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Nyamodi Youth Detention Reported To FBI As A Federal Crime: Black Teen Now Feared To Be Held Hostage By State Of North Carolina

In the United States every citizen is guaranteed certain Constitutional rights under the law, although states within our union approach the implementation of government legislation in various contrasting ways, the Constitution is often seen as a safeguard toward liberties that the founding fathers intended all Americans to fall heir, and often times cases arrive within our society that stretch the boundaries of justice when state courts in our nation make questionable rulings when people of color encounter the criminal justice system. The disturbing story of Shannon Nyamodi just happens to be such a case. Nyamodi is a black teen held by the Franklin County Deputy’s Office for allegedly shooting a white woman in the face at point blank range. Despite earlier reports that the victim had stated he wasn’t involved, and official police reports on record in the case supporting his non involvement, somehow the youth was subsequently charged for the crime anyway.

The teen has since been held in custody for nearly 16 months in a strange sequence of events in which a Superior Court judge ordered the case taken off of the North Carolina court management docket system until such time that the state prosecutor handling the case decides to bring it back on. The ruling extended tremendous discretion to the state while completely ignoring any speedy trial rights guaranteed a criminal defendant under federal law. Also, the ruling is a direct infringement upon the 6th amendment rights of this defendant as applied to the 14th amendment outlined within the U.S. Constitution. These bizarre elements of Shannon Nyamodi’s plight to regain his freedom perhaps reveals serious violations by North Carolina courts, and establishing one of the greatest human rights struggles of modern time. In essence, the teen is being held in captivity with no pending charges against him in the state’s court dockets, an indication which typically indicate that a case has been dismissed by the court, and highlighting what maybe an unprecedented occurrence of a criminal defendant having his charges dropped while remanded to custody by county jail officials in the state of North Carolina.

Shannon’s story has began to acquire national attention from bloggers, radio broadcast, and other media sources outside of the state. His case is seen by many followers as a human rights case, but other disturbing events have occurred creating serious concerns for the teen’s personal safety and overall well being. The youth’s attorney has been paid a $50,000 dollar retainer to represent him, but has failed to perform his obligations to his client reasonably expected by an attorney related to a criminal case of this nature. In fact, last week attorney Maitry “Mike” Klinkosum (a former North Carolina state prosecutor) who was hired by the Nyamodi family allegedly made threats toward his client, and the Nyamodi family. Klinkosum allegedly told Shannon “if you talk to your mother or anyone else in this case, I’ll make sure you get 30 years in prison.” The attorney cited issue with Shannon’s mother diligent and tenacious involvement in securing her son’s freedom. Additionally, Shannon has been placed on segregation within the confines of the Franklin County jail. A measure that jail administrators have claimed was to protect the youth from other violent offenders also held at the detention center.

Those claims made directly to Ms. Elizabeth Crudup (Shannon’s mother) are believed by many corrections professionals associated with the case, to be a smoke screen to hinder exposure of a possible covert attempt to isolate the teen, making him more prone and vulnerable to agree to some sort of plea deal to gain his freedom. Detainees in correctional settings who are placed on segregation are normally subjected to confinement to their cell for 23 hours a day while being allowed out for only one hour as ordered by federal consent decrees implemented to safeguard prisoners from cruel and unusual punishment. These practices are also normally assigned to the most violent offenders in correctional facilities. There has been no indication that the youth has been in trouble while being detained, and his jailer’s strange housing classification for Shannon Nyamodi may be part of a disturbing culture of misconduct by court, prosecutors, and corrections officials to break the teen’s spirit to obtain a guilty plea from him for criminal charges that many believe were fabricated against him from the very start.

The case of Shannon Nyamodi has also acquired attention from various criminal justice advocacy groups who aided the teen’s mother in composing a Habeas Corpus document to have the state court present a lawful premise for the youth’s continued detention. The Habeas was struct down by the state’s senior superior court judge (Hobgood) without even affording the teen an actual hearing. An occurrence that legal professionals say is a “strange judicial practice” indigenous to North Carolina courts, especially considering the heinous nature in which the defendant’s Constitutional Rights have been violated. In fact, Shannon Nyamodi has only made one court appearance during this entire ordeal, which was during his initial arraignment for the charges he now faces. The Habeas document did afford the mother an impromptu one on one dialogue with judge Hobgood in his chambers.

Since that time her contact with her son has slowly come to a complete hault. She attempted to visit her son on January 21, 2014, and was advised by the jail administration that her son doesn’t wish to speak to her or anyone else. Elizabeth Crudup says it’s simply unconscionable that her son would refuse to speak with her. This suspicious turn of events fuels a growing perspective that Shannon Nyamodi is in fact being purposely cut off from all contact from those who would advocate for fairness related to this case on his behalf. Now that the youth has allegedly been threatened by his own attorney, and seemingly cut off from his family, the stakes have been raised pointing to complete uncertainty of Shannon Nyamodi’s life. His languishment in a county jail for nearly 16 months with no official charges against him on the North Carolina court docket system, and no indication in sight pointing to when the young man will have his day in court has created a sense of urgency and a crisis that should be a concern to every American in our nation.

Countless practicing attorneys have offered their disbelief, and outrage related to the judicial handling of Shannon’s case, and upon the urgence of sources associated with the Nyamodi family, his mother has taken action to have her son’s case investigated by federal authorities. Elizabeth Crudup has filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) charging that court officials, and law enforcement agencies are holding Shannon Nyamodi hostage at the Franklin County jail in North Carolina. It has always been the position of the Nyamodi family for shannon to  be afforded the same fairness as every American citizen is entitled under state and federal law, by simply having his day in court. For some reason prosecutors have taken ill advised measures to prolong prosecution of Shannon. The strange judicial handling of this young man’s criminal case not only raises continued suspicion as to why the state has hidden this case in the state court archives for so long, but may potentially point to prosecutorial abuse, misconduct, and actually may reveal exculpatory evidence establishing the complete innocence of young Shannon Nyamodi in this crime altogether.

The Nyamodi family is leaning on hope that a federal inquiry into the case of Shannon Nyamodi will bring to bare the obvious Constitutional Rights violations surrounding his case, and act as a measure of accountability while insuring that harm won’t fall upon him while being detained in the Franklin County jail. The family asked for continued prayers for their son from the public, and encourage followers of his story to write him directly to encourage him to be strong, not to give up hope, and not take a plea deal nor accept any responsibility for this crime. Elizabeth Crudup says that young Shannon’s attorney has been pressuring to take a plea deal ever since he received the $50,000 dollar retainer the family paid him, and believes that her son’s detention in segregation is being conducted to break him while ustilizing duress to obtained an admission of guilt. Letters of support for Shannon Nyamodi can be sent to: Shannon Nyamodi, 285 T. Kemp Road, Louisburg, NC 27549.

Also, CALL/EMAIL MIKE KLINKOSUM or any of the partner attorney’s at Cheshire Parker Schneider http://www.cheshireparker.com Phone: (919) 833-3114 Fax: (919) 832-0739. Tell them to do their jobs and stop persecuting Shannon Nyamodi TODAY!

To Be Continued ..



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams



David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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In the United States every citizen is guaranteed certain Constitutional rights under the law, although states within our union approach the implementation of government legislation in various contrasting ways, the Constitution is often seen as a safeguard toward liberties that the founding fathers intended all Americans to fall heir, and often times cases arrive within our society that stretch the boundaries of justice when state courts in our nation make questionable rulings when people of color encounter the criminal justice system. The disturbing story of Shannon Nyamodi just happens to be such a case. Nyamodi is a black teen held by the Franklin County Deputy’s Office for allegedly shooting a white woman in the face at point blank range. Despite earlier reports that the victim had stated he wasn’t involved, and official police reports on record in the case supporting his non involvement, somehow the youth was subsequently charged for the crime anyway.

The teen has since been held in custody for nearly 16 months in a strange sequence of events in which a Superior Court judge ordered the case taken off of the North Carolina court management docket system until such time that the state prosecutor handling the case decides to bring it back on. The ruling extended tremendous discretion to the state while completely ignoring any speedy trial rights guaranteed a criminal defendant under federal law. Also, the ruling is a direct infringement upon the 6th amendment rights of this defendant as applied to the 14th amendment outlined within the U.S. Constitution. These bizarre elements of Shannon Nyamodi’s plight to regain his freedom perhaps reveals serious violations by North Carolina courts, and establishing one of the greatest human rights struggles of modern time. In essence, the teen is being held in captivity with no pending charges against him in the state’s court dockets, an indication which typically indicate that a case has been dismissed by the court, and highlighting what maybe an unprecedented occurrence of a criminal defendant having his charges dropped while remanded to custody by county jail officials in the state of North Carolina.

Shannon’s story has began to acquire national attention from bloggers, radio broadcast, and other media sources outside of the state. His case is seen by many followers as a human rights case, but other disturbing events have occurred creating serious concerns for the teen’s personal safety and overall well being. The youth’s attorney has been paid a $50,000 dollar retainer to represent him, but has failed to perform his obligations to his client reasonably expected by an attorney related to a criminal case of this nature. In fact, last week attorney Maitry “Mike” Klinkosum (a former North Carolina state prosecutor) who was hired by the Nyamodi family allegedly made threats toward his client, and the Nyamodi family. Klinkosum allegedly told Shannon “if you talk to your mother or anyone else in this case, I’ll make sure you get 30 years in prison.” The attorney cited issue with Shannon’s mother diligent and tenacious involvement in securing her son’s freedom. Additionally, Shannon has been placed on segregation within the confines of the Franklin County jail. A measure that jail administrators have claimed was to protect the youth from other violent offenders also held at the detention center.

Those claims made directly to Ms. Elizabeth Crudup (Shannon’s mother) are believed by many corrections professionals associated with the case, to be a smoke screen to hinder exposure of a possible covert attempt to isolate the teen, making him more prone and vulnerable to agree to some sort of plea deal to gain his freedom. Detainees in correctional settings who are placed on segregation are normally subjected to confinement to their cell for 23 hours a day while being allowed out for only one hour as ordered by federal consent decrees implemented to safeguard prisoners from cruel and unusual punishment. These practices are also normally assigned to the most violent offenders in correctional facilities. There has been no indication that the youth has been in trouble while being detained, and his jailer’s strange housing classification for Shannon Nyamodi may be part of a disturbing culture of misconduct by court, prosecutors, and corrections officials to break the teen’s spirit to obtain a guilty plea from him for criminal charges that many believe were fabricated against him from the very start.

The case of Shannon Nyamodi has also acquired attention from various criminal justice advocacy groups who aided the teen’s mother in composing a Habeas Corpus document to have the state court present a lawful premise for the youth’s continued detention. The Habeas was struct down by the state’s senior superior court judge (Hobgood) without even affording the teen an actual hearing. An occurrence that legal professionals say is a “strange judicial practice” indigenous to North Carolina courts, especially considering the heinous nature in which the defendant’s Constitutional Rights have been violated. In fact, Shannon Nyamodi has only made one court appearance during this entire ordeal, which was during his initial arraignment for the charges he now faces. The Habeas document did afford the mother an impromptu one on one dialogue with judge Hobgood in his chambers.

Since that time her contact with her son has slowly come to a complete hault. She attempted to visit her son on January 21, 2014, and was advised by the jail administration that her son doesn’t wish to speak to her or anyone else. Elizabeth Crudup says it’s simply unconscionable that her son would refuse to speak with her. This suspicious turn of events fuels a growing perspective that Shannon Nyamodi is in fact being purposely cut off from all contact from those who would advocate for fairness related to this case on his behalf. Now that the youth has allegedly been threatened by his own attorney, and seemingly cut off from his family, the stakes have been raised pointing to complete uncertainty of Shannon Nyamodi’s life. His languishment in a county jail for nearly 16 months with no official charges against him on the North Carolina court docket system, and no indication in sight pointing to when the young man will have his day in court has created a sense of urgency and a crisis that should be a concern to every American in our nation.

Countless practicing attorneys have offered their disbelief, and outrage related to the judicial handling of Shannon’s case, and upon the urgence of sources associated with the Nyamodi family, his mother has taken action to have her son’s case investigated by federal authorities. Elizabeth Crudup has filed a criminal complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) charging that court officials, and law enforcement agencies are holding Shannon Nyamodi hostage at the Franklin County jail in North Carolina. It has always been the position of the Nyamodi family for shannon to  be afforded the same fairness as every American citizen is entitled under state and federal law, by simply having his day in court. For some reason prosecutors have taken ill advised measures to prolong prosecution of Shannon. The strange judicial handling of this young man’s criminal case not only raises continued suspicion as to why the state has hidden this case in the state court archives for so long, but may potentially point to prosecutorial abuse, misconduct, and actually may reveal exculpatory evidence establishing the complete innocence of young Shannon Nyamodi in this crime altogether.

The Nyamodi family is leaning on hope that a federal inquiry into the case of Shannon Nyamodi will bring to bare the obvious Constitutional Rights violations surrounding his case, and act as a measure of accountability while insuring that harm won’t fall upon him while being detained in the Franklin County jail. The family asked for continued prayers for their son from the public, and encourage followers of his story to write him directly to encourage him to be strong, not to give up hope, and not take a plea deal nor accept any responsibility for this crime. Elizabeth Crudup says that young Shannon’s attorney has been pressuring to take a plea deal ever since he received the $50,000 dollar retainer the family paid him, and believes that her son’s detention in segregation is being conducted to break him while ustilizing duress to obtained an admission of guilt. Letters of support for Shannon Nyamodi can be sent to: Shannon Nyamodi, 285 T. Kemp Road, Louisburg, NC 27549.

Also, CALL/EMAIL MIKE KLINKOSUM or any of the partner attorney’s at Cheshire Parker Schneider http://www.cheshireparker.com Phone: (919) 833-3114 Fax: (919) 832-0739. Tell them to do their jobs and stop persecuting Shannon Nyamodi TODAY!

To Be Continued ..



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams



David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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