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Who Are The Major Players In The Phylicia Barnes Investigation????

After following the Phylicia Barnes case from the beginning I have a pretty good picture, idea, and view of the case from the facts and evidence presented, the opinions of myself and the facts and opinions of others. I feel as though there are some major players in the case of the investigation of the young, beautiful, promising Phylicia. Therefore . . . I am going to address them below as I feel they all and each in their own ways contributed to the delinquency, disappearance, murder, cover up, hindering, and delaying of justice for the Phylicia Barnes Investigation.

Phylicia Simone Barnes


A beautiful, bright, intelligent, promising young lady with a big heart who loved and trusted freely. A young lady’s whose life was cut way too short for absolutely no reason. She was set to graduate May of 2011 and begin college shortly thereafter. Her disappearance and murder was ranked #1 senseless murder by the Huffington Post. We all know the story of the sweet, precious Phylicia Simone Barnes that has given her a special place in all our hearts.

Deena Barnes

The lying, conniving, two-faced half-sister of Phylicia Barnes who have failed and betrayed Phylicia in life and death. She deceived Phylicia’s mother from the beginning by gaining Mrs. Janice’s trust through lies and deception. She had Mrs. Janice under the impression that she was a pharmacy tech and nursing student living alone and under the perfect conditions for Phylicia to come and visit her several times. When in reality Deena’s apartment was no way near what she described and led to her being evicted when the truth came out after Phylicia’s disappearance and murder. The apartment manager at Reistersquare Apartments where Deena, Mike, and numerous thugs resided on and off was the worst conditions Phylicia or anyone, for that matter could live in and endure. Deena at some point notified her father Russell Barnes of Phylicia’s disappearance and he supposedly drove 11 hours as soon as he found out from Georgia to Maryland. The bewildering factor is that if she disappeared on the 28th and it was an 11 hour drive, how in the world could Russell drive there and get there that evening when she was reported missing that same evening. That is impossible which means that more than likely she went missing the 27th, and the whole next day invented and created by her and Michael was created as a cover up. The twitter tweets between various Johnson’s is extremely shocking and alarming, especially when you read the comments on this blog about the Social Media tweets between them and then go these guys twitter sites for yourself. Back to Deena . . . she admitted to Phylicia’s mother that she contributed to the delinquency of a minor by allowing the young, vulnerable Phylicia to drink vodka and smoke weed. Deena told Phylicia’s mother that her reason was to allow Phylicia to open up. At first that didn’t make any sense to me. But when the various pictures surfaced with vodka, alcohol, weed filled parties at Deena’s apartment with various pictures of Deena, Phylicia, Mike, and the other Johnsons. One picture even pictured an infant in a car seat within eye sight of all of that. You can see the various women dazed and drunken, which makes you wonder how in the world can they even take care of the poor child. That screams child abuse to me. Deena has been too quiet and silent for this young sweetie to have disappeared on her watch and from her apartment. She and her ex boyfriend Mike started verbal attacks and blaming games, but they both quickly fell silent. Deena filed a restraining order that was denied by the judge and Mike hired an attorney and the both of them fell silent. Which can only make you wonder exactly what they have on each other. Deena has been videoed and photographed at various events held in Phylicia’s memory in which she showed no sympathy, empathy, or compassion. She even sounded like she had a down right en-joyous , delightful time during a Peas In Their Pod Interview with her other siblings Kelly & Bryan until callers started calling in, then she mysteriously hung up the phone in a hurry leaving Kelly & Bryan to defend her and fend for themselves. That was a bad move because neither of them could answer the questions like Deena could have. Also you could hear disturbing whispering when she wasn’t sounding amused and like she was enjoying the show. She also thought it was funny that doves were flown for Phylicia. Another question raised is if she was truly a pharmacy tech and if their inventory was affected being that they all seemed to enjoy various drugs and alcohols. She also was photographed and video-graphed streaking and running nude inside and outside of her apartment with her baby sister, Mike and the Johnson clan. She also seemingly was hell-bent on those house shoes Phylicia wasn’t supposed to wear in the snow. I wonder what significance they played in the story?!?!  If Deena would like to maintain her innocence, why not go to the police department and request a polygraph. Just go to the police and tell them you want to take a polygraph on record and come clean. That will best to implicate you if indeed you are being honest and you have nothing to hide.

Michael Johnson

The ex boyfriend of Deena Barnes, now boyfriend and baby mother of Tabatha Fickling. He was reportedly the last person to have seen Phylicia alive. He was also said to have been carrying and struggling with a heavy tote by some neighbors in Deena’s old apartment complex at Reistersquare Apartments, in which the dog lost the scent at the curb where reportedly his car was parked. There has been many stories told by him as to why he was even at the apartment. He supposedly was moving out the last of his things, washing clothes, picking up a cousin, picking up a brother, various stories as we have heard. Only Michael can answer that. Him and Deena was in a tick for tack word fest in which both of them quickly fell silent in which Deena tried to unsuccessfully take out a restraining order on him and he lawyered up. He has also created a new Facebook page under Maurice Johnson in which he has 11 friends and conveniently does not list his cousin William Johnson (Kraz) as a friend. It can only lead one to wonder if this was a tactic suggested by his lawyer, even though he still has his page Let’s Go Half as well. If him and Deena was on such bad terms that he was leaving the apartment. Why in the world would he be still staying there for 3 nights, especially if he was supposedly the last person to see Phylicia alive. He was also streaking nude inside and outside of Deena’s apartment with Deena’s baby sister, Deena, and the Johnson clan. The best thing Michael can do is to go and take a polygraph with his lawyer present on record and see what happens.

Russell Barnes

Dead beat dad of Phylicia Barnes who was an absent father for years. He was never involved in school and family activities. He orchestrated this “Staying Focused Campaign” in which he has included various public figures around Baltimore into his plot. He has constantly tried to stay in the limelight and in front of video cameras and digital camera trying to get any kind of media attention possible. He shamefully went to Phylicia’s high school where she would have already been graduated from almost a year later with an entourage of media surrounding him. One can only question why in the world would he do that? What in the world was he thinking? He never made it to a PTA meeting, school play, awards ceremony, nothing, but made himself present almost a year later. Most of her friends would have graduated with her. That is still a puzzling thought in my book. He also said he drove from Georgia to Maryland on the 28th as soon as he found out that Phylicia was missing. Well that makes you wonder. They didn’t report her missing until the afternoon of the 28th and it took him about 11 hours to drive there, so that means she was actually missing on the 27th. He called his half-brother who is a police to the scene. It makes you wonder if it was to help destroy evidence or if it was to help obstruct or delay justice. Both of them surely knew better than to do that. I would think that an officer would get clearance before going into a situation like that. Russell has constantly tried to bash Phylicia’s mother who did an excellent job raising Phylicia as we all know with the help of Phylicia’s step-father, the only real “father figure” she knew. And it’s only evidenced by the wonderful, studious person Phylicia Barnes is and was. Now that the streaking photos of Deena’s apartment inside and outside, the pictures of Deena, Mike, and various members of the clan are out, along with the living conditions of Deena’s apartment, what does Russell have to say now? Are you still focused Russell? If yes, on what? Do the right thing and turn Deena in. It didn’t and shouldn’t have resorted to this. Let down your pride Russell. Pride falleth before the man . . .

Kelly Barnes

Another half sibling of Phylicia Barnes. Who at first was said to have been at the apartment on the 27th, but later recanted her statement to displace herself at the apartment on the 27th. Which again leads me to believe something happened on the 27th and that’s when the disappearance actually happened. Her and Deena both had so many plans for Phylicia that day, but everything fell threw and we can only begin to wonder why. She was in the Peas In Their Pod Interview as well and was the last man standing even after Bryan got off the phone. She said she was at work on the 28th, but a co-worker of hers tweeted that Kelly indeed did not show up to work that day. So it makes you wonder why did the plans fall through for little Phylicia that day. How could someone be so careless and reckless to not to check on her, especially if they haven’t heard from her all day. It also makes you wonder why, and leads you to believe that story was invented by them as a cover up. Perhaps . . . Phylicia disappeared on the 27th and not the 28th as they have tried to make up. And perhaps that was somebody else updating her Facebook page on the 28th, especially considering it was late. She also got knocked up sometime during the time Phylicia lost her precious life and gave the baby Phylicia’s middle name, Simone. One could only wonder who the baby father is and if she may have conceived little Kyleigh on one of those wild and drunken nights at one of those wild parties from Deena. It’s definitely interesting as she has not been shown with any husband/boyfriend and has always been alone at events for Phylicia. One would think he would be there to support her, especially if he knocked her up.

Bryan Barnes

A Baltimore fire fighter and half sibling of Phylicia who I would really say is a minor player in the story. He has been their spokesperson in the “Staying Focus Campaign” who seems to have 1 goal in mind for this case and that is to “save Deena”. He was in the Peas In Their Pod interview and the 2nd man standing after Deena abruptly hung up when the calls started coming in. Apparently it was too much for Bryan as it was definitely overwhelming for Deena, because he ended up hanging up shortly after Deena. I think Bryan’s mind is going both ways. In my heart I feel he knows the truth or has his own idea, but he has been groomed by Russell that family is first, and Deena is thicker blood than Phylicia, in a sad sense, so his loyalty is with Deena and full-blooded Barnes relatives. He started bashing Mrs. Janice when some truth started coming out, and then he fell silent again. Then he gave a half assed interview to Mr. Adams pretty much reiterating the facts already stated and bringing up that Mike was seen carrying and struggling with something heavy. Then he fell silent again. I kind of have a sympathy for Bryan in a way because I honestly don’t feel that he was involved in any of the hoopla that affected Phylicia’s disappearance or murder. I also have never seen him at any of the parties drinking and smoking with his sister and the rest of the Johnson clan. He also said he has never seen any of it. Now that the pictures have surfaced Bryan, what are your thoughts on what happened to your innocent, sweet baby sister Phylicia now? What are your thoughts on that horrible environment Deena provided Phylicia and those thugs?


The Rest of the Johnson Clan

William Johnson A.K.A. Kraz

The sex crazed, drug addicted cousin of Mike Johnson. Who at the beginning was kind of not mentioned as much as he is now being mentioned and brought into the mix. He is now said to have been living at the apartment while Phylicia was there and during the beginning stages of her disappearance. He was an active tweeter and seemed to have a hand in on her disappearance and murder. Michael Johnson created a new page under Maurice Johnson and conveniently left Kraz off the friend list. I don’t think that was coincidental considering they all drank, smoked, partied together, and are family. Could it have been possible, he was advised by his attorney to stay away from Kraz. Kraz has been complaining via tweets that he hasn’t been able to sleep lately, could his conscious possibly have been beating on him so and weighing down on him so much he can’t rest? He has tweeted many subliminal tweets that has pondered many’s thoughts and minds. He is very disrespectful to women and took a picture of a nude woman and said he took the picture and whip cream and left. He also tweeted family over everything f everything that’s going on meaning the police investigating them about Phylicia’s disappearance, which shows a heartless son of a b****.

Glenton Johnson

An overgrown/grossly overweight thirty something year old sorry excuse for a man who simply chooses and prefers to hang around and corrupt vulnerable young children. He even posted on Dylane Davis’s myspace page 2 years ago man where da shorties at bones? Dylane is a young teen about 16 years old, so that means he was about 14 at the time, so why would an almost 30-year-old man be looking to a teenager for some shorties? Why not pick on somebody your own damn size? That speaks volumes right there! He is a sickening, pedophile like Mike that preys on younger children and their vulnerability. He was an active tweeter around Phylicia’s disappearance as well. In fact he was the one tweeting put on your boots this is about to be crazy in the snow and complaining about the traffic that day of the 28th on Rollin Bend Road. His tweeted time line seemed like he had enough time to gather up some buds, have a smoke out while riding up to the river/dam, do his dirty work and head back to Baltimore. Which afterwards he tweeted he was so gone he don’t know how he made it back home and that his phone had died during an almost 2 hour time frame.

Dorian Carpenter

Another sex crazed and drunken monkey that liked taking photographs and being photographed. He was spotted in a picture in which him and Kraz was sitting between a woman who looked like she was drinking for the first time. He was pictured holding her arm coaxing her to drink. He was also an active tweeter at a lot of the various parties. He was also seen passed out on Deena’s apartment floor with the group as  well.

That Danisha girl on Twitter

Who was actively tweeting the Johnson clan and tweeted various tweets concerning the dam even before Phylicia was found there. Some of her most disturbing tweets. Is s trapped at the dam and something about not pulling  a lever on a dam has been very bewildering and puzzling. It makes you wonder what exactly does she know and what part does she play in all of this and I hope the police has investigated her or looked into her tweets.

Boots & Dylane

The youngest teens of the crowd who were seemingly corrupted by the older clan members. Boots wrote a message on Phylicia’s wall that she should go to school up there. Dylane was said to have been like Phylicia’s best guy friend up there.


Since we have all been following the Phylicia Barnes Investigation . . . we all pretty much know the people involved. I just felt compelled to kind of narrow everybody down. These are my thoughts after reading pretty much everything on the internet. Let’s all pray, and continue to keep her name alive and hope and pray that soon the proper arrests will start taking place. This has absolutely gone on too long. This little sweetie and her family deserves for justice to be served for Phylicia’s sake and their own. She is gone on from this world, but she will forever remain in our hearts.

If you are among any of the listed above and want to set a record straight, please go to the police department and ask for a polygraph and come clean. This has been going on too long. Let justice be served for Phylicia. She deserved nothing to warrant her being treated the way that she was. How can you sleep at night knowing that you or someone you know has done this to this precious little angel? Start 2012 off right, get it off your conscious and go and let justice be served once and for all. You owe that much. I’m sure by now all of the evidence and facts are close to being done and it’s just a matter of time before the police come arrest you. Most of all God saw what you did and knows everything you did and your role. So do the right thing. Justice for Phylicia Barnes!

The People’s Champions
I’m Nicole Shepard

After following the Phylicia Barnes case from the beginning I have a pretty good picture, idea, and view of the case from the facts and evidence presented, the opinions of myself and the facts and opinions of others. I feel as though there are some major players in the case of the investigation of the young, beautiful, promising Phylicia. Therefore . . . I am going to address them below as I feel they all and each in their own ways contributed to the delinquency, disappearance, murder, cover up, hindering, and delaying of justice for the Phylicia Barnes Investigation.

Phylicia Simone Barnes


A beautiful, bright, intelligent, promising young lady with a big heart who loved and trusted freely. A young lady’s whose life was cut way too short for absolutely no reason. She was set to graduate May of 2011 and begin college shortly thereafter. Her disappearance and murder was ranked #1 senseless murder by the Huffington Post. We all know the story of the sweet, precious Phylicia Simone Barnes that has given her a special place in all our hearts.

Deena Barnes

The lying, conniving, two-faced half-sister of Phylicia Barnes who have failed and betrayed Phylicia in life and death. She deceived Phylicia’s mother from the beginning by gaining Mrs. Janice’s trust through lies and deception. She had Mrs. Janice under the impression that she was a pharmacy tech and nursing student living alone and under the perfect conditions for Phylicia to come and visit her several times. When in reality Deena’s apartment was no way near what she described and led to her being evicted when the truth came out after Phylicia’s disappearance and murder. The apartment manager at Reistersquare Apartments where Deena, Mike, and numerous thugs resided on and off was the worst conditions Phylicia or anyone, for that matter could live in and endure. Deena at some point notified her father Russell Barnes of Phylicia’s disappearance and he supposedly drove 11 hours as soon as he found out from Georgia to Maryland. The bewildering factor is that if she disappeared on the 28th and it was an 11 hour drive, how in the world could Russell drive there and get there that evening when she was reported missing that same evening. That is impossible which means that more than likely she went missing the 27th, and the whole next day invented and created by her and Michael was created as a cover up. The twitter tweets between various Johnson’s is extremely shocking and alarming, especially when you read the comments on this blog about the Social Media tweets between them and then go these guys twitter sites for yourself. Back to Deena . . . she admitted to Phylicia’s mother that she contributed to the delinquency of a minor by allowing the young, vulnerable Phylicia to drink vodka and smoke weed. Deena told Phylicia’s mother that her reason was to allow Phylicia to open up. At first that didn’t make any sense to me. But when the various pictures surfaced with vodka, alcohol, weed filled parties at Deena’s apartment with various pictures of Deena, Phylicia, Mike, and the other Johnsons. One picture even pictured an infant in a car seat within eye sight of all of that. You can see the various women dazed and drunken, which makes you wonder how in the world can they even take care of the poor child. That screams child abuse to me. Deena has been too quiet and silent for this young sweetie to have disappeared on her watch and from her apartment. She and her ex boyfriend Mike started verbal attacks and blaming games, but they both quickly fell silent. Deena filed a restraining order that was denied by the judge and Mike hired an attorney and the both of them fell silent. Which can only make you wonder exactly what they have on each other. Deena has been videoed and photographed at various events held in Phylicia’s memory in which she showed no sympathy, empathy, or compassion. She even sounded like she had a down right en-joyous , delightful time during a Peas In Their Pod Interview with her other siblings Kelly & Bryan until callers started calling in, then she mysteriously hung up the phone in a hurry leaving Kelly & Bryan to defend her and fend for themselves. That was a bad move because neither of them could answer the questions like Deena could have. Also you could hear disturbing whispering when she wasn’t sounding amused and like she was enjoying the show. She also thought it was funny that doves were flown for Phylicia. Another question raised is if she was truly a pharmacy tech and if their inventory was affected being that they all seemed to enjoy various drugs and alcohols. She also was photographed and video-graphed streaking and running nude inside and outside of her apartment with her baby sister, Mike and the Johnson clan. She also seemingly was hell-bent on those house shoes Phylicia wasn’t supposed to wear in the snow. I wonder what significance they played in the story?!?!  If Deena would like to maintain her innocence, why not go to the police department and request a polygraph. Just go to the police and tell them you want to take a polygraph on record and come clean. That will best to implicate you if indeed you are being honest and you have nothing to hide.

Michael Johnson

The ex boyfriend of Deena Barnes, now boyfriend and baby mother of Tabatha Fickling. He was reportedly the last person to have seen Phylicia alive. He was also said to have been carrying and struggling with a heavy tote by some neighbors in Deena’s old apartment complex at Reistersquare Apartments, in which the dog lost the scent at the curb where reportedly his car was parked. There has been many stories told by him as to why he was even at the apartment. He supposedly was moving out the last of his things, washing clothes, picking up a cousin, picking up a brother, various stories as we have heard. Only Michael can answer that. Him and Deena was in a tick for tack word fest in which both of them quickly fell silent in which Deena tried to unsuccessfully take out a restraining order on him and he lawyered up. He has also created a new Facebook page under Maurice Johnson in which he has 11 friends and conveniently does not list his cousin William Johnson (Kraz) as a friend. It can only lead one to wonder if this was a tactic suggested by his lawyer, even though he still has his page Let’s Go Half as well. If him and Deena was on such bad terms that he was leaving the apartment. Why in the world would he be still staying there for 3 nights, especially if he was supposedly the last person to see Phylicia alive. He was also streaking nude inside and outside of Deena’s apartment with Deena’s baby sister, Deena, and the Johnson clan. The best thing Michael can do is to go and take a polygraph with his lawyer present on record and see what happens.

Russell Barnes

Dead beat dad of Phylicia Barnes who was an absent father for years. He was never involved in school and family activities. He orchestrated this “Staying Focused Campaign” in which he has included various public figures around Baltimore into his plot. He has constantly tried to stay in the limelight and in front of video cameras and digital camera trying to get any kind of media attention possible. He shamefully went to Phylicia’s high school where she would have already been graduated from almost a year later with an entourage of media surrounding him. One can only question why in the world would he do that? What in the world was he thinking? He never made it to a PTA meeting, school play, awards ceremony, nothing, but made himself present almost a year later. Most of her friends would have graduated with her. That is still a puzzling thought in my book. He also said he drove from Georgia to Maryland on the 28th as soon as he found out that Phylicia was missing. Well that makes you wonder. They didn’t report her missing until the afternoon of the 28th and it took him about 11 hours to drive there, so that means she was actually missing on the 27th. He called his half-brother who is a police to the scene. It makes you wonder if it was to help destroy evidence or if it was to help obstruct or delay justice. Both of them surely knew better than to do that. I would think that an officer would get clearance before going into a situation like that. Russell has constantly tried to bash Phylicia’s mother who did an excellent job raising Phylicia as we all know with the help of Phylicia’s step-father, the only real “father figure” she knew. And it’s only evidenced by the wonderful, studious person Phylicia Barnes is and was. Now that the streaking photos of Deena’s apartment inside and outside, the pictures of Deena, Mike, and various members of the clan are out, along with the living conditions of Deena’s apartment, what does Russell have to say now? Are you still focused Russell? If yes, on what? Do the right thing and turn Deena in. It didn’t and shouldn’t have resorted to this. Let down your pride Russell. Pride falleth before the man . . .

Kelly Barnes

Another half sibling of Phylicia Barnes. Who at first was said to have been at the apartment on the 27th, but later recanted her statement to displace herself at the apartment on the 27th. Which again leads me to believe something happened on the 27th and that’s when the disappearance actually happened. Her and Deena both had so many plans for Phylicia that day, but everything fell threw and we can only begin to wonder why. She was in the Peas In Their Pod Interview as well and was the last man standing even after Bryan got off the phone. She said she was at work on the 28th, but a co-worker of hers tweeted that Kelly indeed did not show up to work that day. So it makes you wonder why did the plans fall through for little Phylicia that day. How could someone be so careless and reckless to not to check on her, especially if they haven’t heard from her all day. It also makes you wonder why, and leads you to believe that story was invented by them as a cover up. Perhaps . . . Phylicia disappeared on the 27th and not the 28th as they have tried to make up. And perhaps that was somebody else updating her Facebook page on the 28th, especially considering it was late. She also got knocked up sometime during the time Phylicia lost her precious life and gave the baby Phylicia’s middle name, Simone. One could only wonder who the baby father is and if she may have conceived little Kyleigh on one of those wild and drunken nights at one of those wild parties from Deena. It’s definitely interesting as she has not been shown with any husband/boyfriend and has always been alone at events for Phylicia. One would think he would be there to support her, especially if he knocked her up.

Bryan Barnes

A Baltimore fire fighter and half sibling of Phylicia who I would really say is a minor player in the story. He has been their spokesperson in the “Staying Focus Campaign” who seems to have 1 goal in mind for this case and that is to “save Deena”. He was in the Peas In Their Pod interview and the 2nd man standing after Deena abruptly hung up when the calls started coming in. Apparently it was too much for Bryan as it was definitely overwhelming for Deena, because he ended up hanging up shortly after Deena. I think Bryan’s mind is going both ways. In my heart I feel he knows the truth or has his own idea, but he has been groomed by Russell that family is first, and Deena is thicker blood than Phylicia, in a sad sense, so his loyalty is with Deena and full-blooded Barnes relatives. He started bashing Mrs. Janice when some truth started coming out, and then he fell silent again. Then he gave a half assed interview to Mr. Adams pretty much reiterating the facts already stated and bringing up that Mike was seen carrying and struggling with something heavy. Then he fell silent again. I kind of have a sympathy for Bryan in a way because I honestly don’t feel that he was involved in any of the hoopla that affected Phylicia’s disappearance or murder. I also have never seen him at any of the parties drinking and smoking with his sister and the rest of the Johnson clan. He also said he has never seen any of it. Now that the pictures have surfaced Bryan, what are your thoughts on what happened to your innocent, sweet baby sister Phylicia now? What are your thoughts on that horrible environment Deena provided Phylicia and those thugs?


The Rest of the Johnson Clan

William Johnson A.K.A. Kraz

The sex crazed, drug addicted cousin of Mike Johnson. Who at the beginning was kind of not mentioned as much as he is now being mentioned and brought into the mix. He is now said to have been living at the apartment while Phylicia was there and during the beginning stages of her disappearance. He was an active tweeter and seemed to have a hand in on her disappearance and murder. Michael Johnson created a new page under Maurice Johnson and conveniently left Kraz off the friend list. I don’t think that was coincidental considering they all drank, smoked, partied together, and are family. Could it have been possible, he was advised by his attorney to stay away from Kraz. Kraz has been complaining via tweets that he hasn’t been able to sleep lately, could his conscious possibly have been beating on him so and weighing down on him so much he can’t rest? He has tweeted many subliminal tweets that has pondered many’s thoughts and minds. He is very disrespectful to women and took a picture of a nude woman and said he took the picture and whip cream and left. He also tweeted family over everything f everything that’s going on meaning the police investigating them about Phylicia’s disappearance, which shows a heartless son of a b****.

Glenton Johnson

An overgrown/grossly overweight thirty something year old sorry excuse for a man who simply chooses and prefers to hang around and corrupt vulnerable young children. He even posted on Dylane Davis’s myspace page 2 years ago man where da shorties at bones? Dylane is a young teen about 16 years old, so that means he was about 14 at the time, so why would an almost 30-year-old man be looking to a teenager for some shorties? Why not pick on somebody your own damn size? That speaks volumes right there! He is a sickening, pedophile like Mike that preys on younger children and their vulnerability. He was an active tweeter around Phylicia’s disappearance as well. In fact he was the one tweeting put on your boots this is about to be crazy in the snow and complaining about the traffic that day of the 28th on Rollin Bend Road. His tweeted time line seemed like he had enough time to gather up some buds, have a smoke out while riding up to the river/dam, do his dirty work and head back to Baltimore. Which afterwards he tweeted he was so gone he don’t know how he made it back home and that his phone had died during an almost 2 hour time frame.

Dorian Carpenter

Another sex crazed and drunken monkey that liked taking photographs and being photographed. He was spotted in a picture in which him and Kraz was sitting between a woman who looked like she was drinking for the first time. He was pictured holding her arm coaxing her to drink. He was also an active tweeter at a lot of the various parties. He was also seen passed out on Deena’s apartment floor with the group as  well.

That Danisha girl on Twitter

Who was actively tweeting the Johnson clan and tweeted various tweets concerning the dam even before Phylicia was found there. Some of her most disturbing tweets. Is s trapped at the dam and something about not pulling  a lever on a dam has been very bewildering and puzzling. It makes you wonder what exactly does she know and what part does she play in all of this and I hope the police has investigated her or looked into her tweets.

Boots & Dylane

The youngest teens of the crowd who were seemingly corrupted by the older clan members. Boots wrote a message on Phylicia’s wall that she should go to school up there. Dylane was said to have been like Phylicia’s best guy friend up there.


Since we have all been following the Phylicia Barnes Investigation . . . we all pretty much know the people involved. I just felt compelled to kind of narrow everybody down. These are my thoughts after reading pretty much everything on the internet. Let’s all pray, and continue to keep her name alive and hope and pray that soon the proper arrests will start taking place. This has absolutely gone on too long. This little sweetie and her family deserves for justice to be served for Phylicia’s sake and their own. She is gone on from this world, but she will forever remain in our hearts.

If you are among any of the listed above and want to set a record straight, please go to the police department and ask for a polygraph and come clean. This has been going on too long. Let justice be served for Phylicia. She deserved nothing to warrant her being treated the way that she was. How can you sleep at night knowing that you or someone you know has done this to this precious little angel? Start 2012 off right, get it off your conscious and go and let justice be served once and for all. You owe that much. I’m sure by now all of the evidence and facts are close to being done and it’s just a matter of time before the police come arrest you. Most of all God saw what you did and knows everything you did and your role. So do the right thing. Justice for Phylicia Barnes!

The People’s Champions
I’m Nicole Shepard

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I really don’t even know what to say but this whole post makes a lot of sense and I sure am hoping that the authorities look(ed) into all of this cause its right on point. I’m sooooo ready for justice. And as far as Bryan I do believe he’s clueless but has some idea that somethings not right. I think Mike n crew are def guilty. Been from the start, point blank…period! Deena should be ashamed of herself. She knows something n I can’t believe she won’t reveal it. That was ur sis Deena. If u cared u would get the telling, unless ur involved….hmmmm! This all just makes no sense n I think dude that been having dreams is gonna spit first, his conscious is being pulled at. God knows all so u may as well spit it out homeboy!

David Adams

I didnt really know what to say at first either thats why it took me a couple of days to respond to the social media blog Mr. Adams posted. So I finally responded after reading it a couple of times. I had about 3 ppl let me know the article was up and wanting me to analyze it. If we think like imagine what the investigatora really know! Its only a matter of time. Im just floored they would be so ignorant. Its a shame that happened to her. Deena most definitely should be ashamed, but when you have dear old daddy barnes staying focused on keeping you out of jail and having the public figures of Baltimore to back him and his evil spawns up, how would you think she would respond. Which brings me to an album someone brought to my attention earlier. Speaking of Deena check out this album. Flip through all pages. http://www.facebook.com/l/nAQGU-Z44/www.myspace.com/467476468/stream%23%257B%22ImageId%22:6652468

me to another shocker someone brought to my attention.


Interesting article on the Pinky meter,,, Phylicia Barnes case: 1 year anniversary with no resolution. Part of it says

According to Bryan Barnes, who was relaying information he obtained from Deena Barnes, Kelly Barnes (Phylicia’s other older half-sister), and information from the investigation and interviews with Michael Johnson, Michael Johnson arrived sometime that morning to pick up his brother Delaney Johnson. According to Bryan Barnes, Michael Johnson’s story “gets really cloudy” at this point. In fact, Bryan Barnes states Michael has “changed his story so many times” about where Phylicia was when he arrived at the apartment that morning: First, Johnson stated Phylicia was sitting on the couch, then he changed it to Phylicia was in the shower, and then he changed it to Phylicia was getting dressed.

Michael Johnson is also the person who told police that Phylicia Barnes had gone to the Reisterstown Road Plaza to get something to eat, according to Bryan Barnes. However, Bryan does not believe Phylicia left that apartment to get something to eat because her money and debit card were still in the apartment, which would mean she left with no way to purchase food. Bryan would eventually go to the Reisterstown Road Plaza and ask to have the surveillance video reviewed. The videos showed no sign of Phylicia ever being there that day.

According to Bryan Barnes, later in the day Dulaney Johnson, the younger brother of Michael Johnson, returned to the apartment. Bryan states Dulaney Johnson was very good friends with Phylicia He found the front door ajar and Phylicia no where to be found; loud music was playing inside the apartment. Dulaney did not report to anyone that Phylicia was missing. Bryan Barnes believes that if Dulaney knew what happened to Phylicia that day he would have already talked, due to his friendship with Phylicia. However, when you’re the younger brother of a pack of men who may have been involved in a girl’s murder…maybe not, and it’s not even the “blood is thicker than water” argument at that point – it’s a lot more basic and called self-preservation.

Deena eventually arrived home that day and found the door ajar and her sister missing. She immediately called her brother Bryan and her sister Kelly to see if Phylicia was with them. She was not, and had not been all day. Bryan Barnes shared that he and Kelly immediately went to Deena’s apartment, and that he ended up spending 3 consecutive days at Deena’s apartment hoping his little half-sister would show up. In the immediate hours after Phylicia was discovered missing Bryan states that Glenton, Dulaney and “K” (Krazy) Johnson were all at the apartment, but there was no sign of Michael Johnson. Bryan states that in those early hours after Phylicia’s disappearance numerous young men showed up at the apartment and would go back to Krazy’s bedroom with Krazy and close the door.


I ran across an article that mentioned this blog site

On the night before Phylicia went missing a rumored party took place at Deena’s apartment. In attendance at that party were reportedly several males with two, and possibly three of them being related to Michael Johnson. Of the two Johnsons confirmed to have been at the party that night by Phylicia’s half-brother Bryan Barnes in a recent interview with *****David Adams, a writer for a blog named The People’s Champion,**** were “K” Johnson, and Michael’s younger brother Dulaney Johnson. Unconfirmed rumors have placed Glenton Johnson at the party as well.

Buffy The Deadbeat Daddy Slayer

Great article! Very informative and entertaining. I am ready for arrests and I strongly believe arrests will be made before the one year mark of Phylicia’s body being found. They all make me sick. Especially that jack-o-latern teeth deadbeat russell! Justice is on its way and it will arrive on time!

David Adams

Thank you! That was from reading almost every blog, article, newsletters, twitters, myspace, and facebook pages. I went as far back on the public pages I could to Dec. 2010. I cannot believe how ignorant these fools really are! I honestly was not trying to be entertaining. I was just being matter of factly when I started typing up everything. I did laugh so hard about what I said about Glenton though. Im 26 and I dont enjoy hanging around nobody’s teen child, not like that. Been there done that. I want to hang with somebody on my level. I hope the arrests come before that 1 year mark as well. Yes they all make my stomach turn as well. Especially Mr. Shark teeth.


Everything seems to point back to the exboyfriend and Deena that were the main two people to create this situation. It was mentioned that the other half sister KB couldn’t take the Polygraph test at the time for medical reasons. Maybe because she might have been pregnant at the time. Guessing. If this is the case, can she take the test now? How about the female the exboyfriend has the baby with? Was she questioned? Can she take a LDT too? It seems like if LE doesn’t need Deena to take the LDT, they must have some facts that she with held or lied about.

Did the exboyfriends lawyer say that investigators have nothing? Or did he say they have nothing new? Because if they had nothing, I would think that warrants wouldn’t have been approved once or twice. If it is found that his client knows what happened to Phylicia or who took Phylicia or if indeed he murdered Phylicia, he’s going to do time. Once this does go to trial, the lawyer will probably try to rush for a mistrial.

Was it the exboyfriends lawyer who explained to the public about the photos of Phylicia in one of his statements? If so, I pray it works against him and his client.

There is a tweet about the underage male that appears as if he was troubled about something or got into some trouble or something. I wonder what that was all about.

David Adams

Arrest I agree everything points back to Deena and Mike without a doubt. Yes they can all take a test now. Why wont the police mandate that they take the polygraph to for the record? Yes Mike lawyer Neverdon said the police doesnt have anything. I think he is trying to call their bluff because they are keeping everything airtight and not leaving room to screw this investigation up at all. If they didnt have nothing the case would have been closed. I think they are getting really close to solving it. The Barnes and Johnsons are virtually silent again. They know what time it is and I bet they get nervous everytime they hear sirens or see a police and the should. I find it hard to believe.that from their tweets their cars and phones.was taken. Emails searched and nothing turned up.
They all know what was in their emails and
especially nude pics. Thats all Mike’s lawyer said so just imagine if it was more. They know what the police and feds took frkm them. I think its all a matter in nailing the exact other Johnsons. I think they definitely got Deena and Mike nailed.

Emily G.

Just wanted to correct one thing. The Glenton J who tweets is Bootz the 18 yr old. The Glenton J in the Facebook postings w/Micheal J. is the older, Glen “Imprezadent” Johnson, the 30+ year old

So the one who was talking about Rolling road and getting high and all that, it’s the 18 year old.

If you really want to get confused, look up “Glenton Johnson” on Maryland’s criminal records. You’ll get the two kids, and their father, who goes under TWO aliases. It’s quite the clan, for sure.

David Adams

Oh wow Emily! Thanks for the insight. It is kind of hard to keep 3 Glens . . . Straight! I did notice the criminal records when I was looking at Deena’s eviction from the Reistersquare apts and her failure to appears for those 2 traffic tickets. She cant keep something so simple straight, smh!

Ok So Boots is the younger Glenton that was tweeting and driving? Definitely interesting!

Emily G.

Yes. Any tweets in the tweet records are the younger GJ. The older one is not actively tweeting with the crew.


So, There is a little G that is 18 yrs
A Big G who is 30+ yrs
A much older G who is their father

What about this Kraz person. Is he William J and does he have a brother name Kevin J and are they the cousins of the exboyfriend and the 2 G’s little and Big G

Are these the males who resided at the apt?


Except for Big G and the oldest G who is the father. Those 2 resided elsewhere right

David Adams

Not sure of this Kevin guy. Just learned of him on the twitter tweets yesterday. And just learned of the Fuji guy on myspace today and his pics was scary. Check out the album of 119 pics. Daddys sweet Deena is in there throwing up.gang signs and posting witj Kraz and Glenton. What in the world! Deena had been slanging and throwing up gang signs at least 3 years smh


I think Kevin is Kraz brother. In the myspace photos, one can CLEARLY see how long Deena has known these people connected to her last apt. You can also clearly SEE how close Deena is with the J family. Very close knit. She actually knows the J family much more than she knows Phylicia. It would be past ungodly if she again choose that crowd of males over her sister. I’m starting to get a sick feeling in my stomach, wondering if Deena knows which one of the males kidnapped Phylicia, took Phylicia somewhere probably not to far away, to one of their friends cribs or music studios which are mainly set up in basement. Did whatever to Phylicia, then murdered her. Maybe Deena doesn’t have ALL of the details but she should know enough of them

Maybe Deena doesn’t understand that REAL family is everything. Not a family of males. It would be a crying shame if Deena is letting her fear of and loyalty to a family of males, stop her baby sister Phyliica S. Barnes from receiving justice. Even the J family said ‘family over everything’. Who did it Deena? Did the younger underage male do it and no one wants to see him get into trouble? I read where the younger brother was awake all night. Someone said that Phylicia was up late all night and it was said that the younger underage male went back and forth to the apt. That looks suspect of him.

Is there one more younger brother? If so, does he hang out with the crowd too?


Yes Deena has definitely been around the Johnsons for a long time and definitely would favor them ovet her sister. She definitely knows way more than she says. She might as well speak. They should be the least her if her worries because once.the truth comes out she or them is going to jail probably both.

Just Curious

Kevin Johnson is aka Bones aka Kae Beezy on Phylicia Facebook page and his twitter name is @theKaeshow and probably @kevinjohnson. He is Mike’s 21 year old brother. Once it was mentioned that Kevin was living at Deena’s apartment instead of William. William Johnson is aka Kraz or Krazie. It’s hard to keep up with all their name changes and who lived where.


Thanks a bunch 4 the link mslady84 (Nicole)

David Adams

Youre welcome. Did you check out myspace yet? Check them out the myspace link. Brace urself girl!

David Adams

Another item that needs to be cleared up is that during my interview with Bryan Barnes, he said that MJ only stayed at Deena’s that night (Dec 28). Bryan said he stayed 3 nights consecutively, not MJ.

David Adams

Thanks for clearing that up. I wonder which story is really true or what was Mike’s purpose in staying over there period!


MJ was probably acting like he was concerned and was faking to sooth Deena, so he wouldn’t look so suspect imo. Maybe that’s part of a guilty persons personality


Hi Nicole can you get me email address from Mr. Adams. I want to touch basis with you on a couple things.


Nicole that was an exceptional article. You are doing a better job in cracking this case then the Baltimore Police Department. What Family (Barnes) would not want to see justice be served? They are busy putting on a show having vigils with very dry eyes! We at “The Peoples Champion” are very much dedicated in trying to keep her story alive and have been standing besides the Mustafa’s since we heard this tragic story.

mslady84 (Nicole)

Thank you! I emailed you by the way. Thanks for the compliment, but I hope they have all of that I thought about and put together and more, but just keeping it air tight. I really feel that they have Deena & Mike nailed, but it’s only obvious it’s more involved, so they don’t want to get the wrong people. It’s more Johnsons involved in my personal opinion. Yes, that memorial was the biggest, fakest sham of a show I’ve seen yet. It seemed more like entertainment for the Barnes. Deena up there front and center next to Shauntel and both of them looking like 2 ghetto hoodrats from around the way. And Shauntel up there lighting a candle and Russell, manipulating the media as usual posted up enjoying the spotlight. She should have been at the Memorial they had at Phylicia’s high school supporting her mom. That was a real memorial with something built of love that will last. Shauntel is not any relationship to any of them anyway. That situation is just flooring, almost like she wants to take Phylicia’s place. I can’t understand that one because she had true hatred for them, and she knows they are responsible for what happened to her sister. Kelly and Bryan was up there looking crazy too. It was just a true shock to me! I had to enlarge the pictures to make sure I was seeing what I thought I saw. It’s just all wrong and sickening to me! SMH!!! Yes, none of them had any tears. If that was my sister I would have been torn up and still crying. This whole situation hurts and it’s not resolved makes it even worse. Poor baby! Yes, we are dedicated to solving her case and keeping her story alive and standing behind her mom and family. I definitely want to see this case solved and everybody responsible arrested and under the jail.


This morning I thought of Phylicia after reading Gov O’Malley’s “Believe” editorial (Baltimore Sun) and I want to say this. First Gov O’Malley tell your daughter she’s still my favorite for showing you my “oldest” daughter’s Seventeen Magazine article wearing his “Believe” hat. I love the story of how then Mayor O’Malley saw the photo and was VERY proud (I called City Hall to give him a piece of my mind and his spokeswoman told me the wonderful story he never got any of my msgs the Seventeen team was coming to town)!!! We used Yolanda Adam’s CD “Believe” as the inspiration for the message we wanted to send to B more’s youth after the Dawson family was slaughtered defending their home from thugs/drug dealers!! The adults (thugs) in this city are the problem NOT the innocent chuldren!

See Gov, Phylicia represented the kind of young intelligent ladies we want in B more to join so many others who have prospered in this city/state. I “Believe” with all my heart and soul God will give the Mustafa family justice because so many of “us” have joined to ensure this case STAYS HOT (never cold). I have a feeling the “us” includes Mayor Rawlings-Blake (an intelligent Western girl) and Gov O”Malley!!!

Again Mustafa family I’m so sorry you lost an angel in a city/state that has been so good to my daughters and I!!!!! JFPB…….


I have been following The People’s Champion for a while and I am on the Garden Page for Phylicia on Facebook and the Pray for Phylicia Barnes page. I was born and raised in Baltimore 24 years. I can tell you those Barnes are some low down dirty people, and they do not play fair at all and the Johnsons are the same way. They both have family in the LE and they think they run this Baltimore joint. They have been doing crazy messed up things for years and it’s good these pictures have finally surfaced. Deena has deleted a lot of stuff off of her Facebook page since the stuff with her sister hit the fans. I think she is definitely involved and her and Mike are ring leaders. She had been wild since we were all teens and her Daddy Russell and mom Pat always thought she was better than everybody else, now look at what your daughter has been doing for years. Stephanie GrandmaAuntie Cameron deleted that Nicole girl because she was bringing the truth and Stephanie has been trying to fleece people and overshadow the truth to cover up for Deena. Her Pat, Bonnie Briscoe and Arlene Barrett the grandmother are all in coohoots together. Now the truth is surfacing. They didn’t really care about Phylicia, if they did they would make their daughters and nieces tell the truth. They want to make Deena look like an angel and she is a true devil and it’s good people can see her throwing up gang signs and hanging with all those thugs and streaking inside and outside her apartment with her baby sister and those guys. She corrupted that child and her mom, Bonnie, Stephanie, and Arlene trying to cover for her. Stephanie is a nasty venoumous snake around these parts and she is a backstabbing hippocrit. Harry Watson is also trying to play devil’s advocates because his daughters Ebony and Aiyana used to party at Deena’s house too. I’m sure they have surfaced on some pictures too. And he really always thought they were better than us and couldn’t do no wrong just because they went to college. These people have a lot of clout and pull around these parts and that’s why justice has not been served yet. The police need to buck on and step on their toes, stop playing nice guy. Look at all those pictures on their pages with mass guns and weapons. It should not have been Phylicia. She of all of them did not deserve what happened to her. This is one of the best articles I have read so far. Mr. Adams your blog is really making it happen! We will soon have justice served for Phylicia & Mrs. Janice & Family. Forget Family first, Phylicia was family too. Think about her, she is the true victim here who lost her lives to these wannabe thugs.

mslady84 (Nicole)

WOW! I wish I could hug you through the computer LOL!

Yes that fake StephanieGrandmaFakieAuntie Cameron did delete me off of the Garden Page, like I give a flying ****. You hit that one on the head about her being a venomous snake. She is soooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooo F A K E! I mean F to the A to the K to the E!!!! It doesn’t get any faker than that!

Talking about Phylicia’s little sister visits that page which is a lie because you can look at the page and see all 80 members and she is NOT 1. Somebody else said she said the same thing to them before she booted them too.

I guess THE TRUTH HURTS SUMS IT UP FOR HER AND TRUST IN NO MAN! The rest . . . I am not even going to get started!!! :X

Janice M. Sallis-Mustafa

Yes I also agree that Nicole has done a more thorough breakdown than the city police(s), however, The Mustafas are very pleased and appreciative to the team/crew who have been diligently working Simone’s case we are grateful for having them. and besides i don’t want them rushing. I’d rather they handle their business on how they were trained and chosen as far as I’m concerned by my Father GOD. We are just truly thankful for all of you alls help, and a whole lot more that all of you with the truest sincerity. We thank our Father God for all of you who have worked hard for Simone’s Justice in Peace and It’s on it’s way probably right now thru fed-ex or ups.

David Adams

Awww, thanks Mrs. Janice! All for Phylicia & you and your family. She has truly touched my heart from the moment I first heard about her story. http://thepeopleschampion.wordpress.com/2011/12/30/a-little-girl-name-phylicia-my-persperctive-and-why-ive-championed-for-justice-in-the-childs-killing-for-so-long-2/ I wrote my reason for blogging. You can tell when something doesn’t sound right and I’m just speaking the truth of the matter and my honest opinions. I have read almost everything that I have found online. I have faith and trust that they are diligently working to solve her case. I am praying everyday for the proper arrests for EVERYBODY involved, and I pray for you and your family as well. God Bless You & Urs & Much Love You To & Your Family. Stay strong!!! You have done a wonderful job and I know Phylicia is smiling down on you and your family. I know she’s very proud of you! Justice for Phylicia Barnes!


Definitely a very good heart felt and informative blog. I can tell she has definitely been reading and keeping up with everything. I can only imagine the evidence the police have it’s only a matter of time before the arrests are made. Keep praying & Championing for Phylicia! JFPB!!!


I’m at work, I can’t tweet this article so can you Nicole and if you have twitter I’m @ Fancyswords and also @Fancykatt1 Thank you. I will retweet it.

David Adams

Im about to email Mr. Adams and tell him to send you my email address.

Just Curious

Excellent job and excellent analysis Nicole!!

David Adams

I think Deena has been smashing the homies too.


You see her hugged up more with those thugs than Mike.


i dont know what smashing the homies mean, but this is my theory these guys maybe all gang related and who knows deena maybe too. i believe she (deena) is a wanna be thug. got all caught up with mike and johnson clan trying to fit it. she definitly knows what happen she and sister kelly and if she (deena) or kelly snitches there tails are dead. why would they want to be around guys with guns and belonging to gangs

mslady84 (Nicole)

K, Smashing the homies is a saying for having sexual relationships with someone. I did not say that for a positive I said I think. I just don’t understand why the FBI would have pictures of her streaking nude and running inside and outside of her apartment with her baby sister, Mike and other men. That’s flooring to me.

I can see what you are saying about the gang thing. I don’t know, but I have seen various pictures up with her throwing up gang signs. http://www.facebook.com/l/nAQGU-Z44/www.myspace.com/467476468/stream%23%257B%22ImageId%22:6652468. I do believe she got caught up and that was her personal choice, but I can understand how she may feel being that they were together for like 10 years, I can definitely see that.

I definitely feel that she knows 100% what happened her and Kelly both. But it’s their baby sister, if they tell the truth, the police is coming to get Mike and the rest of those thugs. It’s no need in walking around here like you don’t know what’s going on. That was her flesh and blood and her family should be first. When you make 1 step, God will make 2, The will of God will never take you where His grace won’t protect you. So tell her to go and take a polygraph and come clean. She owes Phylicia that because Phylicia disappeared and was murdered on Deena’s watch and she is going to walk around with that on her conscious and God saw it and knows everything and if she scared of them, she doesn’t want to feel the wrath of God!


Danisha McIntosh listed as a major playa and she know what happened. Her facebook and twitt pages is below. I’m stuck on why she tweeted about the dam about 3 months or more before Phylicia was found, now she kinda laying low from them. She was back and forth wit the fellas a lot during that time. Check her out. Go back through her tweets to January. Go back to December and start looking forward. Have patience because she tweets a lot and has 8,000 tweets.


David Adams

I mentioned her in my last article. She definitely knows something. I looked over her tweets also. She appears to be intelligent on the surface (Poly grad & Coppin State), but I’m wondering how a good kid like that got involved with this group of low lifes. Her tweet is important with her so close to Dorian & Glenton. She is actuallu Dorian’s ex girlfriend. She could be arrested and charged with obstruction. She may have been there with them when they killed Phylicia. If I were her I’d go to the cops before they kill her too!

mslady84 (Nicole)

I agree Mr. Adams. I read and responded to your article and she definitely know something! It’s 1 of 2 things —> (1) she was there or (2) Dorian confided in her. Now the puzzling thing is why she tweeted it? She was actively tweeting back and forth with them around that time. You posted the article, so you read the tweets. It’s almost like she wanted someone to know that Phylicia was at the dam. Maybe her conscious was getting to her and she wanted to at least put it out there. I don’t understand how she would get herself involved with them low lives either. Yes that tweet is definitely important and I hope she goes to the FBI or they go to her. Either way, she needs to talk to them about that tweet and come clean. Phylicia did not deserve that. I think she should be arrested and charged with obstruction because she withheld that information and tweeted so she knew. If I was her I would go to the cops too. I’m sure the Johnson clan has seen her tweet and thinking that she f’ed them up and they very well could target her next because she put that out there way before Phylicia was even found at the damn. I hope she goes to the police and gets a polygraph on record. I hadn’t give this much thought until now but they must be feeling some kind of way about her now. Also . . . did you mapquest rolling bend rd to the conowingo dam at the susqeuhanna river and see the route! I think those tweets were significant too. Mapquest that and then re-read their tweets on your social media page and see if that doesn’t seem like the route they traveled! I mean just my thoughts!

mslady84 (Nicole)

I looked back through her tweets as well, it took me about 2 hours! :/ I wonder what in the world does mean about the dam and not pulling the lever. That floored me when I first saw it. She was tweeting back and forth with them a lot. I don’t think that’s coincidental. I wonder if she was with them, or if Dorian maybe told her about what was going down like most men tell their girls and vice versa. He must have confided in her, but what in the world would make her tweet that? I wonder what she meant by trapped at the dam. I hope the police have looked into her, her tweets, and this statement. They need to give her a polygraph and investigate her on record. That is definitely 1 of the most bewildering things of this case. And yes, that was about 3 1/2 months to be exact before Phylicia’s body was found, so was Phylicia at the dam all of that time before she was finally found? I wonder what does her tweets and the Johnson tweets have to all do with this because it was all around the same time. Does anyone know if the police have talked with her yet? Then maybe that’s why the Barnes & Johnsons were so shocked and stuff after her body was found. They probably didn’t think she was ever going to be found. Does anyone know if these pictures starting at 103 was taking at the dam? http://a3.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/82/24bf6f71e68d40a880dc29dff3221122/l.jpg. These guys seem to enjoy rushing water and secluded areas. Just a thought!

Just Curious

(Nicole) – The photo in the link is a little dark, but it looks like photos I have seen of Susquehanna State Park near a boating dock. Hopefully someone from the Harford/Cecil County areas can verify whether those pictures are from the dam area.

There is a webcam installed at the Conowingo dam and it points out to the rock areas. Hopefully the State Police know about this webcam. Here is the link that talks about the webcam: http://md.water.usgs.gov/webcam/01578310/

David Adams

Wow Just Curious! That’s an interesting thought! I wonder if the FBI and State Police have been notified about the camera or any cameras in the area if they can pull the footage to see any cars in that area from December until the time her body was found. I think that would definitely tell the story. It would be excellent if they could have captured footage of exactly who all was out there. I’m pretty sure there were cameras in the area that should have caught whoever walking around the dam and revealed what happened. I am going to send this tip to them.

Just Curious

Coincidently, there is a Stafford Road that runs along the Susquehanna River by the Susquehanna State Park. The Johnson clan have referred to Stafford Road in their tweets. Hopefully they are talking about the one in Southwest Baltimore and not the one in the Harford County area.


If you zoom in the map, you can see Stafford Road running beside the river.

David Adams

Just Curious! Thanks for pointing that out. They were tweeting about Stafford Road and Rolling Bend Road, and I feel like they were en route to that river/dam while they were tweeting. Notice there was an almost 2 hour silence and then they started tweeting again about how hot it was, they were possibly warming up in the car or in a house. It definitely was enough time for it to go either way. Either way I hope the FBI and police looked into those tweets and see if they got any pings in that area from any of them. One of them also mentioned that their cell phone supposedly had died, I guess as an alibi for the absence of their tweeting. Thanks for pointing that out.

mslady84 (Nicole)


This video is very distasteful. The nerves of the Barnes putting on a “show” . . . to sum it up in a nutshell!

mslady84 (Nicole)

Deena is a Registered Pharmacy Tech. I wonder what the inventory of the Pharmacy looked like, or if any of the customers were ever shorted any pills.


mslady84 (Nicole)

Whatever happened to the last 3 posts on Phylicia’s myspace page that was posted after her disappearance? I wonder who had her password and erased those. I remember one saying she was bored and one saying she likes playing in the snow. I wonder if the FBI looked into that when they looked into her my space page and the other pages a while back? It looks like they erased all of her statuses. I browsed a few other pages and their statuses are still up there, they don’t go away. http://www.myspace.com/#!/373829426

mslady84 (Nicole)

Ericka Submitted on 2011/09/15 at 04:17

Why didn’t Kelly pick Phylicia up that day? I work with her and she wasn’t at work that day, and everyone at works knows she was off but everyone THINKS she was at work that day, SHE WASN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO WHY DIDN’T SHE GO TO PICK PHYLICIA UP WHEN SHE TOLD HER SISTER SHE WOULD!

Kelly did not go to work as she previously stated, and she tried to displace herself from Deena’s apartment on the 27th! Explain this Kelly!


mslady84 (Nicole)

Submitted from Erica on 2011/09/16 at 18:22 | In reply to dbrianadams.

How can you get off between 12 – 12:30 when you weren’t even at work? Nothing clicked that Michael said she was sleep. That was still more reason to go since that’s why you going the first place because he was there.


This has truly got to raise some eyebrows and questions? Where was Kelly if she wasn’t at work, why didn’t she go by the apartment? Can a camera at work show Kelly there or a time card? Most of all, why did you lie Kelly?

David Adams



I ran across someone who was going to donate to them, and I told her to donate to Phylicia’s Union Academy school as her mother had previously asked before. It’s funny how God works, He definitely works in mysterious ways!

Here’s what they said: I donated over $12,000 in 2011 to charities…..GOAL for 2012 is to provide support locally where my team and I can see and share our collectives efforts. Always reviews are done 1st, and this is why YOUR info was very valuable … they pro…vided a card with the name as: Phylicia Simone Barnes Foundations, Inc Deena Barnes is the Exec Dir/Co-Founder http://www.psbfoundation.wordpress.com or psbfoundation@hotmail.com for contact info.

How is she building a foundation for Phylicia when she can’t even tell the truth about what happened to her. You build foundations from truth and love & Only What You Do For Christ Will Last!

JUSTICE FOR PHYLICIA BARNES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


See what did I tell you..its starting already..

mslady84 (Nicole)

Yes! You are so right!!! Unbelievable!

bryab barnes

I’m not hiding. Ill talk to whoever wants to talk but its almost pointless because whatever we say is never good enough. That’s why we remain quiet. We answer questions, everyone says we’re lying, we pass drug test, and other test but that’s not good enough. You people will never be satisfied and that’s y we stopped talking… but like I said, ill talk to whoever wants to talk. I been telling the truth since day one. I have NO reason to lie…!!!

David Adams

Bryan what you fail to understand is that many people do believe you. I have spoken with you an I believe that you really believe what you were told, but the problem is what your sisters have said. That’s what many people have a problem with. I can’t understand why you don’t see the inconsistencies that many people have about the entire case!

mslady84 (Nicole)


1.) Now that hundreds of pictures have surfaced from Deena’s apartment; bottles and bottles of vodka and alcohols, weed, all of those different Johnson guys lying around on her floor, the pictures of Deena, Mike, and your baby sister streaking nude inside and outside of Deena’s apartment? How do you feel about what? What in your take on this?

2.) Has Deena, Kelly, and Russell taken a polygraph test? Why or Why not? If not, can you ask them to go take one on record and tell their stories from the beginning to the end? Don’t you really want to know the truth?

3.) How do you feel about what has happened to your baby sister? How has life changed for you since your baby sister was kidnapped, murdered and placed at that cold, lonely dam?

4.) What do you honestly think happened to your baby sister and why? Do you feel that Deena and Kelly should come clean and tell everything that they know for the sake of your sweet, precious baby sister Phylicia?

5.) Given that everything has happened the way it did, if you could go back and do 1 thing and Phylicia would still be living, what would you have done?

6.) How do you feel Deena’s supervision was of Phylicia considering she gained Mrs. Janice’s trust and was supposed to be taking care of Phylicia and just the 2 of them residing there?

7.) If Phylicia went missing on the 28th and they had this time line of events, that happened on the 28th in which nobody was able to contact Phylicia and she disappeared, and that was discovered the evening of the 28th—> how is it that your daddy, Russell Barnes was able to drive from Georgia to Maryland and arrive that same evening?

8.) Kelly’s co-worker Erica said that there was so reason Kelly shouldn’t have picked Phylicia up that day when she got off from work because she wasn’t at work? What do you have to say about that? Can Kelly take a polygraph or prove with a camera at the daycare or time card that she was indeed at work that day? How do you feel about that? Why is her and Michael both trying to displace themselves at the apartment on the 27th if Phylicia got missing the 28th?

9.) If you knew that Mike supposedly was carrying something and struggling with it? Why would you all allow Mike to stay there. You said he stayed 3 consecutive nights because you was there, so how could you sleep around him? Why did you allow those guys to keep walking to the Kraz’s room and closing the door?

10.) Why is it that you were never pictured in any of the pictures partying with your sisters and the clan? Is it because you don’t get down like the do? What are your reasons?

Feel free to add any truth you would like. Don’t answer anything you are not going to answer truthfully. I would not lie to you or about your family.


So your Deena’s mouth piece huh? tell her to take a lie detector test and come clean pictures don’t lie Bryan…..

mslady84 (Nicole)

Bryan, First of all, nobody has said that you were hiding. 2nd of all, I would like really like to talk to Deena or Russell, but since you are offering yourself to talk, somebody posted some questions yesterday that they wanted someone from your family to answer, so perhaps you can answer those, and I do want to ask you some questions too since it’s like that! NO LIES! Nobody here has been telling lies and we want you to keep it real and honest to, or don’t even answer. No bullshit at all, just keeping it real. If you feel that you don’t to incriminate your family members, then please don’t say anything at all opposed to lying or dancing around stuff.

I think anybody can tell a lie from the truth, and we are all entitled to our own opinions, but there were plenty of facts and evidence presented that has made everybody come to certain conclusions.

What all tests were taking? Who took all took drug tests then? We can’t say Deena did any drugs for sure, but we certainly have seen all of those pictures at those wild parties she threw at her old apartment.

I honestly can’t call you a liar. I will say that I feel that you have been telling what was told you to you, that’s my personal opinion. I have not seen any pictures of you at Deena’s apartment in none of the hundreds of pictures I’ve seen and I haven’t heard that you was streaking nude with your little sister. I am about to write a 2nd post so you can address this one.

Dottie Best

How do you keep blogger from counting your page views on your blog?

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