The Phylicia Barnes Story: Female Associated With Johnson Clan Life May Be In Danger
Posted by David Adams on January 9th, 2012

One of the males associated with Deena Barnes, the half-sister of Murdered honors Teen Phylicia Barnes. The hair and skin complexion indicates that this person is Kevin Johnson, a cousin of Michael Johnson.
It’s a scenario straight out of an epic mob film script. A scene that has’ been meted out time and time again when the feds come knocking to round-up perps wanted in federal indictments for organized crime. Crime figures settle their pending charges out of court by whacking underworld cronies they see as weak, potentially being flip by authorities, and potential snitchers that could get the crew pinched. One of the main reasons that the street code of silence has endured for so long is because people fear retribution for talking to the cops and being branded as a snitch. This made for T.V. kind of drama has manifested itself into the mainstream of American culture. Even some of the most heinous crimes of our time hasn’t spurred cooperation from law-abiding citizens that are in the know. In the case of Honors Teen Phylicia Barnes the same code of silence has been evoked by potential witnesses who could provide information to help cops solve this murder mystery and nail her killers for good. Somebody knows something but has yet to come forward. The “Twitter Girl” as she has been dubbed by followers of this case, just maybe one of these very people who can break the entire investigation wide open. Danisha McIntosh’ tweet on January 28, 2011 has become one of the most intriguing pieces of information that has surfaced since the cops discovered nude images of young Phylicia and others on a cell phone belonging to a male close to the case.The subject tweet, “It’s trapped at the dam don’t pull the lever” has become an intense focal point of many within the public who wonder why authorities haven’t acted on that information which was given to the cops by a citizen. A source close to the investigation confirmed that attempts have been made to reach out to the young woman, but cops have yet to successfully contact her. The word on the streets is that young Danisha is lying low, and she just may have justification for doing so. Candidly speaking, this woman who is the ex-girl friend, still good friend of Dorian Carpenter, and Glenton “Bootz” Johnson, has some explaining to do. Her reference to a dam 3 1/2 months before Phylicia’s nude body being discovered near the Coniwingo Dam in Northern Maryland, is suspect, extremely coincidental, and very problematic simply because of her association with two of the males who were regulars at Deena Barnes’ apartment where the child went missing. The tweet could be mere coincidence, but it isn’t very convincing that her comment on twitter has no relationship to the murder of Phylicia Simone Barnes. In fact, her tweet tends to confirm that she was told something about the murder, was there at the time the body was disposed of, or even may have participated in the child’s killing herself. Consequently, she may be the weakest link, now extremely vulnerable to falling prey to murder herself in an effort by other suspects to silence her, and it is advisable that she remain constantly vigilant of her personal safety. Assuming Danisha isn’t complicit in what ever happen to Phylicia, we must conclude that the killers won’t hesitate to bring her to the exact same demise that resulted in the tragic ending of very promising kid. Also, we see similarities in Danisha and Phylicia’s. On Danisha’s Facebook page we have learned that she is a Baltimore Polytechnic High School Alum (has certain G>P.A. enrollment prerequisite), Coppin State University student, and employed as a cashier at Shoe City. Just like Phylicia, the young woman appears to have goals, motivated, and doing productive things to secure her place as a model citizen in society. However, it appears that a seemingly good kid has fallen prey to the lures of the street and landed herself in the midst of a murder investigation. What is it about these obvious losers that continue to attract promising young women into their culture of drugs, guns, and violence. Many may offer the “good girl bad boy” rationalization. It’s just not sound thinking to sacrifice hard work and dedication for social status among a group of fake thugs with nothing and who are going nowhere in life. Our young people make mistakes, bad decisions in life, and often times to such an extent that their actions are not repairable. In this case that isn’t entirely true. There is still time to correct a wrong. This perspective leads me to ponder the true character of this young woman and others who may be involved in Phylicia’s murder. It’s just plain stupid to cover for someone who has committed murder when you are not involved. Only a person with no conscious could conceal such a violent crime and sleep well at night. I’m convinced that those who know something are in fact not without fear, depression, and watching over their shoulders at every turn in their lives. You must seek redemption for yourself, for Phylicia, and for her grieving family. Anyone can follow the trend of popular behavior, but it takes an exceptional person to do the right thing, even in the face of fear, ridicule, and disparity. The opposite is aiding and abetting these killers and I ask what is there to gain from this. Perhaps there is a mindset that this entire matter will just simply go away. I assure you that it won’t. Moreover, the authorities are probably watching your every move. Those responsible may want to silence you for ever and if this thought hasn’t crossed your mind, you are in for a rude awakening. Fear of falling victim to violence isn’t your only troubles though. If you give false statements to the Police, and it is determined later that you knowingly lied, you more than likely will be charged for hindering the investigation, accessory to the crime after the fact, and possibly murder as well. You will go to prison just like the very people responsible for this murder. I will simply say, don’t be stupid, turn the bastards in, finish this now, and go on with your productive life.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams

One of the males associated with Deena Barnes, the half-sister of Murdered honors Teen Phylicia Barnes. The hair and skin complexion indicates that this person is Kevin Johnson, a cousin of Michael Johnson.
It’s a scenario straight out of an epic mob film script. A scene that has’ been meted out time and time again when the feds come knocking to round-up perps wanted in federal indictments for organized crime. Crime figures settle their pending charges out of court by whacking underworld cronies they see as weak, potentially being flip by authorities, and potential snitchers that could get the crew pinched. One of the main reasons that the street code of silence has endured for so long is because people fear retribution for talking to the cops and being branded as a snitch. This made for T.V. kind of drama has manifested itself into the mainstream of American culture. Even some of the most heinous crimes of our time hasn’t spurred cooperation from law-abiding citizens that are in the know. In the case of Honors Teen Phylicia Barnes the same code of silence has been evoked by potential witnesses who could provide information to help cops solve this murder mystery and nail her killers for good. Somebody knows something but has yet to come forward. The “Twitter Girl” as she has been dubbed by followers of this case, just maybe one of these very people who can break the entire investigation wide open. Danisha McIntosh’ tweet on January 28, 2011 has become one of the most intriguing pieces of information that has surfaced since the cops discovered nude images of young Phylicia and others on a cell phone belonging to a male close to the case.The subject tweet, “It’s trapped at the dam don’t pull the lever” has become an intense focal point of many within the public who wonder why authorities haven’t acted on that information which was given to the cops by a citizen. A source close to the investigation confirmed that attempts have been made to reach out to the young woman, but cops have yet to successfully contact her. The word on the streets is that young Danisha is lying low, and she just may have justification for doing so. Candidly speaking, this woman who is the ex-girl friend, still good friend of Dorian Carpenter, and Glenton “Bootz” Johnson, has some explaining to do. Her reference to a dam 3 1/2 months before Phylicia’s nude body being discovered near the Coniwingo Dam in Northern Maryland, is suspect, extremely coincidental, and very problematic simply because of her association with two of the males who were regulars at Deena Barnes’ apartment where the child went missing. The tweet could be mere coincidence, but it isn’t very convincing that her comment on twitter has no relationship to the murder of Phylicia Simone Barnes. In fact, her tweet tends to confirm that she was told something about the murder, was there at the time the body was disposed of, or even may have participated in the child’s killing herself. Consequently, she may be the weakest link, now extremely vulnerable to falling prey to murder herself in an effort by other suspects to silence her, and it is advisable that she remain constantly vigilant of her personal safety. Assuming Danisha isn’t complicit in what ever happen to Phylicia, we must conclude that the killers won’t hesitate to bring her to the exact same demise that resulted in the tragic ending of very promising kid. Also, we see similarities in Danisha and Phylicia’s. On Danisha’s Facebook page we have learned that she is a Baltimore Polytechnic High School Alum (has certain G>P.A. enrollment prerequisite), Coppin State University student, and employed as a cashier at Shoe City. Just like Phylicia, the young woman appears to have goals, motivated, and doing productive things to secure her place as a model citizen in society. However, it appears that a seemingly good kid has fallen prey to the lures of the street and landed herself in the midst of a murder investigation. What is it about these obvious losers that continue to attract promising young women into their culture of drugs, guns, and violence. Many may offer the “good girl bad boy” rationalization. It’s just not sound thinking to sacrifice hard work and dedication for social status among a group of fake thugs with nothing and who are going nowhere in life. Our young people make mistakes, bad decisions in life, and often times to such an extent that their actions are not repairable. In this case that isn’t entirely true. There is still time to correct a wrong. This perspective leads me to ponder the true character of this young woman and others who may be involved in Phylicia’s murder. It’s just plain stupid to cover for someone who has committed murder when you are not involved. Only a person with no conscious could conceal such a violent crime and sleep well at night. I’m convinced that those who know something are in fact not without fear, depression, and watching over their shoulders at every turn in their lives. You must seek redemption for yourself, for Phylicia, and for her grieving family. Anyone can follow the trend of popular behavior, but it takes an exceptional person to do the right thing, even in the face of fear, ridicule, and disparity. The opposite is aiding and abetting these killers and I ask what is there to gain from this. Perhaps there is a mindset that this entire matter will just simply go away. I assure you that it won’t. Moreover, the authorities are probably watching your every move. Those responsible may want to silence you for ever and if this thought hasn’t crossed your mind, you are in for a rude awakening. Fear of falling victim to violence isn’t your only troubles though. If you give false statements to the Police, and it is determined later that you knowingly lied, you more than likely will be charged for hindering the investigation, accessory to the crime after the fact, and possibly murder as well. You will go to prison just like the very people responsible for this murder. I will simply say, don’t be stupid, turn the bastards in, finish this now, and go on with your productive life.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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It’s a crying shame to view that photo and see how wicked ppl live behind closed doors and in the dark or where ever they can help Satan. Desperate ppl do desperate things.
The tote bag and the noise in the hallway neighbors said they heard; There is an article out that one of the Barnes states that they asked Deena to double check and see if anything was missing from the apt. Apparently there was something missing. Is there a way to ask Deena was there something missing from the apt other than Phylicia? Was it something that could carry a person in it? What color was it and does it fit the description to what the neighbors saw? Is there a way for Deena to grant an interview with you, maybe with whomever by her side to make her comfortable while speaking?
Is that K.J. in the photo? It doesn’t look like him compared to other photos. The neck looks too thick. Maybe it is him but the angle makes him look thicker than the other photos. Whomever it is, if they come and see their photo over here, even they are going to laugh at how foolish they look. OMG,
Poly is a GREAT school and after reading (in B more Sun) how many kids don’t graduate from Coppin I know EXACTLY how she got mixed up with the wrong crowd (ALL my daughter’s friends dropped out after too much partying). I PRAY Phylicia’s death has made Danisha see these people are animals/ thugs and she could end up floating with the fish!!! Oh I’m sure her mother I watched Dateline last night and AGAIN years later another murderer who thought she pulled the perfect crime was snatched out of her life to three hots and a cot (ask how I know that Johnson clan?). Imagine the Johnson crew (and Deena)…being snatched off the street to spend the rest of their lives in jail after yall had babies and pretended innocence. That’s called KARMA..JFPB!!!
This article was a little too melodramatic for me but I understand how people outside of B more PRAY these animals have a conscience….NOT! That question was answered when this angel’s body was found and pics surfaced. I want the police to dish out the same humiliation the Mustafa family had to endure when they learned Phylicia was found (and how she was discarded!). Make this case airtight so a Harford County jury can sentence these animals to FOREVER….JFPB!
And if Danisha knows something and stays quiet I PRAY the feds find a link and may she join the rest of her cohorts to three hots and a cot. At this point I have NO SYMPATHY….JFPB!!! I have a hard time believing Phylicia’s cell records, FB, emails, Twitter etc. (and those of all the apartment occupants) haven’t provided a link BUT I hope the feds are keeping all this info quiet until time to SLAM THE DOOR on these animals and this case! I refuse to believe these pot head alcoholic idiots executed (yes a pun on Death Penalty!!!) the perfect crime. Let them sweat it out and make a mistake……JFPB!!!
They are going to love the Johnson clan in priosn!!!
Every week there is a story or some new developments but still no arrest, I know everyone is saying they want the FBI do a thorough investigation and arrest the right people but has ANYONE been brought in at all and questioned? This case has a lot of support from the public and people who don’t even know Phylicia personally, but this story has brought us all together for a reason. Phylicia’s case is one of the most difficult to understand.. It’s like all the answers are there but no one is coming forward to help solve this horrific crime. If your reading this and know what happened to Phylicia go to the FBI ask to be put in Protective Custody! Don let another day go by! Phylicia needs this and so do Mr. and Mrs. Mustafa and their familes.
Agreed Fanny. Almost everything seems to be there but a confession. I keep reading the word coincidence. So I wanted to recap on the coincidences that the public has noticed thus far.
1. It was a coincidence that Phylicia went missing after an alleged party or gathering.
2. It was a coincidence that Phylicia’s new outfit went missing and slippers a person would wear indoors or only to run outside quickly and return.
3. It is a coincidence that Phylicia went missing after she told someone that another person made sexual advances at her and made her feel uncomfortable.
4. It is a coincidence that Phylicia went missing after some males stayed the night over.
5. It is a coincidence that Phylicia went missing the very first time her older 1/2 sisters left her at home.
6. It is a coincidence that Phylicia went missing after one of the males returned to the apt, left BACK out. Then, no one heard from Phylicia again that we know of. Did she leave out with him>
7. It might NOT be a coincidence to see a man struggle with a heavy object while in the process of relocating but what is a coincidence is that Phylicia was never heard from again.
8. It’s a coincidence that one of the brother’s of the man last known to be with Phylicia, tweets of loud volumes of music that hit from his speakers in the summer time around the same time one of his older brothers claim to be departing the apt. Then, part of an alibi is that certain people return to the apt and discovered loud music playing and door opened or unlocked.
9. It’s a coincidence that the young man who returned to hear the loud music and see the a ajar, was one of the males who allegedly stayed over night. A coincidence that when her returned, he didn’t notify the police of his (findings) or discovery. STAGED by amateurs.
10. Coincidence about the tweet, about the dam, along with other tweets.
A defense lawyer will even attempt to use this tactic in court. So whatever facts we find, we need to put them together. Make certain we have correct names, so if investigators come here and read, their eyes will refuse to stop reading. Cause a light bulb to turn on in their heads that make them want to stop and say “We got our person(s)”.
Yes, even some of the people involved thought that they would be caught easy or get caught eventually. That show there is room for doubt on their side. Keep up the pressure Mr. Adams and examine each piece to this case that you receive. The public sincerely appreciates all that you do.
correcting number 9.
9. It’s a coincidence that the young man who returned to hear the loud music and see the apt door ajar/opened, was one of the males who allegedly stayed over night. A coincidence that when (he) returned, he didn’t notify the police of his (findings) or discovery. STAGED by amateurs.
Danisha was actively tweeting with some of the clan back and forth around Phylicia’s disappearance. I personally think that either she was in on it or someone confided in her. When she said is s trapped at the dam, I took it to mean, Is she trapped at the dam or is Simone trapped at the dam. I do not feel it was coincidence as the tweets all flowed with each other and I went all the way to December 25 on her timeline. I wonder where she is, and I definitely think the police need to investigate her. She definitely knows something. It’s no coincidental that she tweeted about the dam before Phylicia’s body even was found. I think that all of that moving around the Johnson clan was doing on the 28th was them heading to the dam. It is an almost perfect straight shot. Mapquest it and it’s right along the route. They had silence for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, then they started tweeting again. To me this timeline of events from all of them tweeting back and forth meant they were all doing something. Cameras in the area will definitely tell the story.
I agree, these pictures are very disturbing. William is pictured with a gun in some, and the Fuji guy is the scariest of all, as pictured above. When I was flipping through it made me jump!!!
I am also curious to know where that body of water is. It seems like these guys enjoy secluded areas and bodies of waters.
Phylicia’s death has definitely better wake Danisha up. These guys are crazy and they will kill again is not put away, and they might target her because she was the one who tweeted about the dam. If I was her I would booking it to the police station and telling everything I know.
I agree 100% with you Fancy. I think they want to do all of their investigation work, they have questioned some of them a couple of times. I think they pretty much have it narrowed down. They just have to make sure they have the right people. It’s very difficult to understand, but the pieces are coming together slowly but surely.
One of the main concerns the public had, when it came to the tweets that may have been sent in, is the overflow of tweets. There are so many tweets to read, from so many different people that were in the circle or close outside of the circle. The circle is the apt in which Deena and some of the crew resided.
Many of these people were tweeting. So the tweets were laid by date and time for organization and to make them easier to understand. LE asked for tips to be sent in. It can take hours at a time to scroll down, over and over again to at least Dec 25th. Hours and hours of observing activity day and night. The tweeters also RT from others as in the situation with Kraz and the naked lady photo. I can’t remember if the caption is different from the original RT.
If Mr. W. Johnson has an issue or complaints about HIS very own tweets and wording, he should not have tweeted or posted the photos for the public to view. It seems as if he has admitted they are HIS tweets, the ones with his nickname on them. He seems to have a problem with the public visualizing the TRUE him or either states the tweets make him look of someone that he’s not. Sound as if he says the tweets are for entertainment. It was distasteful entertainment when the TWITTER GIRL asked him (was) that his boooo, his reply was, “lol, yea, but not anymore”. (not quoted) Why is twitter girl using the term WAS and why is Kraz saying NOT ANYMORE? So surely this would spark the public attention. As Kraz mentioned how they or whomever cared for Phylicia. The lol is just horrible.
Seems to me, maybe he attempted to display love for Phylicia to investigators if he was questioned. That tweet will show different, if the justice system will allow the tweets to be used for evidence. I wonder can FBI fight for another approved warrant for the tweets and next a warrant for arrest?
Each of us should remember the age bracket of this crowd of people and the mentality level. I’m not stating that in a disrespectful way. It’s about intelligence vs wisdom. Some of them could have been smart enough to have knowledge in DNA, how long for this and that but none of them display the wisdom imo. They probably had some assistance. Maybe someone older than the 30 + year old male or someone with some schooling and the TV along with the internet tell ALL these days.
The outburst of anger displays the maturity level. It is human to get angry when feeling attacked but it’s what a person says and how they say it and surely actions speak louder than words. First priority is, Phylicia was murdered in the middle of, EVERYONE that once surrounded her, VANISHED or unavailable for Phylicia . Then, while they were unable to protect Phylicia or the right PERSON didn’t monitor Phylicia, Phylicia also vanished and was never seen again until she was found in a river/dam.
How many of the young men participated in the searches? Forget about the searches for a second. It is more than likely that most or each of them KNEW Phylicia was missing before the police were even called. What did they do? Probably nothing! Maybe the lol that KRAZ gave. We can’t be sure of their reactions but we do see some of their emotions through social networks.
It was said that Mr. Barnes had most of them on his friends list on fb in the beginning. Only to find that one male, who may have resided in the apt, remained on his friends list. That hasn’t been confirmed. Maybe Mr. Barnes can confirm or deny. If it’s confirmed to be true, maybe he will share why.
If that was indeed William J talking yesterday, in many people opinions, he did poorly within some of his explanations, logic but he’s not under oath at the time and can say anything freely at this stage. I’m thankful that Mr. Adams always leaves opportunity for any person to reply. Maybe KRAZ can come back and visit and post some of the more pleasant comments, tweets or post they’ve mentioned of Phylicia. Maybe some photos of the gathering that may have took place before Dec 28th so we can see what Phylicia was wearing.
Almost seems like everyone returned to the apt BUT Phylicia. Dang. Justice for Phylicia S. Barnes
Jenny Salvaggio
I found a great…
With thanks! Valuable information!