President Obama: Was He Involved In The Killing Of Children?
Posted by David Adams on November 15th, 2010
Many will read the Headline of my Blog Post and conclude that I am insane, but my research, supported facts, and arguments are well documented regarding the Secret Order of the U.S. Government, many so called Social Organizations i.e. Fraternities, Sororities, and other Secretive Elitist & Class originated Totalitarian Cults. Far too long the Masses of the Human Race have been ignorant to the behind the scenes dealings of those who claim to be illumanous from the ills of the World’s normality. They have successfully forged a society where in they can pave the course of the world Community’s direction, often times for Political, Financial gain, and often to a Satanic resolve. What am I talking about? I am specifically talking about the Participation in O-Cult like ritual practices found in many of these organizations that date back to Ancient Babylon, and more specifically the Idolation of False Gods like the Druid worshiped Sun God Molech in Leviticus 18:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,21,23. Well it’s all true. World Leaders including many past U.S. Presidents are in fact engaging in Satanic O-Cult rituals where an infant child is sacrificed to a Stone Owl God in “effigy” (so they say) to a 40 foot Stone Owl called “The Great Owl of Bohemia” seen below.

Notice the date on this picture taken within the confines of Bohemian Grove

A closer look at the Bohemian Owl God symbolic of the Druid God Molech

The Molech like God or “Great Owl of Bohemia” Hidden on the U.S. Dollar Bill.
Those who are familiar with the teachings of the Bible are aware of the Druids or Caanites who practice Polytheism and were known to sacrifice infant children to the Sun God Molech. Later on the ritual began the practice of burning the children alive until they were dead. What does any of this have to do with President Obama? Well the fact is that many of our past Presidents are known members of the Secretive Bohemian Society or the so called Illuminati (It’s Structure seen below).

For the sake of my argument I will pause this Blog Post and allow you to be the judge for yourselves. In 2001 a texas based Radio Journalist named Alex Jones was able to successfully infiltrate into the grounds of the Bohemian Grove, and for the first time capture the so called “Cremation of Care” ritual ceremony. (ceremony which depicts sacrificing one’s cares in the world to prepare them for what they have to do i.e. sending thousands of young men and women to War). The below photo dated 1909 was taken during a “Cremation of Care” Ceremony within the Bohemian Grove.

The person is clearly a black child or a midget. He is strapped down on a board. One of the figures in the foreground appears to be a policeman. The picture is dated 1909.
The actual program given to Bohemian grove participants during the 2000 Cremation of Care Ceremony.
Experts say that the image being sacrificed in the pit below the Molech like Owl of Bohemia is anatomically that of a child. Notice the size of the head of the image in relationship to it’s hands. Only children have this anatomic characteristic
I implore you to watch Alex Jone’s Documentary on this in it’s entirety then Judge for yourself. Click the link below to watch “Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove”, by Alex Jones.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove
Many will read the Headline of my Blog Post and conclude that I am insane, but my research, supported facts, and arguments are well documented regarding the Secret Order of the U.S. Government, many so called Social Organizations i.e. Fraternities, Sororities, and other Secretive Elitist & Class originated Totalitarian Cults. Far too long the Masses of the Human Race have been ignorant to the behind the scenes dealings of those who claim to be illumanous from the ills of the World’s normality. They have successfully forged a society where in they can pave the course of the world Community’s direction, often times for Political, Financial gain, and often to a Satanic resolve. What am I talking about? I am specifically talking about the Participation in O-Cult like ritual practices found in many of these organizations that date back to Ancient Babylon, and more specifically the Idolation of False Gods like the Druid worshiped Sun God Molech in Leviticus 18:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,21,23. Well it’s all true. World Leaders including many past U.S. Presidents are in fact engaging in Satanic O-Cult rituals where an infant child is sacrificed to a Stone Owl God in “effigy” (so they say) to a 40 foot Stone Owl called “The Great Owl of Bohemia” seen below.

Notice the date on this picture taken within the confines of Bohemian Grove

A closer look at the Bohemian Owl God symbolic of the Druid God Molech

The Molech like God or “Great Owl of Bohemia” Hidden on the U.S. Dollar Bill.
Those who are familiar with the teachings of the Bible are aware of the Druids or Caanites who practice Polytheism and were known to sacrifice infant children to the Sun God Molech. Later on the ritual began the practice of burning the children alive until they were dead. What does any of this have to do with President Obama? Well the fact is that many of our past Presidents are known members of the Secretive Bohemian Society or the so called Illuminati (It’s Structure seen below).

For the sake of my argument I will pause this Blog Post and allow you to be the judge for yourselves. In 2001 a texas based Radio Journalist named Alex Jones was able to successfully infiltrate into the grounds of the Bohemian Grove, and for the first time capture the so called “Cremation of Care” ritual ceremony. (ceremony which depicts sacrificing one’s cares in the world to prepare them for what they have to do i.e. sending thousands of young men and women to War). The below photo dated 1909 was taken during a “Cremation of Care” Ceremony within the Bohemian Grove.

The person is clearly a black child or a midget. He is strapped down on a board. One of the figures in the foreground appears to be a policeman. The picture is dated 1909.
The actual program given to Bohemian grove participants during the 2000 Cremation of Care Ceremony.
Experts say that the image being sacrificed in the pit below the Molech like Owl of Bohemia is anatomically that of a child. Notice the size of the head of the image in relationship to it’s hands. Only children have this anatomic characteristic
I implore you to watch Alex Jone’s Documentary on this in it’s entirety then Judge for yourself. Click the link below to watch “Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove”, by Alex Jones.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove
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I have followed Alex Jones since early 1999 when I first came on line. He was just in the beginning of giving the Davidians a helping hand
from their encounter with Satan’s disciple AG Janet Reno, with the help of the Clintons; destroyed the Davidian compound; as the government called it. Shortly before that, they had a hand in the killing of Randy Weaver’s wife, their baby child, and his son, They along with the BATF violated U.S. Code 241 & 242 along with many other violations that the gov. agencies committed in the process of their attempt to coerce a private SOVEREIGN citizen.
Janette Levien
I found a great…
Black on black in the Charg I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini