The Phylicia Barnes Story: The William Johnson TPC Follower Will Continue To Be Banned From This Blog Community
Posted by David Adams on January 12th, 2012
On Tuesday January 10, 2012 a TPC Follower identifying himself as William “Krazy” Johnson emerged in the Chat Room on this blog attempting to clear his name. The person remained in the Chat Room for hours fielding questions related to the Phylicia Simone Barnes murder case. Though this individual’s presence gained interest from other blog followers, it is my personal belief that the person is in fact not William. It is also my personal belief that the person may be related or associated with him and the Johnson family based on the knowledge of the case that he conveyed. The writing style has been examined and it is believed that the person(s) making comments on this blog under that name is more than likely of a feminine origin. Since the arrival of this person within our community they have relentlessly attempted to disrupt our intended focus of obtaining justice for Phylicia Barnes and her family. The person also expressed their emergence was in fact generated by a recent article where I introduced Danisha McIntosh’s January 28, 2010 Tweet, “is s trapped at the dam don’t pull the lever” as a very vital element of the investigation of this case. I find it odd that after all this time, all that we have discussed here on TPC, and everything that has been learned about this murder in the media, that a member of the Johnson family would make a debut response on this blog in the wake of that subject tweet being made public to a national audience. Furthermore, the person(s) identifying themself as William Johnson has attempted to be deceptive when certain questions were posed. The night of the chat session, the WKJ poster was asked to confirm their location. The Geo Mapping indigenous to the software utilized to run the blog placed the WKJ poster as having an Internet Protocol Address (I.P.) originating from New York. The poster denied this and said he was in fact in the State of Maryland. When challenged on this subject, the poster rationalized that there must be an error with the software of the blog. A poll of other users present during this exchange established that their locations were in fact being properly indicated. In fact the WKJ poster was the only person whose Geo Mapping was inaccurate according to that poster. Certainly it isn’t of any significance where the origin of followers and users derive from as everyone is welcomed to participate, but the fact that the WKJ poster apparently displayed dishonesty creates a serious integrity issue which cast doubt on the authenticity of the person being who they claimed to be. Also, when discussing the Danisha McIntosh tweet, the poster said that he believed that the word dam in the tweet was a typo. He didn’t speak with her directly about, but assumed it was a typo. He expressed that he believed the word should have been damn instead. This thinking demonstrates that the WKJ poster can’t really be taken seriously. The WKJ poster has been in chats, attempting to post comments on articles, and literally stalking my personal email account feverishly attempting to disrupt what we have publicly brought to the forefront about this case. The continuous reference to civil litigation by this person has worn out and if that is their intent, they should simply pursue those aspirations or just shut up. Fear of civil reprisal for our work here will not deter us from the truth. It is our personal belief that members of the Johnson family are in fact complicit in what ever happened to young Phylicia Barnes and it’s our prerogative to make that known publicly. Whether or not I personally think William Johnson and members of his family are involved in this case is not important. This case is not about me nor has it ever been. This case is about finding justice and getting killer(s) off the streets. However, these are not the reasons that I am imposing a ban on the WKJ poster. My reasons are as follows:
1. I am the Founder and Administrator of “The People’s Champion” Blog and I reserve the right to terminate participation of anyone as I see fit without warning or explanation for doing so.
2. The WKJ poster’s comments and position are strongly in contrast to the focus and position of many of the followers who frequent this site on a regular basis and the presence of such dialogue contradicts our purpose, and is a conflict of interest to our goal.
3. The mother of the late Phylicia Simone Barnes is a registered user and active member of this blog. The WKJ poster continues to display laughter in his discourse and I refuse to create a platform for such insensitivity to be displayed as long as she is a member of this community.
Lastly, the WKJ poster charges that we have told untruths about his familyand claims to want to set the record straight. I encourage who ever this person is to find another venue to voice their opinions becausde it just simply will not be permitted to be expressed here.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
On Tuesday January 10, 2012 a TPC Follower identifying himself as William “Krazy” Johnson emerged in the Chat Room on this blog attempting to clear his name. The person remained in the Chat Room for hours fielding questions related to the Phylicia Simone Barnes murder case. Though this individual’s presence gained interest from other blog followers, it is my personal belief that the person is in fact not William. It is also my personal belief that the person may be related or associated with him and the Johnson family based on the knowledge of the case that he conveyed. The writing style has been examined and it is believed that the person(s) making comments on this blog under that name is more than likely of a feminine origin. Since the arrival of this person within our community they have relentlessly attempted to disrupt our intended focus of obtaining justice for Phylicia Barnes and her family. The person also expressed their emergence was in fact generated by a recent article where I introduced Danisha McIntosh’s January 28, 2010 Tweet, “is s trapped at the dam don’t pull the lever” as a very vital element of the investigation of this case. I find it odd that after all this time, all that we have discussed here on TPC, and everything that has been learned about this murder in the media, that a member of the Johnson family would make a debut response on this blog in the wake of that subject tweet being made public to a national audience. Furthermore, the person(s) identifying themself as William Johnson has attempted to be deceptive when certain questions were posed. The night of the chat session, the WKJ poster was asked to confirm their location. The Geo Mapping indigenous to the software utilized to run the blog placed the WKJ poster as having an Internet Protocol Address (I.P.) originating from New York. The poster denied this and said he was in fact in the State of Maryland. When challenged on this subject, the poster rationalized that there must be an error with the software of the blog. A poll of other users present during this exchange established that their locations were in fact being properly indicated. In fact the WKJ poster was the only person whose Geo Mapping was inaccurate according to that poster. Certainly it isn’t of any significance where the origin of followers and users derive from as everyone is welcomed to participate, but the fact that the WKJ poster apparently displayed dishonesty creates a serious integrity issue which cast doubt on the authenticity of the person being who they claimed to be. Also, when discussing the Danisha McIntosh tweet, the poster said that he believed that the word dam in the tweet was a typo. He didn’t speak with her directly about, but assumed it was a typo. He expressed that he believed the word should have been damn instead. This thinking demonstrates that the WKJ poster can’t really be taken seriously. The WKJ poster has been in chats, attempting to post comments on articles, and literally stalking my personal email account feverishly attempting to disrupt what we have publicly brought to the forefront about this case. The continuous reference to civil litigation by this person has worn out and if that is their intent, they should simply pursue those aspirations or just shut up. Fear of civil reprisal for our work here will not deter us from the truth. It is our personal belief that members of the Johnson family are in fact complicit in what ever happened to young Phylicia Barnes and it’s our prerogative to make that known publicly. Whether or not I personally think William Johnson and members of his family are involved in this case is not important. This case is not about me nor has it ever been. This case is about finding justice and getting killer(s) off the streets. However, these are not the reasons that I am imposing a ban on the WKJ poster. My reasons are as follows:
1. I am the Founder and Administrator of “The People’s Champion” Blog and I reserve the right to terminate participation of anyone as I see fit without warning or explanation for doing so.
2. The WKJ poster’s comments and position are strongly in contrast to the focus and position of many of the followers who frequent this site on a regular basis and the presence of such dialogue contradicts our purpose, and is a conflict of interest to our goal.
3. The mother of the late Phylicia Simone Barnes is a registered user and active member of this blog. The WKJ poster continues to display laughter in his discourse and I refuse to create a platform for such insensitivity to be displayed as long as she is a member of this community.
Lastly, the WKJ poster charges that we have told untruths about his familyand claims to want to set the record straight. I encourage who ever this person is to find another venue to voice their opinions becausde it just simply will not be permitted to be expressed here.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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This case will be coming to a close real soon…God is working on em’! No rest for the wicked!
David it’s ok, they can laugh all they want, but I strongly suggest that they find the nearest bible and turn to the book of psalms. and when God finish putting a beating on em then I’m the one whose going to be laughing.
Amen and that’s right. Put him/her on punishment for a little while. Sometimes misbehaved kids need to be put in time out! Then, let them return after a while and let the river flow from his/her mouth. As long as they can talk, let them. Phylicia can’t talk to us anymore to tell us what was done, but THEY can. They can tell it little by little if they’d like. Let them talk until the Justice system silences them for good.
I see twitter girl over there seeming to be upset some days back because she said people were (sub-tweeting) about her. Not using her name. So, we can see she knows what sub-tweeting is and what it means.