Making State Prosecutor’s Case In The Phylicia Barnes Murder Mystery: Why Wasn’t Crucial Circumstantial Evidence Presented In Previous Trials Against Michael Johnson?
Posted by David Adams on February 26th, 2015
Just over three years ago after I obtained a volume of text and post from social media accounts of Michael Johnson, his brothers and cousins, and some of their friends, I composed the below attached article. (The Phylicia Barness Story: Johnson Males Tweets & Location On December 28 Are A Scary Coincidence And May Close This Murder Case). The information came primarily from some of my fellow Websluethers (a crime sluething community that seeks to solve serious crimes through various unconventional methods, such as the use of psychics) and others from within the public, who spent hours looking through various social media accounts of the very people who were close to the late Phylicia Simone Barnes around the time that the 16-year-old honors kid had gone missing.
The article itself is very chilling and offers some very intricate details related to the whereabouts during late morning hours on the day she disappeared, and social media activity of people that many within the public widely believe were involved in the promising teen’ demise. Tweets from twitter accounts show that early in the morning on December 28, 2010, Glenton “Bootz” Johnson, a younger brother of accused killer Michael Johnson, was riding in a car near Rolling Road in Baltimore County. The tweet also illustrates that “Bootz” mentioned a person by the name of “Ease” accompanying him in the car, and that the pair had been smoking marijuana (“put some grass in the hooka”), were under the influence, and tweeted complaints about Rolling Road traffic being congested (“just busy for no damn reason”). This indicates that the pair were in some sort of a hurry to get to some unknown destination. Additionally, strong evidence indicates that the person name “Ease” riding in the car with “Bootz” on the morning of 12/28/2010 was in fact Michael Johnson.
A short time later “Bootz” began to post violent tweets about beating a female (“****dat or fuck that, don’t tell her twice, whoop her ass”). The tweet was made just 7 minutes before accused killer Michael Johnson had reportedly told police when he last saw the teen alive at 1:30 p.m. that day. “Bootz” also tweeted about loud music which was a coincidence, because the apartment where young Phylicia had been staying was discovered with the front door ajar and loud music playing inside, and Phylicia Barnes nowhere to be found.
Many of the Johnson clan members went completely off of the social media grid altogether for much of the next couple of hours, only to emerge later with “Bootz” tweeting about the tempature being hot at a location he didn’t disclose. His tweet was followed up with a warning from their older brother Glenn Johnson, who cautioned them to watch what they tweet because the police were watching (“the man is watching”). What kind of activity were they involved in that would cause concern of being detected by police officials? All of what I have described this far is highly circumstantial, but a stronger and much better circumstantial case than the one that state officials have previously tried to mount against Michael Johnson for the killing of Phylicia Barnes.
Additionally, a very compelling tweet which came exactly one month after Phylicia Barnes disappeared may indicate that Barnes was still alive on January 28, 2011. A girlfriend of a Johnson cousin Dorian Carpenter made suspicious tweets about someone crying out side of her door. She tweeted get away from my door with all of that noise and crying. She later tweeted that day “it’s trapped at the dam. don’t pull the lever.” Was the girl’s remarks about someone crying outside her door referencing a distraught Phylicia Barnes who may have been crying and pleading for her life? The tweet is the single most tangible piece of evidence against the Johnson clan, because the nude decomposed body of young Phylicia Barnes was found at the Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland almost three months later. It is, and has always been my position that the tweet referencing a dam by an associate of the very people who were initially interviewed by police surrounding the disappearance of Phylicia Barnes, is extremely problematic, compelling, and should have closed this murder case a very long time ago.
The female friend of Dorian Carpenter also made suspicious tweets on December 28, 2010 as well. On the day that young Phylicia Barnes went missing, the female tweeted to Dorian Carpenter, asking “Ya’ll need us to roll out?” This indicated that perhaps Dorian and at least one other person may have been engaged in some sort of activity that the female and who ever was with her might not have wanted to be a witnesses to. The fact that the prosecutor’ office never included any of these details during either of the summations which were made in both criminal trials against Michael Johnson, is not only suspicious but almost seems like a crime has been committed by the police themselves. Have you read the article? You decide. You tell me if sufficient evidence existed to pinch the bastards who killed this child?
All along there has been tremendous outcry from the court itself that the case against Michael Johnson was based on a theory, and that perspective from Judge Alfred Nance, nearly caused him to toss the case altogether during the initial trial. There may not have been any physical evidence which would link Michael Johnson to the child’s killing, but strong circumstantial evidence does exist that not only implicates Michael Johnson, but perhaps some of his family members, and others who may have only participated in the crime after the fact, to aid in the conspiracy to cover up the murder of young Phylicia Barnes. I don’t care what the judges or state prosecutors have to say, it’s there. It is all there. The evidence is there to prove that Michael Johnson and members of his family may have all been complicit in the killing of the Barnes teen.
To drive the point home even further, the volume of circumstantial or coincidental factors in this case that point to the real killers is just simply to overwhelming to dismiss. If prosecutors can prove that Michael Johnson’ nickname is “Ease” which he reportedly acquired from an Xbox game tag, then it is fairly easy to conclude that on the morning of December 28, 2010, Michael Johnson was in fact riding along in a car with his younger brother Glenton “Bootz” Johnson, smoking marijuana, and appeared to be in a hurry to get to some destination. With these two riding together in a car very close to the proximity of the apartment where Phylicia was staying, it’s compelling that the tweets which “Bootz” made regarding beating a female, just 7 minutes prior to the time period in which Michael Johnson told police he last saw Phylicia alive at 1:30 p.m., the state shouldn’t have any problem at all making the case before a jury that the female he was talking about was in fact an uncooperative Phylicia Barnes.
It is interesting to note that police should have checked the Geo tracking of Glenton’s cell phone, and the location during the time where certain tweets were made. I can’t help but to wonder how close was Glenton in relationship to the apartment where Phylicia reportedly had gone missing, at the time he made the tweet about whooping a female’s ass? It is quite possible that Michael and his younger brother, who both may have been under the influence of marijuana, could have acted violently against Phylicia Barnes that could have resulted in her death. Glenton’s tweet about whooping a females ass was made at 1:23 p.m. on the day she went missing. Glenton tweeted again at 1:29 p.m. referencing speakers (or music), and didn’t tweet again until just under two hours later hat day. When he tweets again at 3:24 p.m., his tweet talks about a location which is very hot in tempature. The oldest Johnson, Glenn Johnson then tweets a warning to watch what you tweet “the man is watching.” The cops have to be asking themselves where was Glenton during the two hours he had fallen off the twitter grid and hadn’t made any communication for nearly two hours. Where does GPS tracking show the phone’s location, or was it even on?
Glenn Johnson’ warning to Glenton indicates that he knew his kid brother’s location, what his activities possibly were, and was concerned that he would tweet something that could implicate him or result in a negative outcome based on some criminal activity that was occurring. Another element of this entire case that has always bothered me was the rather convenience it would have been for Johnson to travel to the Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland, from the apartment where he was staying with his girlfriend near Rolling Road at the time Phylicia Barnes disappeared. Take a look at the map below:

Map Quest image depicts the area where Glenton Johnson made tweets on Rolling Road and highlights the near straight shot to the Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland where the body of Phylicia Barnes was discovered.
It doesn’t take rocket science to compile these circumstantial elements together to begin pointing the finger of guilt in the appropriate direction pertaining to those who are responsible for this child’s murder. When you look at the significance of a female friend of potential suspects who were interviewed by police related to the Barnes teen disappearance, having made tweets about a dam 3 months before the child’s nude body was discovered at an actual dam in Northern Maryland, sharply indicates that the case must hinge completely of the development of such a powerful discovery. It’s a “no brainer” that details of Phylicia Barnes’ location had been disclosed, and that the girlfriend of Dorian Carpenter (a Johnson Cousin) had advanced knowledge of the actual location of the teen’ body. However, state prosecutors handling the Phylicia Barnes murder has never made any of these facts known to two seated juries in the case. It’s a very disturbing, unexplained, and simply unconscionable reality related to the Barnes murder case, and the criminal justice community within the Maryland State Circuit Court system as a whole.
To Be Continued ..
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
Just over three years ago after I obtained a volume of text and post from social media accounts of Michael Johnson, his brothers and cousins, and some of their friends, I composed the below attached article. (The Phylicia Barness Story: Johnson Males Tweets & Location On December 28 Are A Scary Coincidence And May Close This Murder Case). The information came primarily from some of my fellow Websluethers (a crime sluething community that seeks to solve serious crimes through various unconventional methods, such as the use of psychics) and others from within the public, who spent hours looking through various social media accounts of the very people who were close to the late Phylicia Simone Barnes around the time that the 16-year-old honors kid had gone missing.
The article itself is very chilling and offers some very intricate details related to the whereabouts during late morning hours on the day she disappeared, and social media activity of people that many within the public widely believe were involved in the promising teen’ demise. Tweets from twitter accounts show that early in the morning on December 28, 2010, Glenton “Bootz” Johnson, a younger brother of accused killer Michael Johnson, was riding in a car near Rolling Road in Baltimore County. The tweet also illustrates that “Bootz” mentioned a person by the name of “Ease” accompanying him in the car, and that the pair had been smoking marijuana (“put some grass in the hooka”), were under the influence, and tweeted complaints about Rolling Road traffic being congested (“just busy for no damn reason”). This indicates that the pair were in some sort of a hurry to get to some unknown destination. Additionally, strong evidence indicates that the person name “Ease” riding in the car with “Bootz” on the morning of 12/28/2010 was in fact Michael Johnson.
A short time later “Bootz” began to post violent tweets about beating a female (“****dat or fuck that, don’t tell her twice, whoop her ass”). The tweet was made just 7 minutes before accused killer Michael Johnson had reportedly told police when he last saw the teen alive at 1:30 p.m. that day. “Bootz” also tweeted about loud music which was a coincidence, because the apartment where young Phylicia had been staying was discovered with the front door ajar and loud music playing inside, and Phylicia Barnes nowhere to be found.
Many of the Johnson clan members went completely off of the social media grid altogether for much of the next couple of hours, only to emerge later with “Bootz” tweeting about the tempature being hot at a location he didn’t disclose. His tweet was followed up with a warning from their older brother Glenn Johnson, who cautioned them to watch what they tweet because the police were watching (“the man is watching”). What kind of activity were they involved in that would cause concern of being detected by police officials? All of what I have described this far is highly circumstantial, but a stronger and much better circumstantial case than the one that state officials have previously tried to mount against Michael Johnson for the killing of Phylicia Barnes.
Additionally, a very compelling tweet which came exactly one month after Phylicia Barnes disappeared may indicate that Barnes was still alive on January 28, 2011. A girlfriend of a Johnson cousin Dorian Carpenter made suspicious tweets about someone crying out side of her door. She tweeted get away from my door with all of that noise and crying. She later tweeted that day “it’s trapped at the dam. don’t pull the lever.” Was the girl’s remarks about someone crying outside her door referencing a distraught Phylicia Barnes who may have been crying and pleading for her life? The tweet is the single most tangible piece of evidence against the Johnson clan, because the nude decomposed body of young Phylicia Barnes was found at the Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland almost three months later. It is, and has always been my position that the tweet referencing a dam by an associate of the very people who were initially interviewed by police surrounding the disappearance of Phylicia Barnes, is extremely problematic, compelling, and should have closed this murder case a very long time ago.
The female friend of Dorian Carpenter also made suspicious tweets on December 28, 2010 as well. On the day that young Phylicia Barnes went missing, the female tweeted to Dorian Carpenter, asking “Ya’ll need us to roll out?” This indicated that perhaps Dorian and at least one other person may have been engaged in some sort of activity that the female and who ever was with her might not have wanted to be a witnesses to. The fact that the prosecutor’ office never included any of these details during either of the summations which were made in both criminal trials against Michael Johnson, is not only suspicious but almost seems like a crime has been committed by the police themselves. Have you read the article? You decide. You tell me if sufficient evidence existed to pinch the bastards who killed this child?
All along there has been tremendous outcry from the court itself that the case against Michael Johnson was based on a theory, and that perspective from Judge Alfred Nance, nearly caused him to toss the case altogether during the initial trial. There may not have been any physical evidence which would link Michael Johnson to the child’s killing, but strong circumstantial evidence does exist that not only implicates Michael Johnson, but perhaps some of his family members, and others who may have only participated in the crime after the fact, to aid in the conspiracy to cover up the murder of young Phylicia Barnes. I don’t care what the judges or state prosecutors have to say, it’s there. It is all there. The evidence is there to prove that Michael Johnson and members of his family may have all been complicit in the killing of the Barnes teen.
To drive the point home even further, the volume of circumstantial or coincidental factors in this case that point to the real killers is just simply to overwhelming to dismiss. If prosecutors can prove that Michael Johnson’ nickname is “Ease” which he reportedly acquired from an Xbox game tag, then it is fairly easy to conclude that on the morning of December 28, 2010, Michael Johnson was in fact riding along in a car with his younger brother Glenton “Bootz” Johnson, smoking marijuana, and appeared to be in a hurry to get to some destination. With these two riding together in a car very close to the proximity of the apartment where Phylicia was staying, it’s compelling that the tweets which “Bootz” made regarding beating a female, just 7 minutes prior to the time period in which Michael Johnson told police he last saw Phylicia alive at 1:30 p.m., the state shouldn’t have any problem at all making the case before a jury that the female he was talking about was in fact an uncooperative Phylicia Barnes.
It is interesting to note that police should have checked the Geo tracking of Glenton’s cell phone, and the location during the time where certain tweets were made. I can’t help but to wonder how close was Glenton in relationship to the apartment where Phylicia reportedly had gone missing, at the time he made the tweet about whooping a female’s ass? It is quite possible that Michael and his younger brother, who both may have been under the influence of marijuana, could have acted violently against Phylicia Barnes that could have resulted in her death. Glenton’s tweet about whooping a females ass was made at 1:23 p.m. on the day she went missing. Glenton tweeted again at 1:29 p.m. referencing speakers (or music), and didn’t tweet again until just under two hours later hat day. When he tweets again at 3:24 p.m., his tweet talks about a location which is very hot in tempature. The oldest Johnson, Glenn Johnson then tweets a warning to watch what you tweet “the man is watching.” The cops have to be asking themselves where was Glenton during the two hours he had fallen off the twitter grid and hadn’t made any communication for nearly two hours. Where does GPS tracking show the phone’s location, or was it even on?
Glenn Johnson’ warning to Glenton indicates that he knew his kid brother’s location, what his activities possibly were, and was concerned that he would tweet something that could implicate him or result in a negative outcome based on some criminal activity that was occurring. Another element of this entire case that has always bothered me was the rather convenience it would have been for Johnson to travel to the Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland, from the apartment where he was staying with his girlfriend near Rolling Road at the time Phylicia Barnes disappeared. Take a look at the map below:

Map Quest image depicts the area where Glenton Johnson made tweets on Rolling Road and highlights the near straight shot to the Conowingo Dam in Northern Maryland where the body of Phylicia Barnes was discovered.
It doesn’t take rocket science to compile these circumstantial elements together to begin pointing the finger of guilt in the appropriate direction pertaining to those who are responsible for this child’s murder. When you look at the significance of a female friend of potential suspects who were interviewed by police related to the Barnes teen disappearance, having made tweets about a dam 3 months before the child’s nude body was discovered at an actual dam in Northern Maryland, sharply indicates that the case must hinge completely of the development of such a powerful discovery. It’s a “no brainer” that details of Phylicia Barnes’ location had been disclosed, and that the girlfriend of Dorian Carpenter (a Johnson Cousin) had advanced knowledge of the actual location of the teen’ body. However, state prosecutors handling the Phylicia Barnes murder has never made any of these facts known to two seated juries in the case. It’s a very disturbing, unexplained, and simply unconscionable reality related to the Barnes murder case, and the criminal justice community within the Maryland State Circuit Court system as a whole.
To Be Continued ..
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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