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The Fall Of Another Educated Black Man: “Perverted Late Night Telephone Stalker Revealed”

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem (In the Name of God)

It is said in the Holy Quran that the Muslim who conceals the faults of another Muslim, that on the Day of Judgement God would conceal one of his faults. That being said my narrative will exclude the name of my fallen Beloved Brother.

You can hear  the sound of his articulate voice piercing through your ears like a knife.  The dark chocalate brown Minister from the locally based Nation of Islam speaks with tenacity and his message spews out to the masses, encouraging some, and raining down like venom to others. Make no mistake about it, the emaculately dressed speaker appears built for the task, as I stood with him in solidarity at a NAACP Rally supporting the family of, and condemning racist Stratford Connecticut Police, for punching 15 year old Titasheen Mitchell in the face. The City Council Person for that District was also arrested during that incident for intervening in Official Police Business, as he attempted to correct what he saw. A Big Burly white Police Officer punching a female in the face. The message was loud and clear. It is a Black Man’s duty and responsibility to protect their women. It was a Proud day to be a Black Man in Connecticut that day. When the Minister left the podium, I saw Stratford Police following his entourage of 6 Brothers from the Nation providing security, as they jotted down the registration of his vehicle. Proud, but worried could only describe my emotions as I wondered what might happen to my Brother. I am not a member nor have I ever been a member of the Nation of Islam, but as a Muslim I have come to respect their position as it relates to Socialism in America. I am a Sunni (practice the way of life of the Prophet Mohamed;peace and blessings be upon him) Muslim or practice the Sunna as it is refered. It is important to establish a dinstinction here, because many don’t even acknowledge members of the Nation of Islam as Muslims. However, I know the Minister reference in this Blog Post, and know him to be a Man of Upright Character. Also, he just happens to be the childhood friend of my significant other. They went to Private School together during thier childhood, obtained their Bachelor, and Masters Degree in Science Education. Not just that, but they were Educators in the exact same school, and the exact same Science Department for years together. When the Brother Minister applied for a job as an Administrator, it was my Lady who wrote his Reccomendation. When the Brother Minister applied for a Doctoral Program it  was my Lady that wrote his Reccomendation for that as well. A trusted friend? No, more like her Brother I would say.  The only problem is that the shock from realizing who people really are, some times hit you in the gut like a Mack Truck.  I’ll expound on that later in the Blog.

The Brother Minister went on to become an assistant Principal probably because of the assistance of my Lady, a well respected Educator in the Bridgeport School System, as well as surrounding Fairfield County. Not a bad accomplishment for an Inner City Kid who went to Private School next door to the School he was assigned at the time. They pushed each other, challenged each other to move on and achieve on the next level. She spoke of him often like any proud sister would of her Married, financially stable, and accomplished Brother. Something must have went drastically wrong. A few years ago, 2007 to be exact, she began to tell me about strange phone calls she was getting in the middle of the night, and on nights that I was at work. Initially we dismissed the calls as prank calls from kids. She teaches High School kids and also Coaches the Cheer Team at her school, so maybe one of the kids gave her Cell Number to the wrong person. The calls came more frequently with lude sex comments, sexual sounds, and on one occasion it appeared as if the caller was engaging in sexual intercourse. I saw the frustration on her face and knew she had become worried. I instructed my Lady on how to use my firearm, and shopped around for a small compact weapon that would be more suitable for her, because I believed we had a sick deranged lunatic on the prowl. I began to enforce strict security measures around the house, fearful that this fool was watching the house on nights that I wasn’t home. When I was at home he wouldn’t call her, but like clock work, the calls would come soon as I left for work. The calls stopped all of a sudden, but she did receive calls during the fall of 2010 although they weren’t as frequent as before. So, I am seated in the Den a few weeks ago as I hear the broadcast from News 8, “A New Haven Assistant Principal has been arrested on charges of Stalking and Harassment”. I look up, only to see the Brother Minister’s Picture on the News. I ran up stairs and awoke my Lady who was sleeping on the living room sofa, turned on the News, and watched with her, what has turned out to be one of the most disappointing experiences that either of us could have ever imagined. The charging documents show that he had apparantly been calling Teachers, school support Staff, and other females for years. One victim was called over a thousand times. I knew that the best way to catch this person was to document calls, call your cell carrier, and alert the Police. My Lady had began taking records of the calls, but stopped doing so after the calls ceased. We were completely floored after finding out that the “Perverted Caller” was the Brother Minister. My lady brought it to my attention that the New Haven City Police had been calling her cell. She knew that I am the former Traffic and Parking Enforcement Field Supervisor for the City of New Haven, and thought maybe they were calling for me from a backup number they had on record, or maybe a former co-worker was attempting to contact me. She just forgot about those calls. To satisfy her curiosity she listened to the messages from NH Police again and discovered that the Police Detective conducting the Investigation on the Brother Minister was the exact same Police Official trying to contact her.  So it’s completely confirmed now that the asshole calling in the middle of the night, stalking her, frightening her, and causing the entire house to be on super security alert was in fact her Brother. How fucking sick is that? I mean don’t get me wrong, I am a prankster, and I have called people like Brother Tommy from the syndicated Morning Radio Show, but after a few calls the joke is over, you get a laugh, and move on to something else. A 1000 calls to one female? At what point does this become a clinical issue? What purpose was the calls made? Were they made to satisfy a sexual desire? Who gets off over telephone calls? Oh, wait, wait a minute. I mean phone boning as they call it. You walk around here with your shanty Bow tie, crisp Brookes Brothers suit, and presenting yourself as a Man of the People. God’s People at that. Excuse me as I get beside myself. Brother Minister you need to have your ass beat. I don’t mean that in some retalitory fashion, but Islamic Law says that for these kinds of crime, the penalty should be a beating, and by Brothers of one another. Islamically this calls for a public beating. You know this brother Minister. In fact if you had relations with any of these Women you should be put to death. These are serious charges. Many may not understand of the language that I am now speaking, but those who know the Quran know that I am speaking true Islamic Law. What I further fail to understand is why would you engage in such action knowing that at some point, one of these females would report the calls to the authorities. Not only that, but if you were seeking sexual pleasures, Allah allows for you to bare multiple wives as long as you can provide equally for them all. You shame you Wife, jeopardize your 6 figure income, and your child by having your likeness associated with sick, sadistic, and pure perversion all over the Media, and spread all over every Major Newspaper in the State? Perhaps you forgot who you were Brother Minister. An Educated Black Man who spoke on Television, led marches and rallies for the advancement of People of Color, and more importantly working in a job that extends contact with young  minds on a daily basis. If it’s an illness my Brother seek the appropriate Counseling Facility right away. If it’s a perverted sexual appetite that you seek, then by all means go to the Masjid so your brothers can promptly beat your ass! I will be the first to admit that perhaps I may have crossed the line here, but when you attack my Lady you basically attacked me.

We hold no ill feelings, for the Quran clearly states, “that attack your enemy as long as he pursues and attacks you. When he ceases and attacks you not, then too must you cease and attack him not.” It is also written that we don’t truely believe until we want for our Brothers that which we want for ouselves. The rumors that I have been hearing, that Police are setting up the Minister because of the Nation of Islam, is basically pure Bullshit! Speak with your mouth and your heart confessing these transgressions and lets all move on. I denounce your actions and find them despicable, but I am a Muslim and i must forgive you once you have confessed.  May God have Mercy on us All!

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem (In the Name of God)

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem (In the Name of God)

It is said in the Holy Quran that the Muslim who conceals the faults of another Muslim, that on the Day of Judgement God would conceal one of his faults. That being said my narrative will exclude the name of my fallen Beloved Brother.

You can hear  the sound of his articulate voice piercing through your ears like a knife.  The dark chocalate brown Minister from the locally based Nation of Islam speaks with tenacity and his message spews out to the masses, encouraging some, and raining down like venom to others. Make no mistake about it, the emaculately dressed speaker appears built for the task, as I stood with him in solidarity at a NAACP Rally supporting the family of, and condemning racist Stratford Connecticut Police, for punching 15 year old Titasheen Mitchell in the face. The City Council Person for that District was also arrested during that incident for intervening in Official Police Business, as he attempted to correct what he saw. A Big Burly white Police Officer punching a female in the face. The message was loud and clear. It is a Black Man’s duty and responsibility to protect their women. It was a Proud day to be a Black Man in Connecticut that day. When the Minister left the podium, I saw Stratford Police following his entourage of 6 Brothers from the Nation providing security, as they jotted down the registration of his vehicle. Proud, but worried could only describe my emotions as I wondered what might happen to my Brother. I am not a member nor have I ever been a member of the Nation of Islam, but as a Muslim I have come to respect their position as it relates to Socialism in America. I am a Sunni (practice the way of life of the Prophet Mohamed;peace and blessings be upon him) Muslim or practice the Sunna as it is refered. It is important to establish a dinstinction here, because many don’t even acknowledge members of the Nation of Islam as Muslims. However, I know the Minister reference in this Blog Post, and know him to be a Man of Upright Character. Also, he just happens to be the childhood friend of my significant other. They went to Private School together during thier childhood, obtained their Bachelor, and Masters Degree in Science Education. Not just that, but they were Educators in the exact same school, and the exact same Science Department for years together. When the Brother Minister applied for a job as an Administrator, it was my Lady who wrote his Reccomendation. When the Brother Minister applied for a Doctoral Program it  was my Lady that wrote his Reccomendation for that as well. A trusted friend? No, more like her Brother I would say.  The only problem is that the shock from realizing who people really are, some times hit you in the gut like a Mack Truck.  I’ll expound on that later in the Blog.

The Brother Minister went on to become an assistant Principal probably because of the assistance of my Lady, a well respected Educator in the Bridgeport School System, as well as surrounding Fairfield County. Not a bad accomplishment for an Inner City Kid who went to Private School next door to the School he was assigned at the time. They pushed each other, challenged each other to move on and achieve on the next level. She spoke of him often like any proud sister would of her Married, financially stable, and accomplished Brother. Something must have went drastically wrong. A few years ago, 2007 to be exact, she began to tell me about strange phone calls she was getting in the middle of the night, and on nights that I was at work. Initially we dismissed the calls as prank calls from kids. She teaches High School kids and also Coaches the Cheer Team at her school, so maybe one of the kids gave her Cell Number to the wrong person. The calls came more frequently with lude sex comments, sexual sounds, and on one occasion it appeared as if the caller was engaging in sexual intercourse. I saw the frustration on her face and knew she had become worried. I instructed my Lady on how to use my firearm, and shopped around for a small compact weapon that would be more suitable for her, because I believed we had a sick deranged lunatic on the prowl. I began to enforce strict security measures around the house, fearful that this fool was watching the house on nights that I wasn’t home. When I was at home he wouldn’t call her, but like clock work, the calls would come soon as I left for work. The calls stopped all of a sudden, but she did receive calls during the fall of 2010 although they weren’t as frequent as before. So, I am seated in the Den a few weeks ago as I hear the broadcast from News 8, “A New Haven Assistant Principal has been arrested on charges of Stalking and Harassment”. I look up, only to see the Brother Minister’s Picture on the News. I ran up stairs and awoke my Lady who was sleeping on the living room sofa, turned on the News, and watched with her, what has turned out to be one of the most disappointing experiences that either of us could have ever imagined. The charging documents show that he had apparantly been calling Teachers, school support Staff, and other females for years. One victim was called over a thousand times. I knew that the best way to catch this person was to document calls, call your cell carrier, and alert the Police. My Lady had began taking records of the calls, but stopped doing so after the calls ceased. We were completely floored after finding out that the “Perverted Caller” was the Brother Minister. My lady brought it to my attention that the New Haven City Police had been calling her cell. She knew that I am the former Traffic and Parking Enforcement Field Supervisor for the City of New Haven, and thought maybe they were calling for me from a backup number they had on record, or maybe a former co-worker was attempting to contact me. She just forgot about those calls. To satisfy her curiosity she listened to the messages from NH Police again and discovered that the Police Detective conducting the Investigation on the Brother Minister was the exact same Police Official trying to contact her.  So it’s completely confirmed now that the asshole calling in the middle of the night, stalking her, frightening her, and causing the entire house to be on super security alert was in fact her Brother. How fucking sick is that? I mean don’t get me wrong, I am a prankster, and I have called people like Brother Tommy from the syndicated Morning Radio Show, but after a few calls the joke is over, you get a laugh, and move on to something else. A 1000 calls to one female? At what point does this become a clinical issue? What purpose was the calls made? Were they made to satisfy a sexual desire? Who gets off over telephone calls? Oh, wait, wait a minute. I mean phone boning as they call it. You walk around here with your shanty Bow tie, crisp Brookes Brothers suit, and presenting yourself as a Man of the People. God’s People at that. Excuse me as I get beside myself. Brother Minister you need to have your ass beat. I don’t mean that in some retalitory fashion, but Islamic Law says that for these kinds of crime, the penalty should be a beating, and by Brothers of one another. Islamically this calls for a public beating. You know this brother Minister. In fact if you had relations with any of these Women you should be put to death. These are serious charges. Many may not understand of the language that I am now speaking, but those who know the Quran know that I am speaking true Islamic Law. What I further fail to understand is why would you engage in such action knowing that at some point, one of these females would report the calls to the authorities. Not only that, but if you were seeking sexual pleasures, Allah allows for you to bare multiple wives as long as you can provide equally for them all. You shame you Wife, jeopardize your 6 figure income, and your child by having your likeness associated with sick, sadistic, and pure perversion all over the Media, and spread all over every Major Newspaper in the State? Perhaps you forgot who you were Brother Minister. An Educated Black Man who spoke on Television, led marches and rallies for the advancement of People of Color, and more importantly working in a job that extends contact with young  minds on a daily basis. If it’s an illness my Brother seek the appropriate Counseling Facility right away. If it’s a perverted sexual appetite that you seek, then by all means go to the Masjid so your brothers can promptly beat your ass! I will be the first to admit that perhaps I may have crossed the line here, but when you attack my Lady you basically attacked me.

We hold no ill feelings, for the Quran clearly states, “that attack your enemy as long as he pursues and attacks you. When he ceases and attacks you not, then too must you cease and attack him not.” It is also written that we don’t truely believe until we want for our Brothers that which we want for ouselves. The rumors that I have been hearing, that Police are setting up the Minister because of the Nation of Islam, is basically pure Bullshit! Speak with your mouth and your heart confessing these transgressions and lets all move on. I denounce your actions and find them despicable, but I am a Muslim and i must forgive you once you have confessed.  May God have Mercy on us All!

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem (In the Name of God)

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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