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TPC Blog Tips: How To Access Comment Section

One of the main dilemmas with the new design of “The People’s Champion” Blog that users have brought to my attention, is how do you access the comment section of the Blog. It’s a little tricky I will admit. lol There are two ways to access the comment section of this new layout. Users could simply click the heading of any article that they wish to comment on or they could click the Article’s count tab located at the top left corner of every article. There are actually two tabs there. One is the date tab, and the article comment count is just below the date tab. It’s some what transparent and difficult to see. Take a look at the image below. The red arrows shows the ares users can click to access the comment section of every article.


The Red arrows shows where users can click to access the comment section of each article.

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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One of the main dilemmas with the new design of “The People’s Champion” Blog that users have brought to my attention, is how do you access the comment section of the Blog. It’s a little tricky I will admit. lol There are two ways to access the comment section of this new layout. Users could simply click the heading of any article that they wish to comment on or they could click the Article’s count tab located at the top left corner of every article. There are actually two tabs there. One is the date tab, and the article comment count is just below the date tab. It’s some what transparent and difficult to see. Take a look at the image below. The red arrows shows the ares users can click to access the comment section of every article.


The Red arrows shows where users can click to access the comment section of each article.

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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- See more at: http://thepeopleschampion.me/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=side-tab#sthash.HEuco14y.dpuf