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P.E.A.S. Documentaries


Prevention     Education       Advocacy      Support


Peas In Their Pods, Inc. (PEAS) is an established 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization, founded in 2007, whose mission is to give a voice to missing children of color and their families and to fight against child abuse and sexual exploitation. A child goes missing every 40 seconds, and over 40% are of color.  It’s a statistic that few know or understand.  In fact, research shows that children of color receive an insignificant amount of television and print coverage despite these statistics.


PEAS understands this epidemic, and therefore assists families in the form of media campaigns, a public alerting system, and parent advocacy services to increase awareness. PEAS also provides free prevention trainings and safety seminars to the community to improve child safety measures.


For assistance with a missing child call: 855-732-7763 (855-PEASPOD)


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