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The People’s Champion: New Global Translation Feature Added For Growing International Followers

The People’s Champion Blog site visitor statistics revealed that 2011 brought followers from every continent on the planet earth to the site except Antarctica. To further promote the site’s International Following, I have instituted a new Global Translator feature. The feature which is located in the sidebar to the right, will now allow followers from various other nations to translate the entire blog to their native language with just one click. Simply look for your National Flag, click it, and enjoy reading in your native tongue. TPC is continuing to add more features for the benefit of followers who continuously support the blog and what the site’s Authors have to say. We thank you for your continued support.

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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The People’s Champion Blog site visitor statistics revealed that 2011 brought followers from every continent on the planet earth to the site except Antarctica. To further promote the site’s International Following, I have instituted a new Global Translator feature. The feature which is located in the sidebar to the right, will now allow followers from various other nations to translate the entire blog to their native language with just one click. Simply look for your National Flag, click it, and enjoy reading in your native tongue. TPC is continuing to add more features for the benefit of followers who continuously support the blog and what the site’s Authors have to say. We thank you for your continued support.

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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