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The Trayvon Martin Killing & What Racist White America Needs To Know: Real Talk On The Tiresome Issue Of Race

African-American people by the tens of thousands taking to the streets around the country protesting the killing of Trayvon Martin and voicing frustration over racial profiling of black youth.

No matter how far back into the annals of history one might find themselves delved into, you will find where there has been struggles of class, race, tribal discord, and just about any social dilemma that hindered the ability for humanity to arrive at an equilibrium in tolerance related to man’s innate diversity. At some point change developed through educational, spiritual, cultural growth, and in some instances through revolution, as the masses rose up and spite anarchy, tyranny, and injustice. The intelligent mind knows that change is in fact inevitable. It has been over 400 hundred years now since the first slave ships brought Africans to the so-called New World and our plight to obtain equality marches on. With that being said, We must acknowledge the path we have traveled from slavery to the momentous achievements we have fought for through blood, sweat, tears, the martyred lives of many before our time, and realize that such liberties we now enjoy would not have been made possible if not for the countless white men and women who battled shoulder to shoulder with us, and assisted the ending of our long dark night upon these shores. It is because of this basic reality, and I know with conviction that I speak for most African-Americans when I say this, the only reason there has never been an all out race war in this nation quite frankly is due to the fellowship of civilized Americans of all ethnicities who love peace, and understand that our destiny is inextricably connected. However, when cases like the Trayvon Martin killing happen, there are racist White Americans who push the envelope in an attempt to usher our country into further social divide. When I think about American socialism in its totality during modern times, I am fearful that such bigotry would only write a check that white people in this country could never cash. I should say that it’s only because our natural love of peace, and closeness to God that black people in this country have not rose up by the masses, bared arms, exacted revenge upon the white race for the many years of oppression we have endured, and by many respects would be completely justified considering our treatment since we have been here. The other night on WBRG “The Bridge”, a Blogtalk radio affiliate, I stated and I quote, “the only way the racism that exist toward black people will end in this country is for us to beat their ass”. Many have misinterpreted what I was trying to say. I wasn’t talking about all white people. I meant racist white people. I mean let’s face it, if you corner an animal it will eventual turn toward you and attack. It’s a natural survival instinct when any creature is face with a mortal threat. How long do racist white people think they will be allowed to commit heinous criminal acts against black people, especially killing our innocent children without some form of revolt or some other retaliation formed against them? This is simply real talk. There may be some who might argue that my perspective here advocates violence and contradicts the very premise I am trying to convey, but I am simply stating the obvious. To drive this point on further, what do people think will happen now if George Zimmerman is not charged with the killing of Trayvon Martin? I ask this question because the educated ones of us who have been praying and working for peace are quite aware of the potential exclusiveness of this entire case if swift justice isn’t served. Also, why should non-racist Americans have to be shoved into the abyss of hatred? The basic theory of a controlled stimulus is positive and negative reinforcement,  and perhaps a good “ole fashion” ass whooping just may be what the doctor ordered to terminate people’s ideology that they can harm other people for no other provocation other than the fact that  they haven’t learned to accept others personal uniqueness, physical traits, and inherit individuality. The institution of Community only exist because of social tolerance, and we have tolerated racism in America far too long. Moreover, I have watched countless videos and read various articles on this case. The vast majority within society believe that George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin, and their not all black people either. There is just a minority (racist white people) who unsurprisingly simply don’t get it. I have read statements such as, “Trayvon deserved to die”, “he probably stole the skittles and ice tea”, and “if black people didn’t fill over half the prison population, Trayvon might not have been killed”. There has even been racist comments made by sworn police officers that I refuse to even feed into. I guess the most sickening racist perspective is the inability to comprehend or refusal to admit that this case reeks with racism. Let’s stop kidding ourselves here, even if Trayvon Martin was in fact the aggressor, which we all know isn’t true based on Zimmerman’s own 911 comments, the matter in which the Sanford police investigated the case, clearly was done so from a prejudicial perspective to say it nicely. They tested the slain victim for drugs not the shooter, they allowed the shooter to go home the same night with his clothes he wore during the shooting with valuable forensics, they didn’t give Zimmerman the usual gun powder test or a drug test of any kind which both are not only a standard investigative measure, but prudent procedures typical within police investigations of this nature nationwide. Not just that though, Sanford police officers omitted Trayvon’s 911 call to police that he made moments before he was killed, and other police misconduct like attempting to influence eyewitness accounts of the shooting screams racism from every level. A logical thinking person with an ounce of common sense can easily make the necessary deductions to determine what is really going on in this case. It is inconceivable that the Zimmerman supporters could be that stupid. In fact they are probably completely retarded if they think for a second that the killing of black children by racist people, and then covered up by racist police will continue without repercussions  in America. So get it straight racist white America, there is an ever-growing exhaustion for the tolerance of racist murderous acts against blacks without justice in this country and ignoring it would simply be a tragic error.


The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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African-American people by the tens of thousands taking to the streets around the country protesting the killing of Trayvon Martin and voicing frustration over racial profiling of black youth.

No matter how far back into the annals of history one might find themselves delved into, you will find where there has been struggles of class, race, tribal discord, and just about any social dilemma that hindered the ability for humanity to arrive at an equilibrium in tolerance related to man’s innate diversity. At some point change developed through educational, spiritual, cultural growth, and in some instances through revolution, as the masses rose up and spite anarchy, tyranny, and injustice. The intelligent mind knows that change is in fact inevitable. It has been over 400 hundred years now since the first slave ships brought Africans to the so-called New World and our plight to obtain equality marches on. With that being said, We must acknowledge the path we have traveled from slavery to the momentous achievements we have fought for through blood, sweat, tears, the martyred lives of many before our time, and realize that such liberties we now enjoy would not have been made possible if not for the countless white men and women who battled shoulder to shoulder with us, and assisted the ending of our long dark night upon these shores. It is because of this basic reality, and I know with conviction that I speak for most African-Americans when I say this, the only reason there has never been an all out race war in this nation quite frankly is due to the fellowship of civilized Americans of all ethnicities who love peace, and understand that our destiny is inextricably connected. However, when cases like the Trayvon Martin killing happen, there are racist White Americans who push the envelope in an attempt to usher our country into further social divide. When I think about American socialism in its totality during modern times, I am fearful that such bigotry would only write a check that white people in this country could never cash. I should say that it’s only because our natural love of peace, and closeness to God that black people in this country have not rose up by the masses, bared arms, exacted revenge upon the white race for the many years of oppression we have endured, and by many respects would be completely justified considering our treatment since we have been here. The other night on WBRG “The Bridge”, a Blogtalk radio affiliate, I stated and I quote, “the only way the racism that exist toward black people will end in this country is for us to beat their ass”. Many have misinterpreted what I was trying to say. I wasn’t talking about all white people. I meant racist white people. I mean let’s face it, if you corner an animal it will eventual turn toward you and attack. It’s a natural survival instinct when any creature is face with a mortal threat. How long do racist white people think they will be allowed to commit heinous criminal acts against black people, especially killing our innocent children without some form of revolt or some other retaliation formed against them? This is simply real talk. There may be some who might argue that my perspective here advocates violence and contradicts the very premise I am trying to convey, but I am simply stating the obvious. To drive this point on further, what do people think will happen now if George Zimmerman is not charged with the killing of Trayvon Martin? I ask this question because the educated ones of us who have been praying and working for peace are quite aware of the potential exclusiveness of this entire case if swift justice isn’t served. Also, why should non-racist Americans have to be shoved into the abyss of hatred? The basic theory of a controlled stimulus is positive and negative reinforcement,  and perhaps a good “ole fashion” ass whooping just may be what the doctor ordered to terminate people’s ideology that they can harm other people for no other provocation other than the fact that  they haven’t learned to accept others personal uniqueness, physical traits, and inherit individuality. The institution of Community only exist because of social tolerance, and we have tolerated racism in America far too long. Moreover, I have watched countless videos and read various articles on this case. The vast majority within society believe that George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin, and their not all black people either. There is just a minority (racist white people) who unsurprisingly simply don’t get it. I have read statements such as, “Trayvon deserved to die”, “he probably stole the skittles and ice tea”, and “if black people didn’t fill over half the prison population, Trayvon might not have been killed”. There has even been racist comments made by sworn police officers that I refuse to even feed into. I guess the most sickening racist perspective is the inability to comprehend or refusal to admit that this case reeks with racism. Let’s stop kidding ourselves here, even if Trayvon Martin was in fact the aggressor, which we all know isn’t true based on Zimmerman’s own 911 comments, the matter in which the Sanford police investigated the case, clearly was done so from a prejudicial perspective to say it nicely. They tested the slain victim for drugs not the shooter, they allowed the shooter to go home the same night with his clothes he wore during the shooting with valuable forensics, they didn’t give Zimmerman the usual gun powder test or a drug test of any kind which both are not only a standard investigative measure, but prudent procedures typical within police investigations of this nature nationwide. Not just that though, Sanford police officers omitted Trayvon’s 911 call to police that he made moments before he was killed, and other police misconduct like attempting to influence eyewitness accounts of the shooting screams racism from every level. A logical thinking person with an ounce of common sense can easily make the necessary deductions to determine what is really going on in this case. It is inconceivable that the Zimmerman supporters could be that stupid. In fact they are probably completely retarded if they think for a second that the killing of black children by racist people, and then covered up by racist police will continue without repercussions  in America. So get it straight racist white America, there is an ever-growing exhaustion for the tolerance of racist murderous acts against blacks without justice in this country and ignoring it would simply be a tragic error.


The People’s Champion

I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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What I find sad is how easily black leaders jumped on this “media explotive” bandwagon. So Phylicia (and other missing/murdered children) needed to be thrown in the river by a white or hispanic male to get a million petition signatures and marches? Black on black crime is why Trayvon was profiled but how dare we clean up our back yard. Like a friend said ‘Most people are ANGRY Deena Barnes was the downfall of Phylicia and feel uncomfortable disrespecting the Mustafa family supporting them!!” 

Don’t get me wrong Zimm should rot in a jail because if the policeman had shot my daughter when he stopped her driving my car I would raise all kinds of h@ and I warned her not to drive my car in her hoodie (GREAT photo Lebron and Heat representing ALL athletes!!) Like Trayvon, the police told her she fit the description of a robber (well until he realized HE was a SHE!!). I know we all look alike!! I guess the BLACK robber left in a family car with a BUCKEYE tag like mine. Give me a d@ break and stop the madness. We must deal with black on black crime. We’re destroying each other!!!!! 

I pray when Zimm is arrested MJ and his thug crew are arrested as well then they roll over on Deena because they are chomping at the but to take that arrogant self righteous smiles off the Barnes clan and reveal to Janice WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!!!! It broke my heart to read Deena blamed the police while I bet the police were thinking “We didn’t serve this innocent intelligent child up to the wolves to feast!!!” JFPB!

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