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911 Tapes From Trayvon Martin Killing Reveal New Evidence: Key Defense Witnesses Committed Perjury During Trial Testimony, And Feds Should Be Able To Make Civil Rights Case

On the night George Zimmerman shot and killed young Trayvon Martin at the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida, the cop wanna be exited his SUV, unholstered his firearm, and chambered a round. I know this to be true without any equivocation because it’s on the 911 recording from the call Zimmerman made to police that night. I won’t delay anyone’s curiosity for a second. Listen to the tape again for yourself, and around the 4:07-4:08 time of this Youtube audio tape you will hear the faint sound of a pistol being chambered. This will probably mean nothing to you if you have never handled a gun before, but I’d bet my life if you know some who has, they will tell you that what I am describing is an unmistakable, and very distinct sound.

The Police, State’ Attorney, and Zimmerman’s defense Counsel all focused solely on the police 911 tape which depicted someone yelling for help before the horrifying sound of a gun shot going off that has polarized the entire case. It’s mind boggling that none of the investigators picked up on this portion of Zimmerman’s call to police February 26, 2012, or perhaps it was deliberately overlooked by cops who appeared to be more than eager to set the cop wannabe free. You just might want to listen to that part of his police call again one more time for good measure.

You clearly hear Zimmerman exit the vehicle and then you hear him chamber a round. and probably loaded another round in his magazine (Cal Tech 9mm firearm has a mag capacity of 7 rounds), because cops found the clip full at the time they confiscated the gun from Zimmerman. This information coupled with that fact that George Zimmerman admittedly told the police dispatcher that he was following him, demonstrates he had other intentions, and wasn’t looking for an address has he has testified to in open court. It also means that Zimmerman more than likely had his gun already drawn when he encountered young Trayvon Martin on foot. If these facts don’t prove depraved mind, I don’t know what will.

As a private citizens if you pull a firearm on another person you can be charge with aggravated assault in most states in this country. Furthermore, if Trayvon had ran as Zimmerman described to police dispatch, the 17-year-old wasn’t posing any threat to Zimmerman, and there was no justification for Zimmerman to even draw his weapon. Some Zimmerman supporters and other pundits may argue that it was dark and raining that night, Zimmerman was alone, and may have just been taking precautionary measures for his own personal safety. This would mean that Zimmerman had apprehensive fear long before he engaged into an altercation with Trayvon, and highlights even more why he should have stayed put inside his vehicle.

Also, the comments Zimmerman made on tape (“these assholes always get away” and “fucking coons”) juxtapose to him literally and apparently having his gun drawn way before a physical confrontation with Trayvon ever occurs, goes along way to support that he pursued the teen after profiling him, and without question violated Trayvon Martin’ civil rights. I am convinced that this portion of Zimmerman’s recorded call with police dispatch fills in some of the missing pieces from that night, and perhaps may have been the instrument which sparked a fight. Let’s face it, even if Trayvon was hiding somewhere waiting on Zimmerman as many of his supporters have contrived in their minds, face with a gun pointed at you in close quarters just might in fact have cause the teen to act violently in an effort to save his own life.

I have said all along that if Trayvon Martin ran from Zimmerman as Rachel Jeantel testified, it doesn’t make sense that he would simply turn around and try to confront Zimmerman. Juror B37 said that she believed Trayvon wanted to approach Zimmerman and not allow him to get one up on him. Her rationale and thinking is extremely prejudicial considering the fact that she never met Trayvon Martin and didn’t know anything about his character. Her perspective only illustrates that some white people are readily prepared and often think negatively of black youth.

There is now very convincing evidence that George Zimmerman may have had his gun already drawn prior to getting into a fight with Trayvon Martin, and this would clearly demonstrate  that Zimmerman was the actual aggressor on the night he killed the Martin teen. Zimmerman will never be tried for his murder again because of double jeopardy laws, unless somehow the courts declare a mistrial for some bizarre reason. Whether or not he will be charge on a Federal level remains to be seen. I believe that his recorded call to police is the most compelling factor which proves he pursued Trayvon with his gun drawn, and had intent on using it. Why else would he pull his gun if the kid had already run away?

Moreover, two of the Defense witnesses perjured themselves while testifying during the trial. First off, the Good witness lied about what he actual saw. If you were paying close attention to the trial you would have observed Mr. good say he heard the commotion outside of the rear off his home. He said he actually stepped outside and stated “hey cut it out”, before saying “I’m calling the cops”, and going back inside his home. I am not convinced that he didn’t see more than what he testified to because he was the closest witness to the scene. He described the person being on the bottom of the fight as a lighter skinned person. That’s a complete lie, because in Zimmerman’s reenactment for police and during his interview with Sanford police, he is overheard stating that after he shot Trayvon he got on top of his back, attempting to restrain him, and someone appeared and said they were gonna call the police.

That person had to have been defense witness Mr. Good. No other witness testified that they made that statement, and Zimmerman stated in his reenactment and interviews, “I don’t need you to do that, I need you to help me with this guy.”  So, how on earth did Mr. Good see a lighter complexion person on the bottom of the altercation if when he stated he was gonna call the cops Zimmerman didn’t want him to do that? That would mean that Zimmerman had already shot Trayvon and climbed on top of him when Mr. Good came outside, according to Zimmerman’s own version of events from that night.  Mr. Good’s testimony was very crucial and deemed extremely compelling, as many pundits believed that he corroborated Zimmerman’s story, but as you can see it is very contrasting.

Either Good lied or Zimmerman did. Zimmerman says he was on top of Trayvon when Good came out and threatened to call police, and Mr. Good claims Trayvon was on top when he came out. Very confusing? I don’t think so, because they both can’t be right, and Zimmerman’s story has been so inconsistent that he has no credibility. Mr. good may have also been motivated to lie simply out of mere racial bias, while believing that Zimmerman was only protecting the community from some black kid up to no good (pun not intended).

Jenna Lauer who also testified at the Zimmerman murder trial, who was called as a prosecution witness, also lied on the stand multiple times. During her testimony she claims that neither her nor her husband went out side to see what was going on the night they heard commotion before young Trayvon was shot and killed. The 911 recorded call she made to police which actually depicts the gun shot, you can hear the sliding door that leads to their patio open. The sound his so prevalent in that recorded call that it can almost be mistaken for the actual gun shot. Lauer is also overheard calling her husband, telling him to get in here. In here from where? Thoughtt neither of the two had gone outside, but clearly her husband had gone to investigate something. There are blinds covering their window on the patio which could have provided them with the ability to discretely look outside to see what was going on, and be relatively undetected. I am not convinced that her husband didn’t peak outside at the very least. An image of the rear of the Lauer home where Zimmeman encountered Trayvon is depicted below:



Jenna Lauer’s home is the first house on the right where you can clearly see blinds in the window to there patio.


you don’t have to take my word for it listen to Jenna Lauer’s recorded 911 call again. At  the 0:32 period in the below Youtube audio you can hear the sliding door come open as Jenna is on the phone with police dispatch. Her husband states “they need to send someone out” and she responds “they’re sending” and at 0:50 you hear the sliding door moving again right after the gun shot, and I suspect that Mr. Lauer more than likely rushed back inside after being startled by the gunfire:

Why did he open the sliding patio door if he didn’t go outside to try and see what was going on? It would be difficult to prove what I am describing, but basic common sense and listening skills will reveal that my perspective isn’t far fetched at all, besides this piece of audio when scrutinized thoroughly case serious credibility on the Lauer testimony, her credibility, and integrity related to the Zimmerman murder trial proceedings. Like I said this would be hard to prove and you will have to be the judge of that recording and decide for yourselves why the Lauers would want to lie about what they saw that night. On the other hand, Jenna Lauer outright lied on the stand and actually perjured herself when prosecutor De La Rionda questioned her and asked if she were friends with Robert Zimmerman who is George Zimmerman’s older brother.

Lauer told the court that she wasn’t friends with him on Twitter (which actually wasn’t a lie) because she only follows him on Twitter. You don’t actually have to be friends with a person to follow their Twitter page, but Lauer stated that she didn’t even know how to use Twitter, and that she is never on there (Twitter). Well she obviously told a lie and here is a snapshot of her Twitter page that has been circulating around the internet after her testimony:  http://i.imgur.com/1M3WmwZ.png @jenna_lauer. If you scroll down you can see that she in fact follows Robert Zimmerman. So technically she made not have told a bold face lie, but she was deceptive to the court by not actually being forthright about her affiliation with him.

You can also see by scrolling her Twitter page that it is an active account with various people that she follows, and more than likely lied to the court about not knowing how to use the account. Her testimony regarding something as minute is who she follows or who she is friends with on social media creates serious doubt about her truthfulness and overall credibility. I believe Mr. Good and Mr. Lauer both actually saw George Zimmerman with his gun drawn before he shot Trayvon Martin that fateful night, and then came to court and lied about what they saw. The biggest question is why? I pray the Department of Justice does a complete and thorough investigation into the tapes from that night as well as their relationship to witness testimony, and hopefully they will discover what I have already. Justice for Trayvon Martin continues.



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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On the night George Zimmerman shot and killed young Trayvon Martin at the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida, the cop wanna be exited his SUV, unholstered his firearm, and chambered a round. I know this to be true without any equivocation because it’s on the 911 recording from the call Zimmerman made to police that night. I won’t delay anyone’s curiosity for a second. Listen to the tape again for yourself, and around the 4:07-4:08 time of this Youtube audio tape you will hear the faint sound of a pistol being chambered. This will probably mean nothing to you if you have never handled a gun before, but I’d bet my life if you know some who has, they will tell you that what I am describing is an unmistakable, and very distinct sound.

The Police, State’ Attorney, and Zimmerman’s defense Counsel all focused solely on the police 911 tape which depicted someone yelling for help before the horrifying sound of a gun shot going off that has polarized the entire case. It’s mind boggling that none of the investigators picked up on this portion of Zimmerman’s call to police February 26, 2012, or perhaps it was deliberately overlooked by cops who appeared to be more than eager to set the cop wannabe free. You just might want to listen to that part of his police call again one more time for good measure.

You clearly hear Zimmerman exit the vehicle and then you hear him chamber a round. and probably loaded another round in his magazine (Cal Tech 9mm firearm has a mag capacity of 7 rounds), because cops found the clip full at the time they confiscated the gun from Zimmerman. This information coupled with that fact that George Zimmerman admittedly told the police dispatcher that he was following him, demonstrates he had other intentions, and wasn’t looking for an address has he has testified to in open court. It also means that Zimmerman more than likely had his gun already drawn when he encountered young Trayvon Martin on foot. If these facts don’t prove depraved mind, I don’t know what will.

As a private citizens if you pull a firearm on another person you can be charge with aggravated assault in most states in this country. Furthermore, if Trayvon had ran as Zimmerman described to police dispatch, the 17-year-old wasn’t posing any threat to Zimmerman, and there was no justification for Zimmerman to even draw his weapon. Some Zimmerman supporters and other pundits may argue that it was dark and raining that night, Zimmerman was alone, and may have just been taking precautionary measures for his own personal safety. This would mean that Zimmerman had apprehensive fear long before he engaged into an altercation with Trayvon, and highlights even more why he should have stayed put inside his vehicle.

Also, the comments Zimmerman made on tape (“these assholes always get away” and “fucking coons”) juxtapose to him literally and apparently having his gun drawn way before a physical confrontation with Trayvon ever occurs, goes along way to support that he pursued the teen after profiling him, and without question violated Trayvon Martin’ civil rights. I am convinced that this portion of Zimmerman’s recorded call with police dispatch fills in some of the missing pieces from that night, and perhaps may have been the instrument which sparked a fight. Let’s face it, even if Trayvon was hiding somewhere waiting on Zimmerman as many of his supporters have contrived in their minds, face with a gun pointed at you in close quarters just might in fact have cause the teen to act violently in an effort to save his own life.

I have said all along that if Trayvon Martin ran from Zimmerman as Rachel Jeantel testified, it doesn’t make sense that he would simply turn around and try to confront Zimmerman. Juror B37 said that she believed Trayvon wanted to approach Zimmerman and not allow him to get one up on him. Her rationale and thinking is extremely prejudicial considering the fact that she never met Trayvon Martin and didn’t know anything about his character. Her perspective only illustrates that some white people are readily prepared and often think negatively of black youth.

There is now very convincing evidence that George Zimmerman may have had his gun already drawn prior to getting into a fight with Trayvon Martin, and this would clearly demonstrate  that Zimmerman was the actual aggressor on the night he killed the Martin teen. Zimmerman will never be tried for his murder again because of double jeopardy laws, unless somehow the courts declare a mistrial for some bizarre reason. Whether or not he will be charge on a Federal level remains to be seen. I believe that his recorded call to police is the most compelling factor which proves he pursued Trayvon with his gun drawn, and had intent on using it. Why else would he pull his gun if the kid had already run away?

Moreover, two of the Defense witnesses perjured themselves while testifying during the trial. First off, the Good witness lied about what he actual saw. If you were paying close attention to the trial you would have observed Mr. good say he heard the commotion outside of the rear off his home. He said he actually stepped outside and stated “hey cut it out”, before saying “I’m calling the cops”, and going back inside his home. I am not convinced that he didn’t see more than what he testified to because he was the closest witness to the scene. He described the person being on the bottom of the fight as a lighter skinned person. That’s a complete lie, because in Zimmerman’s reenactment for police and during his interview with Sanford police, he is overheard stating that after he shot Trayvon he got on top of his back, attempting to restrain him, and someone appeared and said they were gonna call the police.

That person had to have been defense witness Mr. Good. No other witness testified that they made that statement, and Zimmerman stated in his reenactment and interviews, “I don’t need you to do that, I need you to help me with this guy.”  So, how on earth did Mr. Good see a lighter complexion person on the bottom of the altercation if when he stated he was gonna call the cops Zimmerman didn’t want him to do that? That would mean that Zimmerman had already shot Trayvon and climbed on top of him when Mr. Good came outside, according to Zimmerman’s own version of events from that night.  Mr. Good’s testimony was very crucial and deemed extremely compelling, as many pundits believed that he corroborated Zimmerman’s story, but as you can see it is very contrasting.

Either Good lied or Zimmerman did. Zimmerman says he was on top of Trayvon when Good came out and threatened to call police, and Mr. Good claims Trayvon was on top when he came out. Very confusing? I don’t think so, because they both can’t be right, and Zimmerman’s story has been so inconsistent that he has no credibility. Mr. good may have also been motivated to lie simply out of mere racial bias, while believing that Zimmerman was only protecting the community from some black kid up to no good (pun not intended).

Jenna Lauer who also testified at the Zimmerman murder trial, who was called as a prosecution witness, also lied on the stand multiple times. During her testimony she claims that neither her nor her husband went out side to see what was going on the night they heard commotion before young Trayvon was shot and killed. The 911 recorded call she made to police which actually depicts the gun shot, you can hear the sliding door that leads to their patio open. The sound his so prevalent in that recorded call that it can almost be mistaken for the actual gun shot. Lauer is also overheard calling her husband, telling him to get in here. In here from where? Thoughtt neither of the two had gone outside, but clearly her husband had gone to investigate something. There are blinds covering their window on the patio which could have provided them with the ability to discretely look outside to see what was going on, and be relatively undetected. I am not convinced that her husband didn’t peak outside at the very least. An image of the rear of the Lauer home where Zimmeman encountered Trayvon is depicted below:



Jenna Lauer’s home is the first house on the right where you can clearly see blinds in the window to there patio.


you don’t have to take my word for it listen to Jenna Lauer’s recorded 911 call again. At  the 0:32 period in the below Youtube audio you can hear the sliding door come open as Jenna is on the phone with police dispatch. Her husband states “they need to send someone out” and she responds “they’re sending” and at 0:50 you hear the sliding door moving again right after the gun shot, and I suspect that Mr. Lauer more than likely rushed back inside after being startled by the gunfire:

Why did he open the sliding patio door if he didn’t go outside to try and see what was going on? It would be difficult to prove what I am describing, but basic common sense and listening skills will reveal that my perspective isn’t far fetched at all, besides this piece of audio when scrutinized thoroughly case serious credibility on the Lauer testimony, her credibility, and integrity related to the Zimmerman murder trial proceedings. Like I said this would be hard to prove and you will have to be the judge of that recording and decide for yourselves why the Lauers would want to lie about what they saw that night. On the other hand, Jenna Lauer outright lied on the stand and actually perjured herself when prosecutor De La Rionda questioned her and asked if she were friends with Robert Zimmerman who is George Zimmerman’s older brother.

Lauer told the court that she wasn’t friends with him on Twitter (which actually wasn’t a lie) because she only follows him on Twitter. You don’t actually have to be friends with a person to follow their Twitter page, but Lauer stated that she didn’t even know how to use Twitter, and that she is never on there (Twitter). Well she obviously told a lie and here is a snapshot of her Twitter page that has been circulating around the internet after her testimony:  http://i.imgur.com/1M3WmwZ.png @jenna_lauer. If you scroll down you can see that she in fact follows Robert Zimmerman. So technically she made not have told a bold face lie, but she was deceptive to the court by not actually being forthright about her affiliation with him.

You can also see by scrolling her Twitter page that it is an active account with various people that she follows, and more than likely lied to the court about not knowing how to use the account. Her testimony regarding something as minute is who she follows or who she is friends with on social media creates serious doubt about her truthfulness and overall credibility. I believe Mr. Good and Mr. Lauer both actually saw George Zimmerman with his gun drawn before he shot Trayvon Martin that fateful night, and then came to court and lied about what they saw. The biggest question is why? I pray the Department of Justice does a complete and thorough investigation into the tapes from that night as well as their relationship to witness testimony, and hopefully they will discover what I have already. Justice for Trayvon Martin continues.



The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Giggers? I could respect you more as a racist if you actually had the courage to use the real word, but now, not only have you revealed the fact that your a racist, but a cowardice racist at that!

Harley Rummel

David Adams, you are absolutely correct on almost all counts! Backing you up is the testimony of the Spanish witness who spoke through an interpreter. She testified that she heard scuffling, then went outside after she heard a shot. Because it was pitch dark, she couldn’t identify anyone but just saw one man straddling another. As the straddler got up and off the body we was on top of, he said, “Call the police.” It could only be Zimmerman. As for Good, I was convinced he was a liar when he testified that — well, first when he testified he could see anything at all clearly in the pitch darkness, but then he compounded it by say the person on the bottom was wearing a jacket that was either red or white. Red or white? The colors aren’t even close, they’re opposites! Red or purple maybe but WHITE? Like you I pray for a civil rights trial, but do not believe it will happen. However there WILL be a civil trial in which Zimmerman will have to take the stand where he will, I assure you, be torn to pieces. Lord, “Hasten the day!”

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