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To Catch A Killer Part II: Disturbing Details In The Phylicia Barnes Murder Mystery Can Not Be Ignored And Must Be Unravelled

As the anniversary of the killing of young Monroe, N.C. Honor Student Phylicia Barnes approaches, I will move full steam ahead in analyzing particular facts in the case that jump out at most of us who have followed the little girl’s tragic story. However, I should point out the fact that I am not an actual investigator of this murder case, but simply a trained journalist whom like many are concerned and want desperately for the monsters who brought upon the demise of such a promising  child. Also, my comments here have derived primarily from comments made by the older Barnes Female siblings of Phylicia, News Reports, and basic common sense which I will utilize in an attempt to paint a clear picture surrounding this entire murder mystery. Here are my thoughts:

Deena Barnes

I am troubled by the fact that a trained professional who works as a Pharmacy Tech, around control substances on a daily basis, and I am sure has been properly trained in the effects of drug abuse would condone and supply alcohol and marijuana to a minor child let alone a child who just so happens to be her baby sister. I am not nieve about this as I am well aware that substance abuse is common place in American Culture and no one is immune from the ills of one of society’s more prominent epidemics. It’s difficult to rationalize what Deena’s intent was giving a silly, fun loving, studious, and very green to Baltimore culture Phylicia Barnes pot and vodka. The child’s mother, Janice Sallis states that Deena downplayed the sickening behavior, and said “I wanted her to loosen up”. Loosen up? For what? I am surprised that authorities have not brought charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor against Deena. The fact that she introduced control substance to her  sister establishes the extent of her character which indicates that she is capable of anything. Her alleged estranged relationship with Micheal Johnson, if you even feed into that claim, is extremely problematic for a number of reasons. During the Blog Talk Interview on “Peas In Their Pods” radio, Deena stated that MJ was in the process of moving out of the apartment on a regular basis since early 2010 (January). I don’t think I need to remind readers that Phylicia went missing just after Christmas 2010. Why was there such a prolonged move after their alleged breakup? I won’t kid myself to think that couples never attempt to patch things up, but 10 months is a long time for MJ to get his belongings out of the house. Why did he still have a key to the place? I think it’s obvious where I am going with this. With MJ coming and going, I am sure that entailed his baggage i.e. “Bootz” (younger cousin), other family, and friends. In fact it was established during the BTI that Bootz actually stayed at Deena’s apartment also. If you listen to the BTI you will hear Deena’s awkward pauses when questioned regarding many of these facts. She was very hesitant to even give the age of the other male (Bootz) that was living in here apartment. The reports that an entourage of young males were coming and going all the time at the apartment should cast even more interest on what Deena was thinking when she offered substances to Phylicia. Why would she purposefully aid in reducing the child’s falculties in the midst of thugged out wannabe gangsters. I’m not picking on the MJ’s clan here, it’s just that I have seen their pictures on Myspace and Facebook, and it is what it is. Young Phylicia was reportedly to have told an older sibling that a male made a pass at her which she rejected. Did Deena not think that those guys would attempt to come on to her pretty little sister? Why didn’t she protect her? At the very site of any of the guys approaching Phylicia inappropriately, Deena should have stepped in and made it clear that her baby sister was hands off, and if she couldn’t control the situation she should have called her brother, male family, or she should have taken Phylicia to Kelly’s place at the very least. Even if Phylicia was to afraid to tell Deena what guys were up to, Deena should have had her radar up from the gate. Phylicia is a child and it was Deena Barnes’ obligation to protect her. I even question why Deena was so eager to have Phylicia come to Baltimore this trip (Deena paid for Phylicia’s flight). I perused Phylicia’s Myspace page and I observed that one of the younger relatives of MJ had apparently already met her on a previous trip to Baltimore. In a Myspace exchange he was encouraging Phylicia to come and go to school in Baltimore. So, I wonder if Deena was pressured to get Phylicia back to Baltimore by MJ’s clan.

Pornography Claims

Sometime after Phylicia’s body was found, the authorities investigating her murder became suspicious about some of what they were told during the initial investigation, and began to focus on nude images of at least one minor. The discovery led to Federal Search Warrants being issued for Social Media and Email Accounts of Micheal Johnson, his cousin Bootz, Mjs younger brother, and another unidentified male. Though rumors have spread that those nude or pornographic images and a cell phone video cops found were in fact of young Phylicia, there is nothing that substantiates that the pretty little girl took her clothes off for adult males. Those claims were manufactured by the public. If these facts do eventually bare any confirmation what so ever, it only generates even more interest in what activities Deena Barnes was allowing her baby sister to engage in under her care. Was Phylicia completely incoherent that someone took advantage of  her, removed her clothes, and took nude pictures and videoed her? Why on God’s earth would Deena allow this or become so unaware of Phylicia’s activities at the apartment? 

Deena had been taking young Phylicia with her to work everyday except the day that Phylicia went missing. I don’t think that it is unusual to take a younger relative on the job, especially if it is condoned by an employer, but everyday becomes an issue I am sure. What activities were young Phylicia engaging in while Deena was filling prescription at her Pharmacy Job? Why wasn’t the child allowed o go with her on the day that she disappeared? There is a strong possibility that Phylicia may not have been physically capable of going to work with Deena, and she may have even been killed prior to the day her sisters alleged she went missing.  My argument here is not a stretch, it’s just that the facts related to Deena and Kelly’s manner of interacting with Phylicia on Dec 28, the fact that no one saw it important enough to go by the apartment to physically check on Phylicia even when it was known that male(s) were there with her, the lost of contact via texting or phone calls, and the lack of urgency when Mj purportedly sounded the alarm that the apartment door was wide open and no Phylicia, it simply opens the door to serious speculation whether that kid was even alive prior to the day they said she disappeared. During the BTI kelly, Deena, and Bryan Barnes stated that Phylicia didn’t know anyone other then her siblings in Baltimore. This simply isn’t true. I have already mentioned the myspace exchange where a relative of MJ was encouraging Phylicia to come to Baltimore and attend school. As it turs out, that relative was actually “Bootz” who just so happened to be staying at Deena’s place. Why hasn’t he been mentioned more in this scheme of suspects in this murder? He was there and he probably knows something. When it’s all said and done, Deena Barnes must stake claim to majority of the failures that she herself is directly responsible for in the unsettling, horrific, and senseless tragedy that resulted in the untimely demise of such a beautiful little girl.

To be Continued —

“To Catch A Killer”, a series leading up to the December 28 Anniversary of the Disappearance and killing of Phylicia Barnes.

The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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As the anniversary of the killing of young Monroe, N.C. Honor Student Phylicia Barnes approaches, I will move full steam ahead in analyzing particular facts in the case that jump out at most of us who have followed the little girl’s tragic story. However, I should point out the fact that I am not an actual investigator of this murder case, but simply a trained journalist whom like many are concerned and want desperately for the monsters who brought upon the demise of such a promising  child. Also, my comments here have derived primarily from comments made by the older Barnes Female siblings of Phylicia, News Reports, and basic common sense which I will utilize in an attempt to paint a clear picture surrounding this entire murder mystery. Here are my thoughts:

Deena Barnes

I am troubled by the fact that a trained professional who works as a Pharmacy Tech, around control substances on a daily basis, and I am sure has been properly trained in the effects of drug abuse would condone and supply alcohol and marijuana to a minor child let alone a child who just so happens to be her baby sister. I am not nieve about this as I am well aware that substance abuse is common place in American Culture and no one is immune from the ills of one of society’s more prominent epidemics. It’s difficult to rationalize what Deena’s intent was giving a silly, fun loving, studious, and very green to Baltimore culture Phylicia Barnes pot and vodka. The child’s mother, Janice Sallis states that Deena downplayed the sickening behavior, and said “I wanted her to loosen up”. Loosen up? For what? I am surprised that authorities have not brought charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor against Deena. The fact that she introduced control substance to her  sister establishes the extent of her character which indicates that she is capable of anything. Her alleged estranged relationship with Micheal Johnson, if you even feed into that claim, is extremely problematic for a number of reasons. During the Blog Talk Interview on “Peas In Their Pods” radio, Deena stated that MJ was in the process of moving out of the apartment on a regular basis since early 2010 (January). I don’t think I need to remind readers that Phylicia went missing just after Christmas 2010. Why was there such a prolonged move after their alleged breakup? I won’t kid myself to think that couples never attempt to patch things up, but 10 months is a long time for MJ to get his belongings out of the house. Why did he still have a key to the place? I think it’s obvious where I am going with this. With MJ coming and going, I am sure that entailed his baggage i.e. “Bootz” (younger cousin), other family, and friends. In fact it was established during the BTI that Bootz actually stayed at Deena’s apartment also. If you listen to the BTI you will hear Deena’s awkward pauses when questioned regarding many of these facts. She was very hesitant to even give the age of the other male (Bootz) that was living in here apartment. The reports that an entourage of young males were coming and going all the time at the apartment should cast even more interest on what Deena was thinking when she offered substances to Phylicia. Why would she purposefully aid in reducing the child’s falculties in the midst of thugged out wannabe gangsters. I’m not picking on the MJ’s clan here, it’s just that I have seen their pictures on Myspace and Facebook, and it is what it is. Young Phylicia was reportedly to have told an older sibling that a male made a pass at her which she rejected. Did Deena not think that those guys would attempt to come on to her pretty little sister? Why didn’t she protect her? At the very site of any of the guys approaching Phylicia inappropriately, Deena should have stepped in and made it clear that her baby sister was hands off, and if she couldn’t control the situation she should have called her brother, male family, or she should have taken Phylicia to Kelly’s place at the very least. Even if Phylicia was to afraid to tell Deena what guys were up to, Deena should have had her radar up from the gate. Phylicia is a child and it was Deena Barnes’ obligation to protect her. I even question why Deena was so eager to have Phylicia come to Baltimore this trip (Deena paid for Phylicia’s flight). I perused Phylicia’s Myspace page and I observed that one of the younger relatives of MJ had apparently already met her on a previous trip to Baltimore. In a Myspace exchange he was encouraging Phylicia to come and go to school in Baltimore. So, I wonder if Deena was pressured to get Phylicia back to Baltimore by MJ’s clan.

Pornography Claims

Sometime after Phylicia’s body was found, the authorities investigating her murder became suspicious about some of what they were told during the initial investigation, and began to focus on nude images of at least one minor. The discovery led to Federal Search Warrants being issued for Social Media and Email Accounts of Micheal Johnson, his cousin Bootz, Mjs younger brother, and another unidentified male. Though rumors have spread that those nude or pornographic images and a cell phone video cops found were in fact of young Phylicia, there is nothing that substantiates that the pretty little girl took her clothes off for adult males. Those claims were manufactured by the public. If these facts do eventually bare any confirmation what so ever, it only generates even more interest in what activities Deena Barnes was allowing her baby sister to engage in under her care. Was Phylicia completely incoherent that someone took advantage of  her, removed her clothes, and took nude pictures and videoed her? Why on God’s earth would Deena allow this or become so unaware of Phylicia’s activities at the apartment? 

Deena had been taking young Phylicia with her to work everyday except the day that Phylicia went missing. I don’t think that it is unusual to take a younger relative on the job, especially if it is condoned by an employer, but everyday becomes an issue I am sure. What activities were young Phylicia engaging in while Deena was filling prescription at her Pharmacy Job? Why wasn’t the child allowed o go with her on the day that she disappeared? There is a strong possibility that Phylicia may not have been physically capable of going to work with Deena, and she may have even been killed prior to the day her sisters alleged she went missing.  My argument here is not a stretch, it’s just that the facts related to Deena and Kelly’s manner of interacting with Phylicia on Dec 28, the fact that no one saw it important enough to go by the apartment to physically check on Phylicia even when it was known that male(s) were there with her, the lost of contact via texting or phone calls, and the lack of urgency when Mj purportedly sounded the alarm that the apartment door was wide open and no Phylicia, it simply opens the door to serious speculation whether that kid was even alive prior to the day they said she disappeared. During the BTI kelly, Deena, and Bryan Barnes stated that Phylicia didn’t know anyone other then her siblings in Baltimore. This simply isn’t true. I have already mentioned the myspace exchange where a relative of MJ was encouraging Phylicia to come to Baltimore and attend school. As it turs out, that relative was actually “Bootz” who just so happened to be staying at Deena’s place. Why hasn’t he been mentioned more in this scheme of suspects in this murder? He was there and he probably knows something. When it’s all said and done, Deena Barnes must stake claim to majority of the failures that she herself is directly responsible for in the unsettling, horrific, and senseless tragedy that resulted in the untimely demise of such a beautiful little girl.

To be Continued —

“To Catch A Killer”, a series leading up to the December 28 Anniversary of the Disappearance and killing of Phylicia Barnes.

The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Thanks for sharing this article! I agree with the journalist! She should definitely be charged with contributing to the delinquincy of a minor. Why would she want her to loosen up? Could that be linked to the “child porno ring”. That’s very interesting that she would tell Phylicia’s mother that she wanted her to loosen up by giving her minor sister vodka and pot. So, yes she could have been capable of setting Phylicia up. Could that move have included moving Phylicia’s body and possible evidence since nothing was left in the apartment? That is just very weird and sketchy. Yes, it does raise questions as to why Deena was so eager to purchase a plane ticket for Phylicia to come up there, and when was she supposed to return back to her home? How much time was in there before she went “missing”? Why did Michael have nude pictures of Phylicia in his phone anyway? The last day of any interaction with Phylicia is definitely sketchy! Why isn’t Deena & Kelly in jail? I can’t help but wonder if she was even really in the apartment that day? And if they weren’t there, how do they know exactly what clothes she had on and those shoes she wasn’t supposed to be wear in the snow? Maybe they were some of the “last” to see her as well to know what she had on. Deena was definitely in on the scheme of things, or definitely an accessory to the crime”


Why hasn’t Deena been arrested??? giving alcohol and drugs to a minor is grounds to lock her behind up and interrogate the shyt out of her. I dont understand how the Baltimore Justice System works but after reading the above article, there is surely a lot of evidence for an arrest to be made. Why are they delaying this? Phylicia is not gona rest in peace until her killers are caught.

Mrs and Mr. Mustafa I pray that this is over for you and your family soon…


Mr. Adams. I would like to talk to you asap. Please give me a way to reach you

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