To Catch A Killer: Disturbing Images May Unravel Lies That Phylicia Barnes Half Sister Told Authorities Surrounding The Late Teen’s Murder
Posted by David Adams on December 15th, 2011
One of the main focal points surrounding the investigation and subsequent murder of Honors Teen Phylicia Barnes has been whether or not the child was exposed to drugs and alcohol during visits with her half siblings in Baltimore. During my interview with Janice Sallis-Mustafa a few weeks ago, she revealed to me that prior to going to Baltimore after learning that her daughter had gone missing, another minor child, and close friend of Phylicia’s poured her heart out, distraught, and crying. The little girl told Janice that Phylicia had shared with her that her sisters had allowed her to drink Vodka and smoke Marijuana during her trips to visit them. Janice said the child was extremely upset because she thought something may have happened to Phylicia, and that she was remorseful for not having told what she knew sooner. Armed with that information, upon Jance’ arrival in Baltimore, she confronted Deena Barnes directly about the child’s account that they had been allowing Phylicia to indulge in drugs and alcohol. Janice has continuously publicly stated that Deena Barnes offered the rationalization that Phylicia only had a few puffs of pot, confirming what the little girl told Janice before she left for Baltimore. That information is crucial to the investigation because Deena has denied the allegations during news interviews, on the “Peas In Their Pods” broadcast on Blogtalk, and to the authorities. More importantly though, the child who gave the account about Phylicia using drugs lived in North Carolina, has never been to Baltimore, and couldn’t possibly know anything about the life style or culture that existed in Deena Barnes’ Northwest Baltimore apartment. It’s very incredible that a child living in north Carolina with no knowledge what so ever about what was going on in Baltimore, could describe with accurate detail some of the activities that the Johnson clan engaged in which are depicted in the following images from Glenton “Bootz” Johnson’s Myspace Page:

Alcoholic beverages on a table at what appears to be a party with the Johnson clan in attendance

Among the drinks of choice are Vodka and Cranberry Juice which is a popular drink within the African American Community and exactly what Phylicia's friend told Janice Sallis-Mustafa what Phylicia had been allowed to drink.
It doesn’t take rocket science to come to the conclusion that what the little girl told Phylicia’s mother was completely accurate. Although the images doesn’t show a young Phylicia Barnes in them, it’s explosive and very telling that Deena Barnes more than likely told lies to the Police about the activities that she allowed her baby sister to indulge in during her trips to visit her family in Baltimore. Also, it should be said in all fairness that this doen’t mean Deena actually gave a naive Phylicia Vodka what so ever, but it’s highly coincidental that a child 100’s of miles away could describe the kind of alcohol that would be a party by some of the very people that are in fact known to have been staying at Deena’s place, and were actually there the day Phylicia went missing. The pictures probably couldn’t prove that Deena and others contributed to the delinquency of a minor, but it sure does offer a hell of a summation in he eyes of public opinion, and speaks volumes about the character and integrity of Deena Barnes.
One of the other disturbing images on Bootz Myspace page depicts the complete recklessness of some of the people associate with the Johnson males. The below image speaks for it’s self. The baby in the carrier apparently belongs to one of th females in attendance at the party. The alcoholic beverages in the foreground offers a realistic vantage of the level of responsibility by the child’s mother associated with the Johnson clan:

A baby in a carrier is just a coupe of steps away from Cranberry Juice and Alcohol at a Johnson Clan party.
Let’s just keep it real. This mother is a poster child for the Division of Children and Family on how to be a candidate for a DCF Child Neglect case. Just imagine if the adults engaged in this party can display this kind of carelessness for an infant child, we can only imagine how a young Phylicia Barnes faired in the midst of their misguidance.
Drinks and young women appear to be the Johnson’s signature. We know what some of our young people are up to when they are not properly supervised, but we see a true picture of the culture that existed with the young people that Deena Barnes exposed her Beautiful baby sister too:

An unidentified young female who appears dazed and under the influence at a Johnson party.

Another unidentified female who actually appears to be encouraged to drink alcohol probably for the first time at a Johnson party. "Krazy" Johnson (a cousin) and Bootz' baby brother Dorian seated along side her.

Females pose with Dorian and "Krazy" Johnson with alcohol and seemingly under the influence.
Now we know that our young people engage in unlawful activity such as drugs and alcohol, but the point that should be driven home here is that Deena Barnes continuously has attempted to convey that her place didn’t experience any activity of this nature while Phylicia was there what so ever. We now see that that is in fact a complete lie. It’s not convincing that this group of young people would not indulge in these kinds of activity at her apartment, especially considering that we have learned two of these young men actually lived there with Micheal Johnson and Deena.
When the story firs broke about young Phylicia’s disappearance, News Media reported that Police described Deena’s apartment as a flop house for college kids. In the below image we see several people sleeping on the floor of an unfurnished room. A close examination of some of the clothing they are wearing, it appears to be after the night of the alcohol fueled party. This also gives us an idea of what the apartment might have looked like after the December 27, 2010 party that allegedly occurred the day before Phylicia went missing. This proves that there probably were more people then reported left alone with Phylicia at Deena’s place the morning she say she went to work. Also, we see more Vodka as reportedly had been given to Phylicia in this image:

By the clothing we can identify "Krazy Johnson, Glenton Bootz Johnson, and Bootz' younger brother Dorian asleep on the floor. Also, we see a fifth of Smirnoff Vodka by another person sleeping.
Deena Barnes also denied giving her baby sister Marijuana. These below images reveal that it was at least a part of the culture among the young men that stayed, visited, or either are associated with having been at her apartment. Again, we have to contemplate whether the child who told Janice Sallis-Mustafa about the alcohol and drug usage was actually psychic, because she was absolutely accurate about at least some of the kinds of activities that those around Phylicia were engaged in:

Dorian and "Krazy" posing with a Cigar Tabacco leaf that is used to roll up a Blunt (Marijuana cigar).

Blunt in Krazy's mouth.

A female also in an image with a Blunt

Krazy with Dorian, a suspected minor actually smoking a Blunt.
Some may look at the above images and simply convey that they don’t see anything untypical of young people in American Culture, and the pictures doesn’t prove that they are cold hearted baby face killers. However, the below images are not only alarming, but they clearly illustrate that there is a culture of violence that exist among at least one of the males close to this case:

A picture of a gun in which states on his Myspace page, "I'm getting nice with the Rugger". The firearm appears to be a Rugger .45 caliber with a high capacity magazine (hi cap magazines stores more bullets than typically allowed. Hi caps are also outlawed in the State of Maryland)

Bootz posing with the ruger .45 caliber and what appears to be a ruger 9 mm handgun.
If there were ever any doubt by the public that any of these young men could possibly be complicit in a crime of violence, I believe the young man has cleared up the answer to that question himself by posting such images. I wonder who those weapons belong too, if the cops ever obtained a search warrant pertaining to those guns, and why does Bootz who isn’t legally old enough to purchase or own them in Maryland, have the guns in his possession. Perhaps we see some degree of fear on the Barnes women part in not exactly being candid with the authorities investigating the murder of Phylicia Barnes. Telling lies surrounding a Capitol Murder, even in the face of fear isn’t excusable. The account of the events surrounding the disappearance and subsequent murder of Phylicia Barnes by Deena is challenged drastically by the above images. The pictures proves that she may have in fact lied about introducing alcohol and pot to her baby sister. If Deena exposed Phylicia to substances, it’s bad, but I can’t believe that those mistakes has caused her to mislead the murder investigation of Phylicia. She is covering something and we all continue to wonder what that may be.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
One of the main focal points surrounding the investigation and subsequent murder of Honors Teen Phylicia Barnes has been whether or not the child was exposed to drugs and alcohol during visits with her half siblings in Baltimore. During my interview with Janice Sallis-Mustafa a few weeks ago, she revealed to me that prior to going to Baltimore after learning that her daughter had gone missing, another minor child, and close friend of Phylicia’s poured her heart out, distraught, and crying. The little girl told Janice that Phylicia had shared with her that her sisters had allowed her to drink Vodka and smoke Marijuana during her trips to visit them. Janice said the child was extremely upset because she thought something may have happened to Phylicia, and that she was remorseful for not having told what she knew sooner. Armed with that information, upon Jance’ arrival in Baltimore, she confronted Deena Barnes directly about the child’s account that they had been allowing Phylicia to indulge in drugs and alcohol. Janice has continuously publicly stated that Deena Barnes offered the rationalization that Phylicia only had a few puffs of pot, confirming what the little girl told Janice before she left for Baltimore. That information is crucial to the investigation because Deena has denied the allegations during news interviews, on the “Peas In Their Pods” broadcast on Blogtalk, and to the authorities. More importantly though, the child who gave the account about Phylicia using drugs lived in North Carolina, has never been to Baltimore, and couldn’t possibly know anything about the life style or culture that existed in Deena Barnes’ Northwest Baltimore apartment. It’s very incredible that a child living in north Carolina with no knowledge what so ever about what was going on in Baltimore, could describe with accurate detail some of the activities that the Johnson clan engaged in which are depicted in the following images from Glenton “Bootz” Johnson’s Myspace Page:

Alcoholic beverages on a table at what appears to be a party with the Johnson clan in attendance

Among the drinks of choice are Vodka and Cranberry Juice which is a popular drink within the African American Community and exactly what Phylicia's friend told Janice Sallis-Mustafa what Phylicia had been allowed to drink.
It doesn’t take rocket science to come to the conclusion that what the little girl told Phylicia’s mother was completely accurate. Although the images doesn’t show a young Phylicia Barnes in them, it’s explosive and very telling that Deena Barnes more than likely told lies to the Police about the activities that she allowed her baby sister to indulge in during her trips to visit her family in Baltimore. Also, it should be said in all fairness that this doen’t mean Deena actually gave a naive Phylicia Vodka what so ever, but it’s highly coincidental that a child 100’s of miles away could describe the kind of alcohol that would be a party by some of the very people that are in fact known to have been staying at Deena’s place, and were actually there the day Phylicia went missing. The pictures probably couldn’t prove that Deena and others contributed to the delinquency of a minor, but it sure does offer a hell of a summation in he eyes of public opinion, and speaks volumes about the character and integrity of Deena Barnes.
One of the other disturbing images on Bootz Myspace page depicts the complete recklessness of some of the people associate with the Johnson males. The below image speaks for it’s self. The baby in the carrier apparently belongs to one of th females in attendance at the party. The alcoholic beverages in the foreground offers a realistic vantage of the level of responsibility by the child’s mother associated with the Johnson clan:

A baby in a carrier is just a coupe of steps away from Cranberry Juice and Alcohol at a Johnson Clan party.
Let’s just keep it real. This mother is a poster child for the Division of Children and Family on how to be a candidate for a DCF Child Neglect case. Just imagine if the adults engaged in this party can display this kind of carelessness for an infant child, we can only imagine how a young Phylicia Barnes faired in the midst of their misguidance.
Drinks and young women appear to be the Johnson’s signature. We know what some of our young people are up to when they are not properly supervised, but we see a true picture of the culture that existed with the young people that Deena Barnes exposed her Beautiful baby sister too:

An unidentified young female who appears dazed and under the influence at a Johnson party.

Another unidentified female who actually appears to be encouraged to drink alcohol probably for the first time at a Johnson party. "Krazy" Johnson (a cousin) and Bootz' baby brother Dorian seated along side her.

Females pose with Dorian and "Krazy" Johnson with alcohol and seemingly under the influence.
Now we know that our young people engage in unlawful activity such as drugs and alcohol, but the point that should be driven home here is that Deena Barnes continuously has attempted to convey that her place didn’t experience any activity of this nature while Phylicia was there what so ever. We now see that that is in fact a complete lie. It’s not convincing that this group of young people would not indulge in these kinds of activity at her apartment, especially considering that we have learned two of these young men actually lived there with Micheal Johnson and Deena.
When the story firs broke about young Phylicia’s disappearance, News Media reported that Police described Deena’s apartment as a flop house for college kids. In the below image we see several people sleeping on the floor of an unfurnished room. A close examination of some of the clothing they are wearing, it appears to be after the night of the alcohol fueled party. This also gives us an idea of what the apartment might have looked like after the December 27, 2010 party that allegedly occurred the day before Phylicia went missing. This proves that there probably were more people then reported left alone with Phylicia at Deena’s place the morning she say she went to work. Also, we see more Vodka as reportedly had been given to Phylicia in this image:

By the clothing we can identify "Krazy Johnson, Glenton Bootz Johnson, and Bootz' younger brother Dorian asleep on the floor. Also, we see a fifth of Smirnoff Vodka by another person sleeping.
Deena Barnes also denied giving her baby sister Marijuana. These below images reveal that it was at least a part of the culture among the young men that stayed, visited, or either are associated with having been at her apartment. Again, we have to contemplate whether the child who told Janice Sallis-Mustafa about the alcohol and drug usage was actually psychic, because she was absolutely accurate about at least some of the kinds of activities that those around Phylicia were engaged in:

Dorian and "Krazy" posing with a Cigar Tabacco leaf that is used to roll up a Blunt (Marijuana cigar).

Blunt in Krazy's mouth.

A female also in an image with a Blunt

Krazy with Dorian, a suspected minor actually smoking a Blunt.
Some may look at the above images and simply convey that they don’t see anything untypical of young people in American Culture, and the pictures doesn’t prove that they are cold hearted baby face killers. However, the below images are not only alarming, but they clearly illustrate that there is a culture of violence that exist among at least one of the males close to this case:

A picture of a gun in which states on his Myspace page, "I'm getting nice with the Rugger". The firearm appears to be a Rugger .45 caliber with a high capacity magazine (hi cap magazines stores more bullets than typically allowed. Hi caps are also outlawed in the State of Maryland)

Bootz posing with the ruger .45 caliber and what appears to be a ruger 9 mm handgun.
If there were ever any doubt by the public that any of these young men could possibly be complicit in a crime of violence, I believe the young man has cleared up the answer to that question himself by posting such images. I wonder who those weapons belong too, if the cops ever obtained a search warrant pertaining to those guns, and why does Bootz who isn’t legally old enough to purchase or own them in Maryland, have the guns in his possession. Perhaps we see some degree of fear on the Barnes women part in not exactly being candid with the authorities investigating the murder of Phylicia Barnes. Telling lies surrounding a Capitol Murder, even in the face of fear isn’t excusable. The account of the events surrounding the disappearance and subsequent murder of Phylicia Barnes by Deena is challenged drastically by the above images. The pictures proves that she may have in fact lied about introducing alcohol and pot to her baby sister. If Deena exposed Phylicia to substances, it’s bad, but I can’t believe that those mistakes has caused her to mislead the murder investigation of Phylicia. She is covering something and we all continue to wonder what that may be.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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Wanted to clarify a couple of facts.
Dorian is older than “bootz”. They have the same mother, different fathers. Dorian just turned 20 or 21. Bootz is in his senior year of high school. However, in many of the pictures with Dorain, he was under age at the time.
The picture of the crew crashed on the floor, that picture was taken inside the apartment where Phylicia disappeared from. It was posted a few days before Phylicia arrived, but not sure when it was taken. If you compare the furniture and objects in the room with the objects and furniture in the pictures of Deena and Phylicia with the Christmas tree, you can see it’s the same place.
In the picture with the young lady at the end of the table who seems to be under the influence? That’s the woman who had Michael’s baby.
(This stuff I know from following this case for almost a year.”
Okay before I start responding to this blog, I am going to respond to a sleuth first!
So this is the environment that Phylicia was exposed to? Do you see the innocent baby in the car seat in the midst of vodka, weed, murders, killers, kidnappers, thugs, alcoholics, drug addicts . . . look at all of those people passed out on the floor and spread around.
deena is and was such a freaking fool. All of that trickin and people going in and out of her house and she has a tv sitting on the floor, not even on a stand?
And if that’s mike’s new girlfriend/baby mama chillen with them at deena’s house, does that mean he was f******* deena’s friend or somebody they were close to? That’s really disrespectful, could that have been what Phylicia said something about? I remember someone saying something about Phylicia saying something about somebody mike was messing with, not that it was true, but what in the world?
So horseface (deena) you mean to tell me you are dumb enough to keep your big digusting lips closed and your baby sister was murdered by those goons? What part did you play in this deena?Do you not have a heart or conscious? What about you kelly or russel or bryan. That could have been kelly’s baby in that car seat and exactly what happened to Phylicia could have happened to your baby Kelly, or to your granddaughter russell, and your niece bryan, how would you all feel then? Would you still be trying to stay focused then, what you would be focusing on? Better yet, what are you focused on russell? I think it’s about to rain your parade barnes & johnson clan. Yall are disgusting, ignorant, miserable, liars, killers, murders . . .
I still can’t believe non of the other church going Barnes knew this was how that triflin bitch Deena was living! I am damn sure russell sorry ass knew his horseface daughter was tricking for scooby doo snacks! Lmfao damn bitch you got a cheap ass tv on the floor! Mike couldnt go buy one from walmart! I guess the money went to weed and boose and cheap entertainment. Wht don’t you admit it deena that your freaky parties ended up with NOT getting pregnant but your freak partner did and by your supposed fiance! What a slap in the face huh? Tell fat ass kelly to put down the twinkies and come forward with the truth! You are all scum and will rot in a prison cell soon!
If the photo is around the time Phylicia was due to visit, wouldn’t that young lady had been pregnant at the time? What was really going on there? So many of the young ladys are having their babys around the same time frame. unprotected sex, getting pregnant while smoking and drinking with a baby in the same room? Where was Phylicia when all that type of activity was going on? The apt only had so many rooms. From the looks of things, everybody that visited or lived at the apt smoke and drink or one or the other. It was said that Phylicia didn’t feel right with all the different people coming in and out of the apt. Sounds as if the crew continued with regular activity with Phylicia there and present. Phylicia would have caught a contact, even if she didn’t smoke. They shouldn’t had that stuff around her if they loved her so much.
If the photo is around the time Phylicia was due to visit, wouldn’t that young lady had been pregnant at the time? (The young lady in the photo who just had a baby).
That’s a good point arresthosefools. Then mrs. piggy was dumb enough to get knocked up had the audacity to name the baby’s middle name Simone. She needs to be ashamed of herself, where is the love for Phylicia Simone?
@arrestthosefools – You are right!! I think Mike’s girl Tabatha had her baby around September. Looking 9 months back, she must have gotten pregnant in December. January would have made her 1 month pregnant.
@a sleuth – Are you sure that isn’t Mike and Tabatha’s old apartment? It was close by Deena’s apartment. A lot of apartments in the area look similar. The picture that I see of Deena and Phylicia on their knees with Deena’s dog shows tan or beige versus white or cream color carpet, a silver coffee table versus a dark gray table, a dark gray sofa versus a tan sofa, and a large sliding glass door with verticle blinds and white christmas tree?
Those photos might be from 2009. I went to the photo albums. Somebody can go check myspace to clear up date and apt. One of the young ladys in the photo name may start with a T and it looks like she has many social network sites
Just Curious–Good point. I think you’re right. All the pictures in this blog post were from before Deena and Mike moved to the apartment where Phylicia visited last December. I saw so many photos that are not available now. Bunch of photos were on Bootz twitter. Only one is on there now from the batch. But it shows him and Dorian and others hanging at Deena’s apartment. There were pics of them on the couches, etc. It was the same place, same furniture, and the pictures were posted the day or so before Phylicia arrived. It showed me who hung there, and what kind of environment she walked into.
The picture of them all crashed on the floor is not the picture that I thought it was at first. There was a very similar one on Bootz twitter before. And there was a time when I could see a bunch of photos on Deena’s family’s FB pages of that week before Phylicia was killed. again, they are no longer open to see. Those pictures are the ones that I compared and compared.
The bottom line is that this is a partying crowd, and they really aren’t too concerned about keeping their offspring or younger relatives safe. Everyone is expected to hop on the party bus as soon as they are old enough (which seems really young for this clan).
I have to believe that the police detectives have all of this stuff, and have copies.
Clarifying… The photo of Tabatha (Mike Johnson’s baby mama) at the end of that table is from several years ago, at a Johnson house, not Deena’s house. most of the pics are actually from then.
The one picture of them all crashed on the floor is at Deena’s apartment.
Tabatha and Mike went on a cruise in February. That’s when they got pregnant, supposedly.
Deena knows more than she’s telling.
Of course, the whole barnes and johnson clan know what happened to poor sweet Phylicia. I am totally floored with what was going on in deena’s apartment, and the nerve of them to be posting them passing weed around, and having innocent children around that mess, that spells child abuse right there. Now it would make sense that deena would want to give Phylicia vodka to lower her inhibitions to be a little more tolerable to an environment as such as the pictures THEY took and POSTED all over the internet. Exactly, how could that little ass cheap tv on the floor keep them goons entertained, I guess if you a low-life and have no standards you will literally fall for anything or lie for anything. That is a pure damn shame. Yea mike probably got that broad pregnant on your floor at your party deena, and you still keep your big **** sucking lips closed? Yall are pitiful and busted & disgusted. Look at your living environment, I guess the cell jail wouldn’t be too far from reality huh? They should put all of you pigs (johnsons & barnes) in 1 cell and throw away the key, since yall like to party and stick together. Would the truth come out then?
WoW! OMG! The photos. Shocking! Where are the photos they took of Phylicia and the crew while she was visiting and having so much fun with them? Are there any of those photos anywhere? Photos were always being taken so where are those? We saw photos of Phylicia during Thanksgiving, if I’m not mistaking. Where are the photos of Phylicia having fun and mixing and mingling with all the others during xmas? They’d rather post a photo with an infant in clear view, mixing and mingling at a grown up engagement? OMG and the smoke that was in the air, probably cigarettes too and we know they enjoy loud music. Poor infant! Selfishness. Whose BABY is that? Where are the police? How insulting!
Whats even more insulting is those so called people are the people Phylicia were surrounded by before she had homicide stamped on her folder! Jesus help us. lord
It is also in clear view how Kelly jumped to Deena’s side after their baby sister went missing. They stayed side by side but how come when their baby sister needed them just before she went missing, they didn’t do that for her? Because as someone stated, they didn’t grow up with Phylicia. They were closer to Deena’s x’s family and knew them better. They are some sell outs. They left Phylicia alone for a reason and they need to start talking.
~~~FOOD FOR THOUGHT~~~ If the police can give a polygraph to Bianca Jone’s father (the toddler that is missing) and charge him, how come the Barnes & Johnsons are still on the prowl? How come they all can’t be given polygraphs on separate occasions? I think that is a good start!!! Also look at a detailed billing of Phylicia, Barnes & Johnsons and see how their timelines match up with the PROOF & TRUTH!!!
Look at this BS deena posted on Phylicia’s page:
All I want for Christmas is justice for you! I want to know what happened. Im not looking forward to Christmas this year. I just keep thinking about Christmas last year and how happy we were. Remember we picked out our tree together? All the decorations and everything. We had to get a white Christmas tree because the green ones we wanted were sold out. I still remember you asking me to wait for yo…u so that we could do everything together. We had fun decorating, and it was so pretty when we were done. I smile at the memory and Im glad that we had a chance to do that together, but it hurts to know that this year wont be the same. I keep thinking what we would be doing right now. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. Everything feels empty without you. I love and miss you. ♥♥<3P.S.B
If Deena allowed the girl to be at her house and now she’s Mj baby’s mom it’s a strong possiblity they all could have been into threesomes. Deena let anything go on at her apartment just to keep MJ… I would sue her ass so quick she would remember my name for the rest of her freakin life! She deceived Mrs. Mustafa and put her sisters life in the hands of people she knew that would possibly harm her.. Why Deena Why!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly! Then she posted that fake post on Phylicia’s page like people can’t see through that. I just hope that her cases get solved soon.
At this point I don’t want Deena, Kelly or anyone else to come forward. I want the police to dish out the ultimate humiliation ending in handcuffs, crying baby mamas, crying and shocked family members, crying parents proclaiming “My baby is innocent,” more media atten etc. Time has expired for saving the self. Time for LE to take its time and seal this deal for Mrs. Janice Sallis-Mustafa! There are some nervous scared folks (hiding I’m sure) jumping everytime they hear knock at the door……..
That fake post doesn’t even sound sincere at all, If you want to do something, give Mr. Adams a interview for Christmas..
That above comment was for Deena, Give Mr. Adams a interview for Xmas…
In the second picture, I see a big belly with a striped shirt. Can’t see the face. Is that Big Glen “Imprezadent” Johnson? LOL!!!
lmao! His wide butt hanging out in one of the photos on myspace. Sloppy! and Dorian looks as if he wet his pants in one of the photos. They stay pissy drunk
It doesn’t matter when or where the photos were taken. The images simply depicts the culture tha existed with these people who was around when Phylicia disappeared. The Vodka and Marijuana is completely accurate from the little girl’s account that she shared with Janice. How would the child know about that all the way in North Carolina?
I agree Mr. Adams. Can you interview Deena or the Johnsons. Especially Mike. I wonder what they will have to say now.
That’s true David. They probably partied at many places, including Deena’s place.
I agree to a certain degree that the dates and place doesn’t matter. I’m appreciative that the photos were posted here. It sparked up interest to go and view the photos albums on myspace to see what else was there and I was able to see the faces of the people whose faces were not showing in some of the photos. From myspace I was able to locate other social network sites that go as far back to 2005/06
The part that matters in my opinion is that the same people in the photos above, are some of the same people in more recent photos, doing the same thing. Smoking, drinking, partying and what ever they do for fun and entertainment. I would think that years of doing those things depict that they are young alcoholics and drug users/pushers.
Most of the people in the photos probably began drinking before legal age. So, surely the ones in their middle to late 20’s have been drinking longer than the younger ones we can view in the photos, which a couple of them are too young too drink as we type.
The older brothers/cousins and sisters had no issue passing down their bad habit forming traits to their younger family members. It’s their everyday way of living. Some of the call themselves “phLLFthy”. That is what Deena was surrounded by. It was Deena’s type of environment that she felt comfortable living in. Of course Deena wouldn’t any different with her baby sister Phylicia and it’s part of the reason Phylicia is gone and if it’s part of the reason, Deena should be held accountable for her actions. Start off by admitting the complete truth. If she really loves her sister like she says she does, she will tell her part.
@ arrest – mind sharing some of the Social Media Sites that Bootz’ Myspace led you too? I saw some images on his Twitter page with the usual crew (Bootz, Krazy, Dorian, and some other guy with extenstions in his hair like Krazys). Just wondering what sites you saw from 05-06?
The girls in the photos also know what happened and why… the whole clan must have been sworn to secrecy, who ever tells is next…….
Some of the links took me to places like Twitpic. Another place called Lockerz and a couple other photo sites. I was reading some of the comments under the photos that went as far back as 2005 on at least one of the sites I visited. I said that was too far back and continued to click. I can’t remember if it was specifically Bootz photo albums. Could have been a family member or friend. I clicked on some of their friends name too. and they have photo links to view on certain sites. I saw a couple of people had Black Planet sites. But those were old Black Planets. One of the young ladys in the photo above has a Black Planet site and hi-5. I don’t recall seeing photos there. The 2005 comments made me stop and think of how they have lived that way for years. So I don’t see how all of a sudden Deena would act as if she wasn’t living that way while Phylicia was visiting. I’ve clicked on so many links, photos and profiles just to find something that would help and will continue until justice is served.
Notice how one of those guys are holding that girl’s arms as she is attempting to drink some liquor/vodka. It also looks like both of them are trying to coax her into something, and the one of the left is trying to make eye contact with the guy to the right of her. I also can’t beleive how close those 2 girls are sitting up under those guys and 1 of them is that Tabatha Fickling girl, Mike’s babymama.
Mike is probably the person taking most of the pictures. Is that why he is not on any of the pictures? Is he partially in a picture where we can’t see faces, but can see knees? He must like taking pictures of minors doing bad things!!
@Just Curious, Mike probably was snapping away in more ways than one. They love to snap photos. Investigators probably have something able to prove that Deena willingly allowed her baby sister to smoke and drink. Detectives could be sitting low on some things and not saying. It was crazy how the Lie Detector Test cancellation happened. LE probably caught Deena in some lies right away. If they did catch her in some lies, they know that people lie for a reason. Mike doesn’t like her anymore and he probably already told detectives what Deena was doing with Phylicia . I hope they all tell on one another. Justice come soon.
this message is for YOU bonnie briscoe. Y do u continue to force urself on being related to my daughter “Simone” U are not her aunt. So stop ur madness. Doo u not have enough people that ur already related to via bloodline that u feel a need to TRY and latched urself into my blood line. You belong to deena’s mother. deena and Simone shares the same sperm donor and came from the same sperm bank, not the soil of the uterus. So stop trying to get the attention that ur apparently lacking and detach urself from my family tree……………………..
Very well said Ms. Janice. I often wonder why Bonnie parades herself around Baltimore talking about justice for her niece. Shut UP Bonnie and tell your mother that Phylicia is not her granddaughter either. The nerve of you people. Your niece Deena is going to jail for a very long time. That will be justice!
Harry Watson if these photos “truly” reflect what Deena allowed to happen in that apt no wonder you refuse to post this link any further because I think you know like everyone else Deena contributed to the murder of an innocent UNDERAGED intelligent child. I don’t know how Mrs. Sallis-Mustafa has stayed out of jail herself going after this family!!! This whole story is so heartbreaking and sad. Russell Barnes (Deena’s mother as well) I will pray for you because in your sleep you MUST be ashamed of your failure as a parent of Deena, Kelly and anyone else (your family) who hung in that apt. A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE!!! I also pray for all the parents who have unleashed thugs (males/females) into the world and as Nancy Grace says “Who sits in the courtroom behind the GUILTY when all have abandoned them….MOM!!!”
RIP Angel…as I saw on an MSNBC investigative show the other day a family of killers thought they got away with murder as well until the feds/police knocked on those doors 1year later……..God may not come when we want but he is ALWAYS right on time…..
AMEN! I know HE will show up right on time and in HIS time because God’s time is not like our time. I think it’s a shame how they are just going on with life, there is no way in this world they don’t know what happened to Phylicia. It is just sad and very sickening. Praying without ceasing!
I want to say to the police/feds PLEASE IGNORE ALL PLEAS FOR INFO FROM THE BARNES FAMILY (and media)!!!! At this point the only person I want the police to share info with is Mrs. Janice Sallis-Mustafa. She can detach herself from the guilty (FAMILY) and SWALLOW the truth which she has so PAINFULLY done!!! I want this case air tight and right now I see too many leaks, lies, snitches and covering of ones own azzzes!!!!
I’m counting down the days when Nancy Grace says “BOMBSHELL tonight NC honor roll teen Phylicia Barnes mother has justice and you won’t believe who has been arrested in an AIR tight case…unleash the lawyers (let the legal bickering begin)!!!”
yhank you for ur sincere and dedicated support. It means a lot to our family. Believe me you GOD got this
It’s sad & heart wrenching to know that all of the people who contributed to Phylicia’s disappearance & demise are getting ready to celebrate yet another Christmas . . . just going on with life like nothing has ever happened. If YOU are among the guilty party/parties, or know the TRUTH please give Phylicia the best Christmas present that you can give her . . . go and turn yourself and everybody else in so that she, her family, friends, & loved ones can get Justice for Christmas, before the 1 year mark, and justice once and for all! Tis the season . . .
Don’t worry Nicole their days r few even if they think that they’ve got away from murder that’s when my GOD is going to spank those asses!!!!
Thank you Mrs. Sallis-Mustafa, I’m not worried. I know that God has been hearing all of our prayers all along & I can’t wait until he gets them. Please stay strong! You are a very beautiful strong woman. I admire you strength and love for your family. God Bless Your Forever!
just saw the photos and i gasped. this explains why phylicia felt uncomfortable around a certain individual.deena how could have misled mrs. sallis. what is wrong with the young people of today. to expose your baby to this enviroment. and pictures of guns. i need to pray
Thank you Dr. Adams in your dilligence for bringing Mrs.Janice peace & Justice. I was on a page where this delusional woman sypathized with Mrs. Janice and then started talkin wreckless with friends taking her side. I posted by giving email but I forgot which email I used. I posted her on Jan 4th I believe. Could you help me find my posts? Thanks!
Lake you posted in this article (The Phylicia Barnes Story: Did A Family Secret Lead To The Child’s Murder, Is Russell Barnes A Suspect, And Did Police Help Cover Up The Crime?) on January 4th.
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