Child Porn Link In Phylica Barnes Killing Just An Investigative Tool: Exploitation Statue Being Used To Gain Access To Computers For Other Purposes
Posted by David Adams on July 18th, 2011
The recently released news about FBI Agents filing for Search Warrants to obtain access to Social Media Accounts belonging to Phylicia Barnes and 4 men from Baltimore in an effort to determine if a Child Pornography and Child Exploitation Crime has occurred involving the Monroe, N.C. Honor Teen, has sparked a Media frenzy on Blog Sites, and produced a variety of new theories of what may have happened to the Barnes Kid. A simple peruse of many online Media sources list a host of rationalizations on why Police may be after Email, Facebook, Yahoo, and AOL Accounts. Though aspects of the Federal Affidavit remain sealed as it relates to the Pornography and Exploitation angles, many sites depict a scenario of Phylicia having fallen victim to a Child Pornography Ring, and even sex slavery as possibilities involving the tragic ending of Phylicia Barnes. The FBI submitted the Affidavit May 30 and Authorities have been consistently tight lipped about details of the case understandably not to tip off possible suspect involved in this heinous crime. It’s interesting to see the kinds of articles being produced which point to far fetched synopsis of the case. Child Slavery nor Prostitution has never been mentioned as a possible angle by any of the Police Agencies conducting the Investigation. Statements have been made regarding Pornographic Images, Explicit Videos, and it isn’t clear if these items are in fact that of Phylicia. Common sense would lead one to believe that this perception is the most logical explanation for such a Search Warrant. Not so fast though. Lets take a closer look at Child Pornography and Child Exploitation. When these terms are used we tend to conclude that it’s sickening graphic sexual images of small children, and that Exploitation is the solicitation of children for some superficial or monetary gain. Those closely monitoring this case can clearly see that Police efforts on the Porn and Exploit issues more than likely are not related to an atypical Child Pedophilia scenario. Let’s assume that Phylicia made a typical teen error and sent nude or sexually explicit images of herself to an adult male. At age 16 such images are in fact Child Pornography. Now let’s assume that the adult male in turn sends these images to a number of his adult male friends. That is in fact Child exploitation. The very words exploit means to use unfairly for one’s own advantage. Sexual abuse can take the form of child exploitation for example, by photographing the child in a compromising situation, with the intent to either use the photos for their own sexual stimulation or to sell the photos as pornography. Keep in mind my example offers the hypothetical situation with Phylicia voluntarily sending compromising images of herself to an adult male. However, when news broke about the Pornography and Exploitation angles, it was reported that the volume of Pornography found during the Investigation led authorities to believe that a crime had occurred. Considering the magnitude of the Investigation a volume of nude images, especially if they are that of young Phylicia Barnes, would almost certainly send a red flag to Police. What does all of this convey to us? The Legal Age of Consent in the State of Maryland is in fact 16. This is crucial in understanding what Authorities are alleging may have occurred prior to this child’s tragic ending. We must ask ourselves what kind of images were discovered? What compromising situation was Philicia in? Were the images captured via hidden camera or were they forced, and if so why have Authorities only offered persons of interest and not a complete suspect? The Child Pornography Exploitation angles don’t make sense if none of the previous rhetorical analogies apply to the purported Pornographic Images. Without proof that any of the 4 Baltimore Men either utilized the subject images for sexual gratification or solicitation for profit, a Child Pornography and Child Exploitation indictment would fall fatly on it’s face.What are they really after here?

Technology’s Role in Finding the Killer
We have all listened to the sickening interview conducted by “TwoPeasintheirPod” on Blog Talk Radio with the older Barnes siblings, heard Deena and Kelly Barnes apathetic version of the events that led up to Phylicia’s disappearance and subsequent murder, and we all are probably highly suspect of Deena’s Ex-Boyfriend (Micheal Johnson was the last person to reportedly have saw Phylica alive & hired an attorney even after Police proclaimed he was not a suspect). The Ex-Boyfriend’s Cousin/Brother issue was mind boggling until it was determined that they both were in fact at the apartment on the day Philicia went missing. All of these factors are suspect and very intriguing, but there is one element of the case that hasn’t been talked about much and I believe it is being done purposefully. I recall reports having serviced regarding a post on Phylicia’s Myspace Account. Two messages caught the attention of detectives. One, marked December 28 read, “wit my sis n bmore.” Another message, apparently left December 31, three days after Barnes was reported missing read, “bored as hell… me lol.” Authorities don’t offer the actual time that the post were made, but deena Barnes has repeatedly stated that Phylicia was asleep when she left for work. One account by Deena has Phylicia talking with her about plans for later that day prior to her departure for work. Which ever of those two accounts are accurate, when was Phylicia with Deena or Kelly that day as the post on Phylicia’s Myspace Page suggested? What about the December 31 Post? Three days after Phylicia is reported missing she post on Myspace again, but doesn’t contact her Sisters, Mother or anyone to let them know she is alright and not in harms way. This is highly suspicious and not quite clear as to whether or not she purposefully avoided contacting family or was being held against her own will. The abduction theory may gain some leverage here, because Authorities did execute a Search Warrant at a West Baltimore residence after acquiring a tip that the teen may be possibly being held there. The Search didn’t turn up any leads. It appears that the despite determining signs of an actual abduction that the Myspace post on December 28 and 31 may still be the most promising aspects of this entire Murder Mystery. Why would Phylicia not contact her family? Police could not confirm if Phylicia posted the later message. Police won’t admit it on the record, but I don’t believe they think Phylicia actually made the December 31 Myspace Post. This is where Technology may come into play. Revisiting the Child Pornography & Exploitation angles, the fact that they don’t make sense baring some bona fide evidence not made public, and the interesting Search Warrants for Social Media Accounts points to an attempt by Police to discover something related to those suspicious Myspace Post. It is very possible and highly likely that police want to know who made the Myspace post on December 31, the manner in which it was transmitted (a PC, Cell Phone, etc), what device was utilized, and the owner of the device used. Let’s face it, if Police can’t determine that Phylicia actually made the post, it tends to indicate a suspicion on their part related to the messages, and persons that may have been responsible for making them clearly did so to create deception regarding the status of young Phylicia Barnes. The party(s) who did so are also at minimum at the very apex of the child’s demise. If this theory holds true, the FBI in particular will have no problem in acquiring how the messages were transmitted. This probably more so than likely is why Authorities want access to Social Media Accounts. In the age of Modern Technology a lot can be determined via the use of GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and Data generated through Internet Sources.
Internet Protocol Address (I.P. Addy) Factors
Those Tech savvy ones of us know how Internet Data is generated, stored, transfered, and as well as how this information has become a highly successful tool in solving many of society’s crimes in modern times. The sick pathetic bastards who killed this promising child probably dont have the slightest clue of how I’m sure they will ultimately be caught. Let me give you a textbook explanation of how an I.P. Addy is significant in possibly solving this crime and others. Any device transmitting Data to a Internet Protocol is assigned an address unique from billions of other users on the World Wide Web . In lay man terms your device sends a signal to a satellite in outer space that relay a digital signal back to your Internet enabled Device. Now I don’t care if your on a PC, Laptop, Cell Phone, Wireless Network item (like a Game Boy, PSP Game, Wireless printer, Fax, etc) or anything that accesses the Internet, you can be tracked. That being said, it can easily give authorities a general idea who made those Myspace post on December 31. If Phylicia was still in fact alive on the day the messages were transmitted, the Authorities can still determine where they were made and the device used. Hell the suspect can even destroy the device and Police can still determine certain information because of the GPS association with most Internet Service Providers and the Data Encryption information. Bottom line if your online the probability of determining information regarding your Internet usage is in the high 90% range.

The Conowingo Dam: Site where the nude body of Phylicia Barnes was discovered.
Investigative Tactics
Police typically have a good idea who may have committed certain crimes, but the task of making a case that can be presented to a jury and obtaining a conviction is an extremely difficult accomplishment. This is especially true in a Town like Baltimore who is notorious for aquittals by Juries in cases that should have ended in conviction. This is one area that I personally empathize with Police. I believe that Authorities have held suspicions all along but didn’t gain progress until the Child Pornography and Exploitation element of the case was born. With Phylicia being 16 years old, those nude images may have just been the break Police needed to gain access to Media Accounts which can provide critical Data Information surrounding Internet usage, and in this instance, the Myspace account of Phylicia Barnes. Assuming her demise had already occurred on December 31 it must be determined who also had access to her media Accounts (Username, Password, etc). If this entire scenario and perspective has any validity what so ever, we may finally be nearing Justice for Phylicia. I remain in Prayer for Janice Sallis, the innocent Barnes family members, and all who knew and loved this child. May God continue comforting them all.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
The recently released news about FBI Agents filing for Search Warrants to obtain access to Social Media Accounts belonging to Phylicia Barnes and 4 men from Baltimore in an effort to determine if a Child Pornography and Child Exploitation Crime has occurred involving the Monroe, N.C. Honor Teen, has sparked a Media frenzy on Blog Sites, and produced a variety of new theories of what may have happened to the Barnes Kid. A simple peruse of many online Media sources list a host of rationalizations on why Police may be after Email, Facebook, Yahoo, and AOL Accounts. Though aspects of the Federal Affidavit remain sealed as it relates to the Pornography and Exploitation angles, many sites depict a scenario of Phylicia having fallen victim to a Child Pornography Ring, and even sex slavery as possibilities involving the tragic ending of Phylicia Barnes. The FBI submitted the Affidavit May 30 and Authorities have been consistently tight lipped about details of the case understandably not to tip off possible suspect involved in this heinous crime. It’s interesting to see the kinds of articles being produced which point to far fetched synopsis of the case. Child Slavery nor Prostitution has never been mentioned as a possible angle by any of the Police Agencies conducting the Investigation. Statements have been made regarding Pornographic Images, Explicit Videos, and it isn’t clear if these items are in fact that of Phylicia. Common sense would lead one to believe that this perception is the most logical explanation for such a Search Warrant. Not so fast though. Lets take a closer look at Child Pornography and Child Exploitation. When these terms are used we tend to conclude that it’s sickening graphic sexual images of small children, and that Exploitation is the solicitation of children for some superficial or monetary gain. Those closely monitoring this case can clearly see that Police efforts on the Porn and Exploit issues more than likely are not related to an atypical Child Pedophilia scenario. Let’s assume that Phylicia made a typical teen error and sent nude or sexually explicit images of herself to an adult male. At age 16 such images are in fact Child Pornography. Now let’s assume that the adult male in turn sends these images to a number of his adult male friends. That is in fact Child exploitation. The very words exploit means to use unfairly for one’s own advantage. Sexual abuse can take the form of child exploitation for example, by photographing the child in a compromising situation, with the intent to either use the photos for their own sexual stimulation or to sell the photos as pornography. Keep in mind my example offers the hypothetical situation with Phylicia voluntarily sending compromising images of herself to an adult male. However, when news broke about the Pornography and Exploitation angles, it was reported that the volume of Pornography found during the Investigation led authorities to believe that a crime had occurred. Considering the magnitude of the Investigation a volume of nude images, especially if they are that of young Phylicia Barnes, would almost certainly send a red flag to Police. What does all of this convey to us? The Legal Age of Consent in the State of Maryland is in fact 16. This is crucial in understanding what Authorities are alleging may have occurred prior to this child’s tragic ending. We must ask ourselves what kind of images were discovered? What compromising situation was Philicia in? Were the images captured via hidden camera or were they forced, and if so why have Authorities only offered persons of interest and not a complete suspect? The Child Pornography Exploitation angles don’t make sense if none of the previous rhetorical analogies apply to the purported Pornographic Images. Without proof that any of the 4 Baltimore Men either utilized the subject images for sexual gratification or solicitation for profit, a Child Pornography and Child Exploitation indictment would fall fatly on it’s face.What are they really after here?

Technology’s Role in Finding the Killer
We have all listened to the sickening interview conducted by “TwoPeasintheirPod” on Blog Talk Radio with the older Barnes siblings, heard Deena and Kelly Barnes apathetic version of the events that led up to Phylicia’s disappearance and subsequent murder, and we all are probably highly suspect of Deena’s Ex-Boyfriend (Micheal Johnson was the last person to reportedly have saw Phylica alive & hired an attorney even after Police proclaimed he was not a suspect). The Ex-Boyfriend’s Cousin/Brother issue was mind boggling until it was determined that they both were in fact at the apartment on the day Philicia went missing. All of these factors are suspect and very intriguing, but there is one element of the case that hasn’t been talked about much and I believe it is being done purposefully. I recall reports having serviced regarding a post on Phylicia’s Myspace Account. Two messages caught the attention of detectives. One, marked December 28 read, “wit my sis n bmore.” Another message, apparently left December 31, three days after Barnes was reported missing read, “bored as hell… me lol.” Authorities don’t offer the actual time that the post were made, but deena Barnes has repeatedly stated that Phylicia was asleep when she left for work. One account by Deena has Phylicia talking with her about plans for later that day prior to her departure for work. Which ever of those two accounts are accurate, when was Phylicia with Deena or Kelly that day as the post on Phylicia’s Myspace Page suggested? What about the December 31 Post? Three days after Phylicia is reported missing she post on Myspace again, but doesn’t contact her Sisters, Mother or anyone to let them know she is alright and not in harms way. This is highly suspicious and not quite clear as to whether or not she purposefully avoided contacting family or was being held against her own will. The abduction theory may gain some leverage here, because Authorities did execute a Search Warrant at a West Baltimore residence after acquiring a tip that the teen may be possibly being held there. The Search didn’t turn up any leads. It appears that the despite determining signs of an actual abduction that the Myspace post on December 28 and 31 may still be the most promising aspects of this entire Murder Mystery. Why would Phylicia not contact her family? Police could not confirm if Phylicia posted the later message. Police won’t admit it on the record, but I don’t believe they think Phylicia actually made the December 31 Myspace Post. This is where Technology may come into play. Revisiting the Child Pornography & Exploitation angles, the fact that they don’t make sense baring some bona fide evidence not made public, and the interesting Search Warrants for Social Media Accounts points to an attempt by Police to discover something related to those suspicious Myspace Post. It is very possible and highly likely that police want to know who made the Myspace post on December 31, the manner in which it was transmitted (a PC, Cell Phone, etc), what device was utilized, and the owner of the device used. Let’s face it, if Police can’t determine that Phylicia actually made the post, it tends to indicate a suspicion on their part related to the messages, and persons that may have been responsible for making them clearly did so to create deception regarding the status of young Phylicia Barnes. The party(s) who did so are also at minimum at the very apex of the child’s demise. If this theory holds true, the FBI in particular will have no problem in acquiring how the messages were transmitted. This probably more so than likely is why Authorities want access to Social Media Accounts. In the age of Modern Technology a lot can be determined via the use of GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and Data generated through Internet Sources.
Internet Protocol Address (I.P. Addy) Factors
Those Tech savvy ones of us know how Internet Data is generated, stored, transfered, and as well as how this information has become a highly successful tool in solving many of society’s crimes in modern times. The sick pathetic bastards who killed this promising child probably dont have the slightest clue of how I’m sure they will ultimately be caught. Let me give you a textbook explanation of how an I.P. Addy is significant in possibly solving this crime and others. Any device transmitting Data to a Internet Protocol is assigned an address unique from billions of other users on the World Wide Web . In lay man terms your device sends a signal to a satellite in outer space that relay a digital signal back to your Internet enabled Device. Now I don’t care if your on a PC, Laptop, Cell Phone, Wireless Network item (like a Game Boy, PSP Game, Wireless printer, Fax, etc) or anything that accesses the Internet, you can be tracked. That being said, it can easily give authorities a general idea who made those Myspace post on December 31. If Phylicia was still in fact alive on the day the messages were transmitted, the Authorities can still determine where they were made and the device used. Hell the suspect can even destroy the device and Police can still determine certain information because of the GPS association with most Internet Service Providers and the Data Encryption information. Bottom line if your online the probability of determining information regarding your Internet usage is in the high 90% range.

The Conowingo Dam: Site where the nude body of Phylicia Barnes was discovered.
Investigative Tactics
Police typically have a good idea who may have committed certain crimes, but the task of making a case that can be presented to a jury and obtaining a conviction is an extremely difficult accomplishment. This is especially true in a Town like Baltimore who is notorious for aquittals by Juries in cases that should have ended in conviction. This is one area that I personally empathize with Police. I believe that Authorities have held suspicions all along but didn’t gain progress until the Child Pornography and Exploitation element of the case was born. With Phylicia being 16 years old, those nude images may have just been the break Police needed to gain access to Media Accounts which can provide critical Data Information surrounding Internet usage, and in this instance, the Myspace account of Phylicia Barnes. Assuming her demise had already occurred on December 31 it must be determined who also had access to her media Accounts (Username, Password, etc). If this entire scenario and perspective has any validity what so ever, we may finally be nearing Justice for Phylicia. I remain in Prayer for Janice Sallis, the innocent Barnes family members, and all who knew and loved this child. May God continue comforting them all.
The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams
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May those responsible be held accountable SOON!
I’m stunned at the turn of evidence, It’s heartbreaking to think of what could have been her last minutes alive. She didnt deserve to die and be thrown away like trash.!!!
David please check the December 31st myspace post.
If I am not mistaken I believe it was posted
on December 31st of 2009, and not 2010?????
If you read Phylicia’s Myspace entries you will clearly see that the last 3 post were made after her reported disappearance! The dates are December 31. Febuary 12, and March 19 of 2010. Her entries are running in descending order with the most current entry at the top!
Those myspace postings are from 2009 she didn’t make any postings in Dec. 2010 on her myspace page she had started using her facebook page more at that time
Well if you look now, none of her status is up there! :/
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