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For The Love Of Honey: Georgia Teen Slaying Remains An Epic Criminal Display Of Cowardice

The night began with a routine trip for Flora Malone as she drove to pick up her teen daughter “Honey” from her job at a local T.W. Price retail store. Malone says that her daughter was proud of her job, and rightfully so. A young person working, making their own money, and trying to establish herself as a productive member of society. Young “Honey” had other ambitions though, her friends say that she wanted to go to school for cosmetology and also had interest in modeling. She was a good kid on the right track, and those who were closest to her say the Malone youth had an alluring personality that seemed to be complimented by her good looks, and outgoing character. As mother and daughter made the trek home, neither probably never knew it would be one of the last times they would be together.

Flora says her daughter went out to visit some friends and initially came back home. Then “Honey” told her mother that she was going out one last time and would be right back “I promise.” Malone says her daughter told her that she loved her, and sadly it would be the very last time she’d see young “Honey” alive again. Flora Malone would be alerted hours later by friends of her daughter, who told her that Vanessa “Honey” Malone had apparently met a tragic ending. Malone called her oldest daughter Cassandra before heading over to the crime scene where she was told “Honey” was killed. Malone pleaded with the cops in a desperate attempt to confirm that “Honey” was in fact the victim of this horrible crime. What a horrible crime it actually was. A hundred pound girl shot in the back, and a very disturbing element of this tragic case that has bothered many. As her mother has previously conveyed, they were such cowards that they couldn’t even look her daughter in the face when they killed her. Malone didn’t learn until much later on that “Honey” was actually dead.

The brutal slaying of Vanessa “Honey” Malone was an extremely heinous crime that seemed unbelievable from the very start. The initial story offered to police that a gang of 4-6 heavily armed masked gunmen kicked an apartment door down, conducted a home invasion, when young “Honey” allegedly walks in on the crime while it was in progress, and caused the would be robbers to kill the teen.There were three other people at the apartment that night when “Honey” was killed. The fact that this cast of shady characters even survived such a bizarre ordeal is simply incredible alone. Firstly, why weren’t the survivors able to accurately convey to the police exactly how many suspects were involved in the alleged home invasion. That sounds like one person said 4 and another person said six. I guess that a detail they forgot to discuss when they were trying to get their story together prior to the cops arriving. Oh make no mistake about it, I believe that the survivors were complicit in young “Honey’s” killing if not directly responsible themselves.

I haven’t arrived at such a conclusion on a whim. There are elements of their story that is very problematic. Let’s take a very hard look at some of the details surrounding what happened that night. Two of the victims say that they were tied up and made to lay down in the bath tub, when they heard a scream that was immediately followed by a gun shot. This story never establishes where the third victim was during the home invasion, and then he doesn’t even stick around to talk to the cops about what happened. I have always been troubled by this account. Also, the victims in the bath tub say that they heard “Honey” being brought back inside the apartment when several more gunshots were heard. How did they know “Honey” actually left the apartment. The story seems crafted to fit a scenario where “Honey” walked in on the crime in progress, but I have always felt that they were there lying in wait for the teen, and that “Honey” was more than likely lured to the apartment that night by those who lived there. I support my theory based on the fact that “Honey” is the only person who lost their life that night.

I have also previously argued in other blog articles about the questionable circumstance by which young “Honey” was killed. The three survivors all describe the alleged gunmen as having on mask. This clearly demonstrates that their identities were hidden, and any scenario offered that would suggest that “Honey” may have been killed to prohibit her ability to identify them, has no merit what so ever. In fact, if we follow the story offered by the survivors of the home invasion, their account suggest that “Honey” fled the apartment and was shot in the back, then physically brought back inside. Several more shots also rang out which resulted in the teen’s murder, and some how no one within the entire complex overheard the gunshots or were alarmed enough to notify police. This is an extremely incredible version of events if it actually went down in the manner they describe.

The absence of anyone hearing gunshots within close proximity of the apartment where the crime occurred is so disturbing to me, that I believe some mechanism was utilized to stifle the sound of gun fire. A silencer may have been used in the Malone youth’ killing. After all, one of the survivors had already fled the scene prior to police arrival. He could very well have taken the murder weapon and the silencer with him to hide from police. Anytime an allege witness leaves the scene of a serious violent crime such as this one, it’s always problematic. He was reportedly wanted on an outstanding arrest warrant and fled the scene to avoid apprehension by police. That story also seems way too convenient considering he had just fled from a murder scene. Seems very fishy to me.

Even more disturbingly though, this same person isn’t accounted for during the home invasion. The female and her boyfriend are placed in the bath tub tied up, but no rationalization is ever offered within their story as to the whereabouts of this individual while the crime is actually in progress. Was he also tied up and placed in some other part of the apartment? It just doesn’t make sense that 4-6 heavily armed gunmen would leave three survivors after having already murdered someone, and only obtaining a cellphone and a wallet as the score in an armed home invasion robbery. Anything is possible, but this far fetched story seems to have been a brain twister for the local police. Some how the story of the armed home invasion was deemed as credible by police, solely predicated on their observation of damage to the front door of the apartment, which they more than likely believed corroborated the story about the door to the apartment having been kicked in. It’s possible that the damage could have been staged by the three people who last saw “Honey” alive.

Let’s face it, these characters were violent enough to shoot a hundred pound teen girl in the back unconsciously as if she was nothing. They were there on serious business looking for something, but they only leave with a cellphone and a wallet. So, the survivors wants everyone to believe that Vanessa “Honey” Malone was gunned down for these petty items? It just doesn’t fit. The three survivors know more. I don’t even believe that there were any masked gunmen at all. The story about 4-6 armed men sounds retarded. Was it four or six men? Something other than what the police were told occurred which resulted in the teen’s killing, and the person who fled the scene without talking to the cops appears to be a good place to start investigating.

Ironically, both of the male survivors were eventually taken into custody on unrelated charges. The man who fled before police arrival was apprehended for the outstanding warrant for a gun charge. The other male was charged with tampering with evidence related to “Honey’s” killing. Why would he attempt to alter the crime scene where the teen was killed. It’s rumored that the man destroyed drugs prior to the cops arrival. If true, it doesn’t make sense because now it means that not only did the mask gunmen kill young “Honey” and only got a cellphone and a wallet, but they also were idiots who couldn’t find the drug stash in the house. If the alleged home in version was to score drugs and proceeds from drug sales, chances are that they more than likely knew exactly where to find the loot prior to even conducting the robbery. Criminals are typically well aware of what they are up against attempting to rob a drug stash house when there are usually guns there used to protect the place. If it was a robbery for drugs and money, I’m not convinced that the robbers didn’t know where to find the stash well before they set the robbery in motion.

Now that we have placed tremendous scrutiny upon the account offered by the three survivors from the night young “Honey” was gunned down, other factors which may have been the cause of her killing must be closely evaluated. One scenario I have considered is that “Honey” may have rejected sexual advances from the mystery man who left before the police arrived. According to the story that was given to police, they had all settled down for the night, were in bed prior to hearing someone kicking in the front door, and the rear door to the home appears to have been left ajar. It’s a Friday night and they are all in bed before 10:00? You do the math. The female survivor and one of the males were a couple, and if they all were in bed settled down on a Friday night, “Honey” and the mystery man may have been in a private or intimate setting within the apartment. It’s plausible that two females and two males may have paired up in separate parts of the house.

Angered by “Honey’s” rejection of his advances, the mystery man may have shot the teen. The gun shot to her back may have even been staged to fit the story that they would ultimately tell the cops regarding how she died. Especially if they wanted to sell the story that she walked in on the robbery, fled, and was subsequently shot in the back. This would also explain why the man fled the apartment before cops arrived, if his clothing had blood or other forensics on him from shooting “Honey.” This is a possible scenario, because the bogus story of her attempting to flee the robbery, then being shot in the back, and having the robbers bring her back into the apartment is just complete absurdity at best. Who shoots someone then picks them up and brings them back into the apartment? I continue to struggle with how the survivors were able to determine that “Honey” was physically brought back inside, when they were all allegedly tied up in various parts of the apartment. I am personally under the firm belief that the three survivor are in fact lying.

Furthermore, if the rumors which assert that the cellphone and wallet have been returned to the survivors of the alleged home invasion, then it speaks volumes in terms of the credibility of the facts that the survivors gave to police, and at the very minimum suggest that they are aware of who had the reported stolen items. Rarely do you see these kinds of heinous crimes which involve the brutalization of a female and no assistance is offered to the police to aid their ability to solve the crime. Whether “Honey” was killed because of the brutality of would be robbers or perhaps because of her rejection of possible sexual advances, her killing is one of the most cowardice acts of violence in recent memory. The need to exact such violence upon a very petite frame female who more than likely posed minimal threat to her attacker(s) is just despicable.

Despite “honey’s” mother and other family members outcry for help from the public, and the seemingly national spotlight that her killing has garnered, the streets continue to remain silent with no one willing to expose the cowardice bastard(s) who took this teen’s life. Until her killer is brought to justice, questions surrounding what happened to “Honey” will linger, and the family will be denied closure as well as justice for Vanessa “Honey” Malone.

To Be Continued

The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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The night began with a routine trip for Flora Malone as she drove to pick up her teen daughter “Honey” from her job at a local T.W. Price retail store. Malone says that her daughter was proud of her job, and rightfully so. A young person working, making their own money, and trying to establish herself as a productive member of society. Young “Honey” had other ambitions though, her friends say that she wanted to go to school for cosmetology and also had interest in modeling. She was a good kid on the right track, and those who were closest to her say the Malone youth had an alluring personality that seemed to be complimented by her good looks, and outgoing character. As mother and daughter made the trek home, neither probably never knew it would be one of the last times they would be together.

Flora says her daughter went out to visit some friends and initially came back home. Then “Honey” told her mother that she was going out one last time and would be right back “I promise.” Malone says her daughter told her that she loved her, and sadly it would be the very last time she’d see young “Honey” alive again. Flora Malone would be alerted hours later by friends of her daughter, who told her that Vanessa “Honey” Malone had apparently met a tragic ending. Malone called her oldest daughter Cassandra before heading over to the crime scene where she was told “Honey” was killed. Malone pleaded with the cops in a desperate attempt to confirm that “Honey” was in fact the victim of this horrible crime. What a horrible crime it actually was. A hundred pound girl shot in the back, and a very disturbing element of this tragic case that has bothered many. As her mother has previously conveyed, they were such cowards that they couldn’t even look her daughter in the face when they killed her. Malone didn’t learn until much later on that “Honey” was actually dead.

The brutal slaying of Vanessa “Honey” Malone was an extremely heinous crime that seemed unbelievable from the very start. The initial story offered to police that a gang of 4-6 heavily armed masked gunmen kicked an apartment door down, conducted a home invasion, when young “Honey” allegedly walks in on the crime while it was in progress, and caused the would be robbers to kill the teen.There were three other people at the apartment that night when “Honey” was killed. The fact that this cast of shady characters even survived such a bizarre ordeal is simply incredible alone. Firstly, why weren’t the survivors able to accurately convey to the police exactly how many suspects were involved in the alleged home invasion. That sounds like one person said 4 and another person said six. I guess that a detail they forgot to discuss when they were trying to get their story together prior to the cops arriving. Oh make no mistake about it, I believe that the survivors were complicit in young “Honey’s” killing if not directly responsible themselves.

I haven’t arrived at such a conclusion on a whim. There are elements of their story that is very problematic. Let’s take a very hard look at some of the details surrounding what happened that night. Two of the victims say that they were tied up and made to lay down in the bath tub, when they heard a scream that was immediately followed by a gun shot. This story never establishes where the third victim was during the home invasion, and then he doesn’t even stick around to talk to the cops about what happened. I have always been troubled by this account. Also, the victims in the bath tub say that they heard “Honey” being brought back inside the apartment when several more gunshots were heard. How did they know “Honey” actually left the apartment. The story seems crafted to fit a scenario where “Honey” walked in on the crime in progress, but I have always felt that they were there lying in wait for the teen, and that “Honey” was more than likely lured to the apartment that night by those who lived there. I support my theory based on the fact that “Honey” is the only person who lost their life that night.

I have also previously argued in other blog articles about the questionable circumstance by which young “Honey” was killed. The three survivors all describe the alleged gunmen as having on mask. This clearly demonstrates that their identities were hidden, and any scenario offered that would suggest that “Honey” may have been killed to prohibit her ability to identify them, has no merit what so ever. In fact, if we follow the story offered by the survivors of the home invasion, their account suggest that “Honey” fled the apartment and was shot in the back, then physically brought back inside. Several more shots also rang out which resulted in the teen’s murder, and some how no one within the entire complex overheard the gunshots or were alarmed enough to notify police. This is an extremely incredible version of events if it actually went down in the manner they describe.

The absence of anyone hearing gunshots within close proximity of the apartment where the crime occurred is so disturbing to me, that I believe some mechanism was utilized to stifle the sound of gun fire. A silencer may have been used in the Malone youth’ killing. After all, one of the survivors had already fled the scene prior to police arrival. He could very well have taken the murder weapon and the silencer with him to hide from police. Anytime an allege witness leaves the scene of a serious violent crime such as this one, it’s always problematic. He was reportedly wanted on an outstanding arrest warrant and fled the scene to avoid apprehension by police. That story also seems way too convenient considering he had just fled from a murder scene. Seems very fishy to me.

Even more disturbingly though, this same person isn’t accounted for during the home invasion. The female and her boyfriend are placed in the bath tub tied up, but no rationalization is ever offered within their story as to the whereabouts of this individual while the crime is actually in progress. Was he also tied up and placed in some other part of the apartment? It just doesn’t make sense that 4-6 heavily armed gunmen would leave three survivors after having already murdered someone, and only obtaining a cellphone and a wallet as the score in an armed home invasion robbery. Anything is possible, but this far fetched story seems to have been a brain twister for the local police. Some how the story of the armed home invasion was deemed as credible by police, solely predicated on their observation of damage to the front door of the apartment, which they more than likely believed corroborated the story about the door to the apartment having been kicked in. It’s possible that the damage could have been staged by the three people who last saw “Honey” alive.

Let’s face it, these characters were violent enough to shoot a hundred pound teen girl in the back unconsciously as if she was nothing. They were there on serious business looking for something, but they only leave with a cellphone and a wallet. So, the survivors wants everyone to believe that Vanessa “Honey” Malone was gunned down for these petty items? It just doesn’t fit. The three survivors know more. I don’t even believe that there were any masked gunmen at all. The story about 4-6 armed men sounds retarded. Was it four or six men? Something other than what the police were told occurred which resulted in the teen’s killing, and the person who fled the scene without talking to the cops appears to be a good place to start investigating.

Ironically, both of the male survivors were eventually taken into custody on unrelated charges. The man who fled before police arrival was apprehended for the outstanding warrant for a gun charge. The other male was charged with tampering with evidence related to “Honey’s” killing. Why would he attempt to alter the crime scene where the teen was killed. It’s rumored that the man destroyed drugs prior to the cops arrival. If true, it doesn’t make sense because now it means that not only did the mask gunmen kill young “Honey” and only got a cellphone and a wallet, but they also were idiots who couldn’t find the drug stash in the house. If the alleged home in version was to score drugs and proceeds from drug sales, chances are that they more than likely knew exactly where to find the loot prior to even conducting the robbery. Criminals are typically well aware of what they are up against attempting to rob a drug stash house when there are usually guns there used to protect the place. If it was a robbery for drugs and money, I’m not convinced that the robbers didn’t know where to find the stash well before they set the robbery in motion.

Now that we have placed tremendous scrutiny upon the account offered by the three survivors from the night young “Honey” was gunned down, other factors which may have been the cause of her killing must be closely evaluated. One scenario I have considered is that “Honey” may have rejected sexual advances from the mystery man who left before the police arrived. According to the story that was given to police, they had all settled down for the night, were in bed prior to hearing someone kicking in the front door, and the rear door to the home appears to have been left ajar. It’s a Friday night and they are all in bed before 10:00? You do the math. The female survivor and one of the males were a couple, and if they all were in bed settled down on a Friday night, “Honey” and the mystery man may have been in a private or intimate setting within the apartment. It’s plausible that two females and two males may have paired up in separate parts of the house.

Angered by “Honey’s” rejection of his advances, the mystery man may have shot the teen. The gun shot to her back may have even been staged to fit the story that they would ultimately tell the cops regarding how she died. Especially if they wanted to sell the story that she walked in on the robbery, fled, and was subsequently shot in the back. This would also explain why the man fled the apartment before cops arrived, if his clothing had blood or other forensics on him from shooting “Honey.” This is a possible scenario, because the bogus story of her attempting to flee the robbery, then being shot in the back, and having the robbers bring her back into the apartment is just complete absurdity at best. Who shoots someone then picks them up and brings them back into the apartment? I continue to struggle with how the survivors were able to determine that “Honey” was physically brought back inside, when they were all allegedly tied up in various parts of the apartment. I am personally under the firm belief that the three survivor are in fact lying.

Furthermore, if the rumors which assert that the cellphone and wallet have been returned to the survivors of the alleged home invasion, then it speaks volumes in terms of the credibility of the facts that the survivors gave to police, and at the very minimum suggest that they are aware of who had the reported stolen items. Rarely do you see these kinds of heinous crimes which involve the brutalization of a female and no assistance is offered to the police to aid their ability to solve the crime. Whether “Honey” was killed because of the brutality of would be robbers or perhaps because of her rejection of possible sexual advances, her killing is one of the most cowardice acts of violence in recent memory. The need to exact such violence upon a very petite frame female who more than likely posed minimal threat to her attacker(s) is just despicable.

Despite “honey’s” mother and other family members outcry for help from the public, and the seemingly national spotlight that her killing has garnered, the streets continue to remain silent with no one willing to expose the cowardice bastard(s) who took this teen’s life. Until her killer is brought to justice, questions surrounding what happened to “Honey” will linger, and the family will be denied closure as well as justice for Vanessa “Honey” Malone.

To Be Continued

The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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John Roberts

Criminals are idiots who don’t always know everything nor get what they came for. The story is plausible. The conclusions you jump to are far fetched. Of course he’s goign to flush the drugs instead of go to jail for drugs.

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