The Phylicia Barnes Story: Late Teen’s Dad Says He Is Tired Of The Lies And Forwards Disturbing Document To TPC Blog
Posted by David Adams on January 4th, 2012
On December 28, 2011 the one year anniversary in the disappearance of Monroe, N.C. Honors Teen Phylicia Barnes, her Step Father and real Dad Raheem Mustafa reached out to me and expressed concerns regarding comments made by Barnes Family members pertaining to his daughter’s murder case. Mustafa stated that there are lies being told and that he has grown tired of hearing them. The grieving dad who for the most part has remained silent during the course of this entire murder mystery has requested that much of our discussion remain off the record, and I will only mention the pertinent details that he has authorized me to discuss publicly. Mustafa indicated that his family continue to be deeply moved and saddened by the sudden and tragic lost of their promising daughter Simone. He has been silent because remaining focused on providing for his family, comforting their remaining kids, and his wife Janice Sallis-Musatfa continues to be his top priority. He advised me that he doesn’t do “Social Media”, but he became upset and angered by comments on the TPC Blog that he finally began to read. Mr. Mustafa echoed his wife Janice’ rebuttal to a debut post that Bryan Barnes made in response to a TPC article in which she gave a perspective on the case. He initially addressed Bryan Barnes’ comment pertaining to when he and Janice arrived in Baltimore. Mustafa advised me that when he was first informed that Simone was missing, he was actually on the job on the road, and had to drive back to North Carolina. Due to the nature of his work and the distance and time he traveled, it was imperative for him to rest prior to escorting his wife to Baltimore. Mustafa did not have to share that with me because it’s completely understandable that working families need to prepare to travel on an unexpected emergency. There were vital preparations that needed to be made like obtaining supervision for their other minor children. Mustafa also addressed Bryans’ comments about the Barnes having waited on him and Janice hand and foot. He explained that he covered the entire bill for their lodging at a hotel and their meals. The Barnes didn’t contribute in any way. Mustafa said he never saw any incidents where the Barnes family participated in searching for Simone during the time that they were in Baltimore. Mustafa made it a point that Harry Watson, a relative of the Barnes’, was the only Barnes that met with them. He also indicated that his other Daughter Shauntel Sallis called a friend in New York who contacted relatives and friends in Baltimore, and “a young brother” showed up in minutes to help us such for “our baby Simone”. Mustafa expressed complete gratitude to the young man for helping them drive the streets of Baltimore looking for their child. “I have the upmost respect for that young brother for doing that”, he said. Mustafa went on to say that all of those people (20-30) who were at Deena’s apartment just sat around socializing while they were combing the streets of Baltimore in some of the grittiest parts of town looking for Simone. He also addressed Bryan’s concern that they only stayed a few days and never returned to help search for Phylicia. Mustafa said he was concerned for his wife, because she was so desperate to find their child that she began walking up to strangers asking about Simone. “You know you can’t walk up to strange people in a place like Baltimore. Janice was about to lose her mind looking for her. No Man would allow their wife to go through that, and I knew I had to get her out of their”. Mustafa also explained that they were concerned about their other children they had left in North Carolina. “She had to get back to her kids, and I was running out of money because we paid for everything we needed while we were there”. Although Janice simply expressed her opinions in reference to what Bryan Barnes had to say on the TPC Blog, but Mustafa took his perspective another level. Mustafa forwarded a document to me that was given to Janice by Deena on the day that they arrived in Baltimore. It was a single piece of paper with the name Christopher Briscoe at the top and contained a timeline of events that allegedly occurred on the day young Simone went missing. Mustafa conveyed complete discuss that an itinerary had been composed. “Who writes an itinerary about something like this”, Mustafa said. I agreed with him, not just that the document was disturbing, but it appeared that a collective effort by Barnes Family members was being made to shield Deena from any involvement in Simone’s disappearance. The itinerary contradicts statements that Deena and kelly both made on the “Peas In Their Pods” broadcast. Take a look for yourselves:
The itinerary that Deena Barnes gave Janice Sallis-Mustafa upon her arrival to Baltimore and appears to be an attempt to explain what occurred on the day youg Phylicia Simone Barnes disappeared.
I purposely took some time to write about my interview with Raheem Mustafa because I wanted to do some thorough research into some of the things that he shared with me. There were several things Mustafa wanted me to look into and I’ll get into some of that later in this post. The itinerary jumped out at me instantly when I received it. During the “Peas” broadcast Deena Barnes was asked by the Host to clarify reports in the media that Phylicia was seen sleeping on some one on the couch. Deena’s response was adamant that she wasn’t sleeping on any one. We can clearly see according to the itinerary that the document’s composer wrote, “1 04 mike text Deena to say Sympone feel asleep on him”. I actually played the broadcast back several times to be accurate, and during the “Peas” interview at about the 17:18 mark, Deena strongly denied that account. Why would the composer of the itinerary note such an account on the document and give it to Janice if it wasn’t accurate. I can understand confusion about dates and times, but if someone reported seeing Phylicia asleep on Michael Johnson, I am sure there wouldn’t be any confusion regarding that eyewitness account especially considering the fact that the child went missing. The co-host asked Kelly what time she communicated with Phylicia that day and Kelly stated around the same time Deena had previously stated, at 10:00 a.m. I was confused by her response as well because the itinerary indicates that the first communication Kelly had with Phylicia was actually at 12:35 according to the itinerary. The itinerary’s account also contradicts Deena’s early comments that Phylicia had talked to Kelly earlier that morning regarding the hair appointment. Also, Deena was asked if she communicated with Michael Johnson after 3:00 p.m. on that day and Deena indicated that she heard from MJ at 6:10 p.m. However, the itinerary disputes those comments as well. The itinerary indicates that Michael texted Deena at 5:10 p.m. to say “Symone was up and active” and highlighted “*he never says symone is not at the apt”. A close look at the itinerary and considering all that we know so far about the Barnes sister’ account, it’s obvious there are even more inconsistencies in the women’s story. We could probably dismiss some of their accounts as a result of nervousness during a live broadcast, but it isn’t convincing that some of these details were not in the forefront of their memory. How do you forget that Michael told you Phylicia was up and active? Why didn’t Deena include the “going to get something to eat” comment during the “Peas” Interview? I am glad Mustafa made the document public because it establishes as a fact, the confusion surrounding their account, and justifies the public’ suspicion of the older Barnes females. Mustafa was also concerned that the public has only talked about the “Peas In Their Pods” broadcast with Simone’s siblings. He wanted it to be known that the “Peas” interview with Russell Barnes was even more disturbing. I listened to that broadcast as well and I won’t comment on it because it simply lacked any substance on his part what so ever. I walked away from that interview feeling Russell Barnes should never have been interviewed. You can listen to it here. The interview also entailed discussions about our children and our personal lives. Mustafa talked about his daughter’s memory a little and said, “One of my fondest memories about my baby was when I used to pick her up from school, and the first thing she wanted to do was go by the airport and watch the planes take off. She always kept her head to the skies”.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
On December 28, 2011 the one year anniversary in the disappearance of Monroe, N.C. Honors Teen Phylicia Barnes, her Step Father and real Dad Raheem Mustafa reached out to me and expressed concerns regarding comments made by Barnes Family members pertaining to his daughter’s murder case. Mustafa stated that there are lies being told and that he has grown tired of hearing them. The grieving dad who for the most part has remained silent during the course of this entire murder mystery has requested that much of our discussion remain off the record, and I will only mention the pertinent details that he has authorized me to discuss publicly. Mustafa indicated that his family continue to be deeply moved and saddened by the sudden and tragic lost of their promising daughter Simone. He has been silent because remaining focused on providing for his family, comforting their remaining kids, and his wife Janice Sallis-Musatfa continues to be his top priority. He advised me that he doesn’t do “Social Media”, but he became upset and angered by comments on the TPC Blog that he finally began to read. Mr. Mustafa echoed his wife Janice’ rebuttal to a debut post that Bryan Barnes made in response to a TPC article in which she gave a perspective on the case. He initially addressed Bryan Barnes’ comment pertaining to when he and Janice arrived in Baltimore. Mustafa advised me that when he was first informed that Simone was missing, he was actually on the job on the road, and had to drive back to North Carolina. Due to the nature of his work and the distance and time he traveled, it was imperative for him to rest prior to escorting his wife to Baltimore. Mustafa did not have to share that with me because it’s completely understandable that working families need to prepare to travel on an unexpected emergency. There were vital preparations that needed to be made like obtaining supervision for their other minor children. Mustafa also addressed Bryans’ comments about the Barnes having waited on him and Janice hand and foot. He explained that he covered the entire bill for their lodging at a hotel and their meals. The Barnes didn’t contribute in any way. Mustafa said he never saw any incidents where the Barnes family participated in searching for Simone during the time that they were in Baltimore. Mustafa made it a point that Harry Watson, a relative of the Barnes’, was the only Barnes that met with them. He also indicated that his other Daughter Shauntel Sallis called a friend in New York who contacted relatives and friends in Baltimore, and “a young brother” showed up in minutes to help us such for “our baby Simone”. Mustafa expressed complete gratitude to the young man for helping them drive the streets of Baltimore looking for their child. “I have the upmost respect for that young brother for doing that”, he said. Mustafa went on to say that all of those people (20-30) who were at Deena’s apartment just sat around socializing while they were combing the streets of Baltimore in some of the grittiest parts of town looking for Simone. He also addressed Bryan’s concern that they only stayed a few days and never returned to help search for Phylicia. Mustafa said he was concerned for his wife, because she was so desperate to find their child that she began walking up to strangers asking about Simone. “You know you can’t walk up to strange people in a place like Baltimore. Janice was about to lose her mind looking for her. No Man would allow their wife to go through that, and I knew I had to get her out of their”. Mustafa also explained that they were concerned about their other children they had left in North Carolina. “She had to get back to her kids, and I was running out of money because we paid for everything we needed while we were there”. Although Janice simply expressed her opinions in reference to what Bryan Barnes had to say on the TPC Blog, but Mustafa took his perspective another level. Mustafa forwarded a document to me that was given to Janice by Deena on the day that they arrived in Baltimore. It was a single piece of paper with the name Christopher Briscoe at the top and contained a timeline of events that allegedly occurred on the day young Simone went missing. Mustafa conveyed complete discuss that an itinerary had been composed. “Who writes an itinerary about something like this”, Mustafa said. I agreed with him, not just that the document was disturbing, but it appeared that a collective effort by Barnes Family members was being made to shield Deena from any involvement in Simone’s disappearance. The itinerary contradicts statements that Deena and kelly both made on the “Peas In Their Pods” broadcast. Take a look for yourselves:
The itinerary that Deena Barnes gave Janice Sallis-Mustafa upon her arrival to Baltimore and appears to be an attempt to explain what occurred on the day youg Phylicia Simone Barnes disappeared.
I purposely took some time to write about my interview with Raheem Mustafa because I wanted to do some thorough research into some of the things that he shared with me. There were several things Mustafa wanted me to look into and I’ll get into some of that later in this post. The itinerary jumped out at me instantly when I received it. During the “Peas” broadcast Deena Barnes was asked by the Host to clarify reports in the media that Phylicia was seen sleeping on some one on the couch. Deena’s response was adamant that she wasn’t sleeping on any one. We can clearly see according to the itinerary that the document’s composer wrote, “1 04 mike text Deena to say Sympone feel asleep on him”. I actually played the broadcast back several times to be accurate, and during the “Peas” interview at about the 17:18 mark, Deena strongly denied that account. Why would the composer of the itinerary note such an account on the document and give it to Janice if it wasn’t accurate. I can understand confusion about dates and times, but if someone reported seeing Phylicia asleep on Michael Johnson, I am sure there wouldn’t be any confusion regarding that eyewitness account especially considering the fact that the child went missing. The co-host asked Kelly what time she communicated with Phylicia that day and Kelly stated around the same time Deena had previously stated, at 10:00 a.m. I was confused by her response as well because the itinerary indicates that the first communication Kelly had with Phylicia was actually at 12:35 according to the itinerary. The itinerary’s account also contradicts Deena’s early comments that Phylicia had talked to Kelly earlier that morning regarding the hair appointment. Also, Deena was asked if she communicated with Michael Johnson after 3:00 p.m. on that day and Deena indicated that she heard from MJ at 6:10 p.m. However, the itinerary disputes those comments as well. The itinerary indicates that Michael texted Deena at 5:10 p.m. to say “Symone was up and active” and highlighted “*he never says symone is not at the apt”. A close look at the itinerary and considering all that we know so far about the Barnes sister’ account, it’s obvious there are even more inconsistencies in the women’s story. We could probably dismiss some of their accounts as a result of nervousness during a live broadcast, but it isn’t convincing that some of these details were not in the forefront of their memory. How do you forget that Michael told you Phylicia was up and active? Why didn’t Deena include the “going to get something to eat” comment during the “Peas” Interview? I am glad Mustafa made the document public because it establishes as a fact, the confusion surrounding their account, and justifies the public’ suspicion of the older Barnes females. Mustafa was also concerned that the public has only talked about the “Peas In Their Pods” broadcast with Simone’s siblings. He wanted it to be known that the “Peas” interview with Russell Barnes was even more disturbing. I listened to that broadcast as well and I won’t comment on it because it simply lacked any substance on his part what so ever. I walked away from that interview feeling Russell Barnes should never have been interviewed. You can listen to it here. The interview also entailed discussions about our children and our personal lives. Mustafa talked about his daughter’s memory a little and said, “One of my fondest memories about my baby was when I used to pick her up from school, and the first thing she wanted to do was go by the airport and watch the planes take off. She always kept her head to the skies”.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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First off, I can understand why it took a little while longer for Mrs. Janice & Mr. Mustafa to get there. It’s understandable that he would also need to rest a little before getting on the road after working. This is kind of off subject but something I’ve been wondering before I start addressing this article: Why in the world is Russell still in Baltimore? He was supposed to have been living in Georgia when this happened and it seems like ding dong has been in Baltimore ever since. Do he have a job or hobby? He seems like he is hanging around for a purpose. I mean the Mustafas came and searched unsuccessfully and had to return home to children and work, so why is Russell still hanging and lurking around Baltimore is something I have been wondering. Perhaps he is covering up something and have to stay around to watch out and do some things behind the scenes. . . just my thoughts. I’m about to finish reading the article. That just popped into my mind.
I don’t think that they felt like “wasting their time” looking for Phylicia in the freezing, icy, cold, deep, thick snow in Baltimore’s in-climate weather knowing that they would not find Phylicia. They of course couldn’t tell The Mustafas that. But I think they already knew what the deal was and they wasn’t about to “waste their time”.
I am also beginning to believe that Phylicia went missing the 27th and they created the timeline and itinerary that has surfaced. It’s no way she could have gone missing on the 28th, giving the time line and time frames they all have given and Russell driving 11 hours from Georgia and arriving that evening and them reporting her missing. Also, they didn’t bother to call Phylicia’s mother, but Deena tells her when she got in touch with her because she couldn’t reach Phylicia. I don’t think so!
With all of those 20-30 people sitting around Deena’s warm apartment while the Mustafa family dredged through the cold thick snow, I am willing to bet that the killers were amongst them with EYES & EARS WIDE OPEN!!! They probably were in there plotting and being directed by the Russell Barnes’s Crisis Plan.
I honestly believe Mr. Mustafa 100% because Mrs. Janice said the same thing, also you know the Barnes wasn’t going to pay for anything, they didn’t want them around. If we can smell phoniness and fakeness, how come they couldn’t they since it was their sweet, precious baby missing! The last thing Deena or Russell was going to do is make sure they were comfortable. Russell had to start his Staying Focus Crisis Campaign and making sure the goons and him were on the same page. So making them comfortable or being hospitable was never on the Barnes’s list.
We have never heard of Christopher Briscoe until now, and now he has come into the plot. I am wondering if this would be Bonnie Briscoe’s son or some direct relationship to him being they have the same last name? I took the liberty to look up Christopher Briscoe and noticed he has quite a lengthy criminal record like the rest of clan.
Now why in the world and who in the world gave him the authority to write an itinerary of a missing young female, possible murder at the time? Now this is odd, I’ve never heard of anyone ever doing anything like this! This has got to raise some eyebrows & some questions! Why wouldn’t Deena or Kelly or Bryan or even Russell have written this itinerary for that matter? That means that they all sat around and discussed and created this time line under someone’s dictatorship. It definitely contradicts everything that everyone has ever said to begin with. I am not sure I even believe anything of the 28th. I am beginning to think whatever happened, happened on the 27th.
I keep saying that I am not going to be surprised by anything else, but here I am again . . . F L O O R E D!!! An itinerary of a whole day for a missing female? And somebody who has never been mentioned until now. I see why the detectives and investigators are still investigating. Every other day it’s something new! Now I really believe they are still uncovering new information! SMH!!!
If Christopher wasn’t there how can he give an account of anything? Unless . . . maybe he was there! I don’t know, that’s interesting though. I’m assuming this is him.!/profile.php?id=617619215
My Breakdown of This Itinerary created by Christopher Briscoe
They said Phylicia was sleeping alone on the couch, now all of a sudden Dylane was on the couch too. Where in the world was his mother since he was a young teenage child?
Mike picked Dylane up, to take him to the grandmother’s house? Now they are saying Mike called out of work, before they said Mike worked overnight. If he worked overnight then he should have been off by then—> or did that mean that he called out of work the night before? That would make more sense that Phylicia then would have disappeared the 27th and they all plotted, conspired, invented/created this time line as Mike & Kelly both tried to deny and break any ties with Deena’s apartment on the 27th.
So Phylicia texted Deena at 10? Do they have a detailed billing of their cell phone to prove that? That is the easiest and simplest thing, get copies from the cell phone of detailed billing of all calls and texts and deliver them to the investigators. I am just curious really as to what the cell phone bills would show and if Phylicia really texted or not. I wonder who was really texting and calling, it would be interesting to see who talked to who during this time.
Deena spoke to Phylicia at 11? But Deena and Kelly both said they texted and couldn’t get in touch with Phylicia and that’s why neither of them went to pick her up for her hair appointment because she was asleep. —> THE LIES ARE STARTING TO COME OUT NOW! They are contradicting themselves over and over and double crossing all over each other.
Nobody heard anything from Phylicia, no Facebook posts except she was at Deena’s apartment alone with Mike and now she posting she was hungry on FB. But they also said she went to get something to eat, but the cameras revealed she didn’t.
1:04: Mike texted Deena saying Phylicia fell asleep on him? On him how? On his person or while he was in a conversation with her? But Phylicia was asleep the whole time he was there–> she was getting out the shower—> she was doing something to her hair–> hmmm . . . . which one of these lies of these are true if any?
So supposedly from 9-6 at least 9 hours Phylicia was asleep? I don’t think so!
If Mike dropped Dylane off, why was he coming back to the apartment at 3, just a couple of hours later? Then who dropped him off because evidently he didn’t have a car if he was getting dropped off? That doesn’t make sense. So now the door is open . . . if it was open then it was open when they left. I seriously doubt Phylicia would have gotten up to turn the music up and open the door and lie back down.
So why was Mike coming back in 20 minutes? And what time was he seen carrying and struggling with that tote the neighbors reportedly seen him struggling with?
So from 3:08-6:54 Deena nor Kelly could reach Phylicia, but Mike texted Deena at 5:10 to tell her Phylicia was up and active? REALLY! So she was just ignoring them, or no she was asleep, and then she went to get something to eat, she had to come back to the apartment, and then Mike texts and says she’s up and active! I don’t think so!
So Deena gets home at 6, and text Mike saying she doesn’t see Phylicia, but from 3:08-6:54 Deena nor Kelly could reach Phylicia. And where did Mike disappear off to?
So from 6-7:36 Mike is MIA and Deena’s trying to text him and is so called going to call the police, why would she call the police at this point?
So Mike tells her he last saw Phylicia at 1:30, but he texted her at 5:10 saying she was up at active, conveniently 50 minutes before Deena gets home! Hmm . . . what’s wrong with that picture?
7:42 Mike calls Deena and says Phylicia is not with him and that’s it! And there is no more calls nor texts?
This is crazy ridiculous and whoever wrote this mess needs to be placed under the jail right now!!! That is truly obstruction of justice and hindering and delaying and they are blatantly lying. It contradicts itself over and over again. This is really sad and pathetic. I can only imagine what Mrs. Janice & Mr. Mustafa thought reading through this. Truly sad and heart breaking! The lies has gone on entirely too long, it’s time for the police to start putting pressure on them and giving them ALL polygraphs. They work, make them pay for the polygraphs.
The Other TimeLine Deena Gave
December 28, 2010 Timeline
08:45 a.m. Deena Says she leaves for work and Phylicia is asleep
10:00 a.m. Deena Says she exchanged Text with Phylicia about shopping later on for Hair Care and Skin Care Products. Kelly also claims to have spoken to Phylicia around the same time about her picking Phylicia up after work to get her hair done.
11:30 a.m. Deena says it’s the last time she received Text messages from Phylicia.
12:30 p.m. Deena says she speaks with her Ex-Boyfriend who is now at the apartment to pick up his younger Brother (Deena later changes her story from his Brother to Younger Cousin) and is told by him that Phylicia is asleep on the couch. Deena adopts the mindset I’ll let her sleep.
12:30 p.m. Kelly says she calls Phylicia but doesn’t get an answer.
1:30 p.m. Kelly says she calls Phylicia again unsuccessfully, but doesn’t go by Deena’s apartment to pick her up as scheduled, and assumes Phylicia is still asleep at Deena’s.
3:08 p.m. Kelly calls Phylicia again unsuccessfully then calls Deena to see if Phylicia is with her. The Sisters conclude that Phylicia is still asleep as the Ex-Boyfriend told her, and the decide to let her sleep.
5:00 p.m. Deena’s Ex-Boyfriend notifies her that he arrives back at the apartment with the door unlocked, loud music is playing in the apartment, and Phylicia is not there. Tells Deena maybe she went to get something to eat.
6:00 p.m. Deena arrives home and there is still no sign of Phylicia.
7:30 p.m. Deena Barnes sounds the alarm and calls Baltimore Police and her Dad about Phylicia’s Disappearance.
9:00 p.m. Janice Sallis, Phylicia’s Mother calls Deena Barnes to speak with Phylicia after several unsuccessful attempts to reach her Daughter via her Cell Phone, and is told by Deena that Phylicia is missing!
As I read your post Mr. Adams my body filled with anxiety and my brain was going a mile a second. I AM SO SICK OF THIS MADNESS!! WHO IN THE HELL DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE? INSIDE I AM SCREAMING. GOD WHY? WHY WAS THIS BEAUTIFUL ANGEL TAKEN BY THESE ANIMALS?? LE really needs to handle this situation and quickly. God bless Mr. Mustafa and his wife Ms. Sallis-Mustafa your courage and commitment and love for Phylicia are so evident in all you have done and continue to do. I pray that you continue to display the strength and dignity you possess. Shame on the mothers and fathers in the Barnes and Johnson households. You have bred humans who have nothing more than animalistic ways and YOU ALL should be banned from the face of the earth forever for the disgusting and foul shit you have done. SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK. I have never ever heard of such vile human beings in my life. You never ever deserved Phylicia’s (SPELL HER NAME CORRECTLY) love. God almighty save us from this travesty. Jesus Jesus Jesus what is this mess we have here?
Waitingforjustice, I feel the same way! My brain and my hands both be going 100 mpm. This has been a wild rollercoaster ride and justice is wayyyyyyyyy over due! LE, investigators, police, FBI, everybody need to handle this situation, it has spiraled wayyyyyy out of control! Please start making the arrests soon! These animalistic murderers of monsters need to be stopped. They have done wayyyyyyy to much. I’m sure they have more than enough to start the arrests, just get the ones you know of now and get the rest later! Enough is enough and it’s way past enough! I don’t know how they can live with themselves and who in the hell they think they are. Yall are not home free!
Exactly…..well put!
Boy boy oh boy….looks like some ppl are getting scared now. They should be. Evidence is beginning to come out now and justice is near. So whoever killed my friend n sister come out now. U might as well cause ya ass is grass basically. No more hiding its over now. Point.blank.period! This really upsets me. She didn’t deserve it. Best believe its over for whoever did it. The dark spots are def coming to the light now. We know who u are!
Let’s stop and think about Phylicia’s feelings for a minute. What I mean by that is, all Phylicia wanted to do is get away for a little while, go on vacation, spend some time with her other older sisters and friends/family that are or were connected to her sisters in Baltimore.
I don’t know of any kid who has a 100% happy life with their parents. As parents, we have to say no when our kids want us to say yes, even if it’s not deserving for them to get a yes answer. So, at times, parents can be the worst in our kids eyes. Oh! Well.
Despite of the rumors of Phylicia’s mother, Mrs. Mustafa, may have been a little tough, good parents understand that toughness is needed at times for future wisdom.
Despite that Mr. Russell Barnes may not have paid for what all he should have for Phylicia, :-( the FACT still remains that Phylicia was murdered. All Phylicia wanted to do is get away for a little while, go on vacation, spend some time with her other older sisters and friends/family that are or were connected to her sisters in Baltimore.
In photos, I haven’t seen many of the adults over 40 smoking, drinking, streaking with the crew. You might see a couple of older people who probably hang out with the crew at times. An older female is seen from time to time hanging with the crew or commenting on photos like the cereal box photo. I can’t say I saw her smoking or drinking. These type of older people are close enough for the crew to open up too and talk with. Plus, the people that were actually there and involved.
From reviewing Phylica’s photos and home videos, it is EZ to detect how loving she is. Even her classmates from NC said that once you get to know Phylicia, she brightens your day. She is there for you. She is beautiful. Intelligent. Caring. Godly.
Lets talk about how much Phylicia loves her family (because) she always will. It’s EZ to see and tell how much Phylicia loves her family. Phylicia could not wait to go and see her sisters again. Social media displays that. It shows that Phylicia wanted to look up to her older sisters. Each of them from Bmore to NC.
Apparently, things went okay on Phylicia’s other visits to Bmore. Therefore, why should her mother have many worries. On the same token, why should Phylicia had any worries? Both Mrs. Mustafa and Phylicia was led to believe that things would be okay. The atmosphere would be loving and Phylicia would be monitored properly.
Questions for the Barnes to answer. We know you don’t have too. It’s not a court of law but you are welcome to speak freely
1. Do you believe that Phylicia was monitored properly
2. Were young men allowed to spend the night or visit over the night at the apt where Deena resided while Phylicia visited and slept there
3. What was taking place around Phylicia during the time someone made her feel uncomfortable
4. If it was known that a male made Phylicia feel uncomfortable, why leave her at the apt with ANYONE who may have been associated with the male who made Phylicia feel uncomfortable giving a chance that the male could return
That was great Arrest! I would love to see them answer those questions. Go ahead Deena and Kelly, I see yall. (.)(.)
Well said arrestthosefools, their time is coming!!
They cannot help themselves, look at their trifling daddy; he’s the ring leader and all of his little puppies are stifling behind his a*%.
Are you freaking serious an itinerary for my sister that’s missing that shows guilt right there!!!!! who would be thinking to do that but a guilty person… enough already I’m ready to see some folks behind bars. I know the Mustafa’s are very fustrated hurt and angry, because we all are. Why would they have to be set up in a motel and pay for food come on now that’s your sisters parents? I know you keep reliving this nightmare and I feel your pain.
Fancy! I was floored honey! An itinerary! I’ve heard of an itinerary for cruises, programs, and trips, but this takes the cake! A very guilty person, you know they all sat around and created that. But it doesn’t even make sense. SMH SMH & SMH!!! I know they are hurt and angry! I can’t even imagine the thoughts that went through their heads being handed that! They didn’t want to make them comfortable that would mean they would stick around for a while and probably really find out the truth, you know that was too much like right Fancy! I am ready for justice to be served! This is all just too much and it continues to get worse and worse. It has spiraled out of control. They need to come clean! Hello, polygraphs!
Does anyone know if this is the Conowingo dam? I noticed the camera had the date of 2009, but whose digital camera ever has the right date? I’m not sure but I’m really wondering where this body of water is located at.{%22ImageId%22%3A6652469}
The itinerary was typed up so that they all could share a copy and stay on one accord. BUT they were not smart enough to know they probably should have keep it secret.
I can see that Latoya, but I don’t understand why! They contradict themselves over and over again. It really doesn’t make any logical sense at all. Why would they give Phylicia’s parents a copy of that MESS OF LIES!!!!
I guess I can hear Russell right now saying, “Deena, we have to stay focused to keep you out of jail!” My brother, “We have to stay focused to keep our “Barnes” reputation!” What a quack! Doesn’t he have a job or life down there in Georgia or something? He’s here for a reason trying to make sure Dear Old Daddy Barnes Can Do What He Can To Save Horseface. Shame on your Russell!!!
Mr Mustafa is correct!! The last time I was given an itinerary was on COLLEGE VISITS like Phylicia was supposed to be taking with her PARENTS!!! The worst part is did the writer take an English class? How insulting to hand me a paper FROM FAMILY with my daughter’s name spelled wrong???? Who in the h@ puts together something like this for a MISSING PERSON! So from the beginning the Mustafa family was treated like d@ tourists BUT Deena , Russel etc. claim to have LOVED Phylicia???
I remember when Mark Klaas (daughter murdered as well) said on Nancy Grace because of the mess in the apt “Sadly I don’t believe she will be found alive!” My heart almost dropped because so many said the same around me after hearing of Deena, MJ giving her drugs etc. Mr. Mustafa we’re praying so hard for justice because this is too much. Again Janice you’re a strong woman because the B more police/feds would have to ORDER me to stop acting like Beth Holloway hunting down my daughter’s murderers. All the lies….JFPB!
Russell, what if Deena did tell you the truth she knew what happened (because I believe Phylicia was deceased long before all the “phony” txts) would you honestly turn her in………Again JFPB
Gov O’Malley, tell your daughter the day she was found drunk on the street after her graduation party GOD made sure the police found her and she wasn’t hanging with Deena, MJ because we see how that would have ended… I keep saying people its NOT B more its so called FAMILY (sadly we can’t choose them like we do GENUINE friends!!!)
WOW JFPB! So True! They need some hooked on phonics like yyyyyyyyesterday! :/ The Mustafas are doing a good job. They are showing class! They don’t profess to be thugs and gang bangers, Russell’s the one! That’s why he should’ve choked Mike out instead of having a freaking slumber party with him and the thugs, and treating the Mustafas like unwelcome tourists.
Exactly! Can you answer that Russell! If you knew the truth, which in my heart I feel you do? What is your problem with turning Deena in?
It’s a shame we can’t choose our family. With family like that, who need enemies?
I agree mslady84. Does Russell Barnes have a job? Is it in Baltimore because he is hanging around Baltimore like a slimy bat! GO HOME RUSSELL! YOU ARE NOT PHYLICIA:S FATHER! YOU ARE A SPERM DONOR!
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