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The Phylicia Barnes Story: Psychics Gave Undetected Early Lead In Honor Teen’s Demise In Which Some Details Have Since Materialized As Fact

Long before most of us within the public following the tragic story of pretty little Phylicia Barnes discovered that the child had perished, there were Psychics following the case who chatted in online forums, and offered clues that have since materialized. One of the most interesting perspectives that I recall was a psychic who said she saw a large bridge connecting two bodies of land. The comment was made after she tapped into some sort of sensory perception from para-psychological forces or influence related to the Barnes Teen disappearance. The comment holds tremendous credibility now that Barnes was actually found murdered at the Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland. When viewing the Dam, it’s chilling  when considering that parties with such abilities outside of natural or scientific knowledge in a  spiritual realm had actually given us such early,  precise, and distinctive clues related to what actually happened to Phylicia Barnes. The comments were made in January of 2011, long before the Barnes teen was found dead. I have since been trying to locate the forum in where the comments were made, and I promise to bring the thread here for all to view once I locate it again. Also, there were other psychics who describe a scenario where Phylicia was being held captive in a dark desolate place, and described with gory detail the manner in which the child had suffered in her final hours. Those comments raised eyebrows as well, because even the Chief of Baltimore’s Police Department had stated early on in the Barnes investigation that he believe the child or her body was more than likely being moved around. His comments came after tips from the public surfaced citing various locations around Baltimore where the child could possibly be found. All of those tips were declared unfounded. Information from the public caused police to initially convey that Barnes may have been abducted. The psychic who chatted about the case seemed certain of what her para-psychological insight was telling her, but there is even more that tends to offer a closer look, and reveal just how accurate the psychics just may have actually been. If we review the comments tweeted by Danisha McIntosh again, we see a potentially disturbing sequence of events:

Danisha’s Tweets

B3uteful–1831. Crying all crazy Friday, January 28, 2011 4:13:53 PM via twidroyd (original)

B3uteful–1832. Stop making all that noise outside my dor Friday, January 28, 2011 4:13:16 PM via twidroyd (original)

B3uteful–1833. It s trapped at the dam . Please don’t pull the lever Friday, January 28, 2011 4:12:28 PM via twidroyd (original)


The Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland: Where the nude body of Phylicia Barnes was found, and possibly the location Danisha McIntosh was referring when she tweeted, “It’s trapped at the dam.


The tweeted comments appear to be referencing crying and loud noise near and around Danisha’s door or close to her location at the time of her tweets. The comments are also made in a seemingly general fashion, but are explosive when we add the initial tweet that refers to a dam, being trapped, and not pulling the lever. It’s been widely speculated that Barnes may have actually been alive in late January of 2011.If that is the case, then Danisha may have had knowledge regarding her whereabouts, and never told the cops about it. The psychic visioned the child being held captive and Danisha’s tweet seems to confirm this. Danisha’s tweets supports this possibility in late January of that year. I am convinced that the crying and loud noise her tweets describe are related to Phylicia Barnes. Her tweets refer to something being trapped at a dam and less than a minute she describes the noise and “crying all crazy”. This perspective is extremely compelling and it’s highly doubtful that Danisha’s tweets were coincidence. It’s very possible that young Phylicia Barnes was alive and held against her will just as the psychic had described. Also, other details offered by psychic insight depicted the place in which Barnes may have been held captive was in an extremely warm place. There are tweets that lean toward this possibility as well. Tweets by Johnson family members on the day that Phylicia went missing are very interesting to say the very least. Hours after Glenton Johnson, Michael Johnson, and possibly others tweeted while driving in the Rolling Road area, Glenton makes a comment that may also support psychic revelations:

Johnson Tweets

12-28 3:24 pm Glenton tweet Hot as shyt in here
12-28 3:31 pm Kevin Johnson Tweet Watch wat u tweet. “the man” is watching.. lok
12-28 3:32 pm Glenton tweet @Chocolatewastd I told yu my fone was dying
12-28 3:35 pm Glenton Tweet My battery bout dead, useless as fone, #pos
12-28 3:38 pm Kevin Johnson Tweet See @Lil_Senca thats my muthafuckin nigga (flaka


On December 28, 2010 Glenton tweets about how hot it was at his location. His tweet is followed by a warning from Kevin Johnson to watch what you tweet “the man is watching”. It’s no doubt that “the man” he is referring to is the police. It’s uncertain where Glenton was at the time, but many have suspected his involvement in the Barnes killing, and other tweets referencing whooping a female is highly suspicious and very well may have been refering to the Barnes teen. More importantly though, why did a tweet about heat conditions draw a warning comment from the older Johnson male? Clearly the Johnsons had concerns that they were being watched and Kevin Johnson believed Glenton’s tweet may disclose what ever they were attempting to conceal. The other tweets were just as informative because Glenton appears to be indicating he is cutting off his phone in code. The praise Kevin gives him highlights and supports my perspective here. So, again we have another clue that may have been offered by a psychic related to the Barnes case. The child’s mother even believes that her daughter was alive in late January. After reading the comments by Danisha, Janice Mustafa told TPC during an interview that she believes Danisha McIntosh tweeted about her daughter. Janice said that’s just how her daughter would have reacted, crying uncontrollably, especially in a fearful situation. The mom’s comments adds even more interest into what psychics have said about her daughter prior to her being discovered dead. Another aspect of the case points to an establishment owned by the Johnson’s family in which authorities believe the child or her body may have been held. I won’t disclose the location of the property, but it’s believed that the location may contain forensic evidence surrounding the Barnes killing. I am sure like most following the case , the revelations offered by psychics during the early stages of the Barnes murder investigation were met with complete skepticism, but looking back at much of what they said about the case appears to be the most compelling and accurate perspective offered. Their insight went undetected and clearly were the most accurate account offered by anyone regarding what happened to young Phylicia Simone Barnes.



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams



David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Long before most of us within the public following the tragic story of pretty little Phylicia Barnes discovered that the child had perished, there were Psychics following the case who chatted in online forums, and offered clues that have since materialized. One of the most interesting perspectives that I recall was a psychic who said she saw a large bridge connecting two bodies of land. The comment was made after she tapped into some sort of sensory perception from para-psychological forces or influence related to the Barnes Teen disappearance. The comment holds tremendous credibility now that Barnes was actually found murdered at the Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland. When viewing the Dam, it’s chilling  when considering that parties with such abilities outside of natural or scientific knowledge in a  spiritual realm had actually given us such early,  precise, and distinctive clues related to what actually happened to Phylicia Barnes. The comments were made in January of 2011, long before the Barnes teen was found dead. I have since been trying to locate the forum in where the comments were made, and I promise to bring the thread here for all to view once I locate it again. Also, there were other psychics who describe a scenario where Phylicia was being held captive in a dark desolate place, and described with gory detail the manner in which the child had suffered in her final hours. Those comments raised eyebrows as well, because even the Chief of Baltimore’s Police Department had stated early on in the Barnes investigation that he believe the child or her body was more than likely being moved around. His comments came after tips from the public surfaced citing various locations around Baltimore where the child could possibly be found. All of those tips were declared unfounded. Information from the public caused police to initially convey that Barnes may have been abducted. The psychic who chatted about the case seemed certain of what her para-psychological insight was telling her, but there is even more that tends to offer a closer look, and reveal just how accurate the psychics just may have actually been. If we review the comments tweeted by Danisha McIntosh again, we see a potentially disturbing sequence of events:

Danisha’s Tweets

B3uteful–1831. Crying all crazy Friday, January 28, 2011 4:13:53 PM via twidroyd (original)

B3uteful–1832. Stop making all that noise outside my dor Friday, January 28, 2011 4:13:16 PM via twidroyd (original)

B3uteful–1833. It s trapped at the dam . Please don’t pull the lever Friday, January 28, 2011 4:12:28 PM via twidroyd (original)


The Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland: Where the nude body of Phylicia Barnes was found, and possibly the location Danisha McIntosh was referring when she tweeted, “It’s trapped at the dam.


The tweeted comments appear to be referencing crying and loud noise near and around Danisha’s door or close to her location at the time of her tweets. The comments are also made in a seemingly general fashion, but are explosive when we add the initial tweet that refers to a dam, being trapped, and not pulling the lever. It’s been widely speculated that Barnes may have actually been alive in late January of 2011.If that is the case, then Danisha may have had knowledge regarding her whereabouts, and never told the cops about it. The psychic visioned the child being held captive and Danisha’s tweet seems to confirm this. Danisha’s tweets supports this possibility in late January of that year. I am convinced that the crying and loud noise her tweets describe are related to Phylicia Barnes. Her tweets refer to something being trapped at a dam and less than a minute she describes the noise and “crying all crazy”. This perspective is extremely compelling and it’s highly doubtful that Danisha’s tweets were coincidence. It’s very possible that young Phylicia Barnes was alive and held against her will just as the psychic had described. Also, other details offered by psychic insight depicted the place in which Barnes may have been held captive was in an extremely warm place. There are tweets that lean toward this possibility as well. Tweets by Johnson family members on the day that Phylicia went missing are very interesting to say the very least. Hours after Glenton Johnson, Michael Johnson, and possibly others tweeted while driving in the Rolling Road area, Glenton makes a comment that may also support psychic revelations:

Johnson Tweets

12-28 3:24 pm Glenton tweet Hot as shyt in here
12-28 3:31 pm Kevin Johnson Tweet Watch wat u tweet. “the man” is watching.. lok
12-28 3:32 pm Glenton tweet @Chocolatewastd I told yu my fone was dying
12-28 3:35 pm Glenton Tweet My battery bout dead, useless as fone, #pos
12-28 3:38 pm Kevin Johnson Tweet See @Lil_Senca thats my muthafuckin nigga (flaka


On December 28, 2010 Glenton tweets about how hot it was at his location. His tweet is followed by a warning from Kevin Johnson to watch what you tweet “the man is watching”. It’s no doubt that “the man” he is referring to is the police. It’s uncertain where Glenton was at the time, but many have suspected his involvement in the Barnes killing, and other tweets referencing whooping a female is highly suspicious and very well may have been refering to the Barnes teen. More importantly though, why did a tweet about heat conditions draw a warning comment from the older Johnson male? Clearly the Johnsons had concerns that they were being watched and Kevin Johnson believed Glenton’s tweet may disclose what ever they were attempting to conceal. The other tweets were just as informative because Glenton appears to be indicating he is cutting off his phone in code. The praise Kevin gives him highlights and supports my perspective here. So, again we have another clue that may have been offered by a psychic related to the Barnes case. The child’s mother even believes that her daughter was alive in late January. After reading the comments by Danisha, Janice Mustafa told TPC during an interview that she believes Danisha McIntosh tweeted about her daughter. Janice said that’s just how her daughter would have reacted, crying uncontrollably, especially in a fearful situation. The mom’s comments adds even more interest into what psychics have said about her daughter prior to her being discovered dead. Another aspect of the case points to an establishment owned by the Johnson’s family in which authorities believe the child or her body may have been held. I won’t disclose the location of the property, but it’s believed that the location may contain forensic evidence surrounding the Barnes killing. I am sure like most following the case , the revelations offered by psychics during the early stages of the Barnes murder investigation were met with complete skepticism, but looking back at much of what they said about the case appears to be the most compelling and accurate perspective offered. Their insight went undetected and clearly were the most accurate account offered by anyone regarding what happened to young Phylicia Simone Barnes.



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams



David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Shellee Castle Hale

I think you were reading http://www.psychiccrimefighter.com

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