Who Killed Kenneth Freeman: The Coroner Ruled He Died Of A Heart Attack, But He Was Found Handcuffed, Gagged, And With A Syringe In His Arm
Posted by David Adams on September 7th, 2011
On May 13, 1985 when most of the nation were tuned in to their local news watching the bizarre events going on in West Philadelphia after City, State, and Federal Authorities had dropped a bomb on a house in the Powerton Section of the city, many believe Philly Police carried out a hit to settle an old vendetta. We are all probably well aware by now about the Bombing incident’s tragic outcome, which resulted in the death of 11 members of the M.OV.E. organization that included 5 children. What many are unaware of is that in the backdrop of glaring flames that burned an entire city block to the ground, another killing occurred, one that many local and national journalist described as “Philly Police meting out their own brand a street justice in the dark of the night”. The victim in that killing was Kenneth Freeman, a long time business associate of William “Billy” Cook. Cook is the younger brother of the world’s most famous Death Row Inmate, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the driver of the vehicle Officer Daniel Faulkner had stopped the night of his killing which Abu-Jamal would later be convicted for.
In author Patrick O’Conner’s book, “The framing of Mumia Abu-Jamal” he uses the State of Philadelphia’s original crime scene ballistic evidence to make a prima facia case that Abu-Jamal could not have shot Faulkner as the Prosecution claimed during the trial, but not just that, O’Conner’s book demonstrates that it was in fact Ballistically impossible. O’Conner’s effort here was aided by the confession of Arnold Beverly who signed a sworn affidavit that he, not Abu- Jamal, had shot Faulkner as part of a plan by other Philly police to kill the 25 year old Cop, who they believed was an informer for the FBI in a Federal Corruption case probing dirty Philadelphia police. Beverly’s confession reveals that their were other Police staked out at 13th and Locust St (scene of the Faulkner killing) to make certain that the hit went as planned. According to Beverly Faulkner was initially shot by an accomplice who he has repeatedly refused to identify. Beverly goes on to say that while the injured cop lied on the ground, that he was the one who stood over him and fired the fatal shot that resulted in Faulkner’s death.
Beverly fled the scene and was escorted away from the area by other police involved in the hit. He goes on to say that Abu-Jamal was shot later by Faulkner’s backup that the young officer had radioed in a request for during the altercation he encountered with Billy Cook. Beverly says that Abu-Jamal nor his younger Brother killed Daniel Faulkner. Beverly’s account appeared far fetched on it’s face, because most were unwilling to believe that police were actually involved in the killing of a fellow Officer. Its an implication that would have had far reaching criminal ramifications that may have pointed to misconduct by prosecutors, while exposing exactly how authorities framed an innocent man. Also, extensive investigations into the Beverly account revealed striking similarities of potential evidence fruitful to the Abu-Jamal defense that police gathered during the initial investigation of the case, much of which was in fact completely exculpatory evidence that wasn’t disclosed to the Abu-Jamal defense team.
O’Conner points out at least 6 witness accounts and some from the primary Officers at the scene of the shooting who reported to investigators that they had seen two men running away from the area after the Cop had been shot, and that one of the men was wearing a camouflage jacket. One of the witnesses William Singletary, who did testify at the Jamal trial and has since recanted his testimony, after revealing he and his family members were threatened with bodily harm by police, after they repeatedly torn up his statements and continuously made him rewrite them over and over again to obtain a version by him that implicated Mumia. Singletary was introduced as an eye witness of the Faulkner Killing for the Prosecution during the trial, but his recanted account indicates that Abu-Jamal could not have killed Faulkner because he had directly spoken with Mumia after Faulkner had already been shot.
Singletary said Mumia spoke to him in passing as he went to investigate what had occurred. Singletary further states that Jamal inquired as to what was going on and he advised Mumia that some one had shot a policeman. According to Singletary, Mumia stated “Oh no we can’t have this” and headed toward the scene of the shooting. It was at that time Singletary says Abu-Jamal was shot by responding police officers who arrived on the scene as a result of Faulkner having previously called for back up. When pressed if he knew who shot Abu-Jamal Singletary’s response was he didn’t see who shot Mumia because he had ran for cover, after hearing more gun shots. Also, Singletary stated that the actual shooter was wearing a army style camouflage jacket, an account which supports Arnold Beverly’s claim, that alleges he was wearing the exact same style jacket on the night when he shot and killed Faulkner. Something else occurred that night that few are aware of. Even prosecutors were not made aware of this information around the time of the killing. I’ll get into that later.
The Kenneth Freeman Factor

Philly Police Officer Forbes holding Mumia’s and Faulkner’s gun in his bare hands destroying ballistic evidence, a point that he testified to under oath as having carefully preserved ballistic evidence Mumia’s finger prints were not on the alleged murder weapon, and the bullet retrieved from Daniel Faulkner’s head has since mysteriously disappeared.
From the onset of the Mumia frame up by the police, they have intentionally excluded witnesses who indicated to cops that at least a fourth man was at the crime scene that night along with Faulkner, William Cook, and Abu-Jamal. We discovered later that the introduction of this evidence would have provided creditable exculpatory evidence for Mumia’s case, and demonstrates how prosecutors may have violated disclosure laws and Abu-Jamal’s Civil Rights during the trial. It wasn’t until years later during the appellate phase of Mumia’s case that prosecutors finally revealed this discovery, which was known to state prosecutors during the initial trial. A vital fact in the case which establishes that a fourth man was also at the crime scene that night. Prosecutors indicated during appellate arguments that Faulkner had a temporary drivers license in his front shirt pocket belonging to a man that police say was Cook’s personal friend, Kenneth Freeman. Also, William Cook who was in fact Mumia’s younger brother, had long admitted that the passenger riding with him the night he was stopped by Faulkner was his business partner Freeman.
Where am I going with this? Well, as pointed out in O’Conner’s book, the ballistics from the crime scene do not match police version of events. The position of Faulkner’s body, the location of where he allegedly was shot, and coupled with other facts proves that it is impossible to have been carried out from the vantage of where police alleged Mumia had approached the Officer. The Ballistics indicate the shooter faced East and the bullet in Faulkner’s back had to have been fired with east bound trajectory. The location of Mumia’s cab where Police say he originated on the scene was directly across the street, meaning Jamal approached from the south. Clearly establishing the impossibility for Abu Jamal to have fired a shot into the young cop’s back as prosecutors have always alleged.
Moreover, William Cook’s VW bug was facing west on the North side of Locust that night, and everyone except the Police have concluded that it is more than highly probable that Kenneth Freeman was one of the actual shooters, as he stepped out of the passenger side of William Cook’s car. Also, there was a projectile (bullet) retrieved from the door frame of the building where Cook’s VW was parked, that also suggest that another police officer other than Faulkner, had also discharged his weapon at the time of the shooting. Going back to the other incident that occurred that night which prosecutors were not even aware of until recently, is the alleged claim Arnold Beverly made that he was also shot that night. His account is supported by Philadelphia Police Department crime scene personnel reports that established 2 blood types at the scene. Type A and O were retrieved, but both Faulkner and Abu-Jamal are type A. Now with DNA analysis available it is in fact quite possible that testing could be done on the strange projectile found in the door frame, as well as possible donors of the type O blood found at he crime scene.
Many followers who have done extensive research on the Abu-Jamal case believe that besides Mumia’s storied past with Philly police from his Black Panther Party days during his youth, to his support of the back to nature MO.V.E. organization, and his high profile radio broadcast job where he relentlessly criticized police for alleged brutality in African American Communities, the volume of evidence that has been discovered that points to misconduct by prosecutors is prima facie in revealing why State and Federal Judges may have handled the Abu-Jamal in an exceptional manner. The night of the M.OVE. compound bombing. Philly police went and got Kenneth Freeman and handcuffed him, gagged him, stripped him, and injected a volume of some type of lethal substance in his system. Anti Mumia followers will argue that their is no proof of these allegations, but this argument is easily combated when considering the manner in which his body was discovered, and the suspicious Coroner’s report that listed his cause of death as a heart attack.
There has never been a criminal investigation into the death of Kenneth Freeman by Philly police, even considering the fact that he couldn’t have possibly injected a lethal substance into himself with his hands cuffed behind his back. We must understand that with his killing, police show indirectly that they believed or knew he was involved in Faulkner’s killing. William Cook’s affidavit indicates that Freeman confessed to him that he knew about, and was involved in Faulkner’s hit, which was organized and carried out at the direction of rogue and corrupt Philly cops. The lead Investigator resigned from the Philly Police Department the first working day after the conclusion of Mumia’s trial conviction. Arnold Beverly’s account is further supported by the fact that 15 of the 33 Officers involved in the Abu-Jamal case were subsequently indicted and convicted of tampering with evidence to obtain convictions in criminal cases unrelated to Mumia’s case, several weeks after the conclusion of the Faulkner murder trial.
So, the general perception of many following this case is that the night Philly police bombed the M.O.V.E. compound, they intended to kill two birds with one stone. They ended their long standing feud with one of the City of Philadelphia’s arch enemies by killing all of the M.O.V.E. members (so they thought), and in the death of Kenneth Freeman they could close the coffin on another enemy (Mumia Abu-Jamal), by silencing a link to their dirty laundry, and in effect neutralizing M.O.V.E.’s greatest supporter. The indictment against nearly half of the Philadelphia city police officers involved in the Abu-Jamal case, was part of a federal Investigation into corruption by Philly police in the Center City area of Philadelphia, which also conveniently just so happens to offer very strong support of Arnold Beverly’s claim that dirty cops wanted Faulkner dead, and his assertion that cops believed Faulkner was an informant for the FBI.
Many of these facts are well supported, and demonstrate why literally millions of people from diverse ethnic groups have traveled from around the world to fight for the freedom of America’s last Political Prisoner. Moreover, it is unfortunate that the vast majority of those who have drawn battle lines in his cause are in fact white people from Germany and other European countries. Here in the U.S. Abu-Jamal and M.OV.E. Members are reviled by people of color as dirty hair wearing trash, a sign that African American people are still entangled in the destructive image of self hatred. Every man has the right to decide his own destiny and if this could happen to an educated man like Mumia, then it could happen to us all.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
On May 13, 1985 when most of the nation were tuned in to their local news watching the bizarre events going on in West Philadelphia after City, State, and Federal Authorities had dropped a bomb on a house in the Powerton Section of the city, many believe Philly Police carried out a hit to settle an old vendetta. We are all probably well aware by now about the Bombing incident’s tragic outcome, which resulted in the death of 11 members of the M.OV.E. organization that included 5 children. What many are unaware of is that in the backdrop of glaring flames that burned an entire city block to the ground, another killing occurred, one that many local and national journalist described as “Philly Police meting out their own brand a street justice in the dark of the night”. The victim in that killing was Kenneth Freeman, a long time business associate of William “Billy” Cook. Cook is the younger brother of the world’s most famous Death Row Inmate, Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the driver of the vehicle Officer Daniel Faulkner had stopped the night of his killing which Abu-Jamal would later be convicted for.
In author Patrick O’Conner’s book, “The framing of Mumia Abu-Jamal” he uses the State of Philadelphia’s original crime scene ballistic evidence to make a prima facia case that Abu-Jamal could not have shot Faulkner as the Prosecution claimed during the trial, but not just that, O’Conner’s book demonstrates that it was in fact Ballistically impossible. O’Conner’s effort here was aided by the confession of Arnold Beverly who signed a sworn affidavit that he, not Abu- Jamal, had shot Faulkner as part of a plan by other Philly police to kill the 25 year old Cop, who they believed was an informer for the FBI in a Federal Corruption case probing dirty Philadelphia police. Beverly’s confession reveals that their were other Police staked out at 13th and Locust St (scene of the Faulkner killing) to make certain that the hit went as planned. According to Beverly Faulkner was initially shot by an accomplice who he has repeatedly refused to identify. Beverly goes on to say that while the injured cop lied on the ground, that he was the one who stood over him and fired the fatal shot that resulted in Faulkner’s death.
Beverly fled the scene and was escorted away from the area by other police involved in the hit. He goes on to say that Abu-Jamal was shot later by Faulkner’s backup that the young officer had radioed in a request for during the altercation he encountered with Billy Cook. Beverly says that Abu-Jamal nor his younger Brother killed Daniel Faulkner. Beverly’s account appeared far fetched on it’s face, because most were unwilling to believe that police were actually involved in the killing of a fellow Officer. Its an implication that would have had far reaching criminal ramifications that may have pointed to misconduct by prosecutors, while exposing exactly how authorities framed an innocent man. Also, extensive investigations into the Beverly account revealed striking similarities of potential evidence fruitful to the Abu-Jamal defense that police gathered during the initial investigation of the case, much of which was in fact completely exculpatory evidence that wasn’t disclosed to the Abu-Jamal defense team.
O’Conner points out at least 6 witness accounts and some from the primary Officers at the scene of the shooting who reported to investigators that they had seen two men running away from the area after the Cop had been shot, and that one of the men was wearing a camouflage jacket. One of the witnesses William Singletary, who did testify at the Jamal trial and has since recanted his testimony, after revealing he and his family members were threatened with bodily harm by police, after they repeatedly torn up his statements and continuously made him rewrite them over and over again to obtain a version by him that implicated Mumia. Singletary was introduced as an eye witness of the Faulkner Killing for the Prosecution during the trial, but his recanted account indicates that Abu-Jamal could not have killed Faulkner because he had directly spoken with Mumia after Faulkner had already been shot.
Singletary said Mumia spoke to him in passing as he went to investigate what had occurred. Singletary further states that Jamal inquired as to what was going on and he advised Mumia that some one had shot a policeman. According to Singletary, Mumia stated “Oh no we can’t have this” and headed toward the scene of the shooting. It was at that time Singletary says Abu-Jamal was shot by responding police officers who arrived on the scene as a result of Faulkner having previously called for back up. When pressed if he knew who shot Abu-Jamal Singletary’s response was he didn’t see who shot Mumia because he had ran for cover, after hearing more gun shots. Also, Singletary stated that the actual shooter was wearing a army style camouflage jacket, an account which supports Arnold Beverly’s claim, that alleges he was wearing the exact same style jacket on the night when he shot and killed Faulkner. Something else occurred that night that few are aware of. Even prosecutors were not made aware of this information around the time of the killing. I’ll get into that later.
The Kenneth Freeman Factor

Philly Police Officer Forbes holding Mumia’s and Faulkner’s gun in his bare hands destroying ballistic evidence, a point that he testified to under oath as having carefully preserved ballistic evidence Mumia’s finger prints were not on the alleged murder weapon, and the bullet retrieved from Daniel Faulkner’s head has since mysteriously disappeared.
From the onset of the Mumia frame up by the police, they have intentionally excluded witnesses who indicated to cops that at least a fourth man was at the crime scene that night along with Faulkner, William Cook, and Abu-Jamal. We discovered later that the introduction of this evidence would have provided creditable exculpatory evidence for Mumia’s case, and demonstrates how prosecutors may have violated disclosure laws and Abu-Jamal’s Civil Rights during the trial. It wasn’t until years later during the appellate phase of Mumia’s case that prosecutors finally revealed this discovery, which was known to state prosecutors during the initial trial. A vital fact in the case which establishes that a fourth man was also at the crime scene that night. Prosecutors indicated during appellate arguments that Faulkner had a temporary drivers license in his front shirt pocket belonging to a man that police say was Cook’s personal friend, Kenneth Freeman. Also, William Cook who was in fact Mumia’s younger brother, had long admitted that the passenger riding with him the night he was stopped by Faulkner was his business partner Freeman.
Where am I going with this? Well, as pointed out in O’Conner’s book, the ballistics from the crime scene do not match police version of events. The position of Faulkner’s body, the location of where he allegedly was shot, and coupled with other facts proves that it is impossible to have been carried out from the vantage of where police alleged Mumia had approached the Officer. The Ballistics indicate the shooter faced East and the bullet in Faulkner’s back had to have been fired with east bound trajectory. The location of Mumia’s cab where Police say he originated on the scene was directly across the street, meaning Jamal approached from the south. Clearly establishing the impossibility for Abu Jamal to have fired a shot into the young cop’s back as prosecutors have always alleged.
Moreover, William Cook’s VW bug was facing west on the North side of Locust that night, and everyone except the Police have concluded that it is more than highly probable that Kenneth Freeman was one of the actual shooters, as he stepped out of the passenger side of William Cook’s car. Also, there was a projectile (bullet) retrieved from the door frame of the building where Cook’s VW was parked, that also suggest that another police officer other than Faulkner, had also discharged his weapon at the time of the shooting. Going back to the other incident that occurred that night which prosecutors were not even aware of until recently, is the alleged claim Arnold Beverly made that he was also shot that night. His account is supported by Philadelphia Police Department crime scene personnel reports that established 2 blood types at the scene. Type A and O were retrieved, but both Faulkner and Abu-Jamal are type A. Now with DNA analysis available it is in fact quite possible that testing could be done on the strange projectile found in the door frame, as well as possible donors of the type O blood found at he crime scene.
Many followers who have done extensive research on the Abu-Jamal case believe that besides Mumia’s storied past with Philly police from his Black Panther Party days during his youth, to his support of the back to nature MO.V.E. organization, and his high profile radio broadcast job where he relentlessly criticized police for alleged brutality in African American Communities, the volume of evidence that has been discovered that points to misconduct by prosecutors is prima facie in revealing why State and Federal Judges may have handled the Abu-Jamal in an exceptional manner. The night of the M.OVE. compound bombing. Philly police went and got Kenneth Freeman and handcuffed him, gagged him, stripped him, and injected a volume of some type of lethal substance in his system. Anti Mumia followers will argue that their is no proof of these allegations, but this argument is easily combated when considering the manner in which his body was discovered, and the suspicious Coroner’s report that listed his cause of death as a heart attack.
There has never been a criminal investigation into the death of Kenneth Freeman by Philly police, even considering the fact that he couldn’t have possibly injected a lethal substance into himself with his hands cuffed behind his back. We must understand that with his killing, police show indirectly that they believed or knew he was involved in Faulkner’s killing. William Cook’s affidavit indicates that Freeman confessed to him that he knew about, and was involved in Faulkner’s hit, which was organized and carried out at the direction of rogue and corrupt Philly cops. The lead Investigator resigned from the Philly Police Department the first working day after the conclusion of Mumia’s trial conviction. Arnold Beverly’s account is further supported by the fact that 15 of the 33 Officers involved in the Abu-Jamal case were subsequently indicted and convicted of tampering with evidence to obtain convictions in criminal cases unrelated to Mumia’s case, several weeks after the conclusion of the Faulkner murder trial.
So, the general perception of many following this case is that the night Philly police bombed the M.O.V.E. compound, they intended to kill two birds with one stone. They ended their long standing feud with one of the City of Philadelphia’s arch enemies by killing all of the M.O.V.E. members (so they thought), and in the death of Kenneth Freeman they could close the coffin on another enemy (Mumia Abu-Jamal), by silencing a link to their dirty laundry, and in effect neutralizing M.O.V.E.’s greatest supporter. The indictment against nearly half of the Philadelphia city police officers involved in the Abu-Jamal case, was part of a federal Investigation into corruption by Philly police in the Center City area of Philadelphia, which also conveniently just so happens to offer very strong support of Arnold Beverly’s claim that dirty cops wanted Faulkner dead, and his assertion that cops believed Faulkner was an informant for the FBI.
Many of these facts are well supported, and demonstrate why literally millions of people from diverse ethnic groups have traveled from around the world to fight for the freedom of America’s last Political Prisoner. Moreover, it is unfortunate that the vast majority of those who have drawn battle lines in his cause are in fact white people from Germany and other European countries. Here in the U.S. Abu-Jamal and M.OV.E. Members are reviled by people of color as dirty hair wearing trash, a sign that African American people are still entangled in the destructive image of self hatred. Every man has the right to decide his own destiny and if this could happen to an educated man like Mumia, then it could happen to us all.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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Who Killed Kenneth Freeman: The Coroner Ruled He Died Of A Heart Attack, But He Was Found Handcuffed, Gagged, And With A Syringe In His Arm | The People