$25K Fur For Cab Ride: Is The American Dream A Bust?
Posted by David Adams on January 30th, 2011
They say the economy is bad right now, but I still see people driving around in Lexus Sedans, Lamborginis, wearing Rolex Watches, and a trip to any local Night Spot is like a scene out of the popular T.V. Series Entourage. More and more society appears to be concern with Social Popularity, Status Symbolism, and keeping up with their neighbors Mr & Mrs Jones. Coming from an impoverish background, I have always kept it simple. I don’t wear Jewelry, shop the discount section at Macy’s, and basically try to live within my own means. Now, to a lot of females I know, that’s an immediate turn off. It seems as if the old adage about a man being measured by the face of the green backs in his wallet or his credit rating still holds true by modern society’s standards. Not all woman are like that though. Thank God. I must admit that it took me a long time to come to that level of objectivity. When we have experienced certain character traits within others continuously, we tend to place labels or categorize an entire group based on our negative interaction with individuals which we seem to forget, that we ultimately chose to associate. I am guilty of this, however, I can honestly say that my attraction by others seems to always lean toward what I could provide them. I have played the game well, now in my mid-40’s, and 2 kids out of wedlock later, I am still very simple in terms of how I live, and my perception toward materialism remains the same. My Parents Union was founded on the idea of partnership, working to provide for their kids, and taught all of us that those luxuries in life that many people seek could be obtained through diligence and hard work. Only cautioning us to be mindful that for every dollar spent, that there should be at least a dollar saved for a rainy day. For a lot of people that sort of conscious long term kind of thinking never enters their thought process when delving into their pockets to buy those Ugg Boots, the latest fashion, or upgrading their 2 year old BMW. Perhaps it’s living in Poverty during my youth that has me in a budgetary state of mind. Maybe, “I’m out of my League” Socially and Economically, as my Son’s Grand Father once told me, that has me micro managing the money I spend. I don’t exactly know what it is, but a lot of people who look like me sure have a lot more to spend then I do, so it seems. The reality of it all when your talking about that Socio-Economic perception that many seem to care so much about, is that barring Credit Cards, support from your Spouse, Mom & Dad, or what ever support base you have, we live from pay check to pay check. People won’t admit that for what ever reason. It’s true though, unless you have a serious Investment Portfolio that you can cash in and retire, like the rest of us, your working to survive. You can’t tell this from your friends and those who you associate with though, because many of them would have you thinking, if you let them tell it, that they are living the good life and the American Dream. Sipping champagne on the shores of Malibu, Vacationing in Aruba, making a six figure income, and pushing a $100k automobile every 2 years. Hey some probably are living that lifestyle and I tip my hat to them. Many of us in the real world though, know this kind of living is still much to be desired. I think people are really confused about what the “American Dream” is. People have the idea that the more material and financial wealth that you obtain that you have arrived at the pinnacle of success. That’s not necessarily true. I know a lot of people who have money coming out of their rear, but have a unfaithful spouse, cronic illness, or are simply unhappy as a general rule. So, what is success? what is the American Dream? We all know this is ambiguous by the very nature of society’s diverse culture. people will come up with all kinds of rationalizations for why they spend their finances on the foolish things they buy. Some will say you only live once! I work hard all week and I deserve to treat myself. I could go on and on. You have to ask yourself, “do you think it’s wise” to go on 4 Cruises every year, only to end up with a cash shortage come September when little Sarah needs school clothes. The story I am about to share with you gave me the urge to Blog about this topic, because I really don’t think that most have a clue or even care for that matter. People live well above their means and often find themselves in a very embarrassing predicament.

I pull up to 7/11 last night and there are 2 Stratford Town Police cruisers and a Taxi Cab parked outside. I enter the store and notice that there is a very large Leather Gucci Bag on the counter, all of it’s contents spread about, and see Police speaking with a very well dressed African American female in the rear of the store. I am a regular customer. The store clerk knows me well. I ask him what’s going on. He tells me that the lady doesn’t have money to pay her cab fare. I’m like Wow! Then I hear the Police say to her, “Why are you pressing balance? Balance won’t give you cash, besides that’s a Credit Card!” First thing I think is, she is stalling. The Cab Driver comes in and says hey look I have to go. I am losing money waiting here. he then exclaims to the lady, “That’s a very nice coat. I’ll take that for the fair”, in a very sarcastic tone as if he was mocking her appearance, but she lack cash to pay a simple cab fare. The lady yells back to him, “Are you fucking crazy? This is a $25,000 Chinchilla”. She was so arrogant about the fact that her clothes were expensive, but didn’t seem to grasp how clownish her predicament appeared to onlookers. So the Police give her ample time to try and come up with the $20 bucks she owes the cabbie, but to no avail she doesn’t have it. Now, correct me if I am wrong. The only way that a credit card doesn’t grant a cash withdrawal is if the Card has been placed in pickup status or she had exceeded her spending limit. Meaning that the Creditor is requesting that the Card be surrendered or they simply deactivated it. How do you not know this. Well, like somebody said, “shit happens” and this is true, but you don’t catch a Cab to go get cash. Hell you could be driving around all night trying to find a working ATM. This was very embarrassing. I even felt embarrassed and I didn’t have anything to do with it. It’s just that she made a spectacle of herself, the Cops were both White, and everyone else in the store looking on were White as well. So the Police become restless and decide to arrest her. Now she is shocked, acts as if a crime was being committed against her, and didn’t seem to understand what grounds they were going to arrest her. She demands to know what she is being placed under arrest for, and before the Police could respond, I said to her, “for theft of service”. The Police turns and looks at me and said, “yes, for theft of service”. She is really upset now crying saying they are locking her up on her Birthday. They place her in the Police cruiser, and at the last minute I was asked, “why don’t you buy something and let her pay for it with her Credit Card and you give her the cash”. I considered it, but I couldn’t overcome the lady’s arrogance. She had on enough jewelry to put Mr. T to shame. If she really wanted too, she could have settled the fare with the cabbie, besides I think she was running a scheme that backfired on her. Everyone isn’t a sucker for a Pretty Woman. People need to learn to live within their means, and if they just simply have to have life’s luxuries, then they should make sure that before they shell out $25,000 on a Fur Coat, they have enough cab fare to get home. If not then the American Dream just might be a Bust or busted in her case. I can’t help but think how she felt sitting in that holding cell at Central Booking wearing that damn coat. What a Bust!
They say the economy is bad right now, but I still see people driving around in Lexus Sedans, Lamborginis, wearing Rolex Watches, and a trip to any local Night Spot is like a scene out of the popular T.V. Series Entourage. More and more society appears to be concern with Social Popularity, Status Symbolism, and keeping up with their neighbors Mr & Mrs Jones. Coming from an impoverish background, I have always kept it simple. I don’t wear Jewelry, shop the discount section at Macy’s, and basically try to live within my own means. Now, to a lot of females I know, that’s an immediate turn off. It seems as if the old adage about a man being measured by the face of the green backs in his wallet or his credit rating still holds true by modern society’s standards. Not all woman are like that though. Thank God. I must admit that it took me a long time to come to that level of objectivity. When we have experienced certain character traits within others continuously, we tend to place labels or categorize an entire group based on our negative interaction with individuals which we seem to forget, that we ultimately chose to associate. I am guilty of this, however, I can honestly say that my attraction by others seems to always lean toward what I could provide them. I have played the game well, now in my mid-40’s, and 2 kids out of wedlock later, I am still very simple in terms of how I live, and my perception toward materialism remains the same. My Parents Union was founded on the idea of partnership, working to provide for their kids, and taught all of us that those luxuries in life that many people seek could be obtained through diligence and hard work. Only cautioning us to be mindful that for every dollar spent, that there should be at least a dollar saved for a rainy day. For a lot of people that sort of conscious long term kind of thinking never enters their thought process when delving into their pockets to buy those Ugg Boots, the latest fashion, or upgrading their 2 year old BMW. Perhaps it’s living in Poverty during my youth that has me in a budgetary state of mind. Maybe, “I’m out of my League” Socially and Economically, as my Son’s Grand Father once told me, that has me micro managing the money I spend. I don’t exactly know what it is, but a lot of people who look like me sure have a lot more to spend then I do, so it seems. The reality of it all when your talking about that Socio-Economic perception that many seem to care so much about, is that barring Credit Cards, support from your Spouse, Mom & Dad, or what ever support base you have, we live from pay check to pay check. People won’t admit that for what ever reason. It’s true though, unless you have a serious Investment Portfolio that you can cash in and retire, like the rest of us, your working to survive. You can’t tell this from your friends and those who you associate with though, because many of them would have you thinking, if you let them tell it, that they are living the good life and the American Dream. Sipping champagne on the shores of Malibu, Vacationing in Aruba, making a six figure income, and pushing a $100k automobile every 2 years. Hey some probably are living that lifestyle and I tip my hat to them. Many of us in the real world though, know this kind of living is still much to be desired. I think people are really confused about what the “American Dream” is. People have the idea that the more material and financial wealth that you obtain that you have arrived at the pinnacle of success. That’s not necessarily true. I know a lot of people who have money coming out of their rear, but have a unfaithful spouse, cronic illness, or are simply unhappy as a general rule. So, what is success? what is the American Dream? We all know this is ambiguous by the very nature of society’s diverse culture. people will come up with all kinds of rationalizations for why they spend their finances on the foolish things they buy. Some will say you only live once! I work hard all week and I deserve to treat myself. I could go on and on. You have to ask yourself, “do you think it’s wise” to go on 4 Cruises every year, only to end up with a cash shortage come September when little Sarah needs school clothes. The story I am about to share with you gave me the urge to Blog about this topic, because I really don’t think that most have a clue or even care for that matter. People live well above their means and often find themselves in a very embarrassing predicament.

I pull up to 7/11 last night and there are 2 Stratford Town Police cruisers and a Taxi Cab parked outside. I enter the store and notice that there is a very large Leather Gucci Bag on the counter, all of it’s contents spread about, and see Police speaking with a very well dressed African American female in the rear of the store. I am a regular customer. The store clerk knows me well. I ask him what’s going on. He tells me that the lady doesn’t have money to pay her cab fare. I’m like Wow! Then I hear the Police say to her, “Why are you pressing balance? Balance won’t give you cash, besides that’s a Credit Card!” First thing I think is, she is stalling. The Cab Driver comes in and says hey look I have to go. I am losing money waiting here. he then exclaims to the lady, “That’s a very nice coat. I’ll take that for the fair”, in a very sarcastic tone as if he was mocking her appearance, but she lack cash to pay a simple cab fare. The lady yells back to him, “Are you fucking crazy? This is a $25,000 Chinchilla”. She was so arrogant about the fact that her clothes were expensive, but didn’t seem to grasp how clownish her predicament appeared to onlookers. So the Police give her ample time to try and come up with the $20 bucks she owes the cabbie, but to no avail she doesn’t have it. Now, correct me if I am wrong. The only way that a credit card doesn’t grant a cash withdrawal is if the Card has been placed in pickup status or she had exceeded her spending limit. Meaning that the Creditor is requesting that the Card be surrendered or they simply deactivated it. How do you not know this. Well, like somebody said, “shit happens” and this is true, but you don’t catch a Cab to go get cash. Hell you could be driving around all night trying to find a working ATM. This was very embarrassing. I even felt embarrassed and I didn’t have anything to do with it. It’s just that she made a spectacle of herself, the Cops were both White, and everyone else in the store looking on were White as well. So the Police become restless and decide to arrest her. Now she is shocked, acts as if a crime was being committed against her, and didn’t seem to understand what grounds they were going to arrest her. She demands to know what she is being placed under arrest for, and before the Police could respond, I said to her, “for theft of service”. The Police turns and looks at me and said, “yes, for theft of service”. She is really upset now crying saying they are locking her up on her Birthday. They place her in the Police cruiser, and at the last minute I was asked, “why don’t you buy something and let her pay for it with her Credit Card and you give her the cash”. I considered it, but I couldn’t overcome the lady’s arrogance. She had on enough jewelry to put Mr. T to shame. If she really wanted too, she could have settled the fare with the cabbie, besides I think she was running a scheme that backfired on her. Everyone isn’t a sucker for a Pretty Woman. People need to learn to live within their means, and if they just simply have to have life’s luxuries, then they should make sure that before they shell out $25,000 on a Fur Coat, they have enough cab fare to get home. If not then the American Dream just might be a Bust or busted in her case. I can’t help but think how she felt sitting in that holding cell at Central Booking wearing that damn coat. What a Bust!
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