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The Making Of A Diddler: A Rare Perspective

The saga of a music industry mogul has enveloped all of social media, and has been exacerbated by brash criticisms characterizing him as a complete monster who kidnapped people, raped men and women alike, and even sexually assaulted children to name a few charges levied against him. These horrific allegations are only overshadowed by the volume of japes and mockery besieged upon the now seemingly defunct empire of Sean “Diddy” Combs.

Combs who is a native New Yorker, that despite having grown up without his biological father, was cultured and was afforded educational opportunities that many African-American boys who are raised in urban settings without good male role models are rarely, if ever afforded. He attended the Mt Saint Michaels Academy in the Bronx New York, and then went on to attend Howard University in Washington D.C.

A 2-year-old Sean Combs with his dad Melvin Earl Combs

Howard is an HBCU (Historical Black College And University) and once featured Combs as one of it’s countless “Crown Jewel” Alumni. Combs development was not bad at all for a NYC kid whose was bastertized at 2-years-old, when his dad was killed in a back alley drug deal that went south. Perhaps his dad’s abscence was to “Puffy’s” long term detriment. Maybe his father’s lifestyle metted out a generational curse. Then again, have we even considered the troubles Sean probably faced at St Michaels? Which ever scenario has merit, it’s clear that the seeds of Sean Combs troubles were broadcasts very early on in his life during his youth.

Who was Melvin Earl Combs?

There isn’t very much available information on Sean Combs’ father Melvin Earl Combs, but he was known to be involved in drug dealing, and was associated with other infamous New York City crime figures such Frank Lucas and Bumpy Johnson (two notorious drug lords in their day). I’m sure that an investigation into public records in New York could turn a page of two regarding his rap sheet. Melvin Combs had an extensive criminal record that largely surrounded petty street crimes that he engaged in as a “hustler” on the streets of New York.

He was killed one night when someone put two bullets in his head while he sat in his car. Police officials believed Combs was targeted because he was considered a “rat” who had snitched on other criminals while working as an informant for the cops. However, it was Melvin’s old street business partner Frank Lucas who said that Combs’ father was wrongfully accused, and was the victim of policing tactics that allowed the streets to think Melvin Combs was working with New York City police. In many respects Melvin Combs was rubbed out as a mere casualty of urban street violence.

thers say the cops may have killed Melvin Combs themseleves on the direction of organized crime bosses that wanted the likes of Melvin Combs, Frank Lucas, and other black street hustlers dead, who were selling dope on the street, to eliminate some competition, as drug dealing had largely become an acceptable business practice in the late 60s and early 70s, after having once been frowned upon by crime figures who acted on a strict street code.

Either way, Sean’s father left an unescapable legacy for him, and should also be credited with the carnage of death and addiction that he (Melvin) and other dope peddlers left in the wake of selling poison to largely their own people in poverty stricken area of the city. Melvin also left a chorus of admirers who often gave Sean a nod (pass) as he moved through the streets as a kid. “I use to run with your father,” they would say to him. If enough people told a kid this he would probably develope a tremendous degree of pride, and maybe become egotistical. A street celbrity in fact. Perhaps this was what created an onset of extreme arrogance that many claim Sean possesses.

We can only speculate whether the life Melvin lived made a positive or negative impact on Sean’s life, but it had to influence his development in some form. It at least helped his mother provide for him while she raised her son in a single parent home. I mean let’s face it, during the time that Melvin Combs was dealing drugs in New York, the Civil Rights Movement was in full affect, and most black families were simply struggling to survive.

There were always people who wanted more and refused to settle for what the system allowed colored folks to obtain during those times, and many black people chose to lead a life of crime to bolster their lifestyles so they could afford the things most only dreamed of. Melvin Combs was one of these people. Hell, he was once pinched by the cops with $45,000 cash. That was a whole lot of money in the 60s and 70s, even for well to do white folks.

When he died I wonder how much of that drug money was put away for a rainy day. He had to have known that the stakes of the drug game were extremely elevated, and could even result in his death. I wonder if drug money is what helped fund Sean Combs education in Catholic School. Most schools run under the order of Catholicism are, and always have been, private. With Melvin murdered, it seems that Sean and his mother did alright for themselves without him.

His mother has stated that she sent him to Mt. Saint Michael to help turn her son’s life toward a different path, unlike the drug peddling lifestyle that his father lived. That’s a very “slippery slope” considering everything that Sean had learned about his father from the streets and the people who knew his dad. Sean developed a “hustler’s” mentality that he repeatedly, and readily admits openly to this day. Though, there must be a degree of admiration for the heights he climbed in the music industry and in business, but Perhaps his mother’s efforts related to his educational development was wishful thinking, and a “hail Mary” to save her son who arguably is, and always has been, fruit from a poisonous tree.

More importantly, if no one has said it openly, let me be clear. The Combs family came up on the backs of poor people who suffered from the disease of drug addiction. It’sdno secret that drugs and alcohol were introduced to the black community and made available at the very apex of market places that catered to black consumers. They used people like Melvin Combs as a mule to aid in the oppression and destruction of his own people.

Sean Combs’ father led a life that he subtly glorifies and wears as a badge of honor. It was a lifestyle that displayed very poor lessons on morality many believe that were left behind for his son, that may ultimately result in his demise.

Mt. Saint Michael Academy

It should be stated right out of the gate that my views are related to Mt. Saint Michael is only centered around events that allegedly occurred during and after Sean Combs attended the institution. In no way is it a slight, nor indictment against the school or the Catholic Church, but rather an attempt to add context to circumstances surrounding one of their former students.

With that being said, Sean Combs graduated from Mt. Saint Michael in 1987, and is a former altar boy. A year later there were allegations made against two members of the school’s faculty, accusing them of sexually assaulting students. The school is run by a Marist Order of the Catholic Church, and it was a Roman Catholic Priest and a Chaplain who were named in an indictment after an investigation by federal and city authorities.

The Rev. Bernard Lynch, 41 years old, and a former campus chaplain is one of the men named in the indictment. Lynch is also an Irish national who fled the U.S. to his homeland in Ireland, shortly after the investigation had been announced. The other school employee who was named is a Marist Brother, Timothy Brady, 41, who was the acting principal when the incidents are said to have occurred, was charged as well, but was only moved to a Marist retreat in Arizona.

Brady did surrender to the authorities on his on vilition after being advised of the charges that ranged from first degree, third degree sexual assault, and endangering the welfare of a minor child. These acts of sexual abuse were said to have even been occuring while Sean Combs was a student at the school. The rejuvenation of this scandal at Mt Saint Michael having now been cast back into mainstream media, there are probably a volume of people wondering if Combs was in fact a victim of the sexual assaults also at the academy.

The school’s principal Timothy Brady was tried, convicted and sentenced to prison. The circumstances of his case are sealed. He was last known to still be acting as a Marist Brother at a school in Chicago. Father Lynch was subsequently acquitted due to the alleged victim in his case refusing to testify any further, and then the presiding judge ruled that there was no evidence against him.

Former Marist Father, Rev. Bernard Lynch Archdiocese of New York (aka the AIDS Priest).

In Lynch’s defense, there were allegations that he wasn’t well liked by the Archdiocese, mainly due to his advocacy for gay Catholics, and his work related to the AIDS epidemic. Some saw him as a victim himself of being targeted by homophobic teachers and staff at the school. Although Lynch wasn’t found guilty of sexually assaulting students, he is blamed for the culture of homosexuality at Mt Saint Michael during that time. There are varying opinions related to the merit of those allegations.

However, Lynch today is now a former Priest, openly gay, and has been married to a man for over a decade. There has never been any allegations that either of the former school employees ever sexually assaulted Sean Combs, but given the gravity of the current charges against Combs, the irony of these particular school officials having been employed at the school during the years Combs’ attended is far too coincidental to be overlooked.

When we weigh the history of the Archdiocese being embroiled in countless allegations of sexual abuse towards children by Priest and other officials within many branches of the Catholic Church, juxtaposed to the allegations of perversion currently levied against Combs, it extremely challenging not to conclude that Sean Combs more than like was exposed to sexuality variantly while attending Mt. Saint Michael, and perhaps perversion in some form, was also an aspect of his sexual conformity.

The “Puffy” Handle And The Origins of “Diddler”

Sean Combs’ handle or nickname has transformed over the years as his fame and popularity grew in the music industry and business. He went from “Puffy” to “Puff Daddy”, to “P. Diddy”, and finally resolved to his desire to simply be called “Diddy”. Most people like myself probably never gave too much thought regarding what he called himself or the nicknames celebrities in general are referred to. Most people typically obtain these sort of pet names based on life events, our characters, or activities we’re personally known for.

For instance a kid who likes certain kinds of snack foods may acquire the nickname “cookie” for having been known to always eat cookies. Sean Combs’ name “Puffy” is more than likely associated with smoking marijuana, as in “Puff the Magic Dragon.” Although Puff’s origins are rooted in poetry and that later on had a song created about a pet magic dragon named “Puff”. The 1960’s fairytale was also once characterized in a Newsweek article as making a veil reference to smoking marijuana

The parallel can easily be made with the flare of fire that occurs when a marijuana cigarette is inhaled, creating a fiery effect, and then the stream of smoke that appears in an exhale, like a fire breathing dragon. How Combs obtained a nickname that references his personal indulgence in smoking pot, and having it equated with a child’s fairytale is very interesting in itself

Combs’ handle isn’t simply steeped in marijuana smoke as glorified in urban and “hip hop” culture, that part of his nickname can easily be explained, but the “Diddy” portion is a bit more complex and deeper. To grasp a good understanding  we’ll have to take a trip back into time, to European sensational journalism.

Assuming that Combs’ “Diddy” handle is derived from a dialectal of the root word Diddle, we can clearly see the full unmistakable, but extremely dark inference or meaning in Combs’ desired nickname. The term “diddler” is slang used to refer to a person engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior, and often in a deceptive or sneaky manner. The term is also akin to “riddler,” as in “kiddie riddler” or “kiddie diddler.” Now, Combs’ handle is “Diddy,” but it’s a no-brainer that it’s a dialectal of the term “Diddler.”

Without revisiting a collegiate course on linguistics, I’ll just remind us that the terms derived from mid 20th century media in Europe’s tabloids to sensationally, or to utilize the terms in a disparaging manner, as attention grabbers while describing a person who sexually abuses children. After having learned about this figurative language, there must be some clarity established regarding Sean Combs’ choice to openly and publicly promote his “Diddy” handle. Was he ignorant to the term’s origin, or was it a clever play on words to disguise his personal and perverse sexual practices.

There are a volume of Sean Combs supports who will argue that such an analogy is a stretch and the “Diddler” term is only related a the role he was cast in, for the Marvel movie “BatMan,” and is being utilized now in a facetious manner to embarrass, shame, and defame his image. You might make that argument, but it wasn’t until Combs became fully established in the institution of “Hollywood” that the “Diddy” handle came about. Hollywood has had a storied past of its own and may have been the direct influence which has led to Combs’ seemingly imminent destruction.

Diddy As The Establishment’s Whore

There have essentially been a plethora of rumors and allegations regarding the activities and dealings of Sean Combs along with music industry bigwigs, such as Clive Davis and many others. There is no need to go into full detail regarding the specifics, not only are there way too many to delve into, but quite frankly it’s not the intended focus of my commentary. I will simply say this.

If the allegations are true, that Sean Combs actually filmed famous people engaged in sexual activity or while in otherwise extremely compromising posturess, it more than likely was done so for strategic purposes. Whether it was for extorting people, bribery, sexual pleasures or other superficial reasons, his actions appear to have been calculative. He allegedly used the party atmosphere as a guise to lure unsuspecting party goers into a web of erotic sex orgies without their knowledge. These escapades were dubbed “Freakoffs.”–

However, we shouldn’t allow ourseleves to be pulled down the rabbit hole and made to believe that the man we know as Sean Combs is some mega freak, who rapped, extorted, kidnapped, and sexually abused men, women, and children solely for his own personal pleasure. The very fact that the parties were attended by Hollywood elites, business executives, policians, clergy, and a volume of other powerful people from around the globe, clearly demonstrates that these events were a cultural practice, and essentially what these people enjoy doing.

His attentions, although pervasive, were also purposeful, and he had help too. Combs seemingly targeted certain music artists, music executives, and others whose wealth was developed through entertainment, their talents, and business practices. Many of these celebs also were under contracts, endorsements, and other business related obligations that could be jeopardized if they encountered a horrible public relations incident. So, it was careless of them to not be chary about attending Combs’ “Freakoff” parties.

Combs and his business associates probably benefited from a volume of celebrities attending these parties, and then the video tapes were more than likely used to broker deals favorable to Combs and his partners, while famous people had to tow the line and “do as they were told” to avoid the embarrassment and the calamity of what they had been secretly recorded doing on tape ever being made public. Perhaps this is essentially the real reason so many people have been silent all of this time. Combs was used by the “establishment” to recruit and promote its perverse culture within the music industry.

Hollywood’s Resemblance Of O’Cult Like Rituals

I was Alex Jones of the now defunct “InfoWars” platform, who first introduce us to the OcCult dealings in the redwood hills of Northern California, when he penetrated the grounds of the Bohemian Grove (a retreat style vacationing park which is protected by the Sonoma County Sheriffs and the U.S. Secret Service. Jones’ secretly recorded footage of some of the activities that occurred at the Grove in 2001 literally sent shockwaves throughout social media.

That footage and Jones is only mentioned here for the purpose of giving context to what many who are in the know call ritualistic events that date back to the druids of ancient babylon. The annual retreat at the Grove consists of Hollywood elites, business executives. leaders of commerce, industries, and world leaders. It’s an exclusive male event that reportedly involves many of the attendees swimming together in the buff, and other activities that are shocking considering who many of the participants are, and the fact that they’re all men.

The highlight of the annual retreat is the “Cremation of Care” ceremony. From the footage that Alex Jones captured inside of the Grove, you can see a body the size of a child being brought before a 40 foot stone carved into the shape of an owl. The ceremony includes interaction with the owl who demands that they burn their cares before him. It’s supposed to be a sacrifice of a child, just like the druids did to the Moch deity in the Bible.

It’s some really creepy stuff especially since world leaders who have the power of decision making that impact people around the globe. These are the people, the elites, the perverted businessmen and politicians who control the world, that are probably behind the downfall of Sean Combs. There are many theories behind why he suddenly fell from grace, but it’s obvious that something happened. If you consider the kind of people who attended his parties and were in his inner circle for the better portion of 20 years or, and none of the current allegations ever leaked out, tells you that there had to be influence from some very powerful people.

The most disturbing part of the entire ordeal is Combs’ is alleged to have sexually abused children. There is a constant theme here from his days in Catholic School, to the rumors of sex trafficking, homosexuality, to the exploitation and abuse of minors, it appears that the element of sex involving kids has permeated Combs’ entire life. There is a plethora of information available to establish how Sean Combs actually became a “diddle”, “diddler”, “diddy” or whatever he wants to call himself.

May God be with the children, women, and men who may have suffered from sexual abuse everywhere! Godspeed.

I’m journalist, crime writer, and blogger David B. Adams

The People’s Champion Blog


Youtube, Vlad TV, New York Times

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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The saga of a music industry mogul has enveloped all of social media, and has been exacerbated by brash criticisms characterizing him as a complete monster who kidnapped people, raped men and women alike, and even sexually assaulted children to name a few charges levied against him. These horrific allegations are only overshadowed by the volume of japes and mockery besieged upon the now seemingly defunct empire of Sean “Diddy” Combs.

Combs who is a native New Yorker, that despite having grown up without his biological father, was cultured and was afforded educational opportunities that many African-American boys who are raised in urban settings without good male role models are rarely, if ever afforded. He attended the Mt Saint Michaels Academy in the Bronx New York, and then went on to attend Howard University in Washington D.C.

A 2-year-old Sean Combs with his dad Melvin Earl Combs

Howard is an HBCU (Historical Black College And University) and once featured Combs as one of it’s countless “Crown Jewel” Alumni. Combs development was not bad at all for a NYC kid whose was bastertized at 2-years-old, when his dad was killed in a back alley drug deal that went south. Perhaps his dad’s abscence was to “Puffy’s” long term detriment. Maybe his father’s lifestyle metted out a generational curse. Then again, have we even considered the troubles Sean probably faced at St Michaels? Which ever scenario has merit, it’s clear that the seeds of Sean Combs troubles were broadcasts very early on in his life during his youth.

Who was Melvin Earl Combs?

There isn’t very much available information on Sean Combs’ father Melvin Earl Combs, but he was known to be involved in drug dealing, and was associated with other infamous New York City crime figures such Frank Lucas and Bumpy Johnson (two notorious drug lords in their day). I’m sure that an investigation into public records in New York could turn a page of two regarding his rap sheet. Melvin Combs had an extensive criminal record that largely surrounded petty street crimes that he engaged in as a “hustler” on the streets of New York.

He was killed one night when someone put two bullets in his head while he sat in his car. Police officials believed Combs was targeted because he was considered a “rat” who had snitched on other criminals while working as an informant for the cops. However, it was Melvin’s old street business partner Frank Lucas who said that Combs’ father was wrongfully accused, and was the victim of policing tactics that allowed the streets to think Melvin Combs was working with New York City police. In many respects Melvin Combs was rubbed out as a mere casualty of urban street violence.

thers say the cops may have killed Melvin Combs themseleves on the direction of organized crime bosses that wanted the likes of Melvin Combs, Frank Lucas, and other black street hustlers dead, who were selling dope on the street, to eliminate some competition, as drug dealing had largely become an acceptable business practice in the late 60s and early 70s, after having once been frowned upon by crime figures who acted on a strict street code.

Either way, Sean’s father left an unescapable legacy for him, and should also be credited with the carnage of death and addiction that he (Melvin) and other dope peddlers left in the wake of selling poison to largely their own people in poverty stricken area of the city. Melvin also left a chorus of admirers who often gave Sean a nod (pass) as he moved through the streets as a kid. “I use to run with your father,” they would say to him. If enough people told a kid this he would probably develope a tremendous degree of pride, and maybe become egotistical. A street celbrity in fact. Perhaps this was what created an onset of extreme arrogance that many claim Sean possesses.

We can only speculate whether the life Melvin lived made a positive or negative impact on Sean’s life, but it had to influence his development in some form. It at least helped his mother provide for him while she raised her son in a single parent home. I mean let’s face it, during the time that Melvin Combs was dealing drugs in New York, the Civil Rights Movement was in full affect, and most black families were simply struggling to survive.

There were always people who wanted more and refused to settle for what the system allowed colored folks to obtain during those times, and many black people chose to lead a life of crime to bolster their lifestyles so they could afford the things most only dreamed of. Melvin Combs was one of these people. Hell, he was once pinched by the cops with $45,000 cash. That was a whole lot of money in the 60s and 70s, even for well to do white folks.

When he died I wonder how much of that drug money was put away for a rainy day. He had to have known that the stakes of the drug game were extremely elevated, and could even result in his death. I wonder if drug money is what helped fund Sean Combs education in Catholic School. Most schools run under the order of Catholicism are, and always have been, private. With Melvin murdered, it seems that Sean and his mother did alright for themselves without him.

His mother has stated that she sent him to Mt. Saint Michael to help turn her son’s life toward a different path, unlike the drug peddling lifestyle that his father lived. That’s a very “slippery slope” considering everything that Sean had learned about his father from the streets and the people who knew his dad. Sean developed a “hustler’s” mentality that he repeatedly, and readily admits openly to this day. Though, there must be a degree of admiration for the heights he climbed in the music industry and in business, but Perhaps his mother’s efforts related to his educational development was wishful thinking, and a “hail Mary” to save her son who arguably is, and always has been, fruit from a poisonous tree.

More importantly, if no one has said it openly, let me be clear. The Combs family came up on the backs of poor people who suffered from the disease of drug addiction. It’sdno secret that drugs and alcohol were introduced to the black community and made available at the very apex of market places that catered to black consumers. They used people like Melvin Combs as a mule to aid in the oppression and destruction of his own people.

Sean Combs’ father led a life that he subtly glorifies and wears as a badge of honor. It was a lifestyle that displayed very poor lessons on morality many believe that were left behind for his son, that may ultimately result in his demise.

Mt. Saint Michael Academy

It should be stated right out of the gate that my views are related to Mt. Saint Michael is only centered around events that allegedly occurred during and after Sean Combs attended the institution. In no way is it a slight, nor indictment against the school or the Catholic Church, but rather an attempt to add context to circumstances surrounding one of their former students.

With that being said, Sean Combs graduated from Mt. Saint Michael in 1987, and is a former altar boy. A year later there were allegations made against two members of the school’s faculty, accusing them of sexually assaulting students. The school is run by a Marist Order of the Catholic Church, and it was a Roman Catholic Priest and a Chaplain who were named in an indictment after an investigation by federal and city authorities.

The Rev. Bernard Lynch, 41 years old, and a former campus chaplain is one of the men named in the indictment. Lynch is also an Irish national who fled the U.S. to his homeland in Ireland, shortly after the investigation had been announced. The other school employee who was named is a Marist Brother, Timothy Brady, 41, who was the acting principal when the incidents are said to have occurred, was charged as well, but was only moved to a Marist retreat in Arizona.

Brady did surrender to the authorities on his on vilition after being advised of the charges that ranged from first degree, third degree sexual assault, and endangering the welfare of a minor child. These acts of sexual abuse were said to have even been occuring while Sean Combs was a student at the school. The rejuvenation of this scandal at Mt Saint Michael having now been cast back into mainstream media, there are probably a volume of people wondering if Combs was in fact a victim of the sexual assaults also at the academy.

The school’s principal Timothy Brady was tried, convicted and sentenced to prison. The circumstances of his case are sealed. He was last known to still be acting as a Marist Brother at a school in Chicago. Father Lynch was subsequently acquitted due to the alleged victim in his case refusing to testify any further, and then the presiding judge ruled that there was no evidence against him.

Former Marist Father, Rev. Bernard Lynch Archdiocese of New York (aka the AIDS Priest).

In Lynch’s defense, there were allegations that he wasn’t well liked by the Archdiocese, mainly due to his advocacy for gay Catholics, and his work related to the AIDS epidemic. Some saw him as a victim himself of being targeted by homophobic teachers and staff at the school. Although Lynch wasn’t found guilty of sexually assaulting students, he is blamed for the culture of homosexuality at Mt Saint Michael during that time. There are varying opinions related to the merit of those allegations.

However, Lynch today is now a former Priest, openly gay, and has been married to a man for over a decade. There has never been any allegations that either of the former school employees ever sexually assaulted Sean Combs, but given the gravity of the current charges against Combs, the irony of these particular school officials having been employed at the school during the years Combs’ attended is far too coincidental to be overlooked.

When we weigh the history of the Archdiocese being embroiled in countless allegations of sexual abuse towards children by Priest and other officials within many branches of the Catholic Church, juxtaposed to the allegations of perversion currently levied against Combs, it extremely challenging not to conclude that Sean Combs more than like was exposed to sexuality variantly while attending Mt. Saint Michael, and perhaps perversion in some form, was also an aspect of his sexual conformity.

The “Puffy” Handle And The Origins of “Diddler”

Sean Combs’ handle or nickname has transformed over the years as his fame and popularity grew in the music industry and business. He went from “Puffy” to “Puff Daddy”, to “P. Diddy”, and finally resolved to his desire to simply be called “Diddy”. Most people like myself probably never gave too much thought regarding what he called himself or the nicknames celebrities in general are referred to. Most people typically obtain these sort of pet names based on life events, our characters, or activities we’re personally known for.

For instance a kid who likes certain kinds of snack foods may acquire the nickname “cookie” for having been known to always eat cookies. Sean Combs’ name “Puffy” is more than likely associated with smoking marijuana, as in “Puff the Magic Dragon.” Although Puff’s origins are rooted in poetry and that later on had a song created about a pet magic dragon named “Puff”. The 1960’s fairytale was also once characterized in a Newsweek article as making a veil reference to smoking marijuana

The parallel can easily be made with the flare of fire that occurs when a marijuana cigarette is inhaled, creating a fiery effect, and then the stream of smoke that appears in an exhale, like a fire breathing dragon. How Combs obtained a nickname that references his personal indulgence in smoking pot, and having it equated with a child’s fairytale is very interesting in itself

Combs’ handle isn’t simply steeped in marijuana smoke as glorified in urban and “hip hop” culture, that part of his nickname can easily be explained, but the “Diddy” portion is a bit more complex and deeper. To grasp a good understanding  we’ll have to take a trip back into time, to European sensational journalism.

Assuming that Combs’ “Diddy” handle is derived from a dialectal of the root word Diddle, we can clearly see the full unmistakable, but extremely dark inference or meaning in Combs’ desired nickname. The term “diddler” is slang used to refer to a person engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior, and often in a deceptive or sneaky manner. The term is also akin to “riddler,” as in “kiddie riddler” or “kiddie diddler.” Now, Combs’ handle is “Diddy,” but it’s a no-brainer that it’s a dialectal of the term “Diddler.”

Without revisiting a collegiate course on linguistics, I’ll just remind us that the terms derived from mid 20th century media in Europe’s tabloids to sensationally, or to utilize the terms in a disparaging manner, as attention grabbers while describing a person who sexually abuses children. After having learned about this figurative language, there must be some clarity established regarding Sean Combs’ choice to openly and publicly promote his “Diddy” handle. Was he ignorant to the term’s origin, or was it a clever play on words to disguise his personal and perverse sexual practices.

There are a volume of Sean Combs supports who will argue that such an analogy is a stretch and the “Diddler” term is only related a the role he was cast in, for the Marvel movie “BatMan,” and is being utilized now in a facetious manner to embarrass, shame, and defame his image. You might make that argument, but it wasn’t until Combs became fully established in the institution of “Hollywood” that the “Diddy” handle came about. Hollywood has had a storied past of its own and may have been the direct influence which has led to Combs’ seemingly imminent destruction.

Diddy As The Establishment’s Whore

There have essentially been a plethora of rumors and allegations regarding the activities and dealings of Sean Combs along with music industry bigwigs, such as Clive Davis and many others. There is no need to go into full detail regarding the specifics, not only are there way too many to delve into, but quite frankly it’s not the intended focus of my commentary. I will simply say this.

If the allegations are true, that Sean Combs actually filmed famous people engaged in sexual activity or while in otherwise extremely compromising posturess, it more than likely was done so for strategic purposes. Whether it was for extorting people, bribery, sexual pleasures or other superficial reasons, his actions appear to have been calculative. He allegedly used the party atmosphere as a guise to lure unsuspecting party goers into a web of erotic sex orgies without their knowledge. These escapades were dubbed “Freakoffs.”–

However, we shouldn’t allow ourseleves to be pulled down the rabbit hole and made to believe that the man we know as Sean Combs is some mega freak, who rapped, extorted, kidnapped, and sexually abused men, women, and children solely for his own personal pleasure. The very fact that the parties were attended by Hollywood elites, business executives, policians, clergy, and a volume of other powerful people from around the globe, clearly demonstrates that these events were a cultural practice, and essentially what these people enjoy doing.

His attentions, although pervasive, were also purposeful, and he had help too. Combs seemingly targeted certain music artists, music executives, and others whose wealth was developed through entertainment, their talents, and business practices. Many of these celebs also were under contracts, endorsements, and other business related obligations that could be jeopardized if they encountered a horrible public relations incident. So, it was careless of them to not be chary about attending Combs’ “Freakoff” parties.

Combs and his business associates probably benefited from a volume of celebrities attending these parties, and then the video tapes were more than likely used to broker deals favorable to Combs and his partners, while famous people had to tow the line and “do as they were told” to avoid the embarrassment and the calamity of what they had been secretly recorded doing on tape ever being made public. Perhaps this is essentially the real reason so many people have been silent all of this time. Combs was used by the “establishment” to recruit and promote its perverse culture within the music industry.

Hollywood’s Resemblance Of O’Cult Like Rituals

I was Alex Jones of the now defunct “InfoWars” platform, who first introduce us to the OcCult dealings in the redwood hills of Northern California, when he penetrated the grounds of the Bohemian Grove (a retreat style vacationing park which is protected by the Sonoma County Sheriffs and the U.S. Secret Service. Jones’ secretly recorded footage of some of the activities that occurred at the Grove in 2001 literally sent shockwaves throughout social media.

That footage and Jones is only mentioned here for the purpose of giving context to what many who are in the know call ritualistic events that date back to the druids of ancient babylon. The annual retreat at the Grove consists of Hollywood elites, business executives. leaders of commerce, industries, and world leaders. It’s an exclusive male event that reportedly involves many of the attendees swimming together in the buff, and other activities that are shocking considering who many of the participants are, and the fact that they’re all men.

The highlight of the annual retreat is the “Cremation of Care” ceremony. From the footage that Alex Jones captured inside of the Grove, you can see a body the size of a child being brought before a 40 foot stone carved into the shape of an owl. The ceremony includes interaction with the owl who demands that they burn their cares before him. It’s supposed to be a sacrifice of a child, just like the druids did to the Moch deity in the Bible.

It’s some really creepy stuff especially since world leaders who have the power of decision making that impact people around the globe. These are the people, the elites, the perverted businessmen and politicians who control the world, that are probably behind the downfall of Sean Combs. There are many theories behind why he suddenly fell from grace, but it’s obvious that something happened. If you consider the kind of people who attended his parties and were in his inner circle for the better portion of 20 years or, and none of the current allegations ever leaked out, tells you that there had to be influence from some very powerful people.

The most disturbing part of the entire ordeal is Combs’ is alleged to have sexually abused children. There is a constant theme here from his days in Catholic School, to the rumors of sex trafficking, homosexuality, to the exploitation and abuse of minors, it appears that the element of sex involving kids has permeated Combs’ entire life. There is a plethora of information available to establish how Sean Combs actually became a “diddle”, “diddler”, “diddy” or whatever he wants to call himself.

May God be with the children, women, and men who may have suffered from sexual abuse everywhere! Godspeed.

I’m journalist, crime writer, and blogger David B. Adams

The People’s Champion Blog


Youtube, Vlad TV, New York Times

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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