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The Gay Rights Debate: An Abomination Or A Badge Of Honor?

Once upon a time in our society people who practice gay life or alternative lifestyles were afraid to make their sexual preference known publicly. The ridicule of homosexuals was so immense that people dared not expose who they truly are out of fear of being ostracized, attacked, and cast out of vast social settings that did not condone such a phenomenal human trait. Those days are long gone as gay life marches to the forefront of modern society demanding acceptance and acknowledgement. I’ve known gay people my entire life and my tolerance of them was something I honestly and admittedly had to learn. The learning curve occurs once an individual has had the opportunity to talk with a gay person, learning for themselves that they are in fact human beings also. For me, such a feet took a long time. I was never taught to dislike gays by my parents, but rather society’ perception of them as being among the dregs of society was the norm during my conformity, and like most people within sub-cultural settings I adopted the mindset that such behavior was wrong, ungodly, and a psychiatric condition. As I matured my tolerance for gay people grew, while understanding that as a human being everyone possess deficiency in some way, are sinners, and fall short of God’s guidance. The desire to love whom one chooses should never be prohibited by subjective perspective, ignorance, and prejudice. I truly believe that people can’t help who they fall in love with because such emotion derives from the heart, and lies within the plateau of the purist realms of the human soul. I hold these beliefs predicated on the foundation of what I know to be the natural characteristics on mankind, but the desire of sexual satisfaction by humans via same sex is unnatural, and an unknown phenomenon. The human family has always resolved to faith or one’ own belief and understanding of life to make sense of life’s unexplained events. Theology has always been the primary reference for most to dissolve such delimma, and rightfully so as the word of God gives an explicit perspective on this kind of human behavior. I won’t bore the faint at heart with cliche about “God made Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve” because this subject matter deserves a more intellectual indulgent, rather than the coarse tongue of shame and blame upon those who live in sin just like us. Although we can not attack gays for going against God’s word simply because we are all sinners, the astute understanding that the lives of all people parallel in regards to salvation should not be a scapegoat to promote the practice of ungodly behavior (i.e. homosexuality), and it is the duty of righteous people no matter who, and where they are to readily identify that which is in fact ungodly. In fact I believe that society as a whole has allowed for far too much lenience and tolerance for homosexual behavior. In many instances, gay tolerance has only been extended for the purpose of maintaining civility, peace, and compassion for one’s right to individuality. The love of peace has always been a major factor allowing for the very existence of gay life. Now I know people will say that’s classic homophobia. However, it’s extremely interesting that the clinical psychologist associate everything people within society reject and detest as a persistent fear. The term homophobia is more commonly attached to the male species pertaining to other men who are gay. No consideration appears to have been given to the true nature of a man considering the topic of homosexuality. Feminine traits and characteristics of men will always be rejected, frowned upon, and met with an adverse disposition from straight men because such behavior is in direct contrast to the chemical, psychological, and natural egotistical chemistry of the authentic male species. Fear has absolutely nothing to do with the rejection of gays by straight men. What we see here is a form of psychology by so called professionals attempting to carve a pathway so that straight men develop less hostility toward gays in an effort to garner acceptance for those within a social class who have long been cast out of mainstream society. I will be the first to admit that name calling such as faggots, punks, and other innuendo toward gays is cruel and simply ignorance at it’s best. In my opinion the best resolve for the gay debate is to allow for gay people to be dealt with by their maker. I realize that I am a sinner and know that the term of life for me will eventually reach it’s expiration with a certain atonement awaiting in the balance, but I will never accept homosexuality, while never infringing upon the desire and rights of those who are gay. I see gay life as a complete abomination of God’s word and as long as there are people who exist within our global society who know, love, and trust God’s word, homosexuality will never be completely accepted in this world. Unlike President Obama, I refuse to project a posture of complete tolerance for that which I know and believe to be ungodly simply to appease the masses. How can any God Fearing person stand behind the President’s position? When the President of the United States boast about a professional athlete revealing his professed gay life, as if it’s a badge honor, we can only conclude that the moral conscious of our nation  has disappeared entirely. The current media bliss and rave about gay rights taking center stage in our society has been made possible by the revelation of those in power who now feel comfortable exposing their appetite for same sex desires. An intelligent piece of advice for gays who want to come out of the closet would be to tread lightly, as there are many within our society who have not matured socially, and perhaps may never develop any tolerance for your way of life whatsoever. This is a harsh reality that the gay community must come to grips with, that they will never be completely accepted within our society



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Once upon a time in our society people who practice gay life or alternative lifestyles were afraid to make their sexual preference known publicly. The ridicule of homosexuals was so immense that people dared not expose who they truly are out of fear of being ostracized, attacked, and cast out of vast social settings that did not condone such a phenomenal human trait. Those days are long gone as gay life marches to the forefront of modern society demanding acceptance and acknowledgement. I’ve known gay people my entire life and my tolerance of them was something I honestly and admittedly had to learn. The learning curve occurs once an individual has had the opportunity to talk with a gay person, learning for themselves that they are in fact human beings also. For me, such a feet took a long time. I was never taught to dislike gays by my parents, but rather society’ perception of them as being among the dregs of society was the norm during my conformity, and like most people within sub-cultural settings I adopted the mindset that such behavior was wrong, ungodly, and a psychiatric condition. As I matured my tolerance for gay people grew, while understanding that as a human being everyone possess deficiency in some way, are sinners, and fall short of God’s guidance. The desire to love whom one chooses should never be prohibited by subjective perspective, ignorance, and prejudice. I truly believe that people can’t help who they fall in love with because such emotion derives from the heart, and lies within the plateau of the purist realms of the human soul. I hold these beliefs predicated on the foundation of what I know to be the natural characteristics on mankind, but the desire of sexual satisfaction by humans via same sex is unnatural, and an unknown phenomenon. The human family has always resolved to faith or one’ own belief and understanding of life to make sense of life’s unexplained events. Theology has always been the primary reference for most to dissolve such delimma, and rightfully so as the word of God gives an explicit perspective on this kind of human behavior. I won’t bore the faint at heart with cliche about “God made Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve” because this subject matter deserves a more intellectual indulgent, rather than the coarse tongue of shame and blame upon those who live in sin just like us. Although we can not attack gays for going against God’s word simply because we are all sinners, the astute understanding that the lives of all people parallel in regards to salvation should not be a scapegoat to promote the practice of ungodly behavior (i.e. homosexuality), and it is the duty of righteous people no matter who, and where they are to readily identify that which is in fact ungodly. In fact I believe that society as a whole has allowed for far too much lenience and tolerance for homosexual behavior. In many instances, gay tolerance has only been extended for the purpose of maintaining civility, peace, and compassion for one’s right to individuality. The love of peace has always been a major factor allowing for the very existence of gay life. Now I know people will say that’s classic homophobia. However, it’s extremely interesting that the clinical psychologist associate everything people within society reject and detest as a persistent fear. The term homophobia is more commonly attached to the male species pertaining to other men who are gay. No consideration appears to have been given to the true nature of a man considering the topic of homosexuality. Feminine traits and characteristics of men will always be rejected, frowned upon, and met with an adverse disposition from straight men because such behavior is in direct contrast to the chemical, psychological, and natural egotistical chemistry of the authentic male species. Fear has absolutely nothing to do with the rejection of gays by straight men. What we see here is a form of psychology by so called professionals attempting to carve a pathway so that straight men develop less hostility toward gays in an effort to garner acceptance for those within a social class who have long been cast out of mainstream society. I will be the first to admit that name calling such as faggots, punks, and other innuendo toward gays is cruel and simply ignorance at it’s best. In my opinion the best resolve for the gay debate is to allow for gay people to be dealt with by their maker. I realize that I am a sinner and know that the term of life for me will eventually reach it’s expiration with a certain atonement awaiting in the balance, but I will never accept homosexuality, while never infringing upon the desire and rights of those who are gay. I see gay life as a complete abomination of God’s word and as long as there are people who exist within our global society who know, love, and trust God’s word, homosexuality will never be completely accepted in this world. Unlike President Obama, I refuse to project a posture of complete tolerance for that which I know and believe to be ungodly simply to appease the masses. How can any God Fearing person stand behind the President’s position? When the President of the United States boast about a professional athlete revealing his professed gay life, as if it’s a badge honor, we can only conclude that the moral conscious of our nation  has disappeared entirely. The current media bliss and rave about gay rights taking center stage in our society has been made possible by the revelation of those in power who now feel comfortable exposing their appetite for same sex desires. An intelligent piece of advice for gays who want to come out of the closet would be to tread lightly, as there are many within our society who have not matured socially, and perhaps may never develop any tolerance for your way of life whatsoever. This is a harsh reality that the gay community must come to grips with, that they will never be completely accepted within our society



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Love your website, and what you take the time out to do here.
I only have one issue… I am finding it hard to read because of the formatting on the articles. I don’t mean to sound like i am nitpicking..
The one huge paragraph is “bad writing”.

Even though the message it very clear. I actually loose my place if I look away lol

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