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The Phylicia Barnes Murder: Murdered Honors Teen Killer(s) Could Walk With State Facing Baltimore Jury

The state of Maryland alleges that Michael Maurice Johnson strangled pretty Phylicia Barnes in his ex-girlfriends northwest Baltimore apartment, and carried her body out of the building in a large container. A witness told cops Johnson was seen in the hallway of the building struggling to carry a large tote, walking one step at a time, and sweating profusely. This was around the time Johnson told cops he had last saw the teen on December 28, 2010 the day she went missing. The account given to police by a neighbor living in the same building where the teen stayed with her half-sibling Deena Barnes over the Christmas Holiday, raises serious suspicion but is only circumstantial. The state will have use other evidence to create a compelling argument that the Barnes teen was in fact inside the container Johnson carried out the building that day. Johnson has since told police that he was moving weights when the witness saw him. Other culpable evidence the state has made public include nude images of the Barnes teen with Johnson and other adult males streaking inside and outside of Deena’s apartment. The images were discovered by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (F.B.I.) on Johnson’s cell phone. Johnson 27, had also exchanged over 500 text messages with the 16-year-old child in the months leading up to her 2010 visit to Baltimore. Barring the introduction of incriminating forensic evidence, these details appear to be the strongest and most damaging factors that implicate Johnson in the teens murder. However, social media post by Johnson clan members offer more clues into exactly what Johnson’s activities were on the day Phylicia Disappeared. Johnson claimed to have been moving personal belongings out of Deena Barnes’ apartment, but Twitter post by Michael’s younger brother Glenton “Bootz” Johnson suggest that the pair were riding in a car around the time Michael said he last saw Phylicia. One of the tweets depicts Glenton telling someone “don’t tell her twice, whoop her arse”. Glenton also tweets about the volume of his speakers, which is interesting considering another Johnson brother Delanie found the door to Deena’s apartment ajar, with loud music inside, and Phylicia no where to be found. It’s clear that the state has to track Johnson’s movements and location after he claims he last saw the child. The state has subpoena for GPS data of two cell phones and may suggest that they intend to prove that Johnson wasn’t where he said he was during this time frame. Other evidence also can be obtained with that information. The state claims that Johnson had a thing for the pretty teen and is in fact responsible for her nude body being discovered floating in a river. The GPS locations along with cell phone pings to cellular communication towers offer a blueprint of a phones data usage (text, email, etc.), and locations where the phone actually drew it’s data link from. Cellular towers pinpoint the proximity and area that all calls and internet usage derive from. This information could be the state’s strongest evidence against Johnson depending upon what they know, and hasn’t been made public for prosecutorial purposes. It’s always helpful to have witnesses who can place suspects at locations where evidence is found, but no actual crime scene has ever been established for the Barnes murder or at least the state hasn’t revealed that such forensics exist. Without extremely damaging tangible evidence against Johnson, the state’s case on its face is completely circumstantial. This possibly spells trouble for the prosecution especially with the case going before a Baltimore jury. The city of Baltimore has long had a reputation for producing suspect juries from a town where anti-police sentiment is strong. Even some of the more heinous crimes committed against the people have resulted in acquittals seemingly for no other provocation other than the mere inference of police misconduct. Unfortunately for many prosecutors, police misconduct is directly responsible for juror’s perspectives in criminal cases being swayed to conclude reasonable doubt exist. Baltimore’s criminal justice system is corrupt and many cases are ushered into a backlog of court dockets that result in plea deals for defendants who rightfully belong behind bars. A city paralyzed by crime has justice for its citizens constantly eclipsed within a system where deals are meted out on golf courses, and other recreational venues for criminals who can afford pricey lawyers well-connected to a political process that mocks representation of the people. In the Barnes case, Johnson’s defense argues that the leading detective violent his client’s rights and committed other acts of misconduct while continuing to harass him during the investigation. These allegations gain momentum because of the departmental charges facing Det. Nicholson alleging he used his police powers to illegally gain entry into homes in search of his runaway daughter. The defense will also certainly argue that such conduct is systemic in the manner in which Nicholson conducts all cases that he is assigned, and potentially creating reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors who may become sympathetic to their client especially with the defense now claiming to have a witness whom says he saw the teen days after she was reported missing, and also may conclude that Nicholson may have conducted himself improperly in the Barnes case as well. Baltimore is a rough town leading the nation with the most uneducated African-American community in the country. The thought process is backwards in Baltimore related to discerning right from wrong, and the city’s culture is widely predicated on street codes of silence regarding crime. In Baltimore the bad guys often get away solely because the mindset is that cops are the bad guys. It would be a complete shame and devastating if the state is unable to sway a jury that Michael Johnson did in fact kill young Phylicia Barnes. The road to finding justice for Phylicia Barnes and her family continues to be an uphill battle, and her killer(s) just may walk in this senseless and tragic story.



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams



David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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The state of Maryland alleges that Michael Maurice Johnson strangled pretty Phylicia Barnes in his ex-girlfriends northwest Baltimore apartment, and carried her body out of the building in a large container. A witness told cops Johnson was seen in the hallway of the building struggling to carry a large tote, walking one step at a time, and sweating profusely. This was around the time Johnson told cops he had last saw the teen on December 28, 2010 the day she went missing. The account given to police by a neighbor living in the same building where the teen stayed with her half-sibling Deena Barnes over the Christmas Holiday, raises serious suspicion but is only circumstantial. The state will have use other evidence to create a compelling argument that the Barnes teen was in fact inside the container Johnson carried out the building that day. Johnson has since told police that he was moving weights when the witness saw him. Other culpable evidence the state has made public include nude images of the Barnes teen with Johnson and other adult males streaking inside and outside of Deena’s apartment. The images were discovered by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (F.B.I.) on Johnson’s cell phone. Johnson 27, had also exchanged over 500 text messages with the 16-year-old child in the months leading up to her 2010 visit to Baltimore. Barring the introduction of incriminating forensic evidence, these details appear to be the strongest and most damaging factors that implicate Johnson in the teens murder. However, social media post by Johnson clan members offer more clues into exactly what Johnson’s activities were on the day Phylicia Disappeared. Johnson claimed to have been moving personal belongings out of Deena Barnes’ apartment, but Twitter post by Michael’s younger brother Glenton “Bootz” Johnson suggest that the pair were riding in a car around the time Michael said he last saw Phylicia. One of the tweets depicts Glenton telling someone “don’t tell her twice, whoop her arse”. Glenton also tweets about the volume of his speakers, which is interesting considering another Johnson brother Delanie found the door to Deena’s apartment ajar, with loud music inside, and Phylicia no where to be found. It’s clear that the state has to track Johnson’s movements and location after he claims he last saw the child. The state has subpoena for GPS data of two cell phones and may suggest that they intend to prove that Johnson wasn’t where he said he was during this time frame. Other evidence also can be obtained with that information. The state claims that Johnson had a thing for the pretty teen and is in fact responsible for her nude body being discovered floating in a river. The GPS locations along with cell phone pings to cellular communication towers offer a blueprint of a phones data usage (text, email, etc.), and locations where the phone actually drew it’s data link from. Cellular towers pinpoint the proximity and area that all calls and internet usage derive from. This information could be the state’s strongest evidence against Johnson depending upon what they know, and hasn’t been made public for prosecutorial purposes. It’s always helpful to have witnesses who can place suspects at locations where evidence is found, but no actual crime scene has ever been established for the Barnes murder or at least the state hasn’t revealed that such forensics exist. Without extremely damaging tangible evidence against Johnson, the state’s case on its face is completely circumstantial. This possibly spells trouble for the prosecution especially with the case going before a Baltimore jury. The city of Baltimore has long had a reputation for producing suspect juries from a town where anti-police sentiment is strong. Even some of the more heinous crimes committed against the people have resulted in acquittals seemingly for no other provocation other than the mere inference of police misconduct. Unfortunately for many prosecutors, police misconduct is directly responsible for juror’s perspectives in criminal cases being swayed to conclude reasonable doubt exist. Baltimore’s criminal justice system is corrupt and many cases are ushered into a backlog of court dockets that result in plea deals for defendants who rightfully belong behind bars. A city paralyzed by crime has justice for its citizens constantly eclipsed within a system where deals are meted out on golf courses, and other recreational venues for criminals who can afford pricey lawyers well-connected to a political process that mocks representation of the people. In the Barnes case, Johnson’s defense argues that the leading detective violent his client’s rights and committed other acts of misconduct while continuing to harass him during the investigation. These allegations gain momentum because of the departmental charges facing Det. Nicholson alleging he used his police powers to illegally gain entry into homes in search of his runaway daughter. The defense will also certainly argue that such conduct is systemic in the manner in which Nicholson conducts all cases that he is assigned, and potentially creating reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors who may become sympathetic to their client especially with the defense now claiming to have a witness whom says he saw the teen days after she was reported missing, and also may conclude that Nicholson may have conducted himself improperly in the Barnes case as well. Baltimore is a rough town leading the nation with the most uneducated African-American community in the country. The thought process is backwards in Baltimore related to discerning right from wrong, and the city’s culture is widely predicated on street codes of silence regarding crime. In Baltimore the bad guys often get away solely because the mindset is that cops are the bad guys. It would be a complete shame and devastating if the state is unable to sway a jury that Michael Johnson did in fact kill young Phylicia Barnes. The road to finding justice for Phylicia Barnes and her family continues to be an uphill battle, and her killer(s) just may walk in this senseless and tragic story.



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams



David Adams

A Self proclaimed geek, Sympathizer for the homeless, Social Change Advocate, Crime Blogger, Promoter of Awareness for Missing and Exploited Children, and a mobile technology enthusiast. A recognized Journalist and Human Interest Writer championing the plight of the masses whom are without a voice of their own.

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