Late Breaking News In Phylicia Barnes Case: Are Arrest Imminent In The Late Teen’s Murder?
Posted by David Adams on December 21st, 2011

Concerned citizens in Baltimore who have been following the Phylicia Barnes Murder case awoke today to headlines in a Baltimore Sun News Article which reads, “State Police: Progress made in Phylicia Barnes investigation”. The story highlighted a public statement from the Maryland State Police, in anticipation of Media inquiries surrounding the approaching anniversary of the teen’ killing, and the first time that authorities have broken their silence since reports of a possible “child porn” link surfaced back in early July of this year. Though authorities declined public comment regarding the specifics of the murder investigation’s progress, it appears that the killing of Beautiful and Studious Phylicia Barnes isn’t a cold case, but rather tips and information from the public has aided authorities in what ever they apparently have discovered that resulted in the promising teen’ demise. Read full article below:
(BALTIMORE, MD) – Maryland State Police homicide investigators and their partners in the Baltimore Police Department are actively continuing their investigation into the murder of a North Carolina teenager, who went missing while visiting family in Baltimore almost one year ago.
Phylicia Barnes was visiting family in Baltimore when she disappeared on December 28, 2010. Her body was found on the morning of April 20, 2011, in the Susquehanna River near the Conowingo Dam in Harford County. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled her death was a homicide. Investigators have yet to publicly release the cause of death due to the importance of that information to the ongoing investigation.
Detectives from multiple units in the Baltimore Police Department, including the Homicide Unit, were investigating the disappearance of Barnes. When her body was found in Harford County, Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators joined the investigation into her murder. This joint investigation has continued since April, with the assistance of multiple other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
No charges have been filed or arrests made in connection with the murder of Phylicia Barnes. Investigators have worked the case continually and progress has been made, although making the details of that progress public at this time could hinder the outcome of the investigation. The work of investigators has included re-interviewing family and friends, reviewing evidence, searching for and analyzing additional evidence, and conducting forensic examinations. Investigators have continued to work with the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office and have kept officials there updated on the investigation.
Concerned citizens have called regularly with tips and theories for investigators. That information has all been reviewed, analyzed, and investigated. Police continue to urge anyone with information regarding the murder of Phylicia Barnes to contact them immediately. Persons with information may call the TIPS Line that has been established since Barnes disappeared at 1-855-223-0033. Or, they can call the Maryland State Police duty officer at 410-653-4200. Calls may be kept confidential.
Homicide investigators have maintained contact with the family of Phylicia Barnes, both in North Carolina and Baltimore. They have assured family members the investigation is active and ongoing.
Copyright © 2011, The Baltimore Sun
In the article State Police Authorities are quoted as saying, “progress has been made, although making the details of that progress public at this time could hinder the outcome of the investigation”. That statement I am sure, was met with absolute joy by thousands who have been clinging to news clips, articles, and blog entries to remain updated about any progress what so ever in this heinous crime. Although this recent public statements appears generic on it’s face, we must conclude that the Police have something that they are continuously working on, and arrest in the killing of Phylicia Barnes has now in fact been confirmed to be imminent.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams

Concerned citizens in Baltimore who have been following the Phylicia Barnes Murder case awoke today to headlines in a Baltimore Sun News Article which reads, “State Police: Progress made in Phylicia Barnes investigation”. The story highlighted a public statement from the Maryland State Police, in anticipation of Media inquiries surrounding the approaching anniversary of the teen’ killing, and the first time that authorities have broken their silence since reports of a possible “child porn” link surfaced back in early July of this year. Though authorities declined public comment regarding the specifics of the murder investigation’s progress, it appears that the killing of Beautiful and Studious Phylicia Barnes isn’t a cold case, but rather tips and information from the public has aided authorities in what ever they apparently have discovered that resulted in the promising teen’ demise. Read full article below:
(BALTIMORE, MD) – Maryland State Police homicide investigators and their partners in the Baltimore Police Department are actively continuing their investigation into the murder of a North Carolina teenager, who went missing while visiting family in Baltimore almost one year ago.
Phylicia Barnes was visiting family in Baltimore when she disappeared on December 28, 2010. Her body was found on the morning of April 20, 2011, in the Susquehanna River near the Conowingo Dam in Harford County. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled her death was a homicide. Investigators have yet to publicly release the cause of death due to the importance of that information to the ongoing investigation.
Detectives from multiple units in the Baltimore Police Department, including the Homicide Unit, were investigating the disappearance of Barnes. When her body was found in Harford County, Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators joined the investigation into her murder. This joint investigation has continued since April, with the assistance of multiple other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
No charges have been filed or arrests made in connection with the murder of Phylicia Barnes. Investigators have worked the case continually and progress has been made, although making the details of that progress public at this time could hinder the outcome of the investigation. The work of investigators has included re-interviewing family and friends, reviewing evidence, searching for and analyzing additional evidence, and conducting forensic examinations. Investigators have continued to work with the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office and have kept officials there updated on the investigation.
Concerned citizens have called regularly with tips and theories for investigators. That information has all been reviewed, analyzed, and investigated. Police continue to urge anyone with information regarding the murder of Phylicia Barnes to contact them immediately. Persons with information may call the TIPS Line that has been established since Barnes disappeared at 1-855-223-0033. Or, they can call the Maryland State Police duty officer at 410-653-4200. Calls may be kept confidential.
Homicide investigators have maintained contact with the family of Phylicia Barnes, both in North Carolina and Baltimore. They have assured family members the investigation is active and ongoing.
Copyright © 2011, The Baltimore Sun
In the article State Police Authorities are quoted as saying, “progress has been made, although making the details of that progress public at this time could hinder the outcome of the investigation”. That statement I am sure, was met with absolute joy by thousands who have been clinging to news clips, articles, and blog entries to remain updated about any progress what so ever in this heinous crime. Although this recent public statements appears generic on it’s face, we must conclude that the Police have something that they are continuously working on, and arrest in the killing of Phylicia Barnes has now in fact been confirmed to be imminent.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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That news is such a blessing to hear, Prayfully before we reach the new year Mr. and Mrs. Mustafa and their family can finally say justice has been served… But should The Baltimore Barnes’ be contacted by the Homicide Investigators?
I agree with David, its great to know that this is not a cold case but the statement was so geneic that it offered nothing really. We want an arrest now, plenty have been arrested, charged, and convicted of less. They have emails records, name of the last person to see her, and so forth so…..
The article was short, sweet and to the point. I think they were letting us know that they are still working behind the scenes and they have not forgotten, they have to be very close to solving this case. I think they wanted us to know that they hear us and they are working hard. I think it’s genuine and we don’t want them to say anything until after the arrests come. The probably already been well informed which is why the investigation has taken so long, so let’s continue to pray that justice is served very soon and that everyone is rightfully brought to justice.
They should be contacted by the investigators and made to take Polygraphs, by the FBI anyway if they have family tied up in the police force.
Here is another article from today on Phylicia’s case —
Hope the link works.
And I wonder just does he expect to be arrested?
Great article Mr. David! I was so happy to see that this morning because I feel like justice is really soon to be served. It has been a sin and a shame to sit back and watch Deena, Kelly, Russell, and the Johnson clan going on with life like nothing has happened. Everything that we have prayed, hoped for, and talked about is coming to the light. I am so thankful for God pulling the covers back. Let’s all continue to pray and keep her name alive. Let’s pray that EVERYBODY involved directly and indirectly will be brought to the light and to justice. Justice for Phylicia Barnes!
It’s a good thing the police and FBI aren’t saying too much because if Deena won’t show up to court for a speeding ticket, imagine if they tell her she’s a suspect, she might catch a space shuttle to Mars lol.
This isn’t a traffic court case for Deena. It’s an eviction proceeding. It looks like Management was getting on her for the volume of people staying at her place. It says she broke her lease.
I saw the eviction Mr. David, but if you notice, she has 3 active pending cases. The eviction is 1 and 2 more.
She also has a record that is not available to the public.
I was wondering why she was failing to appear on something so simple, it makes you wonder what is really going on and what she is capable of hiding.
REALLLY?!!?! Russell Barnes satisfied with the progress the case has made? I had to read this 3 times to make sure my eyes are not playing tricks on me! It’s not April Fool’s Day right?
Russell you are a sorry, pitiful disgusting creep! Here you go back trying to manipulate the media again with your antics, lies, & misery. You ran out of outlets to manipulate people, so now you try to manipulate the Christian folks on the gospel channel? This has gone too far Russell, you are truly despicable and disgusting.
We feel strongly they will be making an arrest, they tell me—> Russell said —> So who do you think will be handcuffed then Russell? Do you see handcuffs in Deena & Kelly’s future? I sure do–> I bet they did assure you they will be making arrests & I can’t wait until they do. I hope they arrest you too, just for being a deadbeat, ignorant dad, and manipulating and lying to the media & caring citizens of the United States.
In a prepared statement Wednesday, police said: “Investigators have worked the case continually and progress has been made, although making the details of that progress public at this time could hinder the outcome of the investigation–> What do you think of that Russell? Yea, sounds like your lil family/clan is going down! I hope you go down with them you sorry, pompous, son of a bitch.
WONDERFUL CONFIRMATION of our prayers! Thank you, TPC, for being such a light for Phylicia. A nation wraps the Sallis-Mustafa family in prayerful hugs. Justice will NOT be denied, it’s not even going to be delayed!! It’s THOROUGH.
Praise God. Praise God. Praise God!
For anyone on the fence, here’s a rather shotty statement analysis, but EXCELLENT transcription of the Nancy Grace show the day Phylicia was found. The show featured llessur barnes and his reaction to Phylicia’s body being found in the Susquehanna was about as cold as anything I’ve ever heard.
Throughout the discussion, he keeps “focused” on aneed rather than expressing any care, concern, anguish, or ?? for Phylicia.
Here’s the link:
There are no words to describe the depravity and lack of humanity for those involved in Phylicia’s murder. They are sadly mistaken to think her blood wouldn’t cry out for AND receive justice. A nation is watching…
Yea, it was very, dry, heartless, and non-concerned.
To Mr. Mustafa-Mr. Adams please ensure he reads this because he posted a message to me and due to computer problems I couldn’t respond. Mr. Mustafa knows where he posted!!!
My daughters and I MADE SURE the donation went to the NC bank address listed on Phylicia’s website after reading about donation
for her funeral and casket I think. Another donation to her scholarship fund at Union Academy (I got address off FB page) is on its way. I don’t do social media so my daughter keeps me updated. My family and I are so sorry you lost an angel in a city that has been so good to us!!! JFPB!!!!
We live in the city so maybe we’ll meet if God gives me jury duty……..
dear JFPB the Mustafas truly apologize for the fraud that has taken a hold on you and ur family donations towards Phylicia Simone’s funeral and casket expenses. I am deeply sympathic of you and ur family being HAD, HOOD WINKED and BAMBOOSLED. We the Mustafa family didn’t ask for any donations for our baby’s funeral cost and/or casket.Her homegoing celebration was taken care of rightfully so by her family. I don’t know whom you donated monetary funds to but we didn’t ask the public for any assistance towards her classy home going.
What we did ask of the public to donate funds to the Phylicia Simone Barnes scholar ship funds through Union Academy phone # is 704-238-8883 or 704-283-5678. We are sincerely apologetic that some scum bombs played on ur sympathy.
Oh wow. Russell swindling ppl out of their money huh? Smh
We hope that you didn’t send any funds to the fifth third bank, because a so called reverend tried to scam people asking for donation on her funeral and casket expenses and opened up a business account because he could NOT open it in her name because he needed her social security number which he didn’t have. We didn’t need any assistance on that area the funeral cost was taken care of without asking the public to help out, and I must say so myself my daughter had a very classy homegoing celebration back to our/my Father God the Creator. If anybody wants to make any donations plz send all monetaries to Union Academy for the Phylicia Simone Barnes’ scholarship in her honor. Thanx again.
Oh I wanted to add NO HARD EARNED DIME of mine will ever be donated in B more because the reckless behavior in that apt of the so called adults go against my parenting. Now this is where Mrs. Sallis-Mustafa and I 100% AGREE!!!!
GREAT! I’m glad people are finally starting to wake up, because russel’s staying focused campaign is more of a keep deena out of jail campaign and the focus off of himself and the other barnes.
@Van, your so right! a nation is watching everyday. So Phylicia Barnes can RIP.