Barnes Teen Murder Case Falling Out Of Public Spotlight: Slave Mentality Hindering Investigation In Promising Kid’s Killing
Posted by David Adams on February 28th, 2012

Phylicia Simone Barnes: Though many have began to quiet about our little angel, we haven't and will never forget her, and how she was senselessly murdered over the Christmas Holiday back in 2010.
The Social Media “Buzz’ that was sparked by the murder of Monroe, North Carolina honors teen Phylicia Barnes appear to have lost it’s steam. Many say the lack of interest in recent months is directly related to what the public views as an easy case, and a crime that should have been solved by now. The once growing public outcry for justice in the child’s killing has now fizzled to a statistic on Baltimore’s ever-growing unsolved cold case murder mystery file. The Barnes case like many others related to the African-American communities isn’t unique in the slow progress of justice for such a heinous crime. The public left no stone unturned discussing the details about the case, and the possible scenarios that led to the pretty little girls nude body being discovered in the Susquehanna River in Conowingo, Maryland April 21, 2011. Specific details about Phylicia’s killing have been suppressed by authorities out of concern that information made public could jeopardize the investigation. So in short, we don’t even know what actually killed her. What we do know for certain is that Phylicia’s mother entrusted one of her prized possessions in the hands of irresponsible people who failed to properly supervise and protect the child. To be honest, Phylicia’s murder hurts deeply because of many of the facts about the case that we now know. A child who simply wanted to reach out to extended family during one of the most celebrated times of the year in American culture ended tragically, and nobody knows what happened. Those within the Baltimore Community who have lost loved ones to the violent streets of the city know the pain Raheem & Janice Mustafa are enduring, and the killing machine of Baltimore’s inner city streets churns on like a well oiled machine. Countless young people in the black community are falling prey to senseless violence, no one is talking about their stories, and it seems that the citizens of Baltimore have become immune to tragedy while accepting violence simply as a way of life. The hurt and pain has to be especially difficult for the Mustafas, not just because they lost their precious daughter, but because allowing a young naive Phylicia to travel to Baltimore from the rural south probably was a very difficult decision. Her mother took the appropriate steps by speaking with elder half-sister Deena Barnes, making it known what her expectations were as far as supervision of her daughter, and the mom explained her personal dues and don’ts while she allowed her child to stay with her family over the Christmas Holiday back in 2010. What ultimately occurred is a crime in its self. The late teen’s mother was told that only Phylicia would be staying at the apartment by Deena Barnes. Not only was the mother lied to about who would actually be there while Phylicia visited, but she later discovered that there were in fact three males also staying at the apartment. It was actually even worst then just that, because Phylicia had made calls to an older sibling with concerns about the volume of traffic in and out of the apartment, the door being constantly kept unlocked, and an incident where a male had made advances toward her. I believe Phylicia would have been hustled out of Baltimore in a New York second had Janice Mustafa known about the activities going on in Deena Barnes’ Northwest Baltimore home. Moreover, considering the fact that Phylicia had been to Baltimore several times prior to the 2010 visit, it’s unfortunate that the Mustafas never learned about the culture their kid was being exposed to. A clear picture was revealed about Deena’s honesty and character later on. Having denied exposing her baby sister to drugs, alcohol, and a gang of wannabe street thugs, images surfaced in Social Media depicting contrasting facts about what she alleged was going on while young Phylicia stayed with her. Prior to the Mustafas traveling to Baltimore to look for their child after her disappearance, her mom was given very disturbing information from another child close to her daughter. During my interview with Janice she advised me that the child had come to her distraught, concerned that something may have happened to Phylicia, and that’s when the child shared a conversation she and Phylicia had. Janice was hit with a bomb shell when she discovered that the child told her Phylicia had been allowed to drink alcohol and spoke marijuana during her trips to Baltimore. When the Mustafas confronted Deena Barnes about these allegations, she admitted it to Janice in person, but denied it publicly. Deena Barnes’ wall of lies started crumbling down when images began to emerge on Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter showing several young males and females sitting around a table with Vodka (something the child who had never been to Baltimore before told Janice that Phylicia said she was allowed to drink) and smoking pot. Once the TPC Blog showed these images to a National audience, it demonstrated that there was a mountain of credibility in the story the young child had shared with Janice. Also, there are a plethora of other circumstances about the Barnes killing that is alarming to the point of absolute nausea. Later on into the investigation the public learned that the Federal Bureau of Investigations (F.B.I.) had obtained warrants for Social Media accounts of 4 males in Baltimore related to a child pornography element of the murder case after nude images of a child were discovered on a cell phone belonging to one of the males related to the case. However, we soon learned that the warrants were actually for the media Accounts of Michael Johnson (Deena Barnes boyfriend), Glenton Johnson (Michael’s younger brother), Phylicia, and another unidentified male. The photos included images of a 16-year-old Phylicia Barnes streaking (naked) along with adult males, in and out of Deena Barnes’ apartment. I’m sure many in the public are all aware of the kind of craziness that many of our young people indulge in, but as disturbing as this particular scenario may seem, it’s even more challenging to comprehend why a Deena would condone her scholarly achieved baby sister to participate in such reckless and dangerous behavior. When ever this horrific case concludes, Deena Barnes will have to deal with her own demons related to her complete negligence which I am certain led up to the killing of Phylicia Barnes.
Many people have began to walk away from this story, given up hope for justice, and simply are just too frustrated with the extremely slow progress of the case. There are events that show circumstantial culpability of some of the people who were close to Deena Barnes and Phylicia, but they probably lack hard evidence such as DNA, hair fibers, other forensics, and eye witnesses willing to talk about what they know. The cops are more than likely having difficulty penetrating an extremely vexing “street code of silence”. The events on December 28, 2010 the day Phylicia went missing are very compelling when we take a closer look at statements made by individuals who visited Deena’s apartment that day, coupled with some of their Social Media comments, especially in the 12:30 -1:30 time frame which is reportedly the last time anyone allegedly saw Phylicia alive. Tweets by Glenton Johnson referencing the beating of a female just before the time Michael Johnson said he last saw the child, Glenton’s tweets about putting grass in a hooka with Ease (It was discovered during the a chat on TPC Blog that ease is in fact Michael Johnson), and the location that they were driving at the time, and it’s proximity to Deena’s place as well as the near straight shot to the Susquehanna River in Conowingo, Maryland (Where Phylicia’s nude body was discovered) are all beyond mere coincidence. We are unsure who may have also been traveling in Glenton’s vehicle on Rolling Road that day as well as who may know something about the case. No one is willing to come forward and help solve this case. The sad reality is that the lack of cooperation isn’t even from apprehensive fear that involvement in a murder case would most certainly bring, but rather the silence is more than likely predicated upon nothing other than maintaining “street credibility”. The fact that even the tens of thousands of dollars in reward money raised to help find the child’s killers hasn’t motivated people to start talking, is indicative of a culture of sickness that glorifies crime while creating an arena for some of the most notorious crimes to exist in our time. People only seem to want to get involved when tragedies of this nature directly impact their families. The incredible silence that permeates the African-American community when it comes to violence originates from the days of slavery. Slaves were fearful of reprisals from the white ruling class for seeing too much or getting involved. The fear of being lynched or killed in some other brutal fashion is a trait manifested from slavery into the culture of black folks still to this day. The only difference is that whites are no longer doing the killing. There is a mindset that blacks are continuing to be oppressed. Many offer the ghetto and other social, economic, and deplorable conditions that plague some subcultures within the black community as a valid supporting argument. However, we see the violence and other criminal activity being committed by people of color not whites, rendering many black communities under siege, and it’s the silence of law-abiding citizens that aides in the continuance of perpetuating criminal culture within our communities.

Danisha McIntosh tweeted "is s trapped at the dam. don't pull the lever", months before Phylicia Barnes body was found near the Coniwingo Dam. She is friends with Glenton "Bootz" Johnson and Dorian Carpenter who were questioned about the disappearance and murder of Phylicia Barnes.
A perfect example related to the Phylicia Barnes case is the Tweets by the “Twitter Girl” (Danisha McIntosh), who tweeted about a dam months before Phylicia’s body was discovered in the Susquehanna River near the Conowingo Dam. The fact that she was extremely close friends with two of the very males the cops questioned about this murder case, speaks volumes that she is in the know about some of the details regarding how Phylicia ended up at that dam. In fact one of her tweets appear to depict her mocking a female “crying all crazy” as if she had no compassion for the person’s obvious distress. Danisha just like Phylicia, is beautiful, smart, and has aspirations to exceed in life based on what we have learned from her social media pages, but I wonder if the tables were turned and she ended up floating nude in a river, if her friends or loved ones would stand by in utter silence not wanting justice for her. I’m not completely convinced that Danisha isn’t in fact directly involved herself, but all indications points to her having been told something about the case at the very least. It’s even more upsetting when we take into consideration the bond that women innately have toward each other, personal safety, and their natural protective instincts. Rather she suffers from a common disease plaguing this generation that places social acceptance above moral character. Our young people have been taught a value system unlike any social code we have ever known. It’s simply disturbing that post emancipation generations have yet to break the cycle of slavery. Don’t stop talking about a little girl name Phylicia Simone Barnes. her killer(s) are still at large. This could be your very own child, and this could very well be Danisha McIntosh. Though we are free from she shackles of human bondage, perhaps the greatest challenge for the African-American community is the shackles of mental slavery.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams

Phylicia Simone Barnes: Though many have began to quiet about our little angel, we haven't and will never forget her, and how she was senselessly murdered over the Christmas Holiday back in 2010.
The Social Media “Buzz’ that was sparked by the murder of Monroe, North Carolina honors teen Phylicia Barnes appear to have lost it’s steam. Many say the lack of interest in recent months is directly related to what the public views as an easy case, and a crime that should have been solved by now. The once growing public outcry for justice in the child’s killing has now fizzled to a statistic on Baltimore’s ever-growing unsolved cold case murder mystery file. The Barnes case like many others related to the African-American communities isn’t unique in the slow progress of justice for such a heinous crime. The public left no stone unturned discussing the details about the case, and the possible scenarios that led to the pretty little girls nude body being discovered in the Susquehanna River in Conowingo, Maryland April 21, 2011. Specific details about Phylicia’s killing have been suppressed by authorities out of concern that information made public could jeopardize the investigation. So in short, we don’t even know what actually killed her. What we do know for certain is that Phylicia’s mother entrusted one of her prized possessions in the hands of irresponsible people who failed to properly supervise and protect the child. To be honest, Phylicia’s murder hurts deeply because of many of the facts about the case that we now know. A child who simply wanted to reach out to extended family during one of the most celebrated times of the year in American culture ended tragically, and nobody knows what happened. Those within the Baltimore Community who have lost loved ones to the violent streets of the city know the pain Raheem & Janice Mustafa are enduring, and the killing machine of Baltimore’s inner city streets churns on like a well oiled machine. Countless young people in the black community are falling prey to senseless violence, no one is talking about their stories, and it seems that the citizens of Baltimore have become immune to tragedy while accepting violence simply as a way of life. The hurt and pain has to be especially difficult for the Mustafas, not just because they lost their precious daughter, but because allowing a young naive Phylicia to travel to Baltimore from the rural south probably was a very difficult decision. Her mother took the appropriate steps by speaking with elder half-sister Deena Barnes, making it known what her expectations were as far as supervision of her daughter, and the mom explained her personal dues and don’ts while she allowed her child to stay with her family over the Christmas Holiday back in 2010. What ultimately occurred is a crime in its self. The late teen’s mother was told that only Phylicia would be staying at the apartment by Deena Barnes. Not only was the mother lied to about who would actually be there while Phylicia visited, but she later discovered that there were in fact three males also staying at the apartment. It was actually even worst then just that, because Phylicia had made calls to an older sibling with concerns about the volume of traffic in and out of the apartment, the door being constantly kept unlocked, and an incident where a male had made advances toward her. I believe Phylicia would have been hustled out of Baltimore in a New York second had Janice Mustafa known about the activities going on in Deena Barnes’ Northwest Baltimore home. Moreover, considering the fact that Phylicia had been to Baltimore several times prior to the 2010 visit, it’s unfortunate that the Mustafas never learned about the culture their kid was being exposed to. A clear picture was revealed about Deena’s honesty and character later on. Having denied exposing her baby sister to drugs, alcohol, and a gang of wannabe street thugs, images surfaced in Social Media depicting contrasting facts about what she alleged was going on while young Phylicia stayed with her. Prior to the Mustafas traveling to Baltimore to look for their child after her disappearance, her mom was given very disturbing information from another child close to her daughter. During my interview with Janice she advised me that the child had come to her distraught, concerned that something may have happened to Phylicia, and that’s when the child shared a conversation she and Phylicia had. Janice was hit with a bomb shell when she discovered that the child told her Phylicia had been allowed to drink alcohol and spoke marijuana during her trips to Baltimore. When the Mustafas confronted Deena Barnes about these allegations, she admitted it to Janice in person, but denied it publicly. Deena Barnes’ wall of lies started crumbling down when images began to emerge on Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter showing several young males and females sitting around a table with Vodka (something the child who had never been to Baltimore before told Janice that Phylicia said she was allowed to drink) and smoking pot. Once the TPC Blog showed these images to a National audience, it demonstrated that there was a mountain of credibility in the story the young child had shared with Janice. Also, there are a plethora of other circumstances about the Barnes killing that is alarming to the point of absolute nausea. Later on into the investigation the public learned that the Federal Bureau of Investigations (F.B.I.) had obtained warrants for Social Media accounts of 4 males in Baltimore related to a child pornography element of the murder case after nude images of a child were discovered on a cell phone belonging to one of the males related to the case. However, we soon learned that the warrants were actually for the media Accounts of Michael Johnson (Deena Barnes boyfriend), Glenton Johnson (Michael’s younger brother), Phylicia, and another unidentified male. The photos included images of a 16-year-old Phylicia Barnes streaking (naked) along with adult males, in and out of Deena Barnes’ apartment. I’m sure many in the public are all aware of the kind of craziness that many of our young people indulge in, but as disturbing as this particular scenario may seem, it’s even more challenging to comprehend why a Deena would condone her scholarly achieved baby sister to participate in such reckless and dangerous behavior. When ever this horrific case concludes, Deena Barnes will have to deal with her own demons related to her complete negligence which I am certain led up to the killing of Phylicia Barnes.
Many people have began to walk away from this story, given up hope for justice, and simply are just too frustrated with the extremely slow progress of the case. There are events that show circumstantial culpability of some of the people who were close to Deena Barnes and Phylicia, but they probably lack hard evidence such as DNA, hair fibers, other forensics, and eye witnesses willing to talk about what they know. The cops are more than likely having difficulty penetrating an extremely vexing “street code of silence”. The events on December 28, 2010 the day Phylicia went missing are very compelling when we take a closer look at statements made by individuals who visited Deena’s apartment that day, coupled with some of their Social Media comments, especially in the 12:30 -1:30 time frame which is reportedly the last time anyone allegedly saw Phylicia alive. Tweets by Glenton Johnson referencing the beating of a female just before the time Michael Johnson said he last saw the child, Glenton’s tweets about putting grass in a hooka with Ease (It was discovered during the a chat on TPC Blog that ease is in fact Michael Johnson), and the location that they were driving at the time, and it’s proximity to Deena’s place as well as the near straight shot to the Susquehanna River in Conowingo, Maryland (Where Phylicia’s nude body was discovered) are all beyond mere coincidence. We are unsure who may have also been traveling in Glenton’s vehicle on Rolling Road that day as well as who may know something about the case. No one is willing to come forward and help solve this case. The sad reality is that the lack of cooperation isn’t even from apprehensive fear that involvement in a murder case would most certainly bring, but rather the silence is more than likely predicated upon nothing other than maintaining “street credibility”. The fact that even the tens of thousands of dollars in reward money raised to help find the child’s killers hasn’t motivated people to start talking, is indicative of a culture of sickness that glorifies crime while creating an arena for some of the most notorious crimes to exist in our time. People only seem to want to get involved when tragedies of this nature directly impact their families. The incredible silence that permeates the African-American community when it comes to violence originates from the days of slavery. Slaves were fearful of reprisals from the white ruling class for seeing too much or getting involved. The fear of being lynched or killed in some other brutal fashion is a trait manifested from slavery into the culture of black folks still to this day. The only difference is that whites are no longer doing the killing. There is a mindset that blacks are continuing to be oppressed. Many offer the ghetto and other social, economic, and deplorable conditions that plague some subcultures within the black community as a valid supporting argument. However, we see the violence and other criminal activity being committed by people of color not whites, rendering many black communities under siege, and it’s the silence of law-abiding citizens that aides in the continuance of perpetuating criminal culture within our communities.

Danisha McIntosh tweeted "is s trapped at the dam. don't pull the lever", months before Phylicia Barnes body was found near the Coniwingo Dam. She is friends with Glenton "Bootz" Johnson and Dorian Carpenter who were questioned about the disappearance and murder of Phylicia Barnes.
A perfect example related to the Phylicia Barnes case is the Tweets by the “Twitter Girl” (Danisha McIntosh), who tweeted about a dam months before Phylicia’s body was discovered in the Susquehanna River near the Conowingo Dam. The fact that she was extremely close friends with two of the very males the cops questioned about this murder case, speaks volumes that she is in the know about some of the details regarding how Phylicia ended up at that dam. In fact one of her tweets appear to depict her mocking a female “crying all crazy” as if she had no compassion for the person’s obvious distress. Danisha just like Phylicia, is beautiful, smart, and has aspirations to exceed in life based on what we have learned from her social media pages, but I wonder if the tables were turned and she ended up floating nude in a river, if her friends or loved ones would stand by in utter silence not wanting justice for her. I’m not completely convinced that Danisha isn’t in fact directly involved herself, but all indications points to her having been told something about the case at the very least. It’s even more upsetting when we take into consideration the bond that women innately have toward each other, personal safety, and their natural protective instincts. Rather she suffers from a common disease plaguing this generation that places social acceptance above moral character. Our young people have been taught a value system unlike any social code we have ever known. It’s simply disturbing that post emancipation generations have yet to break the cycle of slavery. Don’t stop talking about a little girl name Phylicia Simone Barnes. her killer(s) are still at large. This could be your very own child, and this could very well be Danisha McIntosh. Though we are free from she shackles of human bondage, perhaps the greatest challenge for the African-American community is the shackles of mental slavery.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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I totally agree with you! I can’t understand why her case has not been solved yet. These pee don’t understand that, this situation could have very well been their own daughter, granddaughter, niece, sister, etc. It is very sickening for that poor child to have been done the way she was and the world just keep going on and on as though nothing has happened!
First don’t attack the whole black community because Deena and her thug posse might have pulled off the perfect murder while her B more familly put forth all kinds of pointless laws etc to hide the fact DEENA is the reason Phylica was found floating in a river nude!!! Lets get real, we know Mike and da crew are waiting for the arrest warrants so they can take Deena down with them. If she wasn’t being protected arrests would have been made and EVERYONE knows this!!! JFPB!!!
Some “step” kids from my ex contacted my daughter on FB recently to meet her and this is what I said to her “You’re grown now but you know how I feel about baby mamas kids you have never met (3 kids 3 mamas) plus you don’t know their true motives for wanting to meet!!! If you go meet them advise them h@ will rain down on St. Louis if anything happens to you!!! You know how I feel about what happened to Phylicia Barnes meeting her hoodrat family here!!!” Thankfully she called and told me she didn’t respond to them and want no contact considering her father did nothing to help me raise her….then I exhaled!!!!
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