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Strange Fruit In Dover Delaware: Attempted Lynching Victim Arrested After Dover Police Cover Up Exposed

Once Henry Fordham went public about his ordeal of having escaped a near lynching, he was arrested for parole violations by the Delaware State Bureau of Parole & Probation. Sources claim Fordham was taken into custody less than a week after he gave an interview with the radical “War On the Horizon” organization. Fordham was charged with after state officials say he was no where to be found. Fordham had been staying with relatives at a New street address. City police officials say the home where he was living was a half-way house, but it has since been learned that Fordham’s aunt actually owns the dwelling. news of his arrest adds another twist to a bizzare case that continues to gain momentum in social media. Concern over three possible cases of violence spanning nearly two years, with police officials seemingly unwilling to treat the cases as race hate crimes, and creates suspicion that police may be involved in a cover up.  Join History Professor Dr. Jahi Issa and Political Activist Doug Beatty tonight on Blogtalk to discuss “An introduction to reports of lynchings, attempted lynching, and an official cover up in Dover Delaware.” Listen to tonight’s broadcast below!

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The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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Once Henry Fordham went public about his ordeal of having escaped a near lynching, he was arrested for parole violations by the Delaware State Bureau of Parole & Probation. Sources claim Fordham was taken into custody less than a week after he gave an interview with the radical “War On the Horizon” organization. Fordham was charged with after state officials say he was no where to be found. Fordham had been staying with relatives at a New street address. City police officials say the home where he was living was a half-way house, but it has since been learned that Fordham’s aunt actually owns the dwelling. news of his arrest adds another twist to a bizzare case that continues to gain momentum in social media. Concern over three possible cases of violence spanning nearly two years, with police officials seemingly unwilling to treat the cases as race hate crimes, and creates suspicion that police may be involved in a cover up.  Join History Professor Dr. Jahi Issa and Political Activist Doug Beatty tonight on Blogtalk to discuss “An introduction to reports of lynchings, attempted lynching, and an official cover up in Dover Delaware.” Listen to tonight’s broadcast below!

Listen to internet radio with DrX J douggiestyle on Blog Talk Radio

A Continuing Series —

The People’s Champion
I’m David Adams

David Adams

David B. Adams grew up in the Highlandtown section of Baltimore's southeast district and is his parent's youngest child. He experienced pervasive poverty, which taught him humility and compassion for the plight of others. His exposure to violence and gritty urban life were some of his early lessons of life's many hardships. Adams credits the upheavals he endured during his conformity with helping to shape the foundation of his outlook and perspectives on society. With a steadfast commitment to giving voice to the voiceless, Adams is a journalist, crime writer, and blogger renowned for tireless investigative journalism and advocacy on behalf of vulnerable populations. As founder and administrator of The People's Champion, Adams sheds light on critical social issues, championing the rights of: - Homeless individuals - Victims of violent crime and their families - Wrongfully convicted individuals - Missing and exploited children; Additionally, he is a seasoned investigative reporter, Adams has earned recognition for relentless pursuit of truth and justice. With a strong national and global focus, on inspiring meaningful change and crucial conversations impacting all of humanity.

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