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How Powerless The People: The Mumia Story Highlights A Textbook Case Of Being Black, Educated, And Motivated In America

He lives in a narrow steel cage, his voice illuminates the air waves, his commentaries are showcased on Democracy Now, NPR News, he  has been a guest keynote speaker at Yale University and other Collegiate Commencement Ceremonies, and by the time it takes you to view his signature dreadlocks he’ll make it known that he is Mumia Abu-Jamal on Death Row within the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. I personally liken such a man to that of  Nelson Mandela who was unjustly imprisoned under the racist system of Aparthied in his native homeland of South Africa for over 20 years. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary and dispelling the myth that the award winning Journalist killed a Philadelphia Police Officer, he is left lingering on death row for nearly 30 years for a crime it convincingly appears that he did not commit. I’ve spent years studying his case, his appeals, and the opinions of a predominately white populous that emphatically believe that Abu-Jamal is nothing more than a cold blooded murderer. In my studies the merits of this case  demonstrate “frame up” tactics by Philly Police, evidence & witness tampering, coercion of testimony, inconclusive ballistics, judicial bias, racial prejudice, and the withholding of exculpatory evidence which is typical on it’s face when considering Police handling of court cases involving African Americans and other colored criminal defendants. However what has stung the most is the blatant defiance of higher Federal Courts to apply long standing Appellate Precedent while reviewing the obvious and problematic intangibles surrounding the conviction of a clearly innocent man. I have spent a many sleepless nights unable to phantom even the possibility of such heinous and deplorable conduct by officials within the U.S. Criminal Justice System. Considering the historic fact regarding racism in America, the perceptions of FOP members, those of Maureen Faulkner (widow of slain Cop Daniel Faulkner), and other ignorant blood thirsty anti Abu-Jamal followers, I remain unmoved by their position. Though their advocacy for Mumia’s death are expected based on a racist pro-police motivation, I am not sure whether the ignorance regarding the plethora of facts pointing to Mumia’s innocent or their endowed racism that harbors the greatest depth of sickness. The intelligent people who understand what is at play here dismiss the likes of them all while having an understanding of what they truly are, racist. The facts of this case are clear and have been argued before the Federal Courts time and time again, yet we see a distinct pattern commonly known as “the Mumia Exception” at play here. In my mind this reality should be an abrupt awakening to all people of color in America, as surely Mumia’s case mirrors antics by the courts that predate the old “Jim Crow” era of the American South. We must adopt a position of inquiry in this troubling matter, consider the mass movement of people of all ethnicities who travel from around the world, marching, singing, and dancing while feverishly advocating justice for an alleged “Cop Killer” on a regular basis.

Maureen Faulkner likens Abu-Jamal followers to “no nothings” and “Mumidiots”, but common sense demonstrates that the mobilization of millions for his cause is not without merit. At this late stage of the case the Federal Judges responsible for embracing the higher principles of law that the courts were meant to serve are Mumia’s greatest adversaries. Mumia’s appeals have been predicated upon long standing Appellate Landmark cases, but the Courts have determine that such precedent applies to everyone except Abu-Jamal. These unfair practices reveal that we can not ignore Mumia’s Black Panther Party affiliation during his youth, a characterization that many believe is the sole culprit of his demise from the onset of this entire ordeal, further confirming a  perceived desire within the African American Community that the U.S. Government intends to put to death pro black nationalist, and others believed to be a threat to domestic National Security. The only problem here is that prior to Mumia’s conviction of killing Officer Daniel Faulkner, Mumia had never received as much as a parking ticket. Since his conviction Prosecutors and their supporters have propagated that Mumia was a “violent radical” who wanted to kill a cop. This simply is not true. The truth is that Mumia’s writing ability and his exposing Police corruption and Brutality within the African American Community is the actual fire that sparked hatred of him by Police and resulted in his conviction. Crime scene photos taken by a freelance photographer minutes after the Faulkner slaying are a smoking gun depicting the injustice committed against Abu-Jamal. Americans are unaware that many of our Federal Judges have come up through the ranks as former Prosecutors and District Attorneys with close ties to the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) who lobby for their elections via FOP Funding and other support. We can’t ignore the Political alliances that exist within the Police and Judicial Branch of Government. It’s difficult to digest having the knowledge that injustices like this can occur in America, a poignant reality that renders the people completely powerless.  We already are aware of American Prisons bursting at the seams with mostly young African American People, but every now and then a young, bright, educated warrior emerges, and lacks the ability to fear the injustices of Police and Government only to be carted away to their jails in an attempt to silence them forever. I too, just like Mumia lack the capacity of fear, and I challenge you to investigate Mumia’s case. Come to your own conclusions if for no other reason to discover what millions have already concluded. May God grant freedom for us all, and may God grant freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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He lives in a narrow steel cage, his voice illuminates the air waves, his commentaries are showcased on Democracy Now, NPR News, he  has been a guest keynote speaker at Yale University and other Collegiate Commencement Ceremonies, and by the time it takes you to view his signature dreadlocks he’ll make it known that he is Mumia Abu-Jamal on Death Row within the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. I personally liken such a man to that of  Nelson Mandela who was unjustly imprisoned under the racist system of Aparthied in his native homeland of South Africa for over 20 years. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary and dispelling the myth that the award winning Journalist killed a Philadelphia Police Officer, he is left lingering on death row for nearly 30 years for a crime it convincingly appears that he did not commit. I’ve spent years studying his case, his appeals, and the opinions of a predominately white populous that emphatically believe that Abu-Jamal is nothing more than a cold blooded murderer. In my studies the merits of this case  demonstrate “frame up” tactics by Philly Police, evidence & witness tampering, coercion of testimony, inconclusive ballistics, judicial bias, racial prejudice, and the withholding of exculpatory evidence which is typical on it’s face when considering Police handling of court cases involving African Americans and other colored criminal defendants. However what has stung the most is the blatant defiance of higher Federal Courts to apply long standing Appellate Precedent while reviewing the obvious and problematic intangibles surrounding the conviction of a clearly innocent man. I have spent a many sleepless nights unable to phantom even the possibility of such heinous and deplorable conduct by officials within the U.S. Criminal Justice System. Considering the historic fact regarding racism in America, the perceptions of FOP members, those of Maureen Faulkner (widow of slain Cop Daniel Faulkner), and other ignorant blood thirsty anti Abu-Jamal followers, I remain unmoved by their position. Though their advocacy for Mumia’s death are expected based on a racist pro-police motivation, I am not sure whether the ignorance regarding the plethora of facts pointing to Mumia’s innocent or their endowed racism that harbors the greatest depth of sickness. The intelligent people who understand what is at play here dismiss the likes of them all while having an understanding of what they truly are, racist. The facts of this case are clear and have been argued before the Federal Courts time and time again, yet we see a distinct pattern commonly known as “the Mumia Exception” at play here. In my mind this reality should be an abrupt awakening to all people of color in America, as surely Mumia’s case mirrors antics by the courts that predate the old “Jim Crow” era of the American South. We must adopt a position of inquiry in this troubling matter, consider the mass movement of people of all ethnicities who travel from around the world, marching, singing, and dancing while feverishly advocating justice for an alleged “Cop Killer” on a regular basis.

Maureen Faulkner likens Abu-Jamal followers to “no nothings” and “Mumidiots”, but common sense demonstrates that the mobilization of millions for his cause is not without merit. At this late stage of the case the Federal Judges responsible for embracing the higher principles of law that the courts were meant to serve are Mumia’s greatest adversaries. Mumia’s appeals have been predicated upon long standing Appellate Landmark cases, but the Courts have determine that such precedent applies to everyone except Abu-Jamal. These unfair practices reveal that we can not ignore Mumia’s Black Panther Party affiliation during his youth, a characterization that many believe is the sole culprit of his demise from the onset of this entire ordeal, further confirming a  perceived desire within the African American Community that the U.S. Government intends to put to death pro black nationalist, and others believed to be a threat to domestic National Security. The only problem here is that prior to Mumia’s conviction of killing Officer Daniel Faulkner, Mumia had never received as much as a parking ticket. Since his conviction Prosecutors and their supporters have propagated that Mumia was a “violent radical” who wanted to kill a cop. This simply is not true. The truth is that Mumia’s writing ability and his exposing Police corruption and Brutality within the African American Community is the actual fire that sparked hatred of him by Police and resulted in his conviction. Crime scene photos taken by a freelance photographer minutes after the Faulkner slaying are a smoking gun depicting the injustice committed against Abu-Jamal. Americans are unaware that many of our Federal Judges have come up through the ranks as former Prosecutors and District Attorneys with close ties to the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) who lobby for their elections via FOP Funding and other support. We can’t ignore the Political alliances that exist within the Police and Judicial Branch of Government. It’s difficult to digest having the knowledge that injustices like this can occur in America, a poignant reality that renders the people completely powerless.  We already are aware of American Prisons bursting at the seams with mostly young African American People, but every now and then a young, bright, educated warrior emerges, and lacks the ability to fear the injustices of Police and Government only to be carted away to their jails in an attempt to silence them forever. I too, just like Mumia lack the capacity of fear, and I challenge you to investigate Mumia’s case. Come to your own conclusions if for no other reason to discover what millions have already concluded. May God grant freedom for us all, and may God grant freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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