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Flames Of Tears In Child Burning: Pretty 14 Year Old Girl Discovered Nude And Burned In Brooklyn New York Park

Her family said she was last seen leaving for school around 8:00 a.m. on January 4, 2013, but no one was prepared for the gruesome discovery that NYPD revealed after the aspiring teen writer’s charred body was found nude, burned, and partially covered with sand in a Brooklyn, New York park over the weekend. Officials say that the body of a female discovered by a man walking near the park was in fact the remains of 14-year-old Shaniesha Forbes, a teen who had been reported missing some time on Friday. Police say the body was in close proximity of what appeared to be an extinguished bonfire with beer cans scattered around. The child’s autopsy was found to be inconclusive as no cause of death was determined how she died, and investigators are currently working to determine what killed the child. Police say the teen’s body had no signs of trauma at all. There were no gun shot wounds, stab wounds, or any signs that she may have been strangled.  The child’s death apparently wasn’t caused by the fire because medical examiner reports indicate that the pretty little girl had no smoke in her lungs. The disturbing reports outlining her cause of death as unknown only heightens concerns regarding what happen to Forbes. Shaniesha was on her way to the Academy of Young Writers when she was last seen leaving her East Flashbush home and just simply vanished before her body was discovered. Family and friends say that Shaniesha had bullying issues at her Academy High School. The child was harassed everyday in Science class by peers who constantly picked on the child about her hair. “Everyday in class they would ask her why she wore the same weave over and over again”, one relative said. The little girl also allegedly had a boyfriend which was a troubled relationship. Until authorities determine the little girl’s cause of death, leads which may determine what happened to her will be scarce. The fact that her body was burned and partially covered in sand more than likely points to the child probably having been murdered. Why would someone bury the girl in sand if there wasn’t an attempt to discard or conceal her remains. Also, authorities have indicated that the burns the child suffered were severe, but not life threatening. Clues at the scene include a kerosene container and discarded beer cans. Hopefully these items can produce forensic evidence like DNA or fingerprints that match someone in the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), and the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) linking someone to the child’s death. The child’s family is completely distraught over Shaniesha’ death, as the little girl is the third daughter of four female girls, and the family is begging for help from the public. Other reports within the media have made it a point to highlight that Shaniesha Forbes had run away from home before according to their unnamed sources. The news accounts from establish media outlets has outraged many from within the public. Some site that such journalism creates a stigmatization that the child’s untimely death is a result of her own rebellion, and lessons the impact such a horrific case has on the public. It’s disturbing that such subtle forms of racial prejudice continue to circulate from mass media as if the lives of our daughters isn’t news worthy, and implying that Shaniesha Forbes was just another runaway. Details surrounding prior family issues if they are even in fact true, has no baring on the heinousness of this potential crime. Someone placed this pretty child’s body in the sand and the main focal point should be determining how this despicable ordeal occurred. The mere thought that some one may have been consuming alcohol during this tragic and senseless incident in some sort of celebratory fashion demonstrates heartless, callous, and cowardice monsters remain at large in the New York area. Society in its entirety should be outraged that a female child died in this fashion, and we all should work diligently to resolve the mystery of this case. There is an epidemic of violence against teen girls and woman in general in our society, and we must work to end such behavior for the sake of the preservation of humanity.



The people’s Champion

I’m David Adams


David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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Her family said she was last seen leaving for school around 8:00 a.m. on January 4, 2013, but no one was prepared for the gruesome discovery that NYPD revealed after the aspiring teen writer’s charred body was found nude, burned, and partially covered with sand in a Brooklyn, New York park over the weekend. Officials say that the body of a female discovered by a man walking near the park was in fact the remains of 14-year-old Shaniesha Forbes, a teen who had been reported missing some time on Friday. Police say the body was in close proximity of what appeared to be an extinguished bonfire with beer cans scattered around. The child’s autopsy was found to be inconclusive as no cause of death was determined how she died, and investigators are currently working to determine what killed the child. Police say the teen’s body had no signs of trauma at all. There were no gun shot wounds, stab wounds, or any signs that she may have been strangled.  The child’s death apparently wasn’t caused by the fire because medical examiner reports indicate that the pretty little girl had no smoke in her lungs. The disturbing reports outlining her cause of death as unknown only heightens concerns regarding what happen to Forbes. Shaniesha was on her way to the Academy of Young Writers when she was last seen leaving her East Flashbush home and just simply vanished before her body was discovered. Family and friends say that Shaniesha had bullying issues at her Academy High School. The child was harassed everyday in Science class by peers who constantly picked on the child about her hair. “Everyday in class they would ask her why she wore the same weave over and over again”, one relative said. The little girl also allegedly had a boyfriend which was a troubled relationship. Until authorities determine the little girl’s cause of death, leads which may determine what happened to her will be scarce. The fact that her body was burned and partially covered in sand more than likely points to the child probably having been murdered. Why would someone bury the girl in sand if there wasn’t an attempt to discard or conceal her remains. Also, authorities have indicated that the burns the child suffered were severe, but not life threatening. Clues at the scene include a kerosene container and discarded beer cans. Hopefully these items can produce forensic evidence like DNA or fingerprints that match someone in the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), and the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) linking someone to the child’s death. The child’s family is completely distraught over Shaniesha’ death, as the little girl is the third daughter of four female girls, and the family is begging for help from the public. Other reports within the media have made it a point to highlight that Shaniesha Forbes had run away from home before according to their unnamed sources. The news accounts from establish media outlets has outraged many from within the public. Some site that such journalism creates a stigmatization that the child’s untimely death is a result of her own rebellion, and lessons the impact such a horrific case has on the public. It’s disturbing that such subtle forms of racial prejudice continue to circulate from mass media as if the lives of our daughters isn’t news worthy, and implying that Shaniesha Forbes was just another runaway. Details surrounding prior family issues if they are even in fact true, has no baring on the heinousness of this potential crime. Someone placed this pretty child’s body in the sand and the main focal point should be determining how this despicable ordeal occurred. The mere thought that some one may have been consuming alcohol during this tragic and senseless incident in some sort of celebratory fashion demonstrates heartless, callous, and cowardice monsters remain at large in the New York area. Society in its entirety should be outraged that a female child died in this fashion, and we all should work diligently to resolve the mystery of this case. There is an epidemic of violence against teen girls and woman in general in our society, and we must work to end such behavior for the sake of the preservation of humanity.



The people’s Champion

I’m David Adams


David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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