Petro-Nixon Killing Approaching Ten Year Anniversary: Little Girl Thrown Out With Garbage Needs A Psychic Detective Walk On Her Case
Posted by David Adams on April 15th, 2016
The case files and all of the details surrounding a decades old New York homicide, are neatly packed away on some dusty shelf in an NYPD Cold Case Unit’s storage space. It was nearly ten years ago when a teen girl left her home to fill out a job application and then meet up with a friend. It was Father’s Day 2006 and perhaps a day which has been relived over and over again in the minds of the parents of Chanel Petro-Nixon. The church going kid who had never been in any kind of trouble before, didn’t make it to the local Applebees to fill out a job app as she had planned, nor did she make it to her date with a friend (If you believe his story), while she failed to return home that night, and seemingly just vanished from the rugged streets of Brooklyn New York. Chanel was a Boys & Girls High School honors student who followed a rigid studying habit, and was also very active in her local church. A rare trait for youth coming up during our time, while faced with distractions and the lures of urban culture paramount, and continually persist at every turn of young people’s lives.
Her life was so structured that when she went missing, her family and friends were probably hoping that this extraordinary kid was having a brief moment of youthful rebellion as most ordinary youth her age do, but Chanel’s stray from a straight and narrow path wasn’t due to some type of excursion from discipline. Her disappearance was mysterious, sudden, and remains puzzling still. As the hours mounted after the initial report of her disappearance was reported to authorities, days would elapse before the horrifying news emerged, and the painful discovery of a young female’s body was determined to be that of the Petro-Nixon teen.
Sanitation workers picking up trash on a Brooklyn street corner became alarmed one day when a load appeared unusually heavy, and emitted an extremely foul odor. Suspicious of what they had happened upon, the crew summoned New York police, who made the gruesome find of a body being in a garbage bag. The pretty and studious church going teen had been thrown out on the corner like common trash. Now after all these years, the realization that a cowardice scumbag who did this to a good kid is still on the loose, simply angers so many people, especially men who have daughters. She was a young up and coming girl, somebody’s daughter, a human life, and I have personally been relentless in seeking the whereabouts of the dark heart monster responsible for her killing ever since. The person who committed such a despicable and heinous crime must be captured, and as a society we must take the appropriate measures to insure that this person is permanently removed from society for ever.
However, Chanel’s case has never offered very many clues that could lead investigators in the right direction of capturing the perpetrator(s) of her murder. A short time after her killing, cops were looking closely at another young female who was killed (Jennifer Moore), and found striking similarities in the Moore and Petro-Nixon cases. Moore who was strangled to death after a night out partying in New Jersey was discovered with her pants pulled down, raped, and her body had been washed down with bleach to hide clues. While the Petro-Nixon teen wasn’t raped, she was also found to have her pants pulled down as well. Petro-Nixon had a chemical burn on her leg that investigators believe could be a result of bleach being used on her body. Both of the females were stuffed in black garbage bags and discarded (Moore was found inside a trash dumpster, and Petro-Nixon was tossed on a curb side with other garbage bags).

Jennifer Moore, body found discarded in a dumpster.
Investigators have publicly stated that known Pimp Draymond Coleman, who was pinched and prosecuted for the Moore killing, could in fact also be responsible for the killing of young Chanel Petro-Nixon as well. These were some of the interest that police officials had very early on in the investigation of the Petro-Nixon homicide, but any hopes of linking Coleman to the Brooklyn teen’s killing has never revealed any evidence connecting him to her murder. As the years have gone by since her death, investigators have since placed a tremendous amount of focus on the young man that Chanel was supposed to have met up with on the day of her disappearance. He has always claimed that she stood him up that day, but he is a very interesting character just like Coleman.
Chanel’s mother says that her daughter met the boy during a church function, he had been by their home on several occasions, and that he never gave any warning signs that he was trouble. A closer look at his background revealed that the youth had anything but a stellar past. Court records show that he had been charged with rape twice, and was acquitted in both cases. Several years later he was collared for violating a restraining order which an ex-girlfriend had filed against him. He was sentenced to prison time in that case, but just like Coleman, investigators have never been able to link him to Chanel’s killing. That’s where cops say they need the public’s help in finding the missing pieces in her case. No one in the teen’s Brooklyn neighborhood has ever come forward with pertinent information related to Chanel’s murder. There appears to be a very chilling and haunting silence in her community regarding her mysterious disappearance and subsequent murder. Investigators are convinced that someone out there has the information that they need to solve her case, and they may not even know that they hold the key to solving this case.

Chanel Petro-Nixon, body was discarded in a garbage bag of a street corner.
Unfortunately, cold cases like Chanel’s go unsolved for years, but there are alternative methods in getting help nfor these kind of criminal cases. While some find the method unorthodox, impractical and useless, Psychic Detectives have been very impressive in providing clues to unsolved murder cases. The use of individuals who possess special gifts and abilities to connect with the unseen, unknown, and spiritual realm is no fluke. Countless of mysteries have been solved by psychic detectives who have provided some very compelling results when their services have been solicited in helping to resolve mysterious cases.
For example, Maria Scott was a prostitute whose body was found seven months after her disappearance. Four and a half years after Scott met her untimely death, the lead investigator of the case, Jeffrey Little, asked for psychic Debbie Malone’s assistance in discovering more about Scott’s death. Malone was able to lead police to the cabin that Scott was killed in, but that’s not all. The psychic also found the murder weapon lodged in a drainpipe. In addition, Malone told police that she felt like the murderer had walked through her as she entered the cabin and explained that this was an action only ghosts are able to do. This was before Little told Malone that Scott’s suspected murderer had committed suicide.
Also, Arthur Herbert was the pilot of a plane that mysteriously disappeared in 1984. After a long search for Herbert and his three passengers, the search was called off. However, Herbert’s sister Jessica Herbert, wasn’t quite ready to give up the idea of finding her brother. Herbert got in touch with psychic detective Noreen Renier from her ex-husband. The psychic was able to give the exact coordinates of the crash site and was even able to describe Arthur’s final moments to his sister. This case provides another example in which police acknowledged that a psychic played a vital role in the solving of a mystery.
Moreover, when I began writing about the mysterious disappearance of another honors teen, the late Phylicia Simone Barnes, I was personally in contact with psychic detectives who described the location of her body as being in a large body of water that runs through two large land mass. Some of those detectives believe that the Barnes teen may have been tortured. None of that was ever proven to be fact, but Barnes’ nude body was found months later, floating in the Susquehanna River in Northern Maryland, near the Conowingo Dam (Which is a body of water interpolated between parts of Northern Maryland and the state of Pennsylvania). That personal experience with psychic detectives in the Barnes case has cause me to understand the value of individuals with certain gifts and abilities to uncover details related to the unseen, hidden, and perplexing details of cold murder cases.

Phylicia Simone Barnes, honors teen who disappeared and psychics predicted her location that later proved to be accurate.
Therefore, of the hundreds of thousands who follow my work related to cold murder cases, missing and exploited children stories, and other important human interest articles, I know for a fact that there are hundreds of psychics who can assist in helping to close this case. Chanel’s lifeless body was discovered in a garbage bag in front of a house at 212 Kingston Avenue in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn New York. I challenge to take the walk. Walk for a little girl who was a bright shining star who had just began life, and was senselessly snatched from this world by some heartless killer. Let’s all take a walk down there to see what we can, for Chanel!
The People’s Champion
I’m Crime Blogger David B. Adams
The case files and all of the details surrounding a decades old New York homicide, are neatly packed away on some dusty shelf in an NYPD Cold Case Unit’s storage space. It was nearly ten years ago when a teen girl left her home to fill out a job application and then meet up with a friend. It was Father’s Day 2006 and perhaps a day which has been relived over and over again in the minds of the parents of Chanel Petro-Nixon. The church going kid who had never been in any kind of trouble before, didn’t make it to the local Applebees to fill out a job app as she had planned, nor did she make it to her date with a friend (If you believe his story), while she failed to return home that night, and seemingly just vanished from the rugged streets of Brooklyn New York. Chanel was a Boys & Girls High School honors student who followed a rigid studying habit, and was also very active in her local church. A rare trait for youth coming up during our time, while faced with distractions and the lures of urban culture paramount, and continually persist at every turn of young people’s lives.
Her life was so structured that when she went missing, her family and friends were probably hoping that this extraordinary kid was having a brief moment of youthful rebellion as most ordinary youth her age do, but Chanel’s stray from a straight and narrow path wasn’t due to some type of excursion from discipline. Her disappearance was mysterious, sudden, and remains puzzling still. As the hours mounted after the initial report of her disappearance was reported to authorities, days would elapse before the horrifying news emerged, and the painful discovery of a young female’s body was determined to be that of the Petro-Nixon teen.
Sanitation workers picking up trash on a Brooklyn street corner became alarmed one day when a load appeared unusually heavy, and emitted an extremely foul odor. Suspicious of what they had happened upon, the crew summoned New York police, who made the gruesome find of a body being in a garbage bag. The pretty and studious church going teen had been thrown out on the corner like common trash. Now after all these years, the realization that a cowardice scumbag who did this to a good kid is still on the loose, simply angers so many people, especially men who have daughters. She was a young up and coming girl, somebody’s daughter, a human life, and I have personally been relentless in seeking the whereabouts of the dark heart monster responsible for her killing ever since. The person who committed such a despicable and heinous crime must be captured, and as a society we must take the appropriate measures to insure that this person is permanently removed from society for ever.
However, Chanel’s case has never offered very many clues that could lead investigators in the right direction of capturing the perpetrator(s) of her murder. A short time after her killing, cops were looking closely at another young female who was killed (Jennifer Moore), and found striking similarities in the Moore and Petro-Nixon cases. Moore who was strangled to death after a night out partying in New Jersey was discovered with her pants pulled down, raped, and her body had been washed down with bleach to hide clues. While the Petro-Nixon teen wasn’t raped, she was also found to have her pants pulled down as well. Petro-Nixon had a chemical burn on her leg that investigators believe could be a result of bleach being used on her body. Both of the females were stuffed in black garbage bags and discarded (Moore was found inside a trash dumpster, and Petro-Nixon was tossed on a curb side with other garbage bags).

Jennifer Moore, body found discarded in a dumpster.
Investigators have publicly stated that known Pimp Draymond Coleman, who was pinched and prosecuted for the Moore killing, could in fact also be responsible for the killing of young Chanel Petro-Nixon as well. These were some of the interest that police officials had very early on in the investigation of the Petro-Nixon homicide, but any hopes of linking Coleman to the Brooklyn teen’s killing has never revealed any evidence connecting him to her murder. As the years have gone by since her death, investigators have since placed a tremendous amount of focus on the young man that Chanel was supposed to have met up with on the day of her disappearance. He has always claimed that she stood him up that day, but he is a very interesting character just like Coleman.
Chanel’s mother says that her daughter met the boy during a church function, he had been by their home on several occasions, and that he never gave any warning signs that he was trouble. A closer look at his background revealed that the youth had anything but a stellar past. Court records show that he had been charged with rape twice, and was acquitted in both cases. Several years later he was collared for violating a restraining order which an ex-girlfriend had filed against him. He was sentenced to prison time in that case, but just like Coleman, investigators have never been able to link him to Chanel’s killing. That’s where cops say they need the public’s help in finding the missing pieces in her case. No one in the teen’s Brooklyn neighborhood has ever come forward with pertinent information related to Chanel’s murder. There appears to be a very chilling and haunting silence in her community regarding her mysterious disappearance and subsequent murder. Investigators are convinced that someone out there has the information that they need to solve her case, and they may not even know that they hold the key to solving this case.

Chanel Petro-Nixon, body was discarded in a garbage bag of a street corner.
Unfortunately, cold cases like Chanel’s go unsolved for years, but there are alternative methods in getting help nfor these kind of criminal cases. While some find the method unorthodox, impractical and useless, Psychic Detectives have been very impressive in providing clues to unsolved murder cases. The use of individuals who possess special gifts and abilities to connect with the unseen, unknown, and spiritual realm is no fluke. Countless of mysteries have been solved by psychic detectives who have provided some very compelling results when their services have been solicited in helping to resolve mysterious cases.
For example, Maria Scott was a prostitute whose body was found seven months after her disappearance. Four and a half years after Scott met her untimely death, the lead investigator of the case, Jeffrey Little, asked for psychic Debbie Malone’s assistance in discovering more about Scott’s death. Malone was able to lead police to the cabin that Scott was killed in, but that’s not all. The psychic also found the murder weapon lodged in a drainpipe. In addition, Malone told police that she felt like the murderer had walked through her as she entered the cabin and explained that this was an action only ghosts are able to do. This was before Little told Malone that Scott’s suspected murderer had committed suicide.
Also, Arthur Herbert was the pilot of a plane that mysteriously disappeared in 1984. After a long search for Herbert and his three passengers, the search was called off. However, Herbert’s sister Jessica Herbert, wasn’t quite ready to give up the idea of finding her brother. Herbert got in touch with psychic detective Noreen Renier from her ex-husband. The psychic was able to give the exact coordinates of the crash site and was even able to describe Arthur’s final moments to his sister. This case provides another example in which police acknowledged that a psychic played a vital role in the solving of a mystery.
Moreover, when I began writing about the mysterious disappearance of another honors teen, the late Phylicia Simone Barnes, I was personally in contact with psychic detectives who described the location of her body as being in a large body of water that runs through two large land mass. Some of those detectives believe that the Barnes teen may have been tortured. None of that was ever proven to be fact, but Barnes’ nude body was found months later, floating in the Susquehanna River in Northern Maryland, near the Conowingo Dam (Which is a body of water interpolated between parts of Northern Maryland and the state of Pennsylvania). That personal experience with psychic detectives in the Barnes case has cause me to understand the value of individuals with certain gifts and abilities to uncover details related to the unseen, hidden, and perplexing details of cold murder cases.

Phylicia Simone Barnes, honors teen who disappeared and psychics predicted her location that later proved to be accurate.
Therefore, of the hundreds of thousands who follow my work related to cold murder cases, missing and exploited children stories, and other important human interest articles, I know for a fact that there are hundreds of psychics who can assist in helping to close this case. Chanel’s lifeless body was discovered in a garbage bag in front of a house at 212 Kingston Avenue in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn New York. I challenge to take the walk. Walk for a little girl who was a bright shining star who had just began life, and was senselessly snatched from this world by some heartless killer. Let’s all take a walk down there to see what we can, for Chanel!
The People’s Champion
I’m Crime Blogger David B. Adams
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