“From Paris With Another Lie”: The Paris Terrorist Attack On Friday The 13th Mirrors An Ancient French Horror That Changed The World
Posted by David Adams on November 21st, 2015
When the world first became aware of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday the 13th, it sent shock waves of fear across the globe. The Western World Governments and its allies quickly spent the story as a direct result of ISIS. The media has been promoting propaganda about the so called terrorist group for the past few years in stories mainly related to the Syrian conflict in that country. Now the global media wants humanity to believe that these ban of terrorist who were originally only thought to be composed of stone throwing rebels trying to oust Syrian President Brashar al-Assad, have some how risen to the heights of a global threat and are now miraculously expanding their purported acts of violence outside of Syria.
The volume of human life lost in what appeared to be six separate well organized attacks against innocent French citizens, at public venues in Paris, were for the most part unprovoked related to ISIS’ so called acts of terror that were originally alleged and thought to have been isolated to the Syrian conflict. The sudden attack on the French has sent a rippling effect around the world challenging the reliability of the media’s coverage of the attacks, and exactly who may have been responsible for such devastating carnage against the French people.
While the world mourns for Paris a developing perspective continues to rise from the dust of horror, and perhaps suggest that the attacks were well planned, orchestrated, and met out to symbolize an act of evil dating back to the ancient times of the world. Scholars and others of higher learning are easily led to the annals of archaic history during “The Dark Ages.” Few are knowledgeable regarding the very origins of Friday the 13th, its superstition, and why a legacy of unluckiness has shadowed that particular day for centuries.
Often dismissed as myth deriving from folklore, Friday the 13th has in fact often been referred to as “the day that changed the world.” Its disturbing parallel of the Paris attack to the original Friday the 13th in the year 1307, ironically also in Paris France, perhaps is well beyond coincidence, circumstance, and chance. Two of the most horrific days in French history were both on this daunting and curse filled day. Mirroring details surrounding wealth, power, and deception which resulted in fear within the masses, as well as murderous death throughout the land would be the order for both of these days.
The initial unlucky day was on October 13, 1307 when King Phillip IV pulled off a stunning piece of work by having hundreds of the most powerful within the Christian military order (The Knights Templars) arrested. The Templars were among the most wealthiest and powerful, and were prominent actors in Christian finance. King Phillip was in debt to the Templars for their assistance to France’ in the crusades against England. Endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church around 1129, the Order of the Templars became a favored charity throughout all of Christendom and grew rapidly in membership and power. Templar Knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades of ancient Europe.

A costume resembling the image of the Knights Templar.
Unfortunately, the secrecy surrounding the Templars’ initiation grew into mistrust, and King Phillip took advantage, by ceasing the opportunity to spread false accusations against the Templars (similar to today’s government attempts to spread untruths throughout the world, for the purpose of accomplishing objects of the elites and superpowers). Through coercion by torture, many of the Templars confessed to crimes for which they had not committed. Jacques de Molay who was the last Grand Master of the Templars, recanted his confession, and King Phillip ordered him to be burned at the stake on an island in the River Seine in front of Notre Dame de Paris. The dramatic execution of the last leader of the Templar Knights turned de Molay into a legendary figure and subsequently created the superstition surrounding Friday the 13th.
Considering the circumstances surrounding the details of how the order of Templar Knights fell, directly as a result of fabricated accusations against the Templars and the associated power and wealth that the order possessed, only causes widening suspicion related to the most recent Friday the 13th tragedy in France. Critics and other pundits may argue that tragedies over seven centuries apart is a tremendous stretch in terms of making a comparative argument.
However, regardless of who the terrorist actually were that committed such a heinous act against humanity, a very compelling argument could be made that the conspirators were very well learned, and perhaps students to the origins of Friday the 13th. Additionally, the initial reports related to the alleged terrorist suggest that none of them were Syrian Nationals (possibly not ISIS), until reports emerged out of France today alleging the killing of suspected terrorist Abdelhamid Abaaoud. All but one of the suspected terrorist that killed 129 people are also now dead, accept suspected terrorist conspirator Abdeslam Salah who French authorities say is now on the run.
So, in all actuality there are over a hundred innocent people who are now dead, nearly all of the alleged terrorist are reportedly dead as well, and nothing remains but the government and the media’ version of what they allege actually occurred. Its a disturbing reality directly derived from other questionable acts of terror, like the events of 9/11 which served as a cause to launch the U.S. and other nations into war on the basic premise that democracy was under attack by terrorist around the world. These questionable campaigns of war heighten greater suspicion toward world governments when the subject country from which politicians claim are the source of evilness and terrorism, just coincidentally happen to be sovereign countries with vast natural resources that are vital to the U.S. economy. The world war machine spearheaded by the United States marches on in the latest crusade against Islam.
Students of world history know that religion has been the catalyst for every conflict among the nations since the onset of recorded history. Just like every historic act of war ever, religious leaders have always been involved in the affairs of politics, government finances, and the use of a nations’ military to achieve objects influenced by theology. Though he sits seemingly cloaked and far removed from all that is occurring throughout the world, the Pope administers to faithful followers while wearing the traditional white mantle embroidered with the iconic emblem of the Knights Templar. Perhaps in an act of solidarity by the Catholic church over the lost of Catholicism’s greatest defender of the Christian (scottish) Right, the very coincidence of France’ most recent tragedy on Friday the 13th may suggest, just like Pope Clement V’s involvement in events of the cursed day back in 1307, the current day leader of the Catholic Church hands might also be stained with the blood of French citizens who died in the Paris attack.

The “Holy Father” Pope Benedict wearing a sash embroidered with the emblem of the Knights Templar.
While the leader of modern day Catholicism still parades the world in attire that replicate iconic symbols of archaic orders of the Christian (Scottish) Right, for those who already know, such images only exposes the close relationship between the Catholic Church and totalitarianism among secretive organizations around the world. After all, it was in fact Pope Clement V who ordered Papal arrest warrants for hundreds of Knights Templars during the initial Friday the 13th of the early 14th century. Though such power and influence by the Pontiff has largely been shadowed from the world, the Roman Catholic Church has always been involved in the politics, and decision making regarding military action surrounding global affairs through out the development of civilization within the last millennium. The current state of world crisis that is being circulated by global media, like the purported onset of terrorist by so called Islamist groups across the globe, is a kin to the spreading of lies, rumors, conjecture, and other hyperbole that King Phillip IV utilized to persuade condemnation of the Knights Templars’ fall from prominence to death during medieval times.
The vast majority of the world’s population remains brainwashed by superpower governments and their supporting cast of media outlets, regarding threats of terror from violent extremist from Muslims around the globe. Without the benefit of knowledge pertaining to the history of Christianity and Islam, most may find themselves confused as to why such a religious group of people are hell bent on destroying those who practice other religions. This is where history teaches us that wars between Muslims and Christians date back hundreds of years, when European barbarians were essentially poor and starving in the hills of the most gelid part of the world. The quest for wealth and the promotion of Christianity is what brought the King’s to Jerusalem (the Holy City) during countless battles. The period of the early 12th century teaches us that the Muslim were the indigenous culture of people throughout the land of Palestine (believed to be the home of Abraham and Solomon from the Bible), and that the great Muslim leader Saladinn Eyubi led countless forays against the crusades of England and France who continuously attempted to overtake Jerusalem from the Muslims.
Conflicts between the two religions would carry on for centuries as the Holy City of Jerusalem would fall in and out of the hands of both faiths respectively. The Europeans would finally recapture Jerusalem from the Muslim World in 1921 after the First World War. Then in 1947 the French, Great Britain, and the United States assisted in settling German Jews who fled the holocaust, into the land of Palestine, and essentially creating modern day Israel. The Palestinians and Muslims from other Islamic countries around the world have been fighting such an acquisition, that for the most parts amounts to Europeans taking a homeland from its indigenous people in that part of the world. In similar fashion in which Europeans took America from Native Americans. Even if most of the stories and other propaganda about alleged violent extremist Muslims were in fact entirely true, in the case of Israel at least, it would almost seem justified when considering the volume of people, especially innocent children that have been slaughtered by the U.S. backed state of Israel, who has historically rationalized such violent aggression against the Palestinian people by claiming an illegitimate birth right to that region of the world.
So it continues to baffle scholars and other learned men of “Light,” how easily manipulated Christians are by their government leaders and clergy in the Western World. The solicitation of fear to the Christians by opportunistic men of power throughout the globe has all of humanity transfixed and gripped with fear of Muslim people who have only fought to get their land back from Europeans who invaded their country. The entire myth regarding Jesus Christ being a Jew is a lie. Fact! The untruth that has been told now for nearly a hundred years, that European Jews’ ancestors were born in Palestine is a lie. Fact! Just like the Western Worlds’ claim that violent extremist want to kill Americans for some unprovoked reason is a lie. In fact, I would even venture to say that the terrorist attacks in Paris France wasn’t the work of some radical Muslims hell bent on killing a bunch of innocent people.
Instead of allowing Western propaganda to control the way Americans and Christians around the world think, perhaps some good old fashion common sense might assist with sorting out the dilution of the facts which continuously are being predicated on lies told by evil, violent, and cowardice men in power, who aim to push an agenda no matter who may end up as a grisly image of carnage circulating through media around the world.

For years considerable thought has been given by the American people to the consequences of our government’s actions pertaining to foreign affairs when innocent civilians are caught between the cross hairs of religious wars that are only verified by what the media and politicians tell us here in America, but whether they are actually true accounts of what’s really going on throughout the world or not, the images of dead and dieing children at the hands of the U.S. military, seems to be a tremendous expense to incur in the name of protecting democracy. Stop the lies so the world may live in peace.
The People’s Champion
I’m Crime Blogger David B. Adams
When the world first became aware of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday the 13th, it sent shock waves of fear across the globe. The Western World Governments and its allies quickly spent the story as a direct result of ISIS. The media has been promoting propaganda about the so called terrorist group for the past few years in stories mainly related to the Syrian conflict in that country. Now the global media wants humanity to believe that these ban of terrorist who were originally only thought to be composed of stone throwing rebels trying to oust Syrian President Brashar al-Assad, have some how risen to the heights of a global threat and are now miraculously expanding their purported acts of violence outside of Syria.
The volume of human life lost in what appeared to be six separate well organized attacks against innocent French citizens, at public venues in Paris, were for the most part unprovoked related to ISIS’ so called acts of terror that were originally alleged and thought to have been isolated to the Syrian conflict. The sudden attack on the French has sent a rippling effect around the world challenging the reliability of the media’s coverage of the attacks, and exactly who may have been responsible for such devastating carnage against the French people.
While the world mourns for Paris a developing perspective continues to rise from the dust of horror, and perhaps suggest that the attacks were well planned, orchestrated, and met out to symbolize an act of evil dating back to the ancient times of the world. Scholars and others of higher learning are easily led to the annals of archaic history during “The Dark Ages.” Few are knowledgeable regarding the very origins of Friday the 13th, its superstition, and why a legacy of unluckiness has shadowed that particular day for centuries.
Often dismissed as myth deriving from folklore, Friday the 13th has in fact often been referred to as “the day that changed the world.” Its disturbing parallel of the Paris attack to the original Friday the 13th in the year 1307, ironically also in Paris France, perhaps is well beyond coincidence, circumstance, and chance. Two of the most horrific days in French history were both on this daunting and curse filled day. Mirroring details surrounding wealth, power, and deception which resulted in fear within the masses, as well as murderous death throughout the land would be the order for both of these days.
The initial unlucky day was on October 13, 1307 when King Phillip IV pulled off a stunning piece of work by having hundreds of the most powerful within the Christian military order (The Knights Templars) arrested. The Templars were among the most wealthiest and powerful, and were prominent actors in Christian finance. King Phillip was in debt to the Templars for their assistance to France’ in the crusades against England. Endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church around 1129, the Order of the Templars became a favored charity throughout all of Christendom and grew rapidly in membership and power. Templar Knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades of ancient Europe.

A costume resembling the image of the Knights Templar.
Unfortunately, the secrecy surrounding the Templars’ initiation grew into mistrust, and King Phillip took advantage, by ceasing the opportunity to spread false accusations against the Templars (similar to today’s government attempts to spread untruths throughout the world, for the purpose of accomplishing objects of the elites and superpowers). Through coercion by torture, many of the Templars confessed to crimes for which they had not committed. Jacques de Molay who was the last Grand Master of the Templars, recanted his confession, and King Phillip ordered him to be burned at the stake on an island in the River Seine in front of Notre Dame de Paris. The dramatic execution of the last leader of the Templar Knights turned de Molay into a legendary figure and subsequently created the superstition surrounding Friday the 13th.
Considering the circumstances surrounding the details of how the order of Templar Knights fell, directly as a result of fabricated accusations against the Templars and the associated power and wealth that the order possessed, only causes widening suspicion related to the most recent Friday the 13th tragedy in France. Critics and other pundits may argue that tragedies over seven centuries apart is a tremendous stretch in terms of making a comparative argument.
However, regardless of who the terrorist actually were that committed such a heinous act against humanity, a very compelling argument could be made that the conspirators were very well learned, and perhaps students to the origins of Friday the 13th. Additionally, the initial reports related to the alleged terrorist suggest that none of them were Syrian Nationals (possibly not ISIS), until reports emerged out of France today alleging the killing of suspected terrorist Abdelhamid Abaaoud. All but one of the suspected terrorist that killed 129 people are also now dead, accept suspected terrorist conspirator Abdeslam Salah who French authorities say is now on the run.
So, in all actuality there are over a hundred innocent people who are now dead, nearly all of the alleged terrorist are reportedly dead as well, and nothing remains but the government and the media’ version of what they allege actually occurred. Its a disturbing reality directly derived from other questionable acts of terror, like the events of 9/11 which served as a cause to launch the U.S. and other nations into war on the basic premise that democracy was under attack by terrorist around the world. These questionable campaigns of war heighten greater suspicion toward world governments when the subject country from which politicians claim are the source of evilness and terrorism, just coincidentally happen to be sovereign countries with vast natural resources that are vital to the U.S. economy. The world war machine spearheaded by the United States marches on in the latest crusade against Islam.
Students of world history know that religion has been the catalyst for every conflict among the nations since the onset of recorded history. Just like every historic act of war ever, religious leaders have always been involved in the affairs of politics, government finances, and the use of a nations’ military to achieve objects influenced by theology. Though he sits seemingly cloaked and far removed from all that is occurring throughout the world, the Pope administers to faithful followers while wearing the traditional white mantle embroidered with the iconic emblem of the Knights Templar. Perhaps in an act of solidarity by the Catholic church over the lost of Catholicism’s greatest defender of the Christian (scottish) Right, the very coincidence of France’ most recent tragedy on Friday the 13th may suggest, just like Pope Clement V’s involvement in events of the cursed day back in 1307, the current day leader of the Catholic Church hands might also be stained with the blood of French citizens who died in the Paris attack.

The “Holy Father” Pope Benedict wearing a sash embroidered with the emblem of the Knights Templar.
While the leader of modern day Catholicism still parades the world in attire that replicate iconic symbols of archaic orders of the Christian (Scottish) Right, for those who already know, such images only exposes the close relationship between the Catholic Church and totalitarianism among secretive organizations around the world. After all, it was in fact Pope Clement V who ordered Papal arrest warrants for hundreds of Knights Templars during the initial Friday the 13th of the early 14th century. Though such power and influence by the Pontiff has largely been shadowed from the world, the Roman Catholic Church has always been involved in the politics, and decision making regarding military action surrounding global affairs through out the development of civilization within the last millennium. The current state of world crisis that is being circulated by global media, like the purported onset of terrorist by so called Islamist groups across the globe, is a kin to the spreading of lies, rumors, conjecture, and other hyperbole that King Phillip IV utilized to persuade condemnation of the Knights Templars’ fall from prominence to death during medieval times.
The vast majority of the world’s population remains brainwashed by superpower governments and their supporting cast of media outlets, regarding threats of terror from violent extremist from Muslims around the globe. Without the benefit of knowledge pertaining to the history of Christianity and Islam, most may find themselves confused as to why such a religious group of people are hell bent on destroying those who practice other religions. This is where history teaches us that wars between Muslims and Christians date back hundreds of years, when European barbarians were essentially poor and starving in the hills of the most gelid part of the world. The quest for wealth and the promotion of Christianity is what brought the King’s to Jerusalem (the Holy City) during countless battles. The period of the early 12th century teaches us that the Muslim were the indigenous culture of people throughout the land of Palestine (believed to be the home of Abraham and Solomon from the Bible), and that the great Muslim leader Saladinn Eyubi led countless forays against the crusades of England and France who continuously attempted to overtake Jerusalem from the Muslims.
Conflicts between the two religions would carry on for centuries as the Holy City of Jerusalem would fall in and out of the hands of both faiths respectively. The Europeans would finally recapture Jerusalem from the Muslim World in 1921 after the First World War. Then in 1947 the French, Great Britain, and the United States assisted in settling German Jews who fled the holocaust, into the land of Palestine, and essentially creating modern day Israel. The Palestinians and Muslims from other Islamic countries around the world have been fighting such an acquisition, that for the most parts amounts to Europeans taking a homeland from its indigenous people in that part of the world. In similar fashion in which Europeans took America from Native Americans. Even if most of the stories and other propaganda about alleged violent extremist Muslims were in fact entirely true, in the case of Israel at least, it would almost seem justified when considering the volume of people, especially innocent children that have been slaughtered by the U.S. backed state of Israel, who has historically rationalized such violent aggression against the Palestinian people by claiming an illegitimate birth right to that region of the world.
So it continues to baffle scholars and other learned men of “Light,” how easily manipulated Christians are by their government leaders and clergy in the Western World. The solicitation of fear to the Christians by opportunistic men of power throughout the globe has all of humanity transfixed and gripped with fear of Muslim people who have only fought to get their land back from Europeans who invaded their country. The entire myth regarding Jesus Christ being a Jew is a lie. Fact! The untruth that has been told now for nearly a hundred years, that European Jews’ ancestors were born in Palestine is a lie. Fact! Just like the Western Worlds’ claim that violent extremist want to kill Americans for some unprovoked reason is a lie. In fact, I would even venture to say that the terrorist attacks in Paris France wasn’t the work of some radical Muslims hell bent on killing a bunch of innocent people.
Instead of allowing Western propaganda to control the way Americans and Christians around the world think, perhaps some good old fashion common sense might assist with sorting out the dilution of the facts which continuously are being predicated on lies told by evil, violent, and cowardice men in power, who aim to push an agenda no matter who may end up as a grisly image of carnage circulating through media around the world.

For years considerable thought has been given by the American people to the consequences of our government’s actions pertaining to foreign affairs when innocent civilians are caught between the cross hairs of religious wars that are only verified by what the media and politicians tell us here in America, but whether they are actually true accounts of what’s really going on throughout the world or not, the images of dead and dieing children at the hands of the U.S. military, seems to be a tremendous expense to incur in the name of protecting democracy. Stop the lies so the world may live in peace.
The People’s Champion
I’m Crime Blogger David B. Adams
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