Johnson and Barnes families, the killer(s) appear to have had help covering up this crime. I have always made it clear that the band of “wannabe thugs” believed to have been involved in this murder case, clearly lack the intelligence to cover their tracks so well, thwart police investigative efforts, and sadly a member of Phylicia’ own family may unwittingly have assisted the cover up of her murder.
Many in our society are well aware of some of the stupid things that young adults do in the name of youthful fun. A primary aspect of individual development is predicated on errors we incur simply through life itself, and the expectation is that we all will fall short at some junction during our journey on this earth. That’s why parents like Raheem and Janice Mustafa took extra care in Phylica’ upbringing to soften the blow so to speak, and hopefully limit their child’s shortcoming in her years of conformity. Some mistakes our youth make can never be undone and as in this case may result in a tragic ending, but perhaps I’m simply unrealistic about certain expectations that should not only be a right of passage for an older sister to take pride and honor in aiding in securing the safety, and development of a younger sibling who trust their guidance. Perhaps I’m just foolish to even ponder such a perspective that all family inherently are obligated to lead the way through positive example for our youth, and maybe I’m just wrong all together for holding and older sister accountable for her baby sister’s death, because she herself lacked the maturity to anticipate the results of allowing grown men to pleasure themselves through her kid sister’s promiscuity and innocence? Though Phylicia Simone Barnes has gone from us forever, in the city of Baltimore at least, we will always remember the pretty flower lost in a river, and in a river where “dirty secrets” still remain. R.I.P. Simone!!!
Part I of a series
— To be Continued
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
Warning: Some may find the content of this article offensive and I apologize in advance. My efforts here are solely to bring the events of this tragic case to light with the hope that another family’s child will not fall victim to such a heinous crime. I will no longer print the names of certain individuals whose actions may have directly been responsible for the death of Phylicia Barnes, and who are not being held accountable criminally. They are undeserving of such consideration. We remain encouraged that justice will prevail for this promising and beautiful child. Thank you!
A few months after young Phylicia Barnes, an honors student from North Carolina went missing while visiting her half-siblings in Baltimore, it was Gaetane Borders of “Peas In Their Pods” (an internationally recognized child advocacy group) who conducted one of the first public interviews of Phylicia’ older sisters, and asked tough questions surrounding their baby sister’s disappearance. If the subtle but obvious inappropriate interaction during a radio broadcast of the Barnes siblings, that was clearly overheard during the interview, which included laughter, whispering, and a complete lack of genuine concern wasn’t enough to draw some suspicion toward the murdered teen’s sisters, then one of her older sister’s pausing for awkward periods of time during the Blog Talk broadcast after being asked basic questions, should be sufficient to justify the widespread concern many from within the public developed towards the child’s family from the very start.
The Barnes older sibling confirmed that males unrelated to Phylicia had access to the apartment as well as the teen herself, while she was in fact at her sister’s house alone. Rumors circulated earlier on during the search for Phylicia that she had revealed to an older sibling, concern regarding the door to her sister’s apartment being left unsecured regularly with a volume of males coming and going all the time. Ms. Borders asked the older sister why was her ex-boyfriend at the apartment (a very relevant question because the sister had advised Phylicia’s mother, that only Phylicia and herself would be staying at her apartment while the teen visited Baltimore) , and many listeners probably were even more curious about the question, because it simply didn’t make sense and was very irresponsible to leave a pretty teen girl alone at home with males having access to the apartment while no adult related to the child was present to look after her.
It took the woman nearly ten seconds to begin answering the question, and her pausing simply opened the flood gates to suspicion that perhaps the truth regarding what actually happened that day would not be revealed during the broadcast, and it gave the appearance of deception on the older sister’ part. A previous question from the host to the older sister inquiring as to when she first became aware that something had gone wrong, is the starting point when inconsistencies in her story were actually revealed. The older sister told Peas that she first learned that something was wrong when she arrived home from work at 6 p.m. that day, but later contradicted herself when she said they (the older half-sisters) had lost all communication with Phylicia during the late morning hours on December 28, 2010, just a few hours prior to the child reportedly having last been seen by anyone.
In fact it was discovered later during the broadcast that no one from the child’s family had even gone by the apartment to check on her until her sister arrived home from work in the early evening hours. Many still believe that the sisters were either involved or had direct knowledge regarding what happened to Phylicia Barnes, especially considering that another older sister was supposed to have picked her up to go for a hair appointment, and shop for beauty supplies that day. One of the most puzzling aspects of the Barnes disappearance has always been why her sister never came to get her or even check on her when she reportedly got off from work early, and only lived a few blocks away? The sister also told Peas that it had been a regular practice for young Phylicia to go to work with either of her older half-sisters every day (which denotes that they had concern for her safety), but the sisters say the child had been up late the night before, felt tired, and declined to go with her sister to work. Ironically, the only day that Phylicia doesn’t tag along with either of her sisters to their job, she mysteriously disappears, and was subsequently found floating nude in a river months later.
When these facts were revealed during the interview it was clear to many people following the Barnes teen disappearance case that things simply did not add up. It was just too early in the case to determine where Phylicia whereabouts were, or to tell if something may actually have happened to young Phylicia, but the account her sisters gave to Peas In Their Pods was disturbing to say the very least. Now that Phylicia’ accused killer (Michael Johnson) has been tried for her murder and subsequently had that conviction thrown out by a Baltimore Circuit Court Judge, the public has learned much more about the teen’s case, and the Peas interview revealed the sisters had initially said on record (during a live national broadcast) that certain alleged activities were not going on at the apartment where Phylicia was staying. Now that many of the shocking and disturbing activities have been exposed as a matter of fact, it’s a very strong possibility that the culture the child was exposed to may ultimately have been the factors which led to her demise.
Ms. Borders went on to question the older sister about rumors that Phylicia had fallen asleep on top of someone prior to her disappearance. The sister strongly denied that assertion by stating “No,no,no,no”, and reiterated that the comment came from the account when she was last seen, and that she was falling asleep on the couch. We all now know her attempts to paint a picture that nothing remotely close to that was going on at her apartment was a blatant lie. While the sister was readily prepared to dismiss the notion that her younger sister wasn’t engaged in such activity while under her care, we have since learned she allowed Phylicia to run around completely naked with her accused killer, his brother, and at least one other adult male while playing a game she described as “jonking” (streaking and grabbing the nether regions of other game participants).
During Michael Johnson’ first trial the prosecution played a video captured on a cellphone which depicted the Barnes teen, her older sister, Michael Johnson, his younger brother, and another male (who filmed the clip) at a nearby school playground, with them all nude, kissing, and “jonking”. Prosecutors had argued that Johnson desired the Barnes teen sexually, and pointed out during the trial that while Johnson is observed kissing the teen’s older sister, he had his eyes squarely focused on a nude Phylicia Barnes. Therefore, deceptive comments under questioning during the Peas broadcast were an attempt to conceal these troubling facts regarding what they all had been doing while Phylicia visited Baltimore. If we flash back to a social media post that Johnson made while searches were being conducted to locate Phylicia, in which he stated, “D***a should just tell Phylicia’s mother what was going on at the apartment”, earlier fears from the public regarding what may have happened surrounding Phylicia were being leaked out by Johnson himself. The post was later removed from Johnson’ facebook page, but I personally believe he made the comment to intimidate the older sister, and planting the perception that she could be charged criminally for the activities she allowed Phylicia to engage in because she was a minor.
The trial also revealed that the sister had even observed Johnson grabbing at Phylicia’ private area on one occasion, and that she confronted him about it. Although she testified that she contemplated telling her father about the incident, she decided not to out of fear that Phylicia would no longer be permitted to visit her again. This testimony during the trial was very telling, in that it establishes that the nudity, “jonking”, and other activity going on at the apartment where Phylicia came to visit was obviously so wide spread, that Johnson felt comfortable enough to engage in fondling Phylicia, even with her older sister present. So, the sister’s allegations that she became concerned over Johnson’ actions is simply not credible at all.
Phylicia was a minor child, her being permitted to run around nude with any adult was criminal, and the fact that her sister didn’t kick Johnson out of the house immediately upon observing him attempting to touch her pretty kid sister in a sexual way is sickening. Her failure to have acted proactively to protect her baby sister from her boyfriend’ sexual advances in this incident speaks volumes, and probably sent the message to Johnson and other males visiting her home that she condoned such behavior. She admittedly knew that her boyfriend had eyes for Phylicia (based on her own testimony) but she permitted him to have continued access to her, and it’s simply very suspicious that she left that child in the apartment alone knowing what could potentially happen knowing that Johnson had a key to her house. The sister also denied other activity that she was accused of allowing Phylicia to be engaged in. One instance was when Janice Sallis confronted her about allowing Phylicia to drink alcohol and smoke pot, after the mother had been informed by one of Phylicia’s friends who had become concerned that something may have happened to her when she went missing.
The friend gave Janice a tearful account of how Phylicia had admitted to her that she ‘d been allowed to drink vodka and smoke marijuana during her visits to Baltimore. The sister lied during the Peas interview and on several other occasions when confronted with these allegations, and the Barnes family even attempted to paint Phylicia’ mother as a bitter ex of their father. Although TPC revealed images (sent from the public) of people who were known to be frequent visitors at the sister’s apartment engaging in parties with alcohol (Vodka) and marijuana present, the sister was never revealed in any of those images, and it’s suspected that she wasn’t in them, because she was more than likely the person who took the pictures. The sister knew those pictures existed, and she knew about the “streaking” video. It was a tremendous gamble to lie about the activities she allowed her kid sister to participate in, especially on radio and other media. She could have been charged with “obstruction of justice” at the very least.
During the trial, the sister had to tearfully, shamefully, in an embarrassing fashion, describe many of the events which were alleged to have occurred while Phylicia was staying with her, and admit they had in fact occurred while she had previously and publicly denied it. Some people may be empathetic to the sister’s attempt to cover up the dirty little games and other unlawful activity that she allowed her kid sister to participate in, because she was only trying to save her own neck. Perhaps the most telling aspect pertaining to these facts, is that the sister essentially hindered the entire investigation with her lies, at a time most crucial to police efforts to establish Phylicia’ whereabouts. Her constant lying about pertinent facts, coupled with the presence of a relative who is also a cop (who may have quarterbacked primary field investigation interviews), and the bogus story about Phylicia only having left to get something to eat demonstrates that they all initially tried to deceive authorities in an attempt to conceal their “dirty secrets”.
However, by not being upfront and forthright from the very start, allowed 9 days to elapse before the cops took the child’s disappearance case seriously. It has never been established who told primary police on the scene that Phylicia had gone to get food, and probably would be back a short time later, but that statement allowed her killers ample time to cover up what evidence that may have been available. It wasn’t until police viewed surveillance cameras in the area and discovered that Phylicia hadn’t gone in the areas where she could have purchased food, and prompted suspicion that the accounts of those close to the child prior to her disappearance were suspect. Knowing that people were lying, the cops began to confiscate cellphones, other personal property of individuals closely related to the case, and even obtained federal warrants for social media accounts. The seizure of personal items is what led to the discover of the nude “streaking” video.
Knowing that there was an active police investigation into the disappearance of Phylicia Barnes and that she was a minor, it’s unconscionable that anyone would retain a video clip on their personal cellphone of the child “streaking” nude. Anyone in possession of search media could be arrested, and the cops used the video as leverage to get people to start talking, chiefly Phylicia’ older sister. All of the lies she told in response to allegations of the kinds of activity she permitted Phylicia to participate in came back to haunt her, and her statements during the Peas In Their Pods Blogtalk broadcast guaranteed she would have to tell the truth in open court. The sister’s denials on a recorded radio broadcast were obliterated by the “streaking” video which depicted Phylicia nude, visibly under the influence, and accompanied by her older sister who was charged with caring for the teen while she visited Baltimore. The Peas interview could easily have been used by either the prosecution or the defense to impeach her testimony. Her hands were tied and had no other options but to stop lying, and testify against Johnson. The teen’ mother once told TPC during an interview that “the only way Phylicia would take off off her clothes in front of a man, is if she was extremely high on something”, and sadly the mother’s fears were revealed exactly as she had suggested.
Additionally, the continued existence of the “streaking” video while authorities were actively searching for Phylicia Barnes reveals another disturbing perspective. I suspect the footage was kept to deter the sister from openly accuse Johnson, and his brothers of being responsible for Phylicia’ disappearance. Some how individuals may have believed that the clip was more damaging to the sister than the teen’ actual killer(s), and justified what ever may have happened to her. Even if my assertion falls short of this perspective, there existed a tremendous degree of arrogance and confidence on the part of Johnson and his brothers related to this disappearance case. considering the fact that cops are related to both the Johnson and Barnes families, the killer(s) appear to have had help covering up this crime. I have always made it clear that the band of “wannabe thugs” believed to have been involved in this murder case, clearly lack the intelligence to cover their tracks so well, thwart police investigative efforts, and sadly a member of Phylicia’ own family may unwittingly have assisted the cover up of her murder.
Many in our society are well aware of some of the stupid things that young adults do in the name of youthful fun. A primary aspect of individual development is predicated on errors we incur simply through life itself, and the expectation is that we all will fall short at some junction during our journey on this earth. That’s why parents like Raheem and Janice Mustafa took extra care in Phylica’ upbringing to soften the blow so to speak, and hopefully limit their child’s shortcoming in her years of conformity. Some mistakes our youth make can never be undone and as in this case may result in a tragic ending, but perhaps I’m simply unrealistic about certain expectations that should not only be a right of passage for an older sister to take pride and honor in aiding in securing the safety, and development of a younger sibling who trust their guidance. Perhaps I’m just foolish to even ponder such a perspective that all family inherently are obligated to lead the way through positive example for our youth, and maybe I’m just wrong all together for holding and older sister accountable for her baby sister’s death, because she herself lacked the maturity to anticipate the results of allowing grown men to pleasure themselves through her kid sister’s promiscuity and innocence? Though Phylicia Simone Barnes has gone from us forever, in the city of Baltimore at least, we will always remember the pretty flower lost in a river, and in a river where “dirty secrets” still remain. R.I.P. Simone!!!
Part I of a series
— To be Continued
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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