The United States Supreme Court Rules Mumia Abu Jamal Death Sentence Unconstitutional: Why Has It Taken 30 Years To Determine Mumia’s Trial Was Unfair?
Posted by David Adams on August 30th, 2011
There were followers from all over the Globe. From France, Germany, the United Kingdom to the Congo Territories of Africa watching, hoping, praying, and were not surprised when the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit of Pennsylvania unanimously declared that Mumia Abu-Jamal’s death sentence was in fact unconstitutional. Though this is the second time the higher court has made this ruling, it is in effect further illustration of the unfairness that Jamal endured during his 1981 murder conviction of Philly Police Officer Daniel Faulkner, and halts the State of Pennsylvania’s relentless efforts to kill the internationally acclaimed former Black Panther Party Member and Broadcast Journalist. Mumia has been housed on Death Row for nearly 30 years since his conviction. The decision marks an important step forward in the struggle to correct the mistakes of an unfortunate chapter in Pennsylvania history. If you are unfamiliar with his story I am confident that a little indulgence by simply reading one of his 6 books or one of thousands of his essays, listening to his weekly Radio Broadcast, and a basic review of his conviction, will result in the rational and reasoning enabled mind developing a clear view of why literally millions from around the world have called for his acquittal. Mumia’s case is not about Black Nationalism or the Black Panther Party. This case is about the unfairness of the Pennsylvania Criminal Justice System, the refusal of powers that be within in our Federal Courts to properly adjudicate appellate responsibility in discerning regulatory oversight related to the blatant problematic merits of the Jamal criminal case, and it’s inconsistent rulings pertaining to appellate arguments presented in this case while the exact same Federal Courts have established as precedent in appeals by others similarly situated as Abu-Jamal.

The record of this case has severe fairness delimma, politics, and appears to appeal to concealment and race rather than objectivity and disclosure. I can not convey to you adequately enough how agitated I am personally by this entire matter. My outrage does not derive from a pseudo Pro Black perspective, but rather, just like millions of others, I am troubled by what is clearly a frame up job by corrupt Police, Prosecutors, and FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) funded Court Officials within the Pennsylvania Federal District Appellate Branch. From the onset of this trial Racism has been smeared all over it. Philly Police were able to chump up charges against Abu-Jamal by tampering with evidence, falsifying duty reports, threatening and coercing witnesses (many of whom have since recanted their testimony and revealing that they were threatened by mobbed up Philly Cops), and perjury while on the stand during this Capital Murder Trial. The sitting magistrate of the Philly Court of Common Pleas at Mumia’s trial, Albert F. Sabo was as equally culpable in the demise of Mumia. Sabo not only purposefully excluded blacks from the jury pool, he intentionally dismissed exculpatory evidence during the trial, was overheard stating, “I am going to help them (Police) fry that nigger”, and at the time of his death had sentenced more defendants to death than any other sitting judge in he United States. Sabo also had a reputation of being a pro prosecution judge, but not just that, two thirds of his death sentences were eventually subsequently overturned by the Federal Courts. The same Courts just recently cited misconduct on his part, highlighting his ambiguous Jury Sentencing Instructions in which Sabo steered jurors in determining death rather than life in prison, and has caused Mumia’s death sentence to be ruled unconstitutional twice. These facts and many like them are alarming. However, much of the evidence presented by prosecutors in this case that resulted in Mumia’s conviction are outright sickening. One of the arresting Officers testified that he heard Abu-Jamal state, “I shot that motherf____r and I hope he dies”. The problem is that he reported these alleged facts 2 1/2 weeks after Mumia’s arrest. When the Cop was challenged as to why he hadn’t reported this crucial evidence at the time of the arrest he responded, “I didn’t know it was important to the case until now”. Yet, the Officer’s initial report states, “the subject said nothing”. The mere fact that even an all white jury was unable to conclude the Cop was a liar speaks volumes. The firearm that Mumia had on him that not which he was licensed to carry as a cab driver was never tested by Police to determine if it had been fired. The Ballistics (projectile or bullet removed from Faulkner) test was conveniently inconclusive and confirms that cops couldn’t determine if it was fired from Mumia’s gun. The Police’s account of that night was that Abu-Jamal stood over Faulkner and fired four times shooing him once execution style, but missing three times. Photographs of the crime scene from that nightt fail to show the typical bullet markings on the sidewalk, completely dispelling the Police’s theory, and supporting recanted stories by witness’ who say cops coerced them to lie on the stand as to what they saw the night of the Faulkner killing. If the bullet markings are not in the original crime scene photos than it is highly improbable that the shooting occurred in the manner that jurors were led to believe. One of the primary Officers on the scene also testified or lied I should say, that he carefully preserved ballistic evidence from the crime scene. Just this year more crime scene photos have surfaced which clearly show that Officer standing holding both Faulkner and Mumia’s gun with his bare hands. This is crucial because during the trial it was testified that Abu-Jamal’s finger prints were on the alleged murder weapon. I doesn’t take rocket science to show that this is complete bullshit.

Philly Cop holding alleged murder weapon in his bare hand that Police say Abu-Jamal used to kill Officer Daniel Faulkner. The image demonstrates that he lied on the stand when he testified that he had carefully preserved ballistic evidence. A fact by precedent of the U.S. Federal Appellate System typically is cause for a new trial. Mumia’s case has been marred by inconsistencies by Appellate Judges of this nature for decades.
The list of discrepancies in this case run on and on. Far too many to include in this Blog Post. The underlying mindset as to why Mumia killed Faulkner is that he was a radical Black Panther Party Member who wanted to kill a “Pig” as many BPPM publicly preached during the height of the Civil Rights Movement. It should be noted that prior to this arrest and conviction, Abu-Jamal had never had a history of violence of any kind. The reality of Mumia’s BPPM affiliation is that he served as the Philly Branch Minister of Information, a seat he held within the group during the Panther’s decline and fall from National prominence. Perhaps the FBI File developed on Mumia at age 12 (Abu-Jamal discovered this during his incarceration after filing a Freedom of Information Act Request from the Government) is in actuality the sole premise that Abu-Jamal was targeted by Police. Even the fact that a man named Arnold Beverly has made a sworn affidavit that he was hired to kill Faulkner by Mobbed up Philly Cops isn’t enough to free Abu-Jamal from incarceration for this crime despite overwhelming evidence which points to someone other then Mumia having pulled the trigger on that fatal night in 1981.

Arnold Beverly says he killed Officer Daniel Faulkner at the direction of the Mob, and not Abu-Jamal.
The Arnold Beverly Confession
Authorities have known about the Beverly Confession for years now, but many say that he isn’t credible. If we exclude the beverly Confession there is still a plethora of other elements in this case that reveals Mumia Abu-Jamal should at least be granted a new trial. Failure to grant due process in any case within our Justice System is a crime in it’s self especially in cases which entails Life or Death. So we must ask ourselves why Mumia? Why millions around the world have marched, protested, and relentlessly sought his release from prison? There is only one true way to answer that question and that’s by allowing you to listen to Mumia for yourself. Click the links below and listen for yourself why racist Federal Courts want Mumia Abu-Jamal dead or behind bars for life.
Cointelpros Then And Now- Mumia Abu Jamal
12 Mumia Abu-Jamal – The Enemies We Don’t Know
Mumia Abu Jamal 1; Justice Denied
America’s Prison System- Mumia Abu-Jamal
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
There were followers from all over the Globe. From France, Germany, the United Kingdom to the Congo Territories of Africa watching, hoping, praying, and were not surprised when the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit of Pennsylvania unanimously declared that Mumia Abu-Jamal’s death sentence was in fact unconstitutional. Though this is the second time the higher court has made this ruling, it is in effect further illustration of the unfairness that Jamal endured during his 1981 murder conviction of Philly Police Officer Daniel Faulkner, and halts the State of Pennsylvania’s relentless efforts to kill the internationally acclaimed former Black Panther Party Member and Broadcast Journalist. Mumia has been housed on Death Row for nearly 30 years since his conviction. The decision marks an important step forward in the struggle to correct the mistakes of an unfortunate chapter in Pennsylvania history. If you are unfamiliar with his story I am confident that a little indulgence by simply reading one of his 6 books or one of thousands of his essays, listening to his weekly Radio Broadcast, and a basic review of his conviction, will result in the rational and reasoning enabled mind developing a clear view of why literally millions from around the world have called for his acquittal. Mumia’s case is not about Black Nationalism or the Black Panther Party. This case is about the unfairness of the Pennsylvania Criminal Justice System, the refusal of powers that be within in our Federal Courts to properly adjudicate appellate responsibility in discerning regulatory oversight related to the blatant problematic merits of the Jamal criminal case, and it’s inconsistent rulings pertaining to appellate arguments presented in this case while the exact same Federal Courts have established as precedent in appeals by others similarly situated as Abu-Jamal.

The record of this case has severe fairness delimma, politics, and appears to appeal to concealment and race rather than objectivity and disclosure. I can not convey to you adequately enough how agitated I am personally by this entire matter. My outrage does not derive from a pseudo Pro Black perspective, but rather, just like millions of others, I am troubled by what is clearly a frame up job by corrupt Police, Prosecutors, and FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) funded Court Officials within the Pennsylvania Federal District Appellate Branch. From the onset of this trial Racism has been smeared all over it. Philly Police were able to chump up charges against Abu-Jamal by tampering with evidence, falsifying duty reports, threatening and coercing witnesses (many of whom have since recanted their testimony and revealing that they were threatened by mobbed up Philly Cops), and perjury while on the stand during this Capital Murder Trial. The sitting magistrate of the Philly Court of Common Pleas at Mumia’s trial, Albert F. Sabo was as equally culpable in the demise of Mumia. Sabo not only purposefully excluded blacks from the jury pool, he intentionally dismissed exculpatory evidence during the trial, was overheard stating, “I am going to help them (Police) fry that nigger”, and at the time of his death had sentenced more defendants to death than any other sitting judge in he United States. Sabo also had a reputation of being a pro prosecution judge, but not just that, two thirds of his death sentences were eventually subsequently overturned by the Federal Courts. The same Courts just recently cited misconduct on his part, highlighting his ambiguous Jury Sentencing Instructions in which Sabo steered jurors in determining death rather than life in prison, and has caused Mumia’s death sentence to be ruled unconstitutional twice. These facts and many like them are alarming. However, much of the evidence presented by prosecutors in this case that resulted in Mumia’s conviction are outright sickening. One of the arresting Officers testified that he heard Abu-Jamal state, “I shot that motherf____r and I hope he dies”. The problem is that he reported these alleged facts 2 1/2 weeks after Mumia’s arrest. When the Cop was challenged as to why he hadn’t reported this crucial evidence at the time of the arrest he responded, “I didn’t know it was important to the case until now”. Yet, the Officer’s initial report states, “the subject said nothing”. The mere fact that even an all white jury was unable to conclude the Cop was a liar speaks volumes. The firearm that Mumia had on him that not which he was licensed to carry as a cab driver was never tested by Police to determine if it had been fired. The Ballistics (projectile or bullet removed from Faulkner) test was conveniently inconclusive and confirms that cops couldn’t determine if it was fired from Mumia’s gun. The Police’s account of that night was that Abu-Jamal stood over Faulkner and fired four times shooing him once execution style, but missing three times. Photographs of the crime scene from that nightt fail to show the typical bullet markings on the sidewalk, completely dispelling the Police’s theory, and supporting recanted stories by witness’ who say cops coerced them to lie on the stand as to what they saw the night of the Faulkner killing. If the bullet markings are not in the original crime scene photos than it is highly improbable that the shooting occurred in the manner that jurors were led to believe. One of the primary Officers on the scene also testified or lied I should say, that he carefully preserved ballistic evidence from the crime scene. Just this year more crime scene photos have surfaced which clearly show that Officer standing holding both Faulkner and Mumia’s gun with his bare hands. This is crucial because during the trial it was testified that Abu-Jamal’s finger prints were on the alleged murder weapon. I doesn’t take rocket science to show that this is complete bullshit.

Philly Cop holding alleged murder weapon in his bare hand that Police say Abu-Jamal used to kill Officer Daniel Faulkner. The image demonstrates that he lied on the stand when he testified that he had carefully preserved ballistic evidence. A fact by precedent of the U.S. Federal Appellate System typically is cause for a new trial. Mumia’s case has been marred by inconsistencies by Appellate Judges of this nature for decades.
The list of discrepancies in this case run on and on. Far too many to include in this Blog Post. The underlying mindset as to why Mumia killed Faulkner is that he was a radical Black Panther Party Member who wanted to kill a “Pig” as many BPPM publicly preached during the height of the Civil Rights Movement. It should be noted that prior to this arrest and conviction, Abu-Jamal had never had a history of violence of any kind. The reality of Mumia’s BPPM affiliation is that he served as the Philly Branch Minister of Information, a seat he held within the group during the Panther’s decline and fall from National prominence. Perhaps the FBI File developed on Mumia at age 12 (Abu-Jamal discovered this during his incarceration after filing a Freedom of Information Act Request from the Government) is in actuality the sole premise that Abu-Jamal was targeted by Police. Even the fact that a man named Arnold Beverly has made a sworn affidavit that he was hired to kill Faulkner by Mobbed up Philly Cops isn’t enough to free Abu-Jamal from incarceration for this crime despite overwhelming evidence which points to someone other then Mumia having pulled the trigger on that fatal night in 1981.

Arnold Beverly says he killed Officer Daniel Faulkner at the direction of the Mob, and not Abu-Jamal.
The Arnold Beverly Confession
Authorities have known about the Beverly Confession for years now, but many say that he isn’t credible. If we exclude the beverly Confession there is still a plethora of other elements in this case that reveals Mumia Abu-Jamal should at least be granted a new trial. Failure to grant due process in any case within our Justice System is a crime in it’s self especially in cases which entails Life or Death. So we must ask ourselves why Mumia? Why millions around the world have marched, protested, and relentlessly sought his release from prison? There is only one true way to answer that question and that’s by allowing you to listen to Mumia for yourself. Click the links below and listen for yourself why racist Federal Courts want Mumia Abu-Jamal dead or behind bars for life.
Cointelpros Then And Now- Mumia Abu Jamal
12 Mumia Abu-Jamal – The Enemies We Don’t Know
Mumia Abu Jamal 1; Justice Denied
America’s Prison System- Mumia Abu-Jamal
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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