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A Holiday Season’s Greatest Gift: TPC Asked To Solicit Aid For Poor Displaced Children

Their faces are filled with cheer, joy, excitement, and the spirit of happiness many children experience on Christmas morning can only be trumped by the sadness that poor and disenfranchised kids endure, when for reason they could never understand, the abundance of goodwill, giving, and the glaring bright lights of the most festive time of the Christian holidays seems to have skipped their doorsteps again this year. It’s almost unfair some say, for Christmas, though largely a children’s holiday is the most celebrated religous event around the world, and whether you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ or not you must submit to the universal ideology of love, compassion, and the spirit of giving that the holiday promotes around the globe.

Yet, the annual celebration sparks emotional and other despondent behavior by many who are left out in the cold, and on the doorsteps of prosperity. Christmas time is also the greatest period within society where depression, crime, and sadness engulfs struggling families. The rate of suicidal deaths also increase around Christmas, as some face the reality of their inability to provide gifts and material benevolence to their poor struggling families. The difficulties of having to explain to young children the family’s sub-par economic status is perhaps one of the most disheartening task many families are gripped with, while children from other families enjoy a seemingly more prosperous holiday. To small children words like economics, poverty, and unemployment is simply incomprehensible.

Children who aren’t developed in cultures which practice other religous philosophies are cast into an emotional state which has the potential of impacting their development, and until these children are more conformed individuals the unfortunate circumstance of poverty and economic depravity will more than likely met out serious psychological and self esteem disparity within small kids. A child’s inability to analyze their family’s financial status should be of no consequence to how holidays such as Christmas can be detrimental to early childhood development.

Many root causes of poverty such as single family homes, lost of spouse or significant others due to incarceration, or crime can play a major role in a family’s inability to provide their children with the full experience of religous holidays. Whether it’s hard times, a parent having fallen victim to violent crime, or other factors which create poor financial support for struggling families, the children often catch the brunt end of a family’s lack of economic prosperity.

The People’s Champion Blog has never had a request of this nature presented to us. A request has been made to support and solicit aid for one struggling family with small children for the Christmas holiday, and though I personally am not Christian I understand how poverty impacts poor and needy families particularly during this time of year. I am requesting that those of you within my readership base assist TPC in keeping it’s promise to a struggling family which has reached out for help during their difficult time. If you have ever been impacted by the lost of a loved one due to violence, or have experienced a rough patch in life, then I am certain you could emphasize with families experiencing financial hardship.

With that being said TPC has donated to the Wells-Dubois Institute, and are soliciting donations to support one family during this holiday season. Donations can be made via PayPal at Wells-Dubois Institute, and I encourage those who care, to give this family at least something to assist them during their financial hardship. Your donations of minimal generosity such as $1, $5, and $10 dollars will go a long way in providing essentials such as clothing, food, and shelter for this family to help them toward a better start for the New Year. If you know me, and have followed my advocacy work here at The People’s Champion Blog, you know that my word is backed up by my life, and I intend to do what I can to help one family this year as I promised (even on such short notice). Can you and will you help them? May God Bless you all for your support in this endeavor. God speed!



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams


David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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Their faces are filled with cheer, joy, excitement, and the spirit of happiness many children experience on Christmas morning can only be trumped by the sadness that poor and disenfranchised kids endure, when for reason they could never understand, the abundance of goodwill, giving, and the glaring bright lights of the most festive time of the Christian holidays seems to have skipped their doorsteps again this year. It’s almost unfair some say, for Christmas, though largely a children’s holiday is the most celebrated religous event around the world, and whether you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ or not you must submit to the universal ideology of love, compassion, and the spirit of giving that the holiday promotes around the globe.

Yet, the annual celebration sparks emotional and other despondent behavior by many who are left out in the cold, and on the doorsteps of prosperity. Christmas time is also the greatest period within society where depression, crime, and sadness engulfs struggling families. The rate of suicidal deaths also increase around Christmas, as some face the reality of their inability to provide gifts and material benevolence to their poor struggling families. The difficulties of having to explain to young children the family’s sub-par economic status is perhaps one of the most disheartening task many families are gripped with, while children from other families enjoy a seemingly more prosperous holiday. To small children words like economics, poverty, and unemployment is simply incomprehensible.

Children who aren’t developed in cultures which practice other religous philosophies are cast into an emotional state which has the potential of impacting their development, and until these children are more conformed individuals the unfortunate circumstance of poverty and economic depravity will more than likely met out serious psychological and self esteem disparity within small kids. A child’s inability to analyze their family’s financial status should be of no consequence to how holidays such as Christmas can be detrimental to early childhood development.

Many root causes of poverty such as single family homes, lost of spouse or significant others due to incarceration, or crime can play a major role in a family’s inability to provide their children with the full experience of religous holidays. Whether it’s hard times, a parent having fallen victim to violent crime, or other factors which create poor financial support for struggling families, the children often catch the brunt end of a family’s lack of economic prosperity.

The People’s Champion Blog has never had a request of this nature presented to us. A request has been made to support and solicit aid for one struggling family with small children for the Christmas holiday, and though I personally am not Christian I understand how poverty impacts poor and needy families particularly during this time of year. I am requesting that those of you within my readership base assist TPC in keeping it’s promise to a struggling family which has reached out for help during their difficult time. If you have ever been impacted by the lost of a loved one due to violence, or have experienced a rough patch in life, then I am certain you could emphasize with families experiencing financial hardship.

With that being said TPC has donated to the Wells-Dubois Institute, and are soliciting donations to support one family during this holiday season. Donations can be made via PayPal at Wells-Dubois Institute, and I encourage those who care, to give this family at least something to assist them during their financial hardship. Your donations of minimal generosity such as $1, $5, and $10 dollars will go a long way in providing essentials such as clothing, food, and shelter for this family to help them toward a better start for the New Year. If you know me, and have followed my advocacy work here at The People’s Champion Blog, you know that my word is backed up by my life, and I intend to do what I can to help one family this year as I promised (even on such short notice). Can you and will you help them? May God Bless you all for your support in this endeavor. God speed!



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams


David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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