Is Suspected Killer Kalil Tatum Relisha Rudd’s Biological Father?: Missing D.C. Child’s Mother Appears To Be Hindering Investigation To Find Her Daughter
Posted by David Adams on March 31st, 2014
Her daughter is now officially declared missing, but the mother of 8 year old Relisha Rudd doesn’t resemble a person who has lost a child to some stranger, who just may have been a pedophile that set prey upon a defenseless little girl to met out horrible sex crimes. In fact, the little girl’s mom has maintained a stoic posture throughout this entire ordeal. According to official reports, young Relisha was last seen sometime in late February of 2014. police learned of the child’s last citing after a proactive school counselor took notice of Relisha’s extended absence from the elementary school she attended. The little girl hadn’t been to school in nearly a month, when school officials went to the homeless shelter where Relisha was living with her family. That inquiry raised suspicion, and prompted a school counselor to notify police.
Once police authorities became aware of the child’s disappearance a disturbing, senseless, and unimaginable story emerged. Depending on what version you believe, the details are simply horrific, and outline what may be a bizarre tale of abandonment, abuse, and betrayal of the pretty little girl by her own mother. Media reports initially claim that Relisha was willfully given to Kalil Tatum, a janitor working at the homeless shelter where the family was staying. As the public became outraged at the very thought of a mother allowing a 52 year old grown man to have such intimate contact with her daughter, other stories began to surface that Tatum had a granddaughter around Relisha’s age, and that Tatum was allowed to take the child to his home to play with her. The mom even publicly admitted that Tatum had always brought the child back, but failed to do so when she was allowed to go with him in late February.
Her story seems plausible if you consider that Tatum was well liked by the residents at the shelter, and was known to offer gifts to Relisha and other children living at the homeless shelter where he worked. Apparently, Tatum’s close interaction with children never raised suspicion by any of the residents, and perhaps the missing child’s parents in fact did have tremendous trust in Tatum. However, there are other very disturbing and compelling facts about this missing child case that hasn’t gone unnoticed by many associated with this investigation. Relisha’s mother hadn’t seen her little girl in nearly a month but she never notified anyone pertaining to her child’s disappearance. It almost seems as if the child wasn’t even on the mother’s radar the entire time, until school officials got involved and attempted to ascertain why Relisha hadn’t been in school.
In one instance the mother is attributed with making the statement that “he always brought her back,” and in recent t.v. interviews she is now denying ever having given her daughter to Tatum at all. Relisha’s mother is now even deflecting all responsibility for her daughter’s disappearance unto her mother and sister. Take a look at an exclusive interview she gave to NBC Washington’s Channel 4:
Exclusive Interview With The Mother Of Missing D.C. 8 Year Old Relisha Rudd
The mother’s responses to the reporter are very troubling to me for various reasons. Firstly, her composure is amazing considering her daughter is missing, and when she is presented with the possibility that Tatum may actually have killed her daughter, she only reflects momentarily on that possibility before starting to deflect responsibility to her mother and sister. She claims that she thought she could trust her mother and her sister, but even if she did in fact drop Relisha off to the home of family members, it’s simply unconscionable that she never contacted them regarding Relisha’s well being for such an extended time period. The other confusing part of this story that hasn’t been clarified, is even if Relisha was given to Tatum by the mother, a volume of questions still remain. Did he continue to come to work everyday at the shelter, and if so, did she ever inquire about the welfare of her daughter? No reports establish whether Tatum was also missing for nearly a month along with Relisha. If the later of these scenarios is true, then the mother clearly neglected and abandoned her child knowing that she was with Tatum who had disappeared with her child, and while she never bothered to notify the police.
Other comments this woman made to reporters are interesting and may possibly offer a clue to unravel this disturbing case. She tells the reporter that her mother stated that Tatum told her that if anything ever happened to him or his wife, that Relisha would be set. That statement raises suspicion as to what exactly is Tatum’s relationship to the child. Typically when a reference is made to some unexpected tragedy befalling upon someone, that another person, and more specifically in this case that Relisha would be set, kind of infers that some financial arrangement has been previously established to provide for a benefactor (Relisha), More importantly, what does that statement even have to do with the disappearance of her child? What was she trying to convey? What does the family know about Tatum and the disappearance of Relisha that they are not making known publicly? The mother’s comment was so puzzling to me that I began to look very closely at the physical appearance of Tatum and young Relisha. There appears to be a striking physical resemblance between the pair. Look for yourself:

My assertion could be entirely wrong, but I offer such a perspective on the basis of the child’s likeness to this man, coupled with her mom never demonstrating concern for her child’s welfare after she had been gone for nearly a month knowing that Relisha was left in his care. The most startling aspect of this story is the level of trust Tatum was extended pertaining to such intimacy he was granted with the child. Some followers believe that the gifts Tatum gave the child was typical grooming that known pedophiles enact upon children to gain their trust prior to striking with their perversion. The concern many people have developed pointing to Tatum possibly being a sexual predator has come largely from the age disparity between him and Relish, and the chilling surveillance video that captures him walking in and out of a Red Roof motel with her in Oxen Hills, Maryland. Once the cops became aware of where he was staying, they pounced on his rented room, and discovered the body of his wife who had been murdered from a gunshot to the head. Official reports reveal that witnesses admit having been in the room with Tatum, and one witness states that when he came by, Tatum’s wife was spread out across the bed in a similar fashion in which cops found her deceased.
These facts diminishes the chilling image of the child and Tatum going to a motel room. It’s possible that Tatum’s wife and others were already inside the room, and just simply wasn’t captured by surveillance video. Also, at least one person reported seeing Tatum and Relisha near the motel. In short, nothing so far has pointed to Tatum having displayed predatory sexual behavior toward the child. Don’t get me wrong, Tatum may possibly be a violent murderer who killed his wife, but how were the cops able to come to such a conclusion. Tatum at the very minimum should be a person of interest related to that crime. Just because it’s his wife that was killed, he was staying in that room, and he is believed to have young Relisha with him doesn’t make him the perpetrator who shot his wife to death. In fact, I’m not sure that Tatum could even be charged with kidnapping Relisha. Hell, if the school officials hadn’t called the cops, no one would ever even know that the child was missing in the first place. The child’s family hadn’t reported her missing at all, and the story that Tatum has Relisha is simply the child’s family statements to police. After all the family admitted giving Relisha to him voluntarily. Realistically, Tatum could very well be a victim of a crime in this case as well. The public simply will not know until he is located and questioned by police.
Moreover, many followers of this story fault Relisha’s mother solely for this entire ordeal. Some even challenge her competence to even properly care for a child. Her inability to simply grasp the gravity and severity of her daughter’s disappearance during the interview gives credibility to those who question the mother’s competence. When the reporter advised her that rumors circulated accusing her of refusing to file a missing persons report for Relisha, she responded “they never asked me to file a missing persons report.” The comment clearly highlights complete detachment from concern of the overall well being of her child, because women have an inherent and innate protective system for their offspring which typically kicks in automatically, even at the mere inference of potential danger toward their children. Her demeanor is frightening considering that she has three other children. Something is amiss, and it’s widely believe from many within the public that the mother is being deceptive, and knows a lot more about her daughter’s disappearance then what she has made public.
When she was posed with a question that many people have raised, concerning why she never called police when she discovered Relisha was missing, she said “I was never under the impression that she was missing. I was under the impression that she was at my sisters house where I left her, under my mother’s care.” When the reporter asked the very same question another way, she responded “I ain’t want to lose my other three kids. That’s why I didn’t call the police,” and completely contradicting her previous claim of not having been under the impression that Relisha was missing. Additionally, the reporter asked the mother what she would say to Tatum if she could talk to him. She said “I have a lot of questions to ask you (Tatum). I want you to answer them properly, and give me the correct answers.” For a mother whose child is in fact missing, her comments for the man who suspected of unlawfully having her daughter is void of any animosity or anger at all. She doesn’t even make a plea for Tatum to bring her child back home unharmed. It seems more like she has resolved that the worst has already happened to Relisha, and is only expecting to hear what he did to her.
The more this mother speaks, the more it appears that she possibly isn’t being honest about the details pertaining to what happened to young Relisha. Her contradictory statements regarding not having knowledge that Relisha was missing, then admitting the reason she didn’t call the cops was out of fear of losing her other three children, demonstrates that her account regarding what happened is fluctuating. In the last portion of the interview she attempts to set the record straight and claims that she never gave her daughter to this man, but earlier reports and interviews revel that she admitted Tatum had always brought Relisha back home. This story stinks really bad, and the mother’s comments raise serious credibility issues for her pertaining to what happened to her beautiful little daughter. Given the lack of credibility she has displayed, is simply very difficult to even find the story that she and her family have offered as being believable. Does Kalil Tatum actually have young Relisha rudd, or is his purported involvement in this entire case the product of some fabricated story concocted by the child’s family to conceal something more sinister surrounding her whereabouts and overall well being? Maybe Tatum is the child’s biological father and the mother is deliberately concealing this information for some other distorted purpose. Which ever the case, we can’t rush to judgement when the facts given so far are so contrasting and cloudy. We pray for the safe return of Relisha Rudd, and ask that God protect this child wherever she may be.
To Be Continued
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
Her daughter is now officially declared missing, but the mother of 8 year old Relisha Rudd doesn’t resemble a person who has lost a child to some stranger, who just may have been a pedophile that set prey upon a defenseless little girl to met out horrible sex crimes. In fact, the little girl’s mom has maintained a stoic posture throughout this entire ordeal. According to official reports, young Relisha was last seen sometime in late February of 2014. police learned of the child’s last citing after a proactive school counselor took notice of Relisha’s extended absence from the elementary school she attended. The little girl hadn’t been to school in nearly a month, when school officials went to the homeless shelter where Relisha was living with her family. That inquiry raised suspicion, and prompted a school counselor to notify police.
Once police authorities became aware of the child’s disappearance a disturbing, senseless, and unimaginable story emerged. Depending on what version you believe, the details are simply horrific, and outline what may be a bizarre tale of abandonment, abuse, and betrayal of the pretty little girl by her own mother. Media reports initially claim that Relisha was willfully given to Kalil Tatum, a janitor working at the homeless shelter where the family was staying. As the public became outraged at the very thought of a mother allowing a 52 year old grown man to have such intimate contact with her daughter, other stories began to surface that Tatum had a granddaughter around Relisha’s age, and that Tatum was allowed to take the child to his home to play with her. The mom even publicly admitted that Tatum had always brought the child back, but failed to do so when she was allowed to go with him in late February.
Her story seems plausible if you consider that Tatum was well liked by the residents at the shelter, and was known to offer gifts to Relisha and other children living at the homeless shelter where he worked. Apparently, Tatum’s close interaction with children never raised suspicion by any of the residents, and perhaps the missing child’s parents in fact did have tremendous trust in Tatum. However, there are other very disturbing and compelling facts about this missing child case that hasn’t gone unnoticed by many associated with this investigation. Relisha’s mother hadn’t seen her little girl in nearly a month but she never notified anyone pertaining to her child’s disappearance. It almost seems as if the child wasn’t even on the mother’s radar the entire time, until school officials got involved and attempted to ascertain why Relisha hadn’t been in school.
In one instance the mother is attributed with making the statement that “he always brought her back,” and in recent t.v. interviews she is now denying ever having given her daughter to Tatum at all. Relisha’s mother is now even deflecting all responsibility for her daughter’s disappearance unto her mother and sister. Take a look at an exclusive interview she gave to NBC Washington’s Channel 4:
Exclusive Interview With The Mother Of Missing D.C. 8 Year Old Relisha Rudd
The mother’s responses to the reporter are very troubling to me for various reasons. Firstly, her composure is amazing considering her daughter is missing, and when she is presented with the possibility that Tatum may actually have killed her daughter, she only reflects momentarily on that possibility before starting to deflect responsibility to her mother and sister. She claims that she thought she could trust her mother and her sister, but even if she did in fact drop Relisha off to the home of family members, it’s simply unconscionable that she never contacted them regarding Relisha’s well being for such an extended time period. The other confusing part of this story that hasn’t been clarified, is even if Relisha was given to Tatum by the mother, a volume of questions still remain. Did he continue to come to work everyday at the shelter, and if so, did she ever inquire about the welfare of her daughter? No reports establish whether Tatum was also missing for nearly a month along with Relisha. If the later of these scenarios is true, then the mother clearly neglected and abandoned her child knowing that she was with Tatum who had disappeared with her child, and while she never bothered to notify the police.
Other comments this woman made to reporters are interesting and may possibly offer a clue to unravel this disturbing case. She tells the reporter that her mother stated that Tatum told her that if anything ever happened to him or his wife, that Relisha would be set. That statement raises suspicion as to what exactly is Tatum’s relationship to the child. Typically when a reference is made to some unexpected tragedy befalling upon someone, that another person, and more specifically in this case that Relisha would be set, kind of infers that some financial arrangement has been previously established to provide for a benefactor (Relisha), More importantly, what does that statement even have to do with the disappearance of her child? What was she trying to convey? What does the family know about Tatum and the disappearance of Relisha that they are not making known publicly? The mother’s comment was so puzzling to me that I began to look very closely at the physical appearance of Tatum and young Relisha. There appears to be a striking physical resemblance between the pair. Look for yourself:

My assertion could be entirely wrong, but I offer such a perspective on the basis of the child’s likeness to this man, coupled with her mom never demonstrating concern for her child’s welfare after she had been gone for nearly a month knowing that Relisha was left in his care. The most startling aspect of this story is the level of trust Tatum was extended pertaining to such intimacy he was granted with the child. Some followers believe that the gifts Tatum gave the child was typical grooming that known pedophiles enact upon children to gain their trust prior to striking with their perversion. The concern many people have developed pointing to Tatum possibly being a sexual predator has come largely from the age disparity between him and Relish, and the chilling surveillance video that captures him walking in and out of a Red Roof motel with her in Oxen Hills, Maryland. Once the cops became aware of where he was staying, they pounced on his rented room, and discovered the body of his wife who had been murdered from a gunshot to the head. Official reports reveal that witnesses admit having been in the room with Tatum, and one witness states that when he came by, Tatum’s wife was spread out across the bed in a similar fashion in which cops found her deceased.
These facts diminishes the chilling image of the child and Tatum going to a motel room. It’s possible that Tatum’s wife and others were already inside the room, and just simply wasn’t captured by surveillance video. Also, at least one person reported seeing Tatum and Relisha near the motel. In short, nothing so far has pointed to Tatum having displayed predatory sexual behavior toward the child. Don’t get me wrong, Tatum may possibly be a violent murderer who killed his wife, but how were the cops able to come to such a conclusion. Tatum at the very minimum should be a person of interest related to that crime. Just because it’s his wife that was killed, he was staying in that room, and he is believed to have young Relisha with him doesn’t make him the perpetrator who shot his wife to death. In fact, I’m not sure that Tatum could even be charged with kidnapping Relisha. Hell, if the school officials hadn’t called the cops, no one would ever even know that the child was missing in the first place. The child’s family hadn’t reported her missing at all, and the story that Tatum has Relisha is simply the child’s family statements to police. After all the family admitted giving Relisha to him voluntarily. Realistically, Tatum could very well be a victim of a crime in this case as well. The public simply will not know until he is located and questioned by police.
Moreover, many followers of this story fault Relisha’s mother solely for this entire ordeal. Some even challenge her competence to even properly care for a child. Her inability to simply grasp the gravity and severity of her daughter’s disappearance during the interview gives credibility to those who question the mother’s competence. When the reporter advised her that rumors circulated accusing her of refusing to file a missing persons report for Relisha, she responded “they never asked me to file a missing persons report.” The comment clearly highlights complete detachment from concern of the overall well being of her child, because women have an inherent and innate protective system for their offspring which typically kicks in automatically, even at the mere inference of potential danger toward their children. Her demeanor is frightening considering that she has three other children. Something is amiss, and it’s widely believe from many within the public that the mother is being deceptive, and knows a lot more about her daughter’s disappearance then what she has made public.
When she was posed with a question that many people have raised, concerning why she never called police when she discovered Relisha was missing, she said “I was never under the impression that she was missing. I was under the impression that she was at my sisters house where I left her, under my mother’s care.” When the reporter asked the very same question another way, she responded “I ain’t want to lose my other three kids. That’s why I didn’t call the police,” and completely contradicting her previous claim of not having been under the impression that Relisha was missing. Additionally, the reporter asked the mother what she would say to Tatum if she could talk to him. She said “I have a lot of questions to ask you (Tatum). I want you to answer them properly, and give me the correct answers.” For a mother whose child is in fact missing, her comments for the man who suspected of unlawfully having her daughter is void of any animosity or anger at all. She doesn’t even make a plea for Tatum to bring her child back home unharmed. It seems more like she has resolved that the worst has already happened to Relisha, and is only expecting to hear what he did to her.
The more this mother speaks, the more it appears that she possibly isn’t being honest about the details pertaining to what happened to young Relisha. Her contradictory statements regarding not having knowledge that Relisha was missing, then admitting the reason she didn’t call the cops was out of fear of losing her other three children, demonstrates that her account regarding what happened is fluctuating. In the last portion of the interview she attempts to set the record straight and claims that she never gave her daughter to this man, but earlier reports and interviews revel that she admitted Tatum had always brought Relisha back home. This story stinks really bad, and the mother’s comments raise serious credibility issues for her pertaining to what happened to her beautiful little daughter. Given the lack of credibility she has displayed, is simply very difficult to even find the story that she and her family have offered as being believable. Does Kalil Tatum actually have young Relisha rudd, or is his purported involvement in this entire case the product of some fabricated story concocted by the child’s family to conceal something more sinister surrounding her whereabouts and overall well being? Maybe Tatum is the child’s biological father and the mother is deliberately concealing this information for some other distorted purpose. Which ever the case, we can’t rush to judgement when the facts given so far are so contrasting and cloudy. We pray for the safe return of Relisha Rudd, and ask that God protect this child wherever she may be.
To Be Continued
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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So very sad, I pray she is found safe. Keep up the Good Work David for always making the World aware of We also go Missing Too.
I see the resemblance and this would explain a lot of why a mother would allow a child to go with a man if he were the father of her child. Men have shown to have no feelings for children fathered by other men. Could this have been the suspected reasoning of why the convicted father murdered Relisha Rudd’s twin sister. A neighbor said rumor was the janitor had a child with a woman there and I think maybe the woman was Shamika Young. A hidden relationship she did not want others to know about. May be the grand mother was aware of the relationship.DNA could prove this speculation. Maybe he left her with his daughter and grand daughter.
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Is Suspected Killer Kalil Tatum Relisha Rudd’s Biological Father?: Missing D.C. Child’s Mother Appears To Be Hindering Investigation To Find Her Daughter – The People’s Champion | The People’s Champion
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With thanks! Valuable information!
Is Suspected Killer Kalil Tatum Relisha Rudd