The Phylicia Barnes Story: Blog Talk Interview With Older Barnes Siblings Reveals Facts Not Mentioned In Media Reports
Posted by David Adams on February 15th, 2011
When reports first emerged about 16 year old Honor Student Phylicia Barnes, the Media reported that details were very sketchy about the Beautiful Monroe, N.C. teen’s disappearance, and only offered the rationalization that the child went missing after walking to a local establishment to purchase food. Police have only dispersed minimal information regarding the Investigation now underway in hopes of establishing the whereabouts of the very studious Barnes Kid. Recently, I have found a Blog Talk Interview conducted with Older Siblings Deena, Kelly, and Brian Barnes by Peas In a Pod Radio. The Interview shed new light on the case, revealing facts not previously mentioned in Media Reports. Also, many are said to have listened to the Radio Broadcast with Raised Eyebrows, questioning the judgment of Deena Barnes the Sister whom Phylicia was staying with, and challenged her account of the events leading up to her Baby Sister’s disappearance. It has been long established that Young Phylicia was last seen by the Boyfriend of elder Sister Deena. The Media Accounts reported that he last saw her walking to a local store for food. I have personally expressed my suspicions about that account, because of the fact that Phylicia was not from Baltimore, didn’t know anyone there other than her Siblings, and questioned why he didn’t look after the teen or notify Deena about her wondering off without supervision. As it turns out, the Blog Talk Interview revealed that the Boyfriend is actually an Ex Boyfriend of Deena Barnes, and still had access to the apartment where the pretty teen was staying along with Deena. Many have expressed complete displeasure with that fact which can only be characterized by a Blog Talk Listener’s quote, “Not Good, Not Good at All”.

During the BT Interview Deena stated that her Ex was there for the purpose of moving out of the apartment and to pick up a Younger Brother (Deena changed her story later on in the Broadcast, stating the Ex was there to pick up his Cousin). He called Deena around 11 a.m. EST to advise her that he was at the apartment, and that Phylicia was falling asleep on the couch. A Young Brother? So, there were actually 2 men at the apartment with Phylicia Barnes on the morning of her disappearance! Did Deena Barnes leave her Baby Sister at the apartment with a Strange Male? Deena said in the BTI she last saw Phylicia around 8:45 a.m. EST prior to leaving for work. Was this Male Cousin of the Ex there at the apartment when she left? More poignantly, if the Younger Cousin/Brother, which ever account is true, wasn’t there prior to Deena’s departure for work, why did he come to the apartment? Does he live there? This doesn’t make sense, and doesn’t add up! As the BTI went on the Sister’s accounts got even more Bazaar. Both older Sisters Deena and Kelly state that they had text with Phylicia on that morning, and had been discussing plans for later on that day. They had planned to do some shopping and make a Hair Dresser Appointment. Older Sister Kelly was supposed to pick up Phylicia after she got off from work. Kelly stated during the Interview that she planned to get off from work that day around 1.30 p.m. EST. It was revealed later on that Kelly never in fact picked her Little Sister up at all, I believe that she stated she called Phylicia, could not reach her and assumed that Deena had already picked the child up, and she changed her plans on getting Phylicia. Kelly never stated whether or not she called Deena to verify if Phylicia was with Deena or why she didn’t go by to physically check on her Baby Sister. As a Listener of the Blog Talk interview, I have to tell you that I was very troubled by these accounts. Deena Arrived home around 6 p.m. EST and discovered that Phylicia was not there. A short time later, according to Deena, she sounded the alarm and notified their Father. Both Deena and Kelly say they exchanged Text Messages with Phylicia and their communication stopped around 12 p.m. EST. You mean to tell me from 12 – 1:30 p.m. ( the time frame when they last heard from Phylicia and when Kelly was supposed to pick her up), 1:30 – 6 p.m. (the time frame from when Kelly was supposed to get Phylicia and the time Deena got home) neither of these two adult females checked on their Baby Sister, who was a complete stranger to Baltimore, and at least one of them (Deena) knew possibly that at least two Men had been in the apartment with Phylicia on the morning of her disappearance? This is very unusual based on the Baltimore Culture that I know. The other troubling circumstances that I have with the Sisters accounts is that neither say they talked to her on that morning. They both reportedly received Text Messages from Phylicia. However, Deena did admit speaking with her EX, who told her Phylicia was falling asleep on the couch, and this was around 1:30 p.m. EST. You take the Ex Boyfriend’s word that your Baby Sister whom he does not know is safe and not in harms way? Did Deena even question why the Younger Cousin/Brother of her Ex was at the apartment? I mean he is an Ex Boyfriend who is moving out! Moving out I said! This leads me to a common sense theory I have about this Young child’s disappearance. Could it be possible that the Younger Sibling of the Ex was there for the purpose of helping him move personal items out of the apartment? Perhaps having your Precious Baby Sister over as a House Guest may not have been a good idea while your in the middle of a breakup with your Boyfriend. That’s just me, but anyway! As a Native Baltimorean I know the area very well where the Apartment Complex is located, where Phylicia was staying with her Sister, and it is very common for Tenants to back a Moving Truck or vehicle up to the door of the building while moving in and out of their apartment. Watch this Video of local Charlotte, N.C. WCNC TV’s News clip, and observe where the Police K-9 lost the scent of young Phylicia Barnes.
WCNC TV: Missing Teen’s siblings believe Phylicia Barnes is still alive
Now, could it be possible, following my theory of how Tenants move in and out of apartment buildings in Baltimore, that the only two known Males to have reportedly been the last person(s) to see Phylicia alive, carried her body out of the apartment in some kind of container and loaded it onto their Moving Vehicle? Based on details highlighted in the Nightly News Broadcast, the trail of Phylicia last steps ends right at the front door of the Apartment Building. Also,I can’t help but wonder why Phylicia was falling asleep around the time that Older Sister Kelly was supposed to pick her up, and why Deena never asked to speak with Phylicia after having learned that two Men were there with this pretty little girl. The rationalization Deena offered, “we said well just let her sleep” doesn’t set well with me. It is quite possible that the Ex was sending Deena and Kelly the Text Messages to them on the morning and afternoon of that day. Why Text each other? Why not just call your 16 year old Sister? During the BTI Deena Barnes declined to mention the Ex Boyfriend’s (who has now hired an Attorney) name, initially stated the other Male at the apartment was young, but later said he was older than Phylicia. Moreover, during the BTI I could detect stress in Deena Barne’s voice when responding to certain pertinent questions surrounding the events of that day. At one point it seems as she paused for an eternity to respond to a question. Kelly seemed extremely nervous, timid, and appeared to be on the brink of disclosing something. The Older Brother, Brian, seemed to be the only one with a genuine interest in locating the whereabouts of Young Phylicia Barnes. At times during the BTI Kelly appeared to be non-attentive, unfocused, and appeared coached as you could practically hear someone whispering in the background. The other point of note is that Deena left the Radio Broadcast mid show for some unknown reason, and she has been consistently avoiding Media Exposure. Come on! We are talking about the disappearance of your Baby Sister! What on Earth could possibly be more important than that? Make no mistake about it, it is clear to me and many others who listened to the Blog Talk Interview of the Barnes Siblings, that Deena and Kelly have more information regarding the disappearance of their Baby Sister then what they are willing to communicate to Police. The fact they none of the Siblings seem to cast suspicion on the Ex Boyfriend and or his Younger Relative speaks volumes. Why would Deena protect an Ex in a case like this? Either they know what happened to Phylicia or they were directly involved! The Blog Talk Interview was as enlightening as it was disturbing. Listen for your self.
Blog Talk Interview With Barnes Siblings
I will keep you posted as I continue in my efforts of trying to assist Authorities in locating and finding out what happened to Young Phylicia Barnes right here on the People’s Champion Blog!
When reports first emerged about 16 year old Honor Student Phylicia Barnes, the Media reported that details were very sketchy about the Beautiful Monroe, N.C. teen’s disappearance, and only offered the rationalization that the child went missing after walking to a local establishment to purchase food. Police have only dispersed minimal information regarding the Investigation now underway in hopes of establishing the whereabouts of the very studious Barnes Kid. Recently, I have found a Blog Talk Interview conducted with Older Siblings Deena, Kelly, and Brian Barnes by Peas In a Pod Radio. The Interview shed new light on the case, revealing facts not previously mentioned in Media Reports. Also, many are said to have listened to the Radio Broadcast with Raised Eyebrows, questioning the judgment of Deena Barnes the Sister whom Phylicia was staying with, and challenged her account of the events leading up to her Baby Sister’s disappearance. It has been long established that Young Phylicia was last seen by the Boyfriend of elder Sister Deena. The Media Accounts reported that he last saw her walking to a local store for food. I have personally expressed my suspicions about that account, because of the fact that Phylicia was not from Baltimore, didn’t know anyone there other than her Siblings, and questioned why he didn’t look after the teen or notify Deena about her wondering off without supervision. As it turns out, the Blog Talk Interview revealed that the Boyfriend is actually an Ex Boyfriend of Deena Barnes, and still had access to the apartment where the pretty teen was staying along with Deena. Many have expressed complete displeasure with that fact which can only be characterized by a Blog Talk Listener’s quote, “Not Good, Not Good at All”.

During the BT Interview Deena stated that her Ex was there for the purpose of moving out of the apartment and to pick up a Younger Brother (Deena changed her story later on in the Broadcast, stating the Ex was there to pick up his Cousin). He called Deena around 11 a.m. EST to advise her that he was at the apartment, and that Phylicia was falling asleep on the couch. A Young Brother? So, there were actually 2 men at the apartment with Phylicia Barnes on the morning of her disappearance! Did Deena Barnes leave her Baby Sister at the apartment with a Strange Male? Deena said in the BTI she last saw Phylicia around 8:45 a.m. EST prior to leaving for work. Was this Male Cousin of the Ex there at the apartment when she left? More poignantly, if the Younger Cousin/Brother, which ever account is true, wasn’t there prior to Deena’s departure for work, why did he come to the apartment? Does he live there? This doesn’t make sense, and doesn’t add up! As the BTI went on the Sister’s accounts got even more Bazaar. Both older Sisters Deena and Kelly state that they had text with Phylicia on that morning, and had been discussing plans for later on that day. They had planned to do some shopping and make a Hair Dresser Appointment. Older Sister Kelly was supposed to pick up Phylicia after she got off from work. Kelly stated during the Interview that she planned to get off from work that day around 1.30 p.m. EST. It was revealed later on that Kelly never in fact picked her Little Sister up at all, I believe that she stated she called Phylicia, could not reach her and assumed that Deena had already picked the child up, and she changed her plans on getting Phylicia. Kelly never stated whether or not she called Deena to verify if Phylicia was with Deena or why she didn’t go by to physically check on her Baby Sister. As a Listener of the Blog Talk interview, I have to tell you that I was very troubled by these accounts. Deena Arrived home around 6 p.m. EST and discovered that Phylicia was not there. A short time later, according to Deena, she sounded the alarm and notified their Father. Both Deena and Kelly say they exchanged Text Messages with Phylicia and their communication stopped around 12 p.m. EST. You mean to tell me from 12 – 1:30 p.m. ( the time frame when they last heard from Phylicia and when Kelly was supposed to pick her up), 1:30 – 6 p.m. (the time frame from when Kelly was supposed to get Phylicia and the time Deena got home) neither of these two adult females checked on their Baby Sister, who was a complete stranger to Baltimore, and at least one of them (Deena) knew possibly that at least two Men had been in the apartment with Phylicia on the morning of her disappearance? This is very unusual based on the Baltimore Culture that I know. The other troubling circumstances that I have with the Sisters accounts is that neither say they talked to her on that morning. They both reportedly received Text Messages from Phylicia. However, Deena did admit speaking with her EX, who told her Phylicia was falling asleep on the couch, and this was around 1:30 p.m. EST. You take the Ex Boyfriend’s word that your Baby Sister whom he does not know is safe and not in harms way? Did Deena even question why the Younger Cousin/Brother of her Ex was at the apartment? I mean he is an Ex Boyfriend who is moving out! Moving out I said! This leads me to a common sense theory I have about this Young child’s disappearance. Could it be possible that the Younger Sibling of the Ex was there for the purpose of helping him move personal items out of the apartment? Perhaps having your Precious Baby Sister over as a House Guest may not have been a good idea while your in the middle of a breakup with your Boyfriend. That’s just me, but anyway! As a Native Baltimorean I know the area very well where the Apartment Complex is located, where Phylicia was staying with her Sister, and it is very common for Tenants to back a Moving Truck or vehicle up to the door of the building while moving in and out of their apartment. Watch this Video of local Charlotte, N.C. WCNC TV’s News clip, and observe where the Police K-9 lost the scent of young Phylicia Barnes.
WCNC TV: Missing Teen’s siblings believe Phylicia Barnes is still alive
Now, could it be possible, following my theory of how Tenants move in and out of apartment buildings in Baltimore, that the only two known Males to have reportedly been the last person(s) to see Phylicia alive, carried her body out of the apartment in some kind of container and loaded it onto their Moving Vehicle? Based on details highlighted in the Nightly News Broadcast, the trail of Phylicia last steps ends right at the front door of the Apartment Building. Also,I can’t help but wonder why Phylicia was falling asleep around the time that Older Sister Kelly was supposed to pick her up, and why Deena never asked to speak with Phylicia after having learned that two Men were there with this pretty little girl. The rationalization Deena offered, “we said well just let her sleep” doesn’t set well with me. It is quite possible that the Ex was sending Deena and Kelly the Text Messages to them on the morning and afternoon of that day. Why Text each other? Why not just call your 16 year old Sister? During the BTI Deena Barnes declined to mention the Ex Boyfriend’s (who has now hired an Attorney) name, initially stated the other Male at the apartment was young, but later said he was older than Phylicia. Moreover, during the BTI I could detect stress in Deena Barne’s voice when responding to certain pertinent questions surrounding the events of that day. At one point it seems as she paused for an eternity to respond to a question. Kelly seemed extremely nervous, timid, and appeared to be on the brink of disclosing something. The Older Brother, Brian, seemed to be the only one with a genuine interest in locating the whereabouts of Young Phylicia Barnes. At times during the BTI Kelly appeared to be non-attentive, unfocused, and appeared coached as you could practically hear someone whispering in the background. The other point of note is that Deena left the Radio Broadcast mid show for some unknown reason, and she has been consistently avoiding Media Exposure. Come on! We are talking about the disappearance of your Baby Sister! What on Earth could possibly be more important than that? Make no mistake about it, it is clear to me and many others who listened to the Blog Talk Interview of the Barnes Siblings, that Deena and Kelly have more information regarding the disappearance of their Baby Sister then what they are willing to communicate to Police. The fact they none of the Siblings seem to cast suspicion on the Ex Boyfriend and or his Younger Relative speaks volumes. Why would Deena protect an Ex in a case like this? Either they know what happened to Phylicia or they were directly involved! The Blog Talk Interview was as enlightening as it was disturbing. Listen for your self.
Blog Talk Interview With Barnes Siblings
I will keep you posted as I continue in my efforts of trying to assist Authorities in locating and finding out what happened to Young Phylicia Barnes right here on the People’s Champion Blog!
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I agree you don’t leave a young girl home alone while your ex and his cousin are there. You stay on the phone with her until they leave and why would she be sleeping on the couch while there are moving out what sense does that make none at all! I thought I read some where he was suspected of cheating on Deena and Deena asked Phylicia to check facebook to see if the other chick was on his page and Phylicia relayed to Deena what she saw.(Once again Facebook is drama for the hood and needs to be banned or charged a fee to keep negative people off) Why get her involved with your break up and leave her there to be tortured by your ex and his cousin. Ms. Sallis you are in my prayers!
I agree you don’t leave a young girl home alone while your ex and his cousin are there. You stay on the phone with her until they leave and why would she be sleeping on the couch while there are moving out what sense does that make none at all! I thought I read some where he was suspected of cheating on Deena and Deena asked Phylicia to check facebook to see if the other chick was on his page and Phylicia relayed to Deena what she saw. Why get her involved with your break up and leave her there to be tortured by your ex and his cousin. Ms. Sallis you are in my prayers!
Facebook should be banned or charged a fee! it is drama for the hood and causes so much negativity peoples lives it was brought to the internet for a good pupose but now it’s turn in to ghetto foolishness
I think they knew what was going on, and she could have possibly been killed in that apartment and taking out in something, it would definitely make since if the dog couldn’t trace her scent past the door. SMH
Broderick Ervine
I found a great…
Black on black in the Charg I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini