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Archive for December 23rd, 2011

Riots Over Air Jordan Sneakers In Texas: A Despicable Display Of Civil Unrest By A Community Hungry For Material Prosperity

By now many have already viewed the disturbing cell phone video clips posted on Youtube and other Social Media Websites, that captures a mob which primarily consisted of young Black and Hispanic consumers who camped outside of a Texas Town East Mall, waiting for the midnight release of Micheal Jordan’s Cool Grey Jordan 11’s basketball

Reaching the Unreachable

A guide in understanding and aiding a culture of violence and destruction Foreword In urban America, it is a badge of honor to be called a “Nigga.” If you live in the inner city and you are not known as a “thug-ass Nigga,” you have no street credibility. If you have a job, attend school,

What is a Nigg’as Mentality?

To first understand exactly, the term, “A Nigga’s Mentality, allow me to trace our culture back to the slavery era.   In the early 1600’s people from Africa were forced into places like the United States, Brazil and other parts of the world.  When the white slave traders laid eyes upon us they referred to us

The Phylicia Barnes Story: The Late Teen’s Brother Bryan Barnes Ready To Disclose Personal Perspective On Murder Case

Recently a rare public appearance in Social Media by Barnes Family Members in Baltimore surfaced here on the TPC blog, but that dialogue was a very short stint. After a few comments by Russell Barnes the biological father of Phylicia, and Bryan Barnes her half brother, their comments have since fallen silent. I have been

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