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The Killing Fields Of America’s Black Youth: Shrevport Louisiana Teen Shamia Little Found Dead

It’s a tragic story that has played out over and over again in communities all across this nation. The sudden lost of a child of color who met a horrific end at the hands of a violent offender. Her name was Shamia Little (17), who Cabbo Parrish police in West Shrevport Louisiana say went missing on July 6, 2021 after an incident involving Little and her 17-year-old boyfriend in the Doug Williams Park, and where they were accosted by an assailant brandishing a gun and robbed the teens.

A local report indicates that at least one witness told police that Little was abducted, but its unclear whether that witness was in fact the pretty teen’s boyfriend or someone else in the park at the time of the crime. Police have told media outlets that the boyfriend ran off to call police to report the robbery, but upon the cops arrival, Little had in fact vanished. Little’s body was presumptively identified a week later, after being discovered behind a business in the 4100 block of Curtis Lane, and not far from where she disappeared.

The authorities have already ruled Little’s death a case of homicide, and say there is evidence at the crime scene that may suggest how she died, but didn’t indicate whether they had actually found a murder weapon. Its a very harsh and difficult reality to digest for many, how a teen girl in the company of a male friend could just disappear like that, which leaves a volume of unanswered questions about the initial account police have circulated regarding the case. For instance, why did the boyfriend just run off to call the cops (an interesting detail considering the current age of digital technology where almost everyone within society has a cellphone) as oppose to running off, or running away with Little in tow, and while calling police together in the process?

The fact that the teens obviously became separated is an extremely disturbing element regarding what happened that arguably doesn’t set well with most followers of this story, especially parents with female children. It’s like a broken record that has been heard countless times involving the duty of a male to responsibly insure the safety of any female in their company (at least that’s how we were raised), and there is no excuse that can be offered, barring intense fear or outright cowardice, to justify abandoning a female in a crisis such as this.

I don’t know, maybe I’m too critical and lack the full context of what actually happened on that fateful night, but I couldn’t resist the obvious lack of protective and survival instincts demonstrated by this teen’s boyfriend. I mean her body was found only a block away from where she was allegedly abducted. Where the hell did this boy run to? There are homes adjacent to the park. If he didn’t have a cellphone, did he run to a neighboring residence to ask for assistance or to use a phone there? Why didn’t he alert someone in the community and then follow or keep track of where his girlfriend was being taken? Did he just flat out run in outright cower?

I’m sorry, but as a father of a female child these are the kinds of actions that I would expect any male in the company of my daughter to perform in a critical moment such as this. This story stinks and smells of foul circumstances that very well may not pan out exactly how the cops have framed their initial investigation of events that led to the tragic and senseless death of yet another young black female child. Perhaps it’s a parent’s worst nightmare when news comes, that their missing child has been found behind a business, in a field like littered trash. The agonizing thought of what your kid must have gone through in her final moments, plays like a very sad song, over and over again, in the minds of her family and friends.

Shamia Little’s death regardless of how the circumstances surrounding her killing unfolds, is a gut punch to Black America, as the death toll of America’s black youth continues to rise without any sign of relenting. it’s a killing field that is very familiar to The People’s Champion Blog, after bringing awareness to another tragic Louisiana case in 2012 involving a 15-year-old mother of a young baby name Keiosha Felix (Where Is Keiosha Felix), who disappeared under suspicious circumstances after reports circulated that the teen may have been sexually abused by family members, Felix has never been found.

At a time in our country when racial tensions are high and the battle cry is “Black Lives Matter,” it appears that such a slogan is more idealistic than a realistic perspective within the black community itself. The killing fields of America are drenched with the blood of young black kids just like Shamia Little who some how got whisked away without warning, and just like countless other killings of young black children, their parents are left with grieving thoughts of how this could have happened. It’s simply another very sad commentary. We have to do better as a community to protect our black and brown babies.

(The family of late Shamia Little (17) has asked for the public’s help in putting their beautiful daughter to rest, Donations can be made to her GoFundMe campaign)

The People’s Champion Blog

I’m Journalist and Crime Blogger David Adams

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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It’s a tragic story that has played out over and over again in communities all across this nation. The sudden lost of a child of color who met a horrific end at the hands of a violent offender. Her name was Shamia Little (17), who Cabbo Parrish police in West Shrevport Louisiana say went missing on July 6, 2021 after an incident involving Little and her 17-year-old boyfriend in the Doug Williams Park, and where they were accosted by an assailant brandishing a gun and robbed the teens.

A local report indicates that at least one witness told police that Little was abducted, but its unclear whether that witness was in fact the pretty teen’s boyfriend or someone else in the park at the time of the crime. Police have told media outlets that the boyfriend ran off to call police to report the robbery, but upon the cops arrival, Little had in fact vanished. Little’s body was presumptively identified a week later, after being discovered behind a business in the 4100 block of Curtis Lane, and not far from where she disappeared.

The authorities have already ruled Little’s death a case of homicide, and say there is evidence at the crime scene that may suggest how she died, but didn’t indicate whether they had actually found a murder weapon. Its a very harsh and difficult reality to digest for many, how a teen girl in the company of a male friend could just disappear like that, which leaves a volume of unanswered questions about the initial account police have circulated regarding the case. For instance, why did the boyfriend just run off to call the cops (an interesting detail considering the current age of digital technology where almost everyone within society has a cellphone) as oppose to running off, or running away with Little in tow, and while calling police together in the process?

The fact that the teens obviously became separated is an extremely disturbing element regarding what happened that arguably doesn’t set well with most followers of this story, especially parents with female children. It’s like a broken record that has been heard countless times involving the duty of a male to responsibly insure the safety of any female in their company (at least that’s how we were raised), and there is no excuse that can be offered, barring intense fear or outright cowardice, to justify abandoning a female in a crisis such as this.

I don’t know, maybe I’m too critical and lack the full context of what actually happened on that fateful night, but I couldn’t resist the obvious lack of protective and survival instincts demonstrated by this teen’s boyfriend. I mean her body was found only a block away from where she was allegedly abducted. Where the hell did this boy run to? There are homes adjacent to the park. If he didn’t have a cellphone, did he run to a neighboring residence to ask for assistance or to use a phone there? Why didn’t he alert someone in the community and then follow or keep track of where his girlfriend was being taken? Did he just flat out run in outright cower?

I’m sorry, but as a father of a female child these are the kinds of actions that I would expect any male in the company of my daughter to perform in a critical moment such as this. This story stinks and smells of foul circumstances that very well may not pan out exactly how the cops have framed their initial investigation of events that led to the tragic and senseless death of yet another young black female child. Perhaps it’s a parent’s worst nightmare when news comes, that their missing child has been found behind a business, in a field like littered trash. The agonizing thought of what your kid must have gone through in her final moments, plays like a very sad song, over and over again, in the minds of her family and friends.

Shamia Little’s death regardless of how the circumstances surrounding her killing unfolds, is a gut punch to Black America, as the death toll of America’s black youth continues to rise without any sign of relenting. it’s a killing field that is very familiar to The People’s Champion Blog, after bringing awareness to another tragic Louisiana case in 2012 involving a 15-year-old mother of a young baby name Keiosha Felix (Where Is Keiosha Felix), who disappeared under suspicious circumstances after reports circulated that the teen may have been sexually abused by family members, Felix has never been found.

At a time in our country when racial tensions are high and the battle cry is “Black Lives Matter,” it appears that such a slogan is more idealistic than a realistic perspective within the black community itself. The killing fields of America are drenched with the blood of young black kids just like Shamia Little who some how got whisked away without warning, and just like countless other killings of young black children, their parents are left with grieving thoughts of how this could have happened. It’s simply another very sad commentary. We have to do better as a community to protect our black and brown babies.

(The family of late Shamia Little (17) has asked for the public’s help in putting their beautiful daughter to rest, Donations can be made to her GoFundMe campaign)

The People’s Champion Blog

I’m Journalist and Crime Blogger David Adams

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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