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Breaking News In Phylicia Barnes Murder: Defense Set To Produce Alibi Witness Who Claims To Have Seen Honor Teen Alive After Missing Person Report

Nearly two years after the pretty teen honors student from Monroe, North Carolina went missing, subsequently found floating nude in a northern Maryland river, and after the teen’s half-sibling Deena Barnes’ ex-boyfriend was charge with her murder attorney’s for Michael Johnson tells news media that the child was seen alive days after reports surfaced that she was missing.  Defense attorneys for Michael Maurice Johnson say they intend to call an “alibi witness” named Robert Hickman Fields when the case comes to trial in January, court documents reveal. Johnson was charged with murder April 25 in the high-profile disappearance of the North Carolina teen. Investigators worked the Barnes teen case for months with several leads that eventually were unsubstantiated. In this sudden and strange turn of events, a person has apparently come forward claiming to have seen the child in Cecil County Maryland. Cecil County is where the child’s body was discovered floating in the Susquehanna River by state department of environmental workers. It’s very interesting that Robert Fields never contacted any of the law enforcement agencies investigating the Barnes case to inform them of this information. Barnes’ case made national media headlines, her picture was posted on bill boards all over the state, and despite the highly publicized media attention the child’s case garnered Fields never notified anyone until now. More importantly, it’s rather convenient and quite suspect that Johnson’s Attorney could mysteriously produce a witness with such explosive testimony nearly two years later. The report doesn’t offer details on where he saw the teen, whether she was in the company of anyone, and the exact date of her sighting. Considering every detail that has been made public about the case, Field’s testimony could be a deciding factor on whether or not his counsel can successfully establish reasonable doubt that Johnson may not have killed the child as the state alleges. However, if this mystery witness claims are true it raises questions as to where the Barnes teen was staying and who she was with several days after she was reported missing. During the initial stages of her disappearance investigation Baltimore City Police believed the child may have been moved from various locations. Field’s claim of seeing Barnes days later confirms early reports that she was still alive. It will be very interesting to see how these new developments pan out once the case goes to trial on January 22, 2013. Court filings also reveal that the defense has requested internal affairs records of Baltimore Detective Daniel T. Nicholson IV who was the lead detective in the Barnes case. Nicholson was suspended by the department after complaints were filed that he improperly used his badge to gain entry into homes without a warrant while searching for his teenage daughter. Nicholson had also faced prior criminal charges related to a domestic violence case related to his child. Those charges were eventually dropped on condition that the family sought counseling.  Johnson’s defense also claim that Nicholson is guilty of misconduct related to the Barnes murder investigation. The defense says that Johnson and his brothers Glenton, and Glenn were taken into custody and questioned for hours related to the Barnes disappearance. Attorney Neverdon says Johnson was held for over 17 hours handcuffed to a bench while Nicholson and other officers drilled him about the Barnes teen. Nicholson is also accused of menacing Johnson, while taking his car without a warrant, calling and showing up at his job on several occasions, and continuing to harass him over the Barnes disappearance. Although these are unsubstantiated claims by the defense, it’s clear that Johnson’s attorneys are attempting to attack the credibility of police investigators handling the case, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to sling as much mud as possible on the case with the hopes of appealing to potential jurors, and establishing police misconduct. Baltimore is well known for shaky juries that have come to some very questionable verdicts during criminal cases where police misconduct has been alleged, and despite overwhelming evidence that suggest defendants were in fact guilty. Fortunately for the state, an eyewitness who claims to have seen Johnson struggling to carry a large container out of Deena Barnes’ apartment around the time Johnson allegedly last saw the teen on the date she went missing is very compelling circumstantial evidence that could be extremely damaging to his defense. Also, pictures/videos discovered on Johnson’s cell phone with the Barnes teen, Johnson, and other adult males streaking nude inside and outside of Deena Barnes’ apartment creates a strong perception that Johnson may have developed sexual desires for the very pretty teen. The discovery of over 500 text messages between the Barnes youth and Johnson is also damaging to his defense as well. Other details recently revealed in the Barnes murder case indicate that prosecutors have file motions in an attempt to acquire GPS data for two cell phones. It’s believed that the phones belong to Johnson and the Barnes teen. That data could provide even more damaging information for Johnson’s defense if further evidence is obtained exposing intimate interactions with Barnes via text message, emails, etc. TPC reported previously in other articles related to the Barnes murder case that GPS data would prove to be very telling in this case because Twitter and other social media post by several parties connected to the case were incriminating, and provided a blue print of some coded and subliminal communications possibly implicating Johnson clan members in the Barnes murder. While Johnson’s Attorney attempts to deflect suspicion away from their client, it appears that the final disposition of this case will fall into the hands of a Baltimore Jury, and recent history demonstrates that this could potentially spell trouble for the prosecution if sympathetic jurors deem Johnson as another victim of police misconduct. The quest for justice in discovering who killed Phylicia Simone Barnes continues while her family and the public waits for answers.



Baltimore Sun

Washington Post



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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Nearly two years after the pretty teen honors student from Monroe, North Carolina went missing, subsequently found floating nude in a northern Maryland river, and after the teen’s half-sibling Deena Barnes’ ex-boyfriend was charge with her murder attorney’s for Michael Johnson tells news media that the child was seen alive days after reports surfaced that she was missing.  Defense attorneys for Michael Maurice Johnson say they intend to call an “alibi witness” named Robert Hickman Fields when the case comes to trial in January, court documents reveal. Johnson was charged with murder April 25 in the high-profile disappearance of the North Carolina teen. Investigators worked the Barnes teen case for months with several leads that eventually were unsubstantiated. In this sudden and strange turn of events, a person has apparently come forward claiming to have seen the child in Cecil County Maryland. Cecil County is where the child’s body was discovered floating in the Susquehanna River by state department of environmental workers. It’s very interesting that Robert Fields never contacted any of the law enforcement agencies investigating the Barnes case to inform them of this information. Barnes’ case made national media headlines, her picture was posted on bill boards all over the state, and despite the highly publicized media attention the child’s case garnered Fields never notified anyone until now. More importantly, it’s rather convenient and quite suspect that Johnson’s Attorney could mysteriously produce a witness with such explosive testimony nearly two years later. The report doesn’t offer details on where he saw the teen, whether she was in the company of anyone, and the exact date of her sighting. Considering every detail that has been made public about the case, Field’s testimony could be a deciding factor on whether or not his counsel can successfully establish reasonable doubt that Johnson may not have killed the child as the state alleges. However, if this mystery witness claims are true it raises questions as to where the Barnes teen was staying and who she was with several days after she was reported missing. During the initial stages of her disappearance investigation Baltimore City Police believed the child may have been moved from various locations. Field’s claim of seeing Barnes days later confirms early reports that she was still alive. It will be very interesting to see how these new developments pan out once the case goes to trial on January 22, 2013. Court filings also reveal that the defense has requested internal affairs records of Baltimore Detective Daniel T. Nicholson IV who was the lead detective in the Barnes case. Nicholson was suspended by the department after complaints were filed that he improperly used his badge to gain entry into homes without a warrant while searching for his teenage daughter. Nicholson had also faced prior criminal charges related to a domestic violence case related to his child. Those charges were eventually dropped on condition that the family sought counseling.  Johnson’s defense also claim that Nicholson is guilty of misconduct related to the Barnes murder investigation. The defense says that Johnson and his brothers Glenton, and Glenn were taken into custody and questioned for hours related to the Barnes disappearance. Attorney Neverdon says Johnson was held for over 17 hours handcuffed to a bench while Nicholson and other officers drilled him about the Barnes teen. Nicholson is also accused of menacing Johnson, while taking his car without a warrant, calling and showing up at his job on several occasions, and continuing to harass him over the Barnes disappearance. Although these are unsubstantiated claims by the defense, it’s clear that Johnson’s attorneys are attempting to attack the credibility of police investigators handling the case, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to sling as much mud as possible on the case with the hopes of appealing to potential jurors, and establishing police misconduct. Baltimore is well known for shaky juries that have come to some very questionable verdicts during criminal cases where police misconduct has been alleged, and despite overwhelming evidence that suggest defendants were in fact guilty. Fortunately for the state, an eyewitness who claims to have seen Johnson struggling to carry a large container out of Deena Barnes’ apartment around the time Johnson allegedly last saw the teen on the date she went missing is very compelling circumstantial evidence that could be extremely damaging to his defense. Also, pictures/videos discovered on Johnson’s cell phone with the Barnes teen, Johnson, and other adult males streaking nude inside and outside of Deena Barnes’ apartment creates a strong perception that Johnson may have developed sexual desires for the very pretty teen. The discovery of over 500 text messages between the Barnes youth and Johnson is also damaging to his defense as well. Other details recently revealed in the Barnes murder case indicate that prosecutors have file motions in an attempt to acquire GPS data for two cell phones. It’s believed that the phones belong to Johnson and the Barnes teen. That data could provide even more damaging information for Johnson’s defense if further evidence is obtained exposing intimate interactions with Barnes via text message, emails, etc. TPC reported previously in other articles related to the Barnes murder case that GPS data would prove to be very telling in this case because Twitter and other social media post by several parties connected to the case were incriminating, and provided a blue print of some coded and subliminal communications possibly implicating Johnson clan members in the Barnes murder. While Johnson’s Attorney attempts to deflect suspicion away from their client, it appears that the final disposition of this case will fall into the hands of a Baltimore Jury, and recent history demonstrates that this could potentially spell trouble for the prosecution if sympathetic jurors deem Johnson as another victim of police misconduct. The quest for justice in discovering who killed Phylicia Simone Barnes continues while her family and the public waits for answers.



Baltimore Sun

Washington Post



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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