TPC Suffers Own Devastating Tragedy With Murder Of Family Member: Two Small Children Left To Absorb Ugly Reality Of Domestic Violence
Posted by David Adams on November 29th, 2016
In all the years that I have spent my own time investigating cold murder cases, stories about missing kids, and fighting for human rights for people, many of which I didn’t even know from around this nation, I never actually had time to prepare myself for the eventful time that tragedy would strike a person within my very own family. My work as a crime blogger is well documented within the hundreds of articles I’ve composed over the years, literally acting as a “gate keeper” for society. A volunteer role I’ve willingly accepted to bring awareness to the horrors of heinous crimes committed everyday in our country. Admittedly, the details of this article is perhaps the most painful that I have the regretful duty to report.
On November 21, 2016 the Baltimore police were summoned to the 1700 block of Appleton street in the Easterwood neighborhood of West Baltimore City to conduct a welfare check on the residence where Tiffany Ruffin (cousin) resided with her husband Charles and there small children M’yla (7) and Oryanna (5). Details of what actually transpired when cops made entry into the home are sketchy, as family members have reported a variety of accounts. What is certain, is that the children were unharmed, but their mother was found deceased in an upstairs bedroom. Later on police identified 48-year-old Charles Ruffin (husband) as a potential suspect in what was preliminarily described by the primary police officials at the crime scene, as a homicide from blunt force trauma.
Unconfirmed reports suggest that she may have expired at least 24 hours prior to police discovering her deceased. Those who knew Tiffany Ruffin know that she wasn’t a violent person, and any dispute she may have encountered could easily have been resolved non violently. The manner in which she was murdered was perhaps the most brutal fashion in which a female was murdered that I can recall since I began writing about the killing of Channel Petro-Nixon back in 2006, whose dismembered body was discovered tossed out in a garbage bag, along side other trash on a Brooklyn New York street corner.
When you consider the effort required to beat someone to death, it essentially sends a haunting reality to those who knew her, about the kind of person she was actually married to. No regard for human life, his wife, their children, or even for his own future well being. She was essentially married to a monster, and a basic search of public records will reveal that he in fact had a horrendous record, was an apparent psychopath, and a person with a severe propensity for violence:
Maryland State Public Judicial Search Records
Charles Haywood Ruffin
1991 – Battery, Resisting Arrest, found guilty of resisting arrest
1994 – Battery, stet docket (inactive)
1996 – Battery, nolle prosequi
1996 – Gun on On Person, found guilty
1997 – Attempted First & Second Degree Murder, Assault 1st & 2nd Degree, Deadly weapon Intent-to Injure, nolle prosequi (dropped)
1997 – 2 Counts Rape 1st & 2nd Degree, 2 Counts Assault With Intent To Rape, 2 Counts Sex offense 3rd & 4th Degree, Assault 1st & 2nd Degree, (only found guilty of 1st Degree Rape/Use Of Physical Force)
1997 – 2 Counts of False Imprisonment, 1st & 2nd Degree Assault, nolle prosiqui (dropped)
1997 – 3 Counts of Child Abuse, Perverted Practice, Sodomy General, 2 Counts of Sex Offense in 2nd Degree, Assault 1st & 2nd Degree, found guilty
2013 – Failure to Register as Sex offender, Providing False Information, found guilty
These are just a portion of the documented criminal records & history of this absolute vile monster who brutally murdered his own wife, while leaving their beautiful daughters without benefit of either parent the rest of their lives.
There has been tremendous outpouring from the public, especially from the professionals she worked with for many years. Some are in shock and readily admit that they were completely unaware of the domestic violence that Tiffany may have been exposed to. One co-worker described her as a “person who could light up your entire world, a light in a dark world.” she said of Tiffany. On her job she was the first person her co-workers would see as they start their day, and many have described how devastating they are that she will no longer be there to greet them in the morning. The expressions from those who knew her continue to come every day, along with many tears that reveal the depth of pain that is continuing to impact so many within and outside of her family.
In the midst of so much hurt and pain, there are still those within the public and within her own family, who question her personal judgement regarding her marriage to such a violent human being. Despite his extensive background, Tiffany wasn’t completely aware of his past until well into their relationship. She was introduced to Charles Ruffin via his mother, a pastor of a local Baltimore Church she attended. Her dedication as a Christian caused her to have forgiveness, compassion, understanding, and faith which are all fundamental principals of Christianity. Besides, Charles didn’t exhibit violent behavior in those years they were developing a family.
In 2013 when their oldest daughter was just 4-years-old, an arrest warrant was issued for Charles’ arrest for failing to register as a sex offender as required by law, and for providing false information to authorities who would monitor his movement and whereabouts. Tiffany must have learned the details of his incarceration in that instance, as family recall her worrying about his pending disposition and eventual release from incarceration. Barring that incident, Tiffany apparently had no knowledge of his extensive criminal past. her trust in him, and willingness to forgive may have been the catalyst for her demise.
Charles’ mother apparently never informed Tiffany of her son’s violent and perverted past, a fact in her tragic story that has simply angered members of her family. Charles served 13 years in prison for his conviction in a 1997 case that resulted in the Special Weapons And Tactical (S.W.A.T.) unit of the Baltimore police, descending upon a Park Heights neighborhood home where Charles lived with a former girlfriend and her daughter. Charles was accused of raping her minor daughter, and when she confronted him Charles tied up both her and her minor daughter inside a closet. He was going back and force cutting and stabbing the females, while the police were outside negotiating for him to surrender. These are the kinds of details about Charles Ruffin’s character that Tiffany was completely unaware of.
One follower of the CBS Baltimore news outlet asked a rhetorical question stating, “Why in the world would anyone want to be married to a sex offender?” In her defense, Tiffany’s vulnerability isn’t unique pertaining to the risk of dating and marriage to men who physically abuse them, especially in a city like Baltimore. So many are quick to judge without knowledge of the psychological effect that domestic violence has on those who fail prey to physical abuse. The embarrassment that women feel often cause them to conceal the abuse for long periods of time. When children are in the home, some victims of domestic violence rustle with removing their kids from homes that have both parents, which is a desired scenario for most developing families.
Like all families I’m sure the Ruffins had their share of struggles. In fact its rumored that her husband committed adultery with prostitutes, and allegedly even had an affair with a female related to Tiffany. Described by his co-workers as creepy, he had even recently been charged with sexual harassment by a female co-worker:

Preparing to leave a marriage in which children are involved is extremely tough, but family members are reporting that Tiffany had enough of her husbands infidelity and stated that she wanted a divorce. This is when the dark side of Charles began to reveal its ugly head. The abuse started and before she could get out and stay out, it was too late. Unwilling to accept that their marriage had run its course, he resorted to violence and took the life of an extremely kind, warm heart, and special person. A very heart breaking story of a mother and sister who didn’t deserve to die so brutally, so cruel, and at the hands of some who she entrusted her love to.
The fact that a horrific tragedy like this could happen to Tiffany, a sweetheart of the family, confirms our long standing suspicion that a dark evil spirit encompasses the body of our family, and we pray for its immediate dismissal. My purpose for sharing her story to my readers are for two reasons. To bring awareness to the reality of domestic violence and the impact it has on survivors. Secondly, to solicit support for her two precious baby girls left in the wake of such a tragic incident. Pray for her daughters, her son, and our entire family. Rest now Tiffany, your work is done.
To Donate to the girl’s GoFundMe Campaign: Don’t Leave Them Behind
Baltimore Sun
The People’s Champion
I’m Crime Blogger David Adams
In all the years that I have spent my own time investigating cold murder cases, stories about missing kids, and fighting for human rights for people, many of which I didn’t even know from around this nation, I never actually had time to prepare myself for the eventful time that tragedy would strike a person within my very own family. My work as a crime blogger is well documented within the hundreds of articles I’ve composed over the years, literally acting as a “gate keeper” for society. A volunteer role I’ve willingly accepted to bring awareness to the horrors of heinous crimes committed everyday in our country. Admittedly, the details of this article is perhaps the most painful that I have the regretful duty to report.
On November 21, 2016 the Baltimore police were summoned to the 1700 block of Appleton street in the Easterwood neighborhood of West Baltimore City to conduct a welfare check on the residence where Tiffany Ruffin (cousin) resided with her husband Charles and there small children M’yla (7) and Oryanna (5). Details of what actually transpired when cops made entry into the home are sketchy, as family members have reported a variety of accounts. What is certain, is that the children were unharmed, but their mother was found deceased in an upstairs bedroom. Later on police identified 48-year-old Charles Ruffin (husband) as a potential suspect in what was preliminarily described by the primary police officials at the crime scene, as a homicide from blunt force trauma.
Unconfirmed reports suggest that she may have expired at least 24 hours prior to police discovering her deceased. Those who knew Tiffany Ruffin know that she wasn’t a violent person, and any dispute she may have encountered could easily have been resolved non violently. The manner in which she was murdered was perhaps the most brutal fashion in which a female was murdered that I can recall since I began writing about the killing of Channel Petro-Nixon back in 2006, whose dismembered body was discovered tossed out in a garbage bag, along side other trash on a Brooklyn New York street corner.
When you consider the effort required to beat someone to death, it essentially sends a haunting reality to those who knew her, about the kind of person she was actually married to. No regard for human life, his wife, their children, or even for his own future well being. She was essentially married to a monster, and a basic search of public records will reveal that he in fact had a horrendous record, was an apparent psychopath, and a person with a severe propensity for violence:
Maryland State Public Judicial Search Records
Charles Haywood Ruffin
1991 – Battery, Resisting Arrest, found guilty of resisting arrest
1994 – Battery, stet docket (inactive)
1996 – Battery, nolle prosequi
1996 – Gun on On Person, found guilty
1997 – Attempted First & Second Degree Murder, Assault 1st & 2nd Degree, Deadly weapon Intent-to Injure, nolle prosequi (dropped)
1997 – 2 Counts Rape 1st & 2nd Degree, 2 Counts Assault With Intent To Rape, 2 Counts Sex offense 3rd & 4th Degree, Assault 1st & 2nd Degree, (only found guilty of 1st Degree Rape/Use Of Physical Force)
1997 – 2 Counts of False Imprisonment, 1st & 2nd Degree Assault, nolle prosiqui (dropped)
1997 – 3 Counts of Child Abuse, Perverted Practice, Sodomy General, 2 Counts of Sex Offense in 2nd Degree, Assault 1st & 2nd Degree, found guilty
2013 – Failure to Register as Sex offender, Providing False Information, found guilty
These are just a portion of the documented criminal records & history of this absolute vile monster who brutally murdered his own wife, while leaving their beautiful daughters without benefit of either parent the rest of their lives.
There has been tremendous outpouring from the public, especially from the professionals she worked with for many years. Some are in shock and readily admit that they were completely unaware of the domestic violence that Tiffany may have been exposed to. One co-worker described her as a “person who could light up your entire world, a light in a dark world.” she said of Tiffany. On her job she was the first person her co-workers would see as they start their day, and many have described how devastating they are that she will no longer be there to greet them in the morning. The expressions from those who knew her continue to come every day, along with many tears that reveal the depth of pain that is continuing to impact so many within and outside of her family.
In the midst of so much hurt and pain, there are still those within the public and within her own family, who question her personal judgement regarding her marriage to such a violent human being. Despite his extensive background, Tiffany wasn’t completely aware of his past until well into their relationship. She was introduced to Charles Ruffin via his mother, a pastor of a local Baltimore Church she attended. Her dedication as a Christian caused her to have forgiveness, compassion, understanding, and faith which are all fundamental principals of Christianity. Besides, Charles didn’t exhibit violent behavior in those years they were developing a family.
In 2013 when their oldest daughter was just 4-years-old, an arrest warrant was issued for Charles’ arrest for failing to register as a sex offender as required by law, and for providing false information to authorities who would monitor his movement and whereabouts. Tiffany must have learned the details of his incarceration in that instance, as family recall her worrying about his pending disposition and eventual release from incarceration. Barring that incident, Tiffany apparently had no knowledge of his extensive criminal past. her trust in him, and willingness to forgive may have been the catalyst for her demise.
Charles’ mother apparently never informed Tiffany of her son’s violent and perverted past, a fact in her tragic story that has simply angered members of her family. Charles served 13 years in prison for his conviction in a 1997 case that resulted in the Special Weapons And Tactical (S.W.A.T.) unit of the Baltimore police, descending upon a Park Heights neighborhood home where Charles lived with a former girlfriend and her daughter. Charles was accused of raping her minor daughter, and when she confronted him Charles tied up both her and her minor daughter inside a closet. He was going back and force cutting and stabbing the females, while the police were outside negotiating for him to surrender. These are the kinds of details about Charles Ruffin’s character that Tiffany was completely unaware of.
One follower of the CBS Baltimore news outlet asked a rhetorical question stating, “Why in the world would anyone want to be married to a sex offender?” In her defense, Tiffany’s vulnerability isn’t unique pertaining to the risk of dating and marriage to men who physically abuse them, especially in a city like Baltimore. So many are quick to judge without knowledge of the psychological effect that domestic violence has on those who fail prey to physical abuse. The embarrassment that women feel often cause them to conceal the abuse for long periods of time. When children are in the home, some victims of domestic violence rustle with removing their kids from homes that have both parents, which is a desired scenario for most developing families.
Like all families I’m sure the Ruffins had their share of struggles. In fact its rumored that her husband committed adultery with prostitutes, and allegedly even had an affair with a female related to Tiffany. Described by his co-workers as creepy, he had even recently been charged with sexual harassment by a female co-worker:

Preparing to leave a marriage in which children are involved is extremely tough, but family members are reporting that Tiffany had enough of her husbands infidelity and stated that she wanted a divorce. This is when the dark side of Charles began to reveal its ugly head. The abuse started and before she could get out and stay out, it was too late. Unwilling to accept that their marriage had run its course, he resorted to violence and took the life of an extremely kind, warm heart, and special person. A very heart breaking story of a mother and sister who didn’t deserve to die so brutally, so cruel, and at the hands of some who she entrusted her love to.
The fact that a horrific tragedy like this could happen to Tiffany, a sweetheart of the family, confirms our long standing suspicion that a dark evil spirit encompasses the body of our family, and we pray for its immediate dismissal. My purpose for sharing her story to my readers are for two reasons. To bring awareness to the reality of domestic violence and the impact it has on survivors. Secondly, to solicit support for her two precious baby girls left in the wake of such a tragic incident. Pray for her daughters, her son, and our entire family. Rest now Tiffany, your work is done.
To Donate to the girl’s GoFundMe Campaign: Don’t Leave Them Behind
Baltimore Sun
The People’s Champion
I’m Crime Blogger David Adams
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